{# @var ea \EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Context\AdminContext #} {% trans_default_domain ea.i18n.translationDomain %} {% block head_metas %} {% endblock head_metas %} {% block page_title %}Administration | {{ block('content_title')|striptags|raw }}{% endblock %} {# {% block head_stylesheets %} {% endblock %} #} {% block configured_stylesheets %} {% for css_asset in ea.assets.cssFiles ?? [] %} {% endfor %} {% for webpack_encore_entry in ea.assets.webpackEncoreAssets ?? [] %} {{ ea_call_function_if_exists('encore_entry_link_tags', webpack_encore_entry) }} {% endfor %} {% endblock %} {% block head_favicon %} {% endblock %} {# {% block head_javascript %} {% endblock head_javascript %} #} {# {% if 'rtl' == ea.i18n.textDirection %} {% endif %} #} {% block configured_head_contents %} {% for htmlContent in ea.assets.headContents ?? [] %} {{ htmlContent|raw }} {% endfor %} {% endblock %} {% block body %} {% block javascript_page_layout %} {% endblock javascript_page_layout %} {% block wrapper_wrapper %} {% block flash_messages %} {{ include(ea.templatePath('flash_messages')) }} {% endblock flash_messages %}
{% block wrapper %} {% block navbar_header %} {{ include('@LcSov/adminlte/block/navbar_header.html.twig') }} {% endblock %}
{% block content %} {% block content_header_wrapper %}
{% set params_reminders = {crudAction: null, crudControllerFqcn: null, entityId: null} %} {% set params_reminders_null = params_reminders %} {% if ea is defined and ea %} {% if ea.crud is defined and ea.crud %} {% set params_reminders = params_reminders|merge({crudAction: ea.crud.currentAction}) %} {% set params_reminders = params_reminders|merge({crudControllerFqcn: ea.crud.controllerFqcn}) %} {% endif %} {% if ea.request.query.get('entityId') and ea.entity is defined and ea.entity.instance is defined %} {% set params_reminders = params_reminders|merge({entityId: ea.entity.instance.id}) %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% block reminders %} {% if params_reminders_null != params_reminders %} {% set reminders = sov_reminders(params_reminders) %} {% include '@LcSov/admin/reminder/block.html.twig' %} {% endif %} {% endblock %} {% set has_help_message = (ea.crud.helpMessage ?? '') is not empty %} {% block content_header %}

{% block content_title %}{% endblock %}

{% block content_breadcrumb %} {% endblock content_breadcrumb %} {# {% block content_help %} {% if has_help_message %}
{{ ea.crud.helpMessage|e('html_attr') }}
{% endif %} {% endblock %} #}
{% block page_actions_wrapper %}
{% block page_actions %}{% endblock %}
{% endblock %}
{% endblock %}
{% endblock %}
{% if replace_content_with_message is defined %} {% else %} {% block main %}{% endblock %} {% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block footer %} {% set content_footer = block('content_footer') is defined ? block('content_footer') : '' %} {% endblock %} {% endblock wrapper %}
{% endblock wrapper_wrapper %} {% block configured_javascripts %} {% for js_asset in ea.assets.jsFiles ?? [] %} {% endfor %} {% for webpack_encore_entry in ea.assets.webpackEncoreAssets ?? [] %} {{ ea_call_function_if_exists('encore_entry_script_tags', webpack_encore_entry, null, '_default', {'defer': false}) }} {% endfor %} {% endblock %} {% block body_javascript %}{% endblock body_javascript %} {% block configured_body_contents %} {% for htmlContent in ea.assets.bodyContents ?? [] %} {{ htmlContent|raw }} {% endfor %} {% endblock %} {% include '@LcSov/adminlte/block/modal_filemanager.html.twig' %} {% if app.session is not null and app.session.started %} {% set flash_messages = app.session.flashbag.all %} {% if flash_messages|length > 0 %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% block append_body %}{% endblock %} {% endblock body %}