render('@LcSov/adminlte/dashboard.html.twig'); } public function configureDashboard(): Dashboard { return Dashboard::new() // the name visible to end users ->setTitle('LA CLIC !') // you can include HTML contents too (e.g. to link to an image) ->setTitle('') // the path defined in this method is passed to the Twig asset() function ->setFaviconPath('favicon.svg') // the domain used by default is 'messages' ->setTranslationDomain('lcadmin'); } public function configureAssets(): Assets { $assets = parent::configureAssets(); $assets->addWebpackEncoreEntry('adminlte-common'); return $assets; } public function configureUserMenu(UserInterface $user): UserMenu { // Usually it's better to call the parent method because that gives you a // user menu with some menu items already created ("sign out", "exit impersonation", etc.) // if you prefer to create the user menu from scratch, use: return UserMenu::new()->... return parent::configureUserMenu($user) // use the given $user object to get the user name ->setName($user->getName()) // use this method if you don't want to display the name of the user //->displayUserName(false) ->displayUserAvatar(false) // you can also pass an email address to use gravatar's service ->setGravatarEmail($user->getEmail()) // you can use any type of menu item, except submenus ->setMenuItems( [ //MenuItem::linkToRoute('My Profile', 'fa fa-id-card', '', ['...' => '...']), //MenuItem::section(), MenuItem::linkToLogout('Déconnexion', 'fa fa-sign-out'), ] ); } public function configureCrud(): Crud { $crud = Crud::new(); return $crud ->overrideTemplates( [ 'layout' => '@LcSov/adminlte/layout.html.twig', 'main_menu' => '@LcSov/adminlte/block/menu.html.twig', 'crud/index' => '@LcSov/adminlte/crud/index.html.twig', 'crud/paginator' => '@LcSov/adminlte/crud/paginator.html.twig', 'crud/edit' => '@LcSov/adminlte/crud/edit.html.twig', 'crud/new' => '@LcSov/adminlte/crud/new.html.twig', ] ) ->setFormThemes( [ '@LcSov/adminlte/crud/form_theme.html.twig', '@FOSCKEditor/Form/ckeditor_widget.html.twig' ] ); } }