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services.yaml 905B

3 years ago
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3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
  1. services:
  2. _defaults:
  3. autowire: true # Automatically injects dependencies in your services.
  4. autoconfigure: true # Automatically registers your services as commands, event subscribers, etc.
  5. Lc\SovBundle\:
  6. resource: '../../'
  7. exclude:
  8. - '../../DependencyInjection/'
  9. - '../../Entity/'
  10. - '../../Doctrine/QueryBuilder'
  11. - '../../Kernel.php'
  12. - '../../Tests/'
  13. Lc\SovBundle\Controller\:
  14. resource: '../../Controller/'
  15. tags: [ 'controller.service_arguments' ]
  16. Lc\SovBundle\Form\Common\CrudFormType:
  17. decorates: EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Form\Type\CrudFormType
  18. arguments: [ '@form.type_guesser.doctrine', '@.inner' ]
  19. Lc\SovBundle\Doctrine\EntityManager:
  20. public: false
  21. decorates: doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager
  22. arguments: ["@.inner"]
  23. Lc\SovBundle\Maker\:
  24. resource: '../../Maker/'
  25. tags: [ 'maker.command' ]