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- "simpletest/simpletest": "dev-master"
- },
- "suggest": {
- "cerdic/css-tidy": "If you want to use the filter 'Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks'.",
- "ext-bcmath": "Used for unit conversion and imagecrash protection",
- "ext-iconv": "Converts text to and from non-UTF-8 encodings",
- "ext-tidy": "Used for pretty-printing HTML"
- },
- "type": "library",
- "autoload": {
- "files": [
- "library/HTMLPurifier.composer.php"
- ],
- "psr-0": {
- "HTMLPurifier": "library/"
- },
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- ]
- },
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- "LGPL-2.1-or-later"
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- "name": "Edward Z. Yang",
- "email": "admin@htmlpurifier.org",
- "homepage": "http://ezyang.com"
- }
- ],
- "description": "Standards compliant HTML filter written in PHP",
- "homepage": "http://htmlpurifier.org/",
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- "html"
- ],
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- "source": "https://github.com/ezyang/htmlpurifier/tree/v4.16.0"
- },
- "time": "2022-09-18T07:06:19+00:00"
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- "name": "fortawesome/font-awesome",
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- "email": "dave@fontawesome.io",
- "homepage": "http://twitter.com/davegandy",
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- }
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- "icon"
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- "source": "https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/tree/v4.7.0"
- },
- "time": "2016-10-24T15:52:54+00:00"
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- "name": "guzzlehttp/guzzle",
- "version": "6.5.8",
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- "guzzlehttp/psr7": "^1.9",
- "php": ">=5.5",
- "symfony/polyfill-intl-idn": "^1.17"
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- "phpunit/phpunit": "^4.8.35 || ^5.7 || ^6.4 || ^7.0",
- "psr/log": "^1.1"
- },
- "suggest": {
- "psr/log": "Required for using the Log middleware"
- },
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- "dev-master": "6.5-dev"
- }
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- }
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- "name": "Michael Dowling",
- "email": "mtdowling@gmail.com",
- "homepage": "https://github.com/mtdowling"
- },
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- "name": "Jeremy Lindblom",
- "email": "jeremeamia@gmail.com",
- "homepage": "https://github.com/jeremeamia"
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- "name": "George Mponos",
- "email": "gmponos@gmail.com",
- "homepage": "https://github.com/gmponos"
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- "homepage": "https://github.com/Nyholm"
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- "homepage": "https://github.com/sagikazarmark"
- },
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- "name": "Tobias Schultze",
- "email": "webmaster@tubo-world.de",
- "homepage": "https://github.com/Tobion"
- }
- ],
- "description": "Guzzle is a PHP HTTP client library",
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- "client",
- "curl",
- "framework",
- "http",
- "http client",
- "rest",
- "web service"
- ],
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- "issues": "https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/issues",
- "source": "https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/tree/6.5.8"
- },
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- "url": "https://github.com/GrahamCampbell",
- "type": "github"
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- "url": "https://github.com/Nyholm",
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- "url": "https://tidelift.com/funding/github/packagist/guzzlehttp/guzzle",
- "type": "tidelift"
- }
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- "name": "guzzlehttp/promises",
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- "type": "git",
- "url": "https://github.com/guzzle/promises.git",
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- },
- "require": {
- "php": ">=5.5"
- },
- "require-dev": {
- "symfony/phpunit-bridge": "^4.4 || ^5.1"
- },
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- "dev-master": "1.5-dev"
- }
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- "src/functions_include.php"
- ],
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- }
- },
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- "name": "Graham Campbell",
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- "homepage": "https://github.com/GrahamCampbell"
- },
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- "name": "Michael Dowling",
- "email": "mtdowling@gmail.com",
- "homepage": "https://github.com/mtdowling"
- },
- {
- "name": "Tobias Nyholm",
- "email": "tobias.nyholm@gmail.com",
- "homepage": "https://github.com/Nyholm"
- },
- {
- "name": "Tobias Schultze",
- "email": "webmaster@tubo-world.de",
- "homepage": "https://github.com/Tobion"
- }
- ],
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- "promise"
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- "source": "https://github.com/guzzle/promises/tree/1.5.2"
- },
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- "time": "2022-08-28T14:55:35+00:00"
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- "url": "https://github.com/guzzle/psr7.git",
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- },
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- "phpunit/phpunit": "~4.8.36 || ^5.7.27 || ^6.5.14 || ^7.5.20 || ^8.5.8 || ^9.3.10"
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- "laminas/laminas-httphandlerrunner": "Emit PSR-7 responses"
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- "homepage": "https://github.com/GrahamCampbell"
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- "name": "Michael Dowling",
- "email": "mtdowling@gmail.com",
- "homepage": "https://github.com/mtdowling"
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- "name": "George Mponos",
- "email": "gmponos@gmail.com",
- "homepage": "https://github.com/gmponos"
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- "name": "Tobias Nyholm",
- "email": "tobias.nyholm@gmail.com",
- "homepage": "https://github.com/Nyholm"
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- "homepage": "https://github.com/sagikazarmark"
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- "name": "Tobias Schultze",
- "email": "webmaster@tubo-world.de",
- "homepage": "https://github.com/Tobion"
- }
- ],
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- "url": "https://github.com/GrahamCampbell",
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- "url": "https://tidelift.com/funding/github/packagist/guzzlehttp/psr7",
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- "time": "2022-06-20T21:43:03+00:00"
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- "lo\\widgets\\": ""
- }
- },
- "notification-url": "https://packagist.org/downloads/",
- "license": [
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- ],
- "authors": [
- {
- "name": "Andrey Lukyanov",
- "email": "loveorigami@mail.ru"
- }
- ],
- "description": "Yii2 bootstrap-toggle widget",
- "keywords": [
- "bootstrap",
- "toggle",
- "widget",
- "yii2"
- ],
- "support": {
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- "source": "https://github.com/loveorigami/yii2-bootstrap-toggle/tree/master"
- },
- "time": "2016-05-12T15:57:40+00:00"
- },
- {
- "name": "mailjet/mailjet-apiv3-php",
- "version": "v1.5.1",
- "source": {
- "type": "git",
- "url": "https://github.com/mailjet/mailjet-apiv3-php.git",
- "reference": "7b94fa629d46fa5ba3826ed4596674942944520d"
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- },
- "require": {
- "guzzlehttp/guzzle": "~7.0|~6.0|~5.3",
- "php": ">=5.4.0"
- },
- "require-dev": {
- "php-coveralls/php-coveralls": "^1.0",
- "phpunit/phpunit": "^4.8.36|^5.7"
- },
- "type": "library",
- "autoload": {
- "psr-0": {
- "Mailjet": "src/"
- }
- },
- "notification-url": "https://packagist.org/downloads/",
- "license": [
- "MIT"
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- "authors": [
- {
- "name": "Mailjet",
- "email": "dev@mailjet.com",
- "homepage": "https://dev.mailjet.com"
- }
- ],
- "description": "PHP wrapper for the Mailjet API",
- "homepage": "https://github.com/mailjet/mailjet-apiv3-php/",
- "keywords": [
- "Mailjet",
- "api",
- "email",
- "php",
- "v3"
- ],
- "support": {
- "issues": "https://github.com/mailjet/mailjet-apiv3-php/issues",
- "source": "https://github.com/mailjet/mailjet-apiv3-php/tree/v1.5.1"
- },
- "time": "2020-12-21T16:30:15+00:00"
- },
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- "name": "mpdf/mpdf",
- "version": "v8.1.4",
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- "type": "git",
- "url": "https://github.com/mpdf/mpdf.git",
- "reference": "add590e93b7502efafd9839a68cff99f3497b318"
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- "shasum": ""
- },
- "require": {
- "ext-gd": "*",
- "ext-mbstring": "*",
- "myclabs/deep-copy": "^1.7",
- "paragonie/random_compat": "^1.4|^2.0|^9.99.99",
- "php": "^5.6 || ^7.0 || ~8.0.0 || ~8.1.0 || ~8.2.0",
- "php-http/message-factory": "^1.0",
- "psr/http-message": "^1.0",
- "psr/log": "^1.0 || ^2.0",
- "setasign/fpdi": "^2.1"
- },
- "require-dev": {
- "mockery/mockery": "^1.3.0",
- "mpdf/qrcode": "^1.1.0",
- "squizlabs/php_codesniffer": "^3.5.0",
- "tracy/tracy": "~2.5",
- "yoast/phpunit-polyfills": "^1.0"
- },
- "suggest": {
- "ext-bcmath": "Needed for generation of some types of barcodes",
- "ext-xml": "Needed mainly for SVG manipulation",
- "ext-zlib": "Needed for compression of embedded resources, such as fonts"
- },
- "type": "library",
- "autoload": {
- "psr-4": {
- "Mpdf\\": "src/"
- }
- },
- "notification-url": "https://packagist.org/downloads/",
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- "GPL-2.0-only"
- ],
- "authors": [
- {
- "name": "Matěj Humpál",
- "role": "Developer, maintainer"
- },
- {
- "name": "Ian Back",
- "role": "Developer (retired)"
- }
- ],
- "description": "PHP library generating PDF files from UTF-8 encoded HTML",
- "homepage": "https://mpdf.github.io",
- "keywords": [
- "pdf",
- "php",
- "utf-8"
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- "support": {
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- "source": "https://github.com/mpdf/mpdf"
- },
- "funding": [
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- "url": "https://www.paypal.me/mpdf",
- "type": "custom"
- }
- ],
- "time": "2022-12-15T11:24:39+00:00"
- },
- {
- "name": "myclabs/deep-copy",
- "version": "1.11.1",
- "source": {
- "type": "git",
- "url": "https://github.com/myclabs/DeepCopy.git",
- "reference": "7284c22080590fb39f2ffa3e9057f10a4ddd0e0c"
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- "shasum": ""
- },
- "require": {
- "php": "^7.1 || ^8.0"
- },
- "conflict": {
- "doctrine/collections": "<1.6.8",
- "doctrine/common": "<2.13.3 || >=3,<3.2.2"
- },
- "require-dev": {
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- "doctrine/common": "^2.13.3 || ^3.2.2",
- "phpunit/phpunit": "^7.5.20 || ^8.5.23 || ^9.5.13"
- },
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- "autoload": {
- "files": [
- "src/DeepCopy/deep_copy.php"
- ],
- "psr-4": {
- "DeepCopy\\": "src/DeepCopy/"
- }
- },
- "notification-url": "https://packagist.org/downloads/",
- "license": [
- "MIT"
- ],
- "description": "Create deep copies (clones) of your objects",
- "keywords": [
- "clone",
- "copy",
- "duplicate",
- "object",
- "object graph"
- ],
- "support": {
- "issues": "https://github.com/myclabs/DeepCopy/issues",
- "source": "https://github.com/myclabs/DeepCopy/tree/1.11.1"
- },
- "funding": [
- {
- "url": "https://tidelift.com/funding/github/packagist/myclabs/deep-copy",
- "type": "tidelift"
- }
- ],
- "time": "2023-03-08T13:26:56+00:00"
- },
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- "name": "paragonie/random_compat",
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- "source": {
- "type": "git",
- "url": "https://github.com/paragonie/random_compat.git",
- "reference": "996434e5492cb4c3edcb9168db6fbb1359ef965a"
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- "reference": "996434e5492cb4c3edcb9168db6fbb1359ef965a",
- "shasum": ""
- },
- "require": {
- "php": ">= 7"
- },
- "require-dev": {
- "phpunit/phpunit": "4.*|5.*",
- "vimeo/psalm": "^1"
- },
- "suggest": {
- "ext-libsodium": "Provides a modern crypto API that can be used to generate random bytes."
- },
- "type": "library",
- "notification-url": "https://packagist.org/downloads/",
- "license": [
- "MIT"
- ],
- "authors": [
- {
- "name": "Paragon Initiative Enterprises",
- "email": "security@paragonie.com",
- "homepage": "https://paragonie.com"
- }
- ],
- "description": "PHP 5.x polyfill for random_bytes() and random_int() from PHP 7",
- "keywords": [
- "csprng",
- "polyfill",
- "pseudorandom",
- "random"
- ],
- "support": {
- "email": "info@paragonie.com",
- "issues": "https://github.com/paragonie/random_compat/issues",
- "source": "https://github.com/paragonie/random_compat"
- },
- "time": "2020-10-15T08:29:30+00:00"
- },
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- "type": "git",
- "url": "https://github.com/payplug/payplug-php.git",
- "reference": "ddda4cede57d27f73388ccd0d92270164ac99ce7"
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- },
- "require": {
- "ext-curl": "*",
- "ext-openssl": "*",
- "php": ">=5.3.0"
- },
- "require-dev": {
- "phpdocumentor/phpdocumentor": "2.*",
- "phpunit/phpunit": "4.6.*"
- },
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- "psr-0": {
- "Payplug\\": "lib/"
- },
- "psr-4": {
- "Payplug\\": "lib/Payplug"
- }
- },
- "notification-url": "https://packagist.org/downloads/",
- "license": [
- "MIT"
- ],
- "authors": [
- {
- "name": "PayPlug",
- "email": "support@payplug.com"
- }
- ],
- "description": "A simple PHP library for PayPlug public API.",
- "homepage": "https://www.payplug.com",
- "support": {
- "issues": "https://github.com/payplug/payplug-php/issues",
- "source": "https://github.com/payplug/payplug-php/tree/2.7.0"
- },
- "time": "2015-05-06T00:00:00+00:00"
- },
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- "name": "php-http/message-factory",
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- "source": {
- "type": "git",
- "url": "https://github.com/php-http/message-factory.git",
- "reference": "a478cb11f66a6ac48d8954216cfed9aa06a501a1"
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- "dev-master": "1.0-dev"
- }
- },
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- "psr-4": {
- "Http\\Message\\": "src/"
- }
- },
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- "MIT"
- ],
- "authors": [
- {
- "name": "Márk Sági-Kazár",
- "email": "mark.sagikazar@gmail.com"
- }
- ],
- "description": "Factory interfaces for PSR-7 HTTP Message",
- "homepage": "http://php-http.org",
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- "factory",
- "http",
- "message",
- "stream",
- "uri"
- ],
- "support": {
- "issues": "https://github.com/php-http/message-factory/issues",
- "source": "https://github.com/php-http/message-factory/tree/master"
- },
- "time": "2015-12-19T14:08:53+00:00"
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- "type": "git",
- "url": "https://github.com/php-fig/http-message.git",
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- }
- },
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- ],
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- {
- "name": "PHP-FIG",
- "homepage": "http://www.php-fig.org/"
- }
- ],
- "description": "Common interface for HTTP messages",
- "homepage": "https://github.com/php-fig/http-message",
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- "psr",
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- "request",
- "response"
- ],
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- "source": "https://github.com/php-fig/http-message/tree/master"
- },
- "time": "2016-08-06T14:39:51+00:00"
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- "url": "https://github.com/php-fig/log.git",
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- "MIT"
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- "authors": [
- {
- "name": "PHP-FIG",
- "homepage": "https://www.php-fig.org/"
- }
- ],
- "description": "Common interface for logging libraries",
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- "log",
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- "source": "https://github.com/php-fig/log/tree/1.1.4"
- },
- "time": "2021-05-03T11:20:27+00:00"
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- },
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- "phpunit/phpunit": "^5 || ^6.5"
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- "files": [
- "src/getallheaders.php"
- ]
- },
- "notification-url": "https://packagist.org/downloads/",
- "license": [
- "MIT"
- ],
- "authors": [
- {
- "name": "Ralph Khattar",
- "email": "ralph.khattar@gmail.com"
- }
- ],
- "description": "A polyfill for getallheaders.",
- "support": {
- "issues": "https://github.com/ralouphie/getallheaders/issues",
- "source": "https://github.com/ralouphie/getallheaders/tree/develop"
- },
- "time": "2019-03-08T08:55:37+00:00"
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- "authors": [
- {
- "name": "Revin Roman",
- "email": "roman@rmrevin.com",
- "homepage": "https://rmrevin.com/"
- }
- ],
- "description": "Asset Bundle for Yii2 with Font Awesome",
- "keywords": [
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- "font",
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- "issues": "https://github.com/rmrevin/yii2-fontawesome/issues",
- "source": "https://github.com/rmrevin/yii2-fontawesome"
- },
- "time": "2017-01-11T14:05:47+00:00"
- },
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- "name": "setasign/fpdi",
- "version": "v2.3.7",
- "source": {
- "type": "git",
- "url": "https://github.com/Setasign/FPDI.git",
- "reference": "bccc892d5fa1f48c43f8ba7db5ed4ba6f30c8c05"
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- "shasum": ""
- },
- "require": {
- "ext-zlib": "*",
- "php": "^5.6 || ^7.0 || ^8.0"
- },
- "conflict": {
- "setasign/tfpdf": "<1.31"
- },
- "require-dev": {
- "phpunit/phpunit": "~5.7",
- "setasign/fpdf": "~1.8",
- "setasign/tfpdf": "1.31",
- "squizlabs/php_codesniffer": "^3.5",
- "tecnickcom/tcpdf": "~6.2"
- },
- "suggest": {
- "setasign/fpdf": "FPDI will extend this class but as it is also possible to use TCPDF or tFPDF as an alternative. There's no fixed dependency configured."
- },
- "type": "library",
- "autoload": {
- "psr-4": {
- "setasign\\Fpdi\\": "src/"
- }
- },
- "notification-url": "https://packagist.org/downloads/",
- "license": [
- "MIT"
- ],
- "authors": [
- {
- "name": "Jan Slabon",
- "email": "jan.slabon@setasign.com",
- "homepage": "https://www.setasign.com"
- },
- {
- "name": "Maximilian Kresse",
- "email": "maximilian.kresse@setasign.com",
- "homepage": "https://www.setasign.com"
- }
- ],
- "description": "FPDI is a collection of PHP classes facilitating developers to read pages from existing PDF documents and use them as templates in FPDF. Because it is also possible to use FPDI with TCPDF, there are no fixed dependencies defined. Please see suggestions for packages which evaluates the dependencies automatically.",
- "homepage": "https://www.setasign.com/fpdi",
- "keywords": [
- "fpdf",
- "fpdi",
- "pdf"
- ],
- "support": {
- "issues": "https://github.com/Setasign/FPDI/issues",
- "source": "https://github.com/Setasign/FPDI/tree/v2.3.7"
- },
- "funding": [
- {
- "url": "https://tidelift.com/funding/github/packagist/setasign/fpdi",
- "type": "tidelift"
- }
- ],
- "time": "2023-02-09T10:38:43+00:00"
- },
- {
- "name": "stripe/stripe-php",
- "version": "v7.128.0",
- "source": {
- "type": "git",
- "url": "https://github.com/stripe/stripe-php.git",
- "reference": "c704949c49b72985c76cc61063aa26fefbd2724e"
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- "ext-json": "*",
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- "phpstan/phpstan": "^1.2",
- "phpunit/phpunit": "^5.7 || ^9.0",
- "squizlabs/php_codesniffer": "^3.3"
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- }
- },
- "notification-url": "https://packagist.org/downloads/",
- "license": [
- "MIT"
- ],
- "authors": [
- {
- "name": "Stripe and contributors",
- "homepage": "https://github.com/stripe/stripe-php/contributors"
- }
- ],
- "description": "Stripe PHP Library",
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- {
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- {
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- {
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- "Fix PHP 7 and 8 compatibility": "https://yiisoft.github.io/phpunit-patches/phpunit_mock_objects.patch"
- },
- "phpunit/php-file-iterator": {
- "Fix PHP 8.1 compatibility": "https://yiisoft.github.io/phpunit-patches/phpunit_path_file_iterator.patch"
- },
- "phpunit/phpunit": {
- "Fix PHP 7 compatibility": "https://yiisoft.github.io/phpunit-patches/phpunit_php7.patch",
- "Fix PHP 8 compatibility": "https://yiisoft.github.io/phpunit-patches/phpunit_php8.patch",
- "Fix PHP 8.1 compatibility": "https://yiisoft.github.io/phpunit-patches/phpunit_php81.patch"
- }
- }
- },
- "autoload": {
- "psr-4": {
- "yii\\twig\\": "src/"
- }
- },
- "notification-url": "https://packagist.org/downloads/",
- "license": [
- "BSD-3-Clause"
- ],
- "authors": [
- {
- "name": "Alexander Makarov",
- "email": "sam@rmcreative.ru"
- }
- ],
- "description": "The Twig integration for the Yii framework",
- "keywords": [
- "renderer",
- "twig",
- "yii2"
- ],
- "support": {
- "forum": "http://www.yiiframework.com/forum/",
- "irc": "irc://irc.freenode.net/yii",
- "issues": "https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2-twig/issues",
- "source": "https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2-twig",
- "wiki": "http://www.yiiframework.com/wiki/"
- },
- "funding": [
- {
- "url": "https://github.com/yiisoft",
- "type": "github"
- },
- {
- "url": "https://opencollective.com/yiisoft",
- "type": "open_collective"
- },
- {
- "url": "https://tidelift.com/funding/github/packagist/yiisoft/yii2-twig",
- "type": "tidelift"
- }
- ],
- "time": "2022-09-04T10:45:53+00:00"
- },
- {
- "name": "yurkinx/yii2-image",
- "version": "dev-master",
- "source": {
- "type": "git",
- "url": "https://github.com/yurkinx/yii2-image.git",
- "reference": "590795d0e94c909c636cba1007a619012e118ac9"
- },
- "dist": {
- "type": "zip",
- "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/yurkinx/yii2-image/zipball/590795d0e94c909c636cba1007a619012e118ac9",
- "reference": "590795d0e94c909c636cba1007a619012e118ac9",
- "shasum": ""
- },
- "require": {
- "php": ">=5.4.0",
- "yiisoft/yii2": "*"
- },
- "default-branch": true,
- "type": "yii2-extension",
- "autoload": {
- "psr-0": {
- "yii\\image\\": ""
- }
- },
- "notification-url": "https://packagist.org/downloads/",
- "license": [
- "BSD-3-Clause"
- ],
- "authors": [
- {
- "name": "Yuri Kileev",
- "email": "kileev@gmail.com"
- }
- ],
- "description": "Yii2 extension for image manipulating using Kohana Image Library.",
- "homepage": "https://github.com/yurkinx/yii2-image",
- "keywords": [
- "extension",
- "image",
- "yii2"
- ],
- "support": {
- "issues": "https://github.com/yurkinx/yii2-image/issues",
- "source": "https://github.com/yurkinx/yii2-image/tree/v1.3"
- },
- "time": "2019-01-25T01:01:48+00:00"
- }
- ],
- "packages-dev": [
- {
- "name": "behat/gherkin",
- "version": "v4.9.0",
- "source": {
- "type": "git",
- "url": "https://github.com/Behat/Gherkin.git",
- "reference": "0bc8d1e30e96183e4f36db9dc79caead300beff4"
- },
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- "type": "zip",
- "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/Behat/Gherkin/zipball/0bc8d1e30e96183e4f36db9dc79caead300beff4",
- "reference": "0bc8d1e30e96183e4f36db9dc79caead300beff4",
- "shasum": ""
- },
- "require": {
- "php": "~7.2|~8.0"
- },
- "require-dev": {
- "cucumber/cucumber": "dev-gherkin-22.0.0",
- "phpunit/phpunit": "~8|~9",
- "symfony/yaml": "~3|~4|~5"
- },
- "suggest": {
- "symfony/yaml": "If you want to parse features, represented in YAML files"
- },
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- "dev-master": "4.x-dev"
- }
- },
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- }
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- "MIT"
- ],
- "authors": [
- {
- "name": "Konstantin Kudryashov",
- "email": "ever.zet@gmail.com",
- "homepage": "http://everzet.com"
- }
- ],
- "description": "Gherkin DSL parser for PHP",
- "homepage": "http://behat.org/",
- "keywords": [
- "BDD",
- "Behat",
- "Cucumber",
- "DSL",
- "gherkin",
- "parser"
- ],
- "support": {
- "issues": "https://github.com/Behat/Gherkin/issues",
- "source": "https://github.com/Behat/Gherkin/tree/v4.9.0"
- },
- "time": "2021-10-12T13:05:09+00:00"
- },
- {
- "name": "codeception/codeception",
- "version": "2.5.6",
- "source": {
- "type": "git",
- "url": "https://github.com/Codeception/Codeception.git",
- "reference": "b83a9338296e706fab2ceb49de8a352fbca3dc98"
- },
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- "reference": "b83a9338296e706fab2ceb49de8a352fbca3dc98",
- "shasum": ""
- },
- "require": {
- "behat/gherkin": "^4.4.0",
- "codeception/phpunit-wrapper": "^6.0.9|^7.0.6",
- "codeception/stub": "^2.0",
- "ext-curl": "*",
- "ext-json": "*",
- "ext-mbstring": "*",
- "facebook/webdriver": ">=1.1.3 <2.0",
- "guzzlehttp/guzzle": ">=4.1.4 <7.0",
- "guzzlehttp/psr7": "~1.0",
- "php": ">=5.6.0 <8.0",
- "symfony/browser-kit": ">=2.7 <5.0",
- "symfony/console": ">=2.7 <5.0",
- "symfony/css-selector": ">=2.7 <5.0",
- "symfony/dom-crawler": ">=2.7 <5.0",
- "symfony/event-dispatcher": ">=2.7 <5.0",
- "symfony/finder": ">=2.7 <5.0",
- "symfony/yaml": ">=2.7 <5.0"
- },
- "require-dev": {
- "codeception/specify": "~0.3",
- "facebook/graph-sdk": "~5.3",
- "flow/jsonpath": "~0.2",
- "monolog/monolog": "~1.8",
- "pda/pheanstalk": "~3.0",
- "php-amqplib/php-amqplib": "~2.4",
- "predis/predis": "^1.0",
- "squizlabs/php_codesniffer": "~2.0",
- "symfony/process": ">=2.7 <5.0",
- "vlucas/phpdotenv": "^3.0"
- },
- "suggest": {
- "aws/aws-sdk-php": "For using AWS Auth in REST module and Queue module",
- "codeception/phpbuiltinserver": "Start and stop PHP built-in web server for your tests",
- "codeception/specify": "BDD-style code blocks",
- "codeception/verify": "BDD-style assertions",
- "flow/jsonpath": "For using JSONPath in REST module",
- "league/factory-muffin": "For DataFactory module",
- "league/factory-muffin-faker": "For Faker support in DataFactory module",
- "phpseclib/phpseclib": "for SFTP option in FTP Module",
- "stecman/symfony-console-completion": "For BASH autocompletion",
- "symfony/phpunit-bridge": "For phpunit-bridge support"
- },
- "bin": [
- "codecept"
- ],
- "type": "library",
- "extra": {
- "branch-alias": []
- },
- "autoload": {
- "psr-4": {
- "Codeception\\": "src/Codeception",
- "Codeception\\Extension\\": "ext"
- }
- },
- "notification-url": "https://packagist.org/downloads/",
- "license": [
- "MIT"
- ],
- "authors": [
- {
- "name": "Michael Bodnarchuk",
- "email": "davert@mail.ua",
- "homepage": "http://codegyre.com"
- }
- ],
- "description": "BDD-style testing framework",
- "homepage": "http://codeception.com/",
- "keywords": [
- "BDD",
- "TDD",
- "acceptance testing",
- "functional testing",
- "unit testing"
- ],
- "support": {
- "issues": "https://github.com/Codeception/Codeception/issues",
- "source": "https://github.com/Codeception/Codeception/tree/2.5.6"
- },
- "time": "2019-04-24T11:28:19+00:00"
- },
- {
- "name": "codeception/phpunit-wrapper",
- "version": "7.8.4",
- "source": {
- "type": "git",
- "url": "https://github.com/Codeception/phpunit-wrapper.git",
- "reference": "dd44fc152433d27d3de03d59b4945449b3407af0"
- },
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- "reference": "dd44fc152433d27d3de03d59b4945449b3407af0",
- "shasum": ""
- },
- "require": {
- "phpunit/php-code-coverage": "^6.0",
- "phpunit/phpunit": "7.5.*",
- "sebastian/comparator": "^3.0",
- "sebastian/diff": "^3.0"
- },
- "require-dev": {
- "codeception/specify": "*",
- "vlucas/phpdotenv": "^3.0"
- },
- "type": "library",
- "autoload": {
- "psr-4": {
- "Codeception\\PHPUnit\\": "src/"
- }
- },
- "notification-url": "https://packagist.org/downloads/",
- "license": [
- "MIT"
- ],
- "authors": [
- {
- "name": "Davert",
- "email": "davert.php@resend.cc"
- }
- ],
- "description": "PHPUnit classes used by Codeception",
- "support": {
- "issues": "https://github.com/Codeception/phpunit-wrapper/issues",
- "source": "https://github.com/Codeception/phpunit-wrapper/tree/7.8.4"
- },
- "time": "2022-05-23T06:09:22+00:00"
- },
- {
- "name": "codeception/stub",
- "version": "2.1.0",
- "source": {
- "type": "git",
- "url": "https://github.com/Codeception/Stub.git",
- "reference": "853657f988942f7afb69becf3fd0059f192c705a"
- },
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- "reference": "853657f988942f7afb69becf3fd0059f192c705a",
- "shasum": ""
- },
- "require": {
- "codeception/phpunit-wrapper": ">6.0.15 <6.1.0 | ^6.6.1 | ^7.7.1 | ^8.0.3"
- },
- "type": "library",
- "autoload": {
- "psr-4": {
- "Codeception\\": "src/"
- }
- },
- "notification-url": "https://packagist.org/downloads/",
- "license": [
- "MIT"
- ],
- "description": "Flexible Stub wrapper for PHPUnit's Mock Builder",
- "support": {
- "issues": "https://github.com/Codeception/Stub/issues",
- "source": "https://github.com/Codeception/Stub/tree/master"
- },
- "time": "2019-03-02T15:35:10+00:00"
- },
- {
- "name": "doctrine/instantiator",
- "version": "1.5.0",
- "source": {
- "type": "git",
- "url": "https://github.com/doctrine/instantiator.git",
- "reference": "0a0fa9780f5d4e507415a065172d26a98d02047b"
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- "dist": {
- "type": "zip",
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- "reference": "0a0fa9780f5d4e507415a065172d26a98d02047b",
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- },
- "require": {
- "php": "^7.1 || ^8.0"
- },
- "require-dev": {
- "doctrine/coding-standard": "^9 || ^11",
- "ext-pdo": "*",
- "ext-phar": "*",
- "phpbench/phpbench": "^0.16 || ^1",
- "phpstan/phpstan": "^1.4",
- "phpstan/phpstan-phpunit": "^1",
- "phpunit/phpunit": "^7.5 || ^8.5 || ^9.5",
- "vimeo/psalm": "^4.30 || ^5.4"
- },
- "type": "library",
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- "psr-4": {
- "Doctrine\\Instantiator\\": "src/Doctrine/Instantiator/"
- }
- },
- "notification-url": "https://packagist.org/downloads/",
- "license": [
- "MIT"
- ],
- "authors": [
- {
- "name": "Marco Pivetta",
- "email": "ocramius@gmail.com",
- "homepage": "https://ocramius.github.io/"
- }
- ],
- "description": "A small, lightweight utility to instantiate objects in PHP without invoking their constructors",
- "homepage": "https://www.doctrine-project.org/projects/instantiator.html",
- "keywords": [
- "constructor",
- "instantiate"
- ],
- "support": {
- "issues": "https://github.com/doctrine/instantiator/issues",
- "source": "https://github.com/doctrine/instantiator/tree/1.5.0"
- },
- "funding": [
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- "url": "https://www.doctrine-project.org/sponsorship.html",
- "type": "custom"
- },
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- "url": "https://www.patreon.com/phpdoctrine",
- "type": "patreon"
- },
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- "url": "https://tidelift.com/funding/github/packagist/doctrine%2Finstantiator",
- "type": "tidelift"
- }
- ],
- "time": "2022-12-30T00:15:36+00:00"
- },
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- "name": "facebook/webdriver",
- "version": "1.7.1",
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- "type": "git",
- "url": "https://github.com/php-webdriver/php-webdriver-archive.git",
- "reference": "e43de70f3c7166169d0f14a374505392734160e5"
- },
- "dist": {
- "type": "zip",
- "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/php-webdriver/php-webdriver-archive/zipball/e43de70f3c7166169d0f14a374505392734160e5",
- "reference": "e43de70f3c7166169d0f14a374505392734160e5",
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- "require": {
- "ext-curl": "*",
- "ext-json": "*",
- "ext-mbstring": "*",
- "ext-zip": "*",
- "php": "^5.6 || ~7.0",
- "symfony/process": "^2.8 || ^3.1 || ^4.0"
- },
- "require-dev": {
- "friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer": "^2.0",
- "jakub-onderka/php-parallel-lint": "^0.9.2",
- "php-coveralls/php-coveralls": "^2.0",
- "php-mock/php-mock-phpunit": "^1.1",
- "phpunit/phpunit": "^5.7",
- "sebastian/environment": "^1.3.4 || ^2.0 || ^3.0",
- "squizlabs/php_codesniffer": "^2.6",
- "symfony/var-dumper": "^3.3 || ^4.0"
- },
- "suggest": {
- "ext-SimpleXML": "For Firefox profile creation"
- },
- "type": "library",
- "extra": {
- "branch-alias": {
- "dev-community": "1.5-dev"
- }
- },
- "autoload": {
- "psr-4": {
- "Facebook\\WebDriver\\": "lib/"
- }
- },
- "notification-url": "https://packagist.org/downloads/",
- "license": [
- "Apache-2.0"
- ],
- "description": "A PHP client for Selenium WebDriver",
- "homepage": "https://github.com/facebook/php-webdriver",
- "keywords": [
- "facebook",
- "php",
- "selenium",
- "webdriver"
- ],
- "support": {
- "forum": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/phpwebdriver/",
- "issues": "https://github.com/facebook/php-webdriver/issues",
- "source": "https://github.com/facebook/php-webdriver"
- },
- "abandoned": "php-webdriver/webdriver",
- "time": "2019-06-13T08:02:18+00:00"
- },
- {
- "name": "fakerphp/faker",
- "version": "v1.21.0",
- "source": {
- "type": "git",
- "url": "https://github.com/FakerPHP/Faker.git",
- "reference": "92efad6a967f0b79c499705c69b662f738cc9e4d"
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- },
- "require": {
- "php": "^7.4 || ^8.0",
- "psr/container": "^1.0 || ^2.0",
- "symfony/deprecation-contracts": "^2.2 || ^3.0"
- },
- "conflict": {
- "fzaninotto/faker": "*"
- },
- "require-dev": {
- "bamarni/composer-bin-plugin": "^1.4.1",
- "doctrine/persistence": "^1.3 || ^2.0",
- "ext-intl": "*",
- "phpunit/phpunit": "^9.5.26",
- "symfony/phpunit-bridge": "^5.4.16"
- },
- "suggest": {
- "doctrine/orm": "Required to use Faker\\ORM\\Doctrine",
- "ext-curl": "Required by Faker\\Provider\\Image to download images.",
- "ext-dom": "Required by Faker\\Provider\\HtmlLorem for generating random HTML.",
- "ext-iconv": "Required by Faker\\Provider\\ru_RU\\Text::realText() for generating real Russian text.",
- "ext-mbstring": "Required for multibyte Unicode string functionality."
- },
- "type": "library",
- "extra": {
- "branch-alias": {
- "dev-main": "v1.21-dev"
- }
- },
- "autoload": {
- "psr-4": {
- "Faker\\": "src/Faker/"
- }
- },
- "notification-url": "https://packagist.org/downloads/",
- "license": [
- "MIT"
- ],
- "authors": [
- {
- "name": "François Zaninotto"
- }
- ],
- "description": "Faker is a PHP library that generates fake data for you.",
- "keywords": [
- "data",
- "faker",
- "fixtures"
- ],
- "support": {
- "issues": "https://github.com/FakerPHP/Faker/issues",
- "source": "https://github.com/FakerPHP/Faker/tree/v1.21.0"
- },
- "time": "2022-12-13T13:54:32+00:00"
- },
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- "name": "phar-io/manifest",
- "version": "1.0.3",
- "source": {
- "type": "git",
- "url": "https://github.com/phar-io/manifest.git",
- "reference": "7761fcacf03b4d4f16e7ccb606d4879ca431fcf4"
- },
- "dist": {
- "type": "zip",
- "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/phar-io/manifest/zipball/7761fcacf03b4d4f16e7ccb606d4879ca431fcf4",
- "reference": "7761fcacf03b4d4f16e7ccb606d4879ca431fcf4",
- "shasum": ""
- },
- "require": {
- "ext-dom": "*",
- "ext-phar": "*",
- "phar-io/version": "^2.0",
- "php": "^5.6 || ^7.0"
- },
- "type": "library",
- "extra": {
- "branch-alias": {
- "dev-master": "1.0.x-dev"
- }
- },
- "autoload": {
- "classmap": [
- "src/"
- ]
- },
- "notification-url": "https://packagist.org/downloads/",
- "license": [
- "BSD-3-Clause"
- ],
- "authors": [
- {
- "name": "Arne Blankerts",
- "email": "arne@blankerts.de",
- "role": "Developer"
- },
- {
- "name": "Sebastian Heuer",
- "email": "sebastian@phpeople.de",
- "role": "Developer"
- },
- {
- "name": "Sebastian Bergmann",
- "email": "sebastian@phpunit.de",
- "role": "Developer"
- }
- ],
- "description": "Component for reading phar.io manifest information from a PHP Archive (PHAR)",
- "support": {
- "issues": "https://github.com/phar-io/manifest/issues",
- "source": "https://github.com/phar-io/manifest/tree/master"
- },
- "time": "2018-07-08T19:23:20+00:00"
- },
- {
- "name": "phar-io/version",
- "version": "2.0.1",
- "source": {
- "type": "git",
- "url": "https://github.com/phar-io/version.git",
- "reference": "45a2ec53a73c70ce41d55cedef9063630abaf1b6"
- },
- "dist": {
- "type": "zip",
- "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/phar-io/version/zipball/45a2ec53a73c70ce41d55cedef9063630abaf1b6",
- "reference": "45a2ec53a73c70ce41d55cedef9063630abaf1b6",
- "shasum": ""
- },
- "require": {
- "php": "^5.6 || ^7.0"
- },
- "type": "library",
- "autoload": {
- "classmap": [
- "src/"
- ]
- },
- "notification-url": "https://packagist.org/downloads/",
- "license": [
- "BSD-3-Clause"
- ],
- "authors": [
- {
- "name": "Arne Blankerts",
- "email": "arne@blankerts.de",
- "role": "Developer"
- },
- {
- "name": "Sebastian Heuer",
- "email": "sebastian@phpeople.de",
- "role": "Developer"
- },
- {
- "name": "Sebastian Bergmann",
- "email": "sebastian@phpunit.de",
- "role": "Developer"
- }
- ],
- "description": "Library for handling version information and constraints",
- "support": {
- "issues": "https://github.com/phar-io/version/issues",
- "source": "https://github.com/phar-io/version/tree/master"
- },
- "time": "2018-07-08T19:19:57+00:00"
- },
- {
- "name": "phpdocumentor/reflection-common",
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- "name": "Jaap van Otterdijk",
- "email": "opensource@ijaap.nl"
- }
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- "description": "Common reflection classes used by phpdocumentor to reflect the code structure",
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- },
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- },
- {
- "name": "Jaap van Otterdijk",
- "email": "account@ijaap.nl"
- }
- ],
- "description": "With this component, a library can provide support for annotations via DocBlocks or otherwise retrieve information that is embedded in a DocBlock.",
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- "source": "https://github.com/phpDocumentor/ReflectionDocBlock/tree/5.3.0"
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- "name": "Mike van Riel",
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- }
- ],
- "description": "A PSR-5 based resolver of Class names, Types and Structural Element Names",
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- "name": "Chris Boulton",
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- }
- ],
- "description": "A comprehensive library for generating differences between two hashable objects (strings or arrays).",
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- "source": "https://github.com/phpspec/php-diff/tree/v1.1.3"
- },
- "time": "2020-09-18T13:47:07+00:00"
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- "homepage": "http://everzet.com"
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- "name": "Marcello Duarte",
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- }
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- }
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- "name": "Jeff Welch",
- "email": "whatthejeff@gmail.com"
- },
- {
- "name": "Adam Harvey",
- "email": "aharvey@php.net"
- }
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- }
- ],
- "description": "Provides a list of PHP built-in functions that operate on resources",
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- },
- {
- "name": "Symfony Community",
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- }
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- },
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- },
- {
- "name": "Symfony Community",
- "homepage": "https://symfony.com/contributors"
- }
- ],
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- "time": "2022-11-05T17:10:16+00:00"
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- },
- {
- "name": "Jean-François Simon",
- "email": "jeanfrancois.simon@sensiolabs.com"
- },
- {
- "name": "Symfony Community",
- "homepage": "https://symfony.com/contributors"
- }
- ],
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- },
- {
- "name": "Symfony Community",
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- }
- ],
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- {
- "name": "Symfony Community",
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- {
- "name": "Symfony Community",
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- }
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- },
- {
- "name": "Symfony Community",
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- }
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- "time": "2022-01-02T09:41:36+00:00"
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- },
- {
- "name": "Symfony Community",
- "homepage": "https://symfony.com/contributors"
- }
- ],
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- },
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- }
- },
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- {
- "name": "Symfony Community",
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- "name": "Nicolas Grekas",
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- },
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- "name": "Symfony Community",
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- {
- "name": "Symfony Community",
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- }
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- },
- {
- "name": "Symfony Community",
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- }
- ],
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- "Fix PHP 7 compatibility": "https://yiisoft.github.io/phpunit-patches/phpunit_php7.patch",
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- },
- {
- "url": "https://opencollective.com/yiisoft",
- "type": "open_collective"
- },
- {
- "url": "https://tidelift.com/funding/github/packagist/yiisoft/yii2-gii",
- "type": "tidelift"
- }
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- "time": "2022-09-04T10:00:25+00:00"
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- "c006/yii2-paypal-ipn": 20,
- "yurkinx/yii2-image": 20,
- "letyii/yii2-tinymce": 20
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- "ext-pdo": "*",
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- "ext-curl": "*"
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- "platform-dev": [],
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