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47 satır

  1. <?php
  2. use yii\db\Migration;
  3. class m181228_074109_rename_db_content extends Migration {
  4. public function up() {
  5. $this->update('credit_history', ['type' => 'payment'], "type = 'paiement'");
  6. $this->update('credit_history', ['type' => 'refund'], "type = 'remboursement'");
  7. $this->update('credit_history', ['mean_payment' => 'money'], "mean_payment = 'especes'");
  8. $this->update('credit_history', ['mean_payment' => 'credit-card'], "mean_payment = 'cb'");
  9. $this->update('credit_history', ['mean_payment' => 'other'], "mean_payment = 'autre'");
  10. $this->update('credit_history', ['mean_payment' => 'initial-credit'], "mean_payment = 'credit-initial'");
  11. $this->update('development_priority', ['priority' => 'high'], "priority = 'haute'");
  12. $this->update('development_priority', ['priority' => 'normal'], "priority = 'normale'");
  13. $this->update('development_priority', ['priority' => 'low'], "priority = 'basse'");
  14. $this->update('product', ['sale_mode' => 'unit'], "sale_mode = 'unite'");
  15. $this->update('product', ['sale_mode' => 'weight'], "sale_mode = 'poids'");
  16. $this->update('product_order', ['sale_mode' => 'unit'], "sale_mode = 'unite'");
  17. $this->update('product_order', ['sale_mode' => 'weight'], "sale_mode = 'poids'");
  18. }
  19. public function down() {
  20. $this->update('credit_history', ['type' => 'paiement'], "type = 'payment'") ;
  21. $this->update('credit_history', ['type' => 'remboursement'], "type = 'refund'") ;
  22. $this->update('credit_history', ['mean_payment' => 'especes'], "mean_payment = 'money'") ;
  23. $this->update('credit_history', ['mean_payment' => 'cb'], "mean_payment = 'credit-card'") ;
  24. $this->update('credit_history', ['mean_payment' => 'autre'], "mean_payment = 'other'") ;
  25. $this->update('credit_history', ['mean_payment' => 'credit-initial'], "mean_payment = 'initial-credit'") ;
  26. $this->update('development_priority', ['priority' => 'haute'], "priority = 'high'") ;
  27. $this->update('development_priority', ['priority' => 'normale'], "priority = 'normal'") ;
  28. $this->update('development_priority', ['priority' => 'basse'], "priority = 'low'") ;
  29. $this->update('product', ['sale_mode' => 'unite'], "sale_mode = 'unit'") ;
  30. $this->update('product', ['sale_mode' => 'poids'], "sale_mode = 'weight'") ;
  31. $this->update('product_order', ['sale_mode' => 'unite'], "sale_mode = 'unit'") ;
  32. $this->update('product_order', ['sale_mode' => 'poids'], "sale_mode = 'weight'") ;
  33. }
  34. }