[ 'class' => AccessControl::className(), 'rules' => [ [ 'actions' => ['report-cron', 'report-terredepains'], 'allow' => true, 'roles' => ['?'] ], [ 'allow' => true, 'roles' => ['@'], 'matchCallback' => function ($rule, $action) { return User::getCurrentStatus() == USER::STATUS_ADMIN || User::getCurrentStatus() == USER::STATUS_PRODUCER; } ] ], ], ]; } public function actionIndex($date = '') { $this->checkProductsPointsSale(); $format = 'Y-m-d'; $theDate = ''; $dateObject = DateTime::createFromFormat($format, $date); if ($dateObject && $dateObject->format($format) === $date) { $theDate = $date; } return $this->render('index', [ 'date' => $theDate ]); } public function actionAjaxInfos($date = '') { \Yii::$app->response->format = \yii\web\Response::FORMAT_JSON; $json = [ 'distribution' => [], 'products' => [] ]; $format = 'Y-m-d'; $dateObject = DateTime::createFromFormat($format, $date); $producer = GlobalParam::getCurrentProducer(); $json['producer'] = [ 'credit' => $producer->credit, 'tiller' => $producer->tiller ]; $json['means_payment'] = MeanPayment::getAll(); $distributionsArray = Distribution::searchAll([ 'active' => 1 ], [ 'conditions' => ['date > :date_begin', 'date < :date_end'], 'params' => [':date_begin' => date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-1 month')), ':date_end' => date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+3 month')),], ]); $json['distributions'] = $distributionsArray; if ($dateObject && $dateObject->format($format) === $date) { // distribution $distribution = Distribution::initDistribution($date); $json['distribution'] = [ 'id' => $distribution->id, 'active' => $distribution->active, 'url_report' => Yii::$app->urlManagerBackend->createUrl(['distribution/report', 'date' => $distribution->date]) ]; // commandes $ordersArray = Order::searchAll([ 'distribution.id' => $distribution->id, ], [ 'orderby' => 'user.lastname ASC, user.name ASC' ]); // montant et poids des commandes $revenues = 0; $weight = 0; if ($ordersArray) { foreach ($ordersArray as $order) { if (is_null($order->date_delete)) { $revenues += $order->getAmountWithTax(); $weight += $order->weight; } } } $json['distribution']['revenues'] = Price::format($revenues); $json['distribution']['weight'] = number_format($weight, 2); // products $productsArray = Product::find() ->orWhere(['id_producer' => GlobalParam::getCurrentProducerId(),]) ->joinWith(['taxRate','productDistribution' => function ($query) use ($distribution) { $query->andOnCondition('product_distribution.id_distribution = ' . $distribution->id); }]) ->orderBy('product_distribution.active DESC, order ASC') ->asArray() ->all(); $potentialRevenues = 0; $potentialWeight = 0; foreach ($productsArray as &$theProduct) { $quantityOrder = Order::getProductQuantity($theProduct['id'], $ordersArray); $theProduct['quantity_ordered'] = $quantityOrder; if (!isset($theProduct['productDistribution'][0])) { $theProductObject = (object)$theProduct; $theProduct['productDistribution'][0] = $distribution->linkProduct($theProductObject); } if (!is_numeric($theProduct['productDistribution'][0]['quantity_max'])) { $theProduct['quantity_remaining'] = null; } else { $theProduct['quantity_remaining'] = $theProduct['productDistribution'][0]['quantity_max'] - $quantityOrder; } $theProduct['quantity_form'] = 0; if ($theProduct['productDistribution'][0]['active'] && $theProduct['productDistribution'][0]['quantity_max']) { $potentialRevenues += $theProduct['productDistribution'][0]['quantity_max'] * $theProduct['price']; $potentialWeight += $theProduct['productDistribution'][0]['quantity_max'] * $theProduct['weight'] / 1000; } if(!isset($theProduct['taxRate'])) { $theProduct['taxRate'] = $producer->taxRate ; } } $json['distribution']['potential_revenues'] = Price::format($potentialRevenues); $json['distribution']['potential_weight'] = number_format($potentialWeight, 2); $json['products'] = $productsArray; // orders as array $ordersArrayObject = $ordersArray ; if ($ordersArray) { foreach ($ordersArray as &$order) { $productOrderArray = []; foreach ($order->productOrder as $productOrder) { $productOrderArray[$productOrder->id_product] = [ 'quantity' => $productOrder->quantity * Product::$unitsArray[$productOrder->unit]['coefficient'], 'unit' => $productOrder->unit, 'price' => Price::getPriceWithTax($productOrder->price, $productOrder->taxRate->value) ]; } foreach ($productsArray as $product) { if (!isset($productOrderArray[$product['id']])) { $productOrderArray[$product['id']] = [ 'quantity' => 0, 'unit' => $product['unit'], 'price' => Price::getPriceWithTax($product['price'], $product['taxRate']['value']), ]; } } $creditHistoryArray = []; foreach ($order->creditHistory as $creditHistory) { $creditHistoryArray[] = [ 'date' => date('d/m/Y H:i:s', strtotime($creditHistory->date)), 'user_action' => $creditHistory->strUserAction(), 'wording' => $creditHistory->getStrWording(), 'debit' => ($creditHistory->isTypeDebit() ? '- ' . $creditHistory->getAmount(Order::AMOUNT_TOTAL, true) : ''), 'credit' => ($creditHistory->isTypeCredit() ? '+ ' . $creditHistory->getAmount(Order::AMOUNT_TOTAL, true) : '') ]; } $arrayCreditUser = []; if (isset($order->user) && isset($order->user->userProducer)) { $arrayCreditUser['credit'] = $order->user->userProducer[0]->credit; } $oneProductUnactivated = false; foreach ($order->productOrder as $productOrder) { foreach ($productsArray as $product) { if ($productOrder->id_product == $product['id'] && !$product['productDistribution'][0]['active']) { $oneProductUnactivated = true; } } } $order = array_merge($order->getAttributes(), [ 'selected' => false, 'amount' => $order->getAmountWithTax(Order::AMOUNT_TOTAL), 'amount_paid' => $order->getAmount(Order::AMOUNT_PAID), 'amount_remaining' => $order->getAmount(Order::AMOUNT_REMAINING), 'amount_surplus' => $order->getAmount(Order::AMOUNT_SURPLUS), 'user' => (isset($order->user)) ? array_merge($order->user->getAttributes(), $arrayCreditUser) : null, 'pointSale' => ['id' => $order->pointSale->id, 'name' => $order->pointSale->name], 'productOrder' => $productOrderArray, 'creditHistory' => $creditHistoryArray, 'oneProductUnactivated' => $oneProductUnactivated ]); } } $json['orders'] = $ordersArray; // points de vente $pointsSaleArray = PointSale::find() ->joinWith(['pointSaleDistribution' => function ($q) use ($distribution) { $q->where(['id_distribution' => $distribution->id]); }]) ->where([ 'id_producer' => GlobalParam::getCurrentProducerId(), ]) ->asArray() ->all(); $idPointSaleDefault = 0; foreach ($pointsSaleArray as $pointSale) { if ($pointSale['default']) { $idPointSaleDefault = $pointSale['id'] ; } } $json['points_sale'] = $pointsSaleArray; // bons de livraison $deliveryNotesArray = DeliveryNote::searchAll([ 'distribution.date' => $date, ]) ; $deliveryNotesByPointSaleArray = [] ; foreach($deliveryNotesArray as $deliveryNote) { if(isset($deliveryNote->orders[0])) { $deliveryNotesByPointSaleArray[$deliveryNote->orders[0]->id_point_sale] = $deliveryNote->getAttributes() ; } } $json['delivery_notes'] = $deliveryNotesByPointSaleArray ; // order create $productOrderArray = []; foreach ($productsArray as $product) { $productOrderArray[$product['id']] = [ 'quantity' => 0, 'unit' => $product['unit'], 'price' => Price::getPriceWithTax($product['price'], $product['taxRate']['value']), ]; } $json['order_create'] = [ 'id_point_sale' => $idPointSaleDefault, 'id_user' => 0, 'username' => '', 'comment' => '', 'productOrder' => $productOrderArray ]; // utilisateurs $usersArray = User::findBy()->all(); $json['users'] = $usersArray; // une production de la semaine activée ou non $oneDistributionWeekActive = false; $week = sprintf('%02d', date('W', strtotime($date))); $start = strtotime(date('Y', strtotime($date)) . 'W' . $week); $dateMonday = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('Monday', $start)); $dateTuesday = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('Tuesday', $start)); $dateWednesday = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('Wednesday', $start)); $dateThursday = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('Thursday', $start)); $dateFriday = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('Friday', $start)); $dateSaturday = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('Saturday', $start)); $dateSunday = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('Sunday', $start)); $weekDistribution = Distribution::find() ->andWhere([ 'id_producer' => GlobalParam::getCurrentProducerId(), 'active' => 1, ]) ->andWhere(['or', ['date' => $dateMonday], ['date' => $dateTuesday], ['date' => $dateWednesday], ['date' => $dateThursday], ['date' => $dateFriday], ['date' => $dateSaturday], ['date' => $dateSunday], ]) ->one(); if ($weekDistribution) { $oneDistributionWeekActive = true; } $json['one_distribution_week_active'] = $oneDistributionWeekActive; // tiller if ($producer->tiller) { $tiller = new Tiller(); $json['tiller_is_synchro'] = (int)$tiller->isSynchro($date); } } return $json; } public function actionAjaxPointSaleFavorite($idUser) { \Yii::$app->response->format = \yii\web\Response::FORMAT_JSON; $user = User::findOne(['id' => $idUser]); $favoritePointSale = $user->getFavoritePointSale(); $idFavoritePointSale = 0; if ($favoritePointSale) { $idFavoritePointSale = $favoritePointSale->id; } return [ 'id_favorite_point_sale' => $idFavoritePointSale ]; } /** * Génére un PDF récapitulatif des des commandes d'un producteur pour une * date donnée (Méthode appelable via CRON) * * @param string $date * @param boolean $save * @param integer $idProducer * @param string $key * @return PDF|null */ public function actionReportCron($date = '', $save = false, $idProducer = 0, $key = '') { if ($key == '64ac0bdab7e9f5e48c4d991ec5201d57') { $this->actionReport($date, $save, $idProducer); } } /** * Génére un PDF récapitulatif des commandes d'un producteur pour une * date donnée. * * @param string $date * @param boolean $save * @param integer $idProducer * @return PDF|null */ public function actionReport($date = '', $save = false, $idProducer = 0, $type = "pdf") { if (!Yii::$app->user->isGuest) { $idProducer = GlobalParam::getCurrentProducerId(); } $ordersArray = Order::searchAll([ 'distribution.date' => $date, 'distribution.id_producer' => $idProducer ], [ 'orderby' => 'user.lastname ASC, user.name ASC, comment_point_sale ASC', 'conditions' => 'date_delete IS NULL' ]); $distribution = Distribution::searchOne([ 'id_producer' => $idProducer ], [ 'conditions' => 'date LIKE :date', 'params' => [':date' => $date] ]); if ($distribution) { $selectedProductsArray = ProductDistribution::searchByDistribution($distribution->id); $pointsSaleArray = PointSale::searchAll([ 'point_sale.id_producer' => $idProducer ]); foreach ($pointsSaleArray as $pointSale) { $pointSale->initOrders($ordersArray); } // produits $productsArray = Product::find() ->joinWith(['productDistribution' => function ($q) use ($distribution) { $q->where(['id_distribution' => $distribution->id]); }]) ->where([ 'id_producer' => $idProducer, ]) ->orderBy('order ASC') ->all(); if ($type == 'pdf') { $viewPdf = 'report' ; $orientationPdf = Pdf::ORIENT_PORTRAIT ; $producer = GlobalParam::getCurrentProducer() ; if($producer->slug == 'bourlinguepacotille') { $viewPdf = 'report-bourlingue' ; $orientationPdf = Pdf::ORIENT_LANDSCAPE ; } // get your HTML raw content without any layouts or scripts $content = $this->renderPartial($viewPdf, [ 'date' => $date, 'distribution' => $distribution, 'selectedProductsArray' => $selectedProductsArray, 'pointsSaleArray' => $pointsSaleArray, 'productsArray' => $productsArray, 'ordersArray' => $ordersArray ]); $dateStr = date('d/m/Y', strtotime($date)); if ($save) { $destination = Pdf::DEST_FILE; } else { $destination = Pdf::DEST_BROWSER; } $pdf = new Pdf([ // set to use core fonts only 'mode' => Pdf::MODE_UTF8, // A4 paper format 'format' => Pdf::FORMAT_A4, // portrait orientation 'orientation' => $orientationPdf, // stream to browser inline 'destination' => $destination, 'filename' => Yii::getAlias('@app/web/pdf/Commandes-' . $date . '-' . $idProducer . '.pdf'), // your html content input 'content' => $content, // format content from your own css file if needed or use the // enhanced bootstrap css built by Krajee for mPDF formatting //'cssFile' => Yii::getAlias('@web/css/distribution/report.css'), // any css to be embedded if required 'cssInline' => ' table { border-spacing : 0px ; border-collapse : collapse ; width: 100% ; } table tr th, table tr td { padding: 0px ; margin: 0px ; border: solid 1px #e0e0e0 ; padding: 3px 8px ; vertical-align : top; page-break-inside: avoid !important; } table tr th { font-size: 13px ; } table tr td { font-size: 13px ; } ', // set mPDF properties on the fly //'options' => ['title' => 'Krajee Report Title'], // call mPDF methods on the fly 'methods' => [ 'SetHeader' => ['Commandes du ' . $dateStr], 'SetFooter' => ['{PAGENO}'], ] ]); // return the pdf output as per the destination setting return $pdf->render(); } elseif ($type == 'csv') { $datas = []; $optionCsvExportAllProducts = Producer::getConfig('option_csv_export_all_products') ; $optionCsvExportByPiece = Producer::getConfig('option_csv_export_by_piece') ; // produits en colonne $productsNameArray = ['']; $productsIndexArray = []; $productsHasQuantity = []; $cpt = 1; foreach ($productsArray as $product) { $productsHasQuantity[$product->id] = 0; foreach (Product::$unitsArray as $unit => $dataUnit) { $quantity = Order::getProductQuantity($product->id, $ordersArray, true, $unit); if ($quantity) { $productsHasQuantity[$product->id] += $quantity; } } if ($productsHasQuantity[$product->id] > 0 || $optionCsvExportAllProducts) { $productName = $product->name ; if($optionCsvExportByPiece) { $productUnit = 'piece' ; } else { $productUnit = $product->unit ; } $productName .= ' (' . Product::strUnit($productUnit, 'wording_short', true) . ')'; $productsNameArray[] = $productName ; $productsIndexArray[$product->id] = $cpt++; } } $datas[] = $productsNameArray; // points de vente foreach ($pointsSaleArray as $pointSale) { if (count($pointSale->orders)) { // listing commandes $datas[] = ['> ' . $pointSale->name]; foreach ($pointSale->orders as $order) { $orderLine = [$order->getStrUser()]; if($optionCsvExportByPiece) { foreach ($order->productOrder as $productOrder) { $orderLine[$productsIndexArray[$productOrder->id_product]] = Order::getProductQuantityPieces($productOrder->id_product, [$order]) ; } } else { foreach ($productsIndexArray as $idProduct => $indexProduct) { $orderLine[$indexProduct] = ''; } foreach ($order->productOrder as $productOrder) { if (strlen($orderLine[$productsIndexArray[$productOrder->id_product]])) { $orderLine[$productsIndexArray[$productOrder->id_product]] .= ' + '; } $orderLine[$productsIndexArray[$productOrder->id_product]] .= $productOrder->quantity; if ($productOrder->product->unit != $productOrder->unit) { $orderLine[$productsIndexArray[$productOrder->id_product]] .= Product::strUnit($productOrder->unit, 'wording_short', true); } } } $datas[] = $this->_lineOrderReportCSV($orderLine, $cpt); } // total point de vente if($optionCsvExportByPiece) { $totalsPointSaleArray = $this->_totalReportPiecesCSV( 'Total', $pointSale->orders, $productsArray, $productsIndexArray ); } else { $totalsPointSaleArray = $this->_totalReportCSV( 'Total', $pointSale->orders, $productsArray, $productsIndexArray ); } $datas[] = $this->_lineOrderReportCSV($totalsPointSaleArray, $cpt); $datas[] = []; } } // global if($optionCsvExportByPiece) { $totalsGlobalArray = $this->_totalReportPiecesCSV( '> Totaux', $ordersArray, $productsArray, $productsIndexArray ); } else { $totalsGlobalArray = $this->_totalReportCSV( '> Totaux', $ordersArray, $productsArray, $productsIndexArray ); } $datas[] = $this->_lineOrderReportCSV($totalsGlobalArray, $cpt); CSV::downloadSendHeaders('Commandes_' . $date . '.csv'); echo CSV::array2csv($datas); die(); } } return null; } /** * Génère un export des commandes au format CSV à destination du Google Drive * de Terre de pains. * * @param type $date * @return CSV */ public function actionReportTerredepains($date, $key) { if ($key == 'ef572cc148c001f0180c4a624189ed30') { $producer = Producer::searchOne([ 'producer.slug' => 'terredepains' ]); $idProducer = $producer->id; $ordersArray = Order::searchAll([ 'distribution.date' => $date, 'distribution.id_producer' => $idProducer ], [ 'orderby' => 'user.lastname ASC, user.name ASC, comment_point_sale ASC', 'conditions' => 'date_delete IS NULL' ]); $distribution = Distribution::searchOne([ 'distribution.id_producer' => $idProducer ], [ 'conditions' => 'date LIKE :date', 'params' => [ ':date' => $date, ] ]); if ($distribution) { $selectedProductsArray = ProductDistribution::searchByDistribution($distribution->id); $pointsSaleArray = PointSale::searchAll([ 'point_sale.id_producer' => $idProducer ]); foreach ($pointsSaleArray as $pointSale) { $pointSale->initOrders($ordersArray); } // produits $productsArray = Product::find() ->joinWith(['productDistribution' => function ($q) use ($distribution) { $q->where(['id_distribution' => $distribution->id]); }]) ->where([ 'id_producer' => $idProducer, ]) ->orderBy('order ASC') ->all(); $datas = []; // produits en colonne $productsNameArray = ['']; $productsIndexArray = []; $productsHasQuantity = []; $cpt = 1; foreach ($productsArray as $product) { $theUnit = Product::strUnit($product->unit, 'wording_short', true); $theUnit = ($theUnit == 'p.') ? '' : ' (' . $theUnit . ')'; $productsNameArray[] = $product->name . $theUnit; $productsIndexArray[$product->id] = $cpt++; } $productsNameArray[] = 'Total'; $datas[] = $productsNameArray; // global $totalsGlobalArray = $this->_totalReportCSV( '> Totaux', $ordersArray, $productsArray, $productsIndexArray ); $datas[] = $this->_lineOrderReportCSV($totalsGlobalArray, $cpt - 1, true); $datas[] = []; // points de vente foreach ($pointsSaleArray as $pointSale) { if (count($pointSale->orders)) { // listing commandes /*foreach ($pointSale->orders as $order) { $orderLine = [$order->getStrUser()]; foreach ($productsIndexArray as $idProduct => $indexProduct) { $orderLine[$indexProduct] = ''; } foreach ($order->productOrder as $productOrder) { if (strlen($orderLine[$productsIndexArray[$productOrder->id_product]])) { $orderLine[$productsIndexArray[$productOrder->id_product]] .= ' + '; } $orderLine[$productsIndexArray[$productOrder->id_product]] .= $productOrder->quantity; if ($productOrder->product->unit != $productOrder->unit) { $orderLine[$productsIndexArray[$productOrder->id_product]] .= Product::strUnit($productOrder->unit, 'wording_short', true); } } $datas[] = $this->_lineOrderReportCSV($orderLine, $cpt - 1, true); }*/ // total point de vente $totalsPointSaleArray = $this->_totalReportCSV( '> ' . $pointSale->name, $pointSale->orders, $productsArray, $productsIndexArray ); $datas[] = $this->_lineOrderReportCSV($totalsPointSaleArray, $cpt - 1, true); } } CSV::downloadSendHeaders('Commandes_' . $date . '.csv'); echo CSV::array2csv($datas); die(); } return null; } } public function _totalReportCSV($label, $ordersArray, $productsArray, $productsIndexArray) { $totalsPointSaleArray = [$label]; foreach ($productsArray as $product) { foreach (Product::$unitsArray as $unit => $dataUnit) { $quantity = Order::getProductQuantity($product->id, $ordersArray, false, $unit); if ($quantity) { $index = $productsIndexArray[$product->id]; if (!isset($totalsPointSaleArray[$index])) { $totalsPointSaleArray[$index] = ''; } if (strlen($totalsPointSaleArray[$index])) { $totalsPointSaleArray[$index] .= ' + '; } $totalsPointSaleArray[$index] .= $quantity; if ($product->unit != $unit) { $totalsPointSaleArray[$index] .= '' . Product::strUnit($unit, 'wording_short', true); } } } } return $totalsPointSaleArray; } public function _totalReportPiecesCSV($label, $ordersArray, $productsArray, $productsIndexArray) { $totalsPointSaleArray = [$label]; foreach ($productsArray as $product) { $quantity = 0 ; foreach (Product::$unitsArray as $unit => $dataUnit) { $quantityProduct = Order::getProductQuantity($product->id, $ordersArray, false, $unit); if($unit == 'piece') { $quantity += $quantityProduct ; } else { if($product->weight > 0) { $quantity += ($quantityProduct * $dataUnit['coefficient']) / $product->weight ; } } } if($quantity) { $index = $productsIndexArray[$product->id]; $totalsPointSaleArray[$index] = $quantity; } } return $totalsPointSaleArray; } public function _lineOrderReportCSV($orderLine, $cptMax, $showTotal = false) { $line = []; $cptTotal = 0; for ($i = 0; $i <= $cptMax; $i++) { if (isset($orderLine[$i]) && $orderLine[$i]) { $line[] = $orderLine[$i]; if(is_numeric($orderLine[$i])) { $cptTotal += $orderLine[$i]; } } else { $line[] = ''; } } if ($cptTotal > 0 && $showTotal) { $line[] = $cptTotal; } return $line; } public function actionAjaxProcessProductQuantityMax($idDistribution, $idProduct, $quantityMax) { \Yii::$app->response->format = \yii\web\Response::FORMAT_JSON; $productDistribution = ProductDistribution::searchOne([ 'id_distribution' => $idDistribution, 'id_product' => $idProduct, ]); $productDistribution->quantity_max = (!$quantityMax) ? null : (float) $quantityMax; $productDistribution->save(); return ['success']; } public function actionAjaxProcessActiveProduct($idDistribution, $idProduct, $active) { \Yii::$app->response->format = \yii\web\Response::FORMAT_JSON; $productDistribution = ProductDistribution::searchOne([ 'id_distribution' => $idDistribution, 'id_product' => $idProduct, ]); $productDistribution->active = $active; $productDistribution->save(); return ['success']; } public function actionAjaxProcessActivePointSale($idDistribution, $idPointSale, $delivery) { \Yii::$app->response->format = \yii\web\Response::FORMAT_JSON; $pointSaleDistribution = PointSaleDistribution::searchOne([ 'id_distribution' => $idDistribution, 'id_point_sale' => $idPointSale, ]); $pointSaleDistribution->delivery = $delivery; $pointSaleDistribution->save(); return ['success']; } /** * Active/désactive un jour de distribution. * * @param integer $idDistribution * @param string $date * @param boolean $active * @return array */ public function actionAjaxProcessActiveDistribution($idDistribution = 0, $date = '', $active) { \Yii::$app->response->format = \yii\web\Response::FORMAT_JSON; if ($idDistribution) { $distribution = Distribution::searchOne([ 'id' => $idDistribution ]); } $format = 'Y-m-d'; $dateObject = DateTime::createFromFormat($format, $date); if ($dateObject && $dateObject->format($format) === $date) { $distribution = Distribution::initDistribution($date); } if ($distribution) { $distribution->active($active); return ['success']; } return ['error']; } /** * Change l'état d'une semaine de production (activé, désactivé). * * @param string $date * @param integer $active */ public function actionAjaxProcessActiveWeekDistribution($date, $active) { \Yii::$app->response->format = \yii\web\Response::FORMAT_JSON; $week = sprintf('%02d', date('W', strtotime($date))); $start = strtotime(date('Y', strtotime($date)) . 'W' . $week); $dateMonday = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('Monday', $start)); $dateTuesday = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('Tuesday', $start)); $dateWednesday = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('Wednesday', $start)); $dateThursday = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('Thursday', $start)); $dateFriday = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('Friday', $start)); $dateSaturday = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('Saturday', $start)); $dateSunday = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('Sunday', $start)); $pointsSaleArray = PointSale::searchAll(); $activeMonday = false; $activeTuesday = false; $activeWednesday = false; $activeThursday = false; $activeFriday = false; $activeSaturday = false; $activeSunday = false; foreach ($pointsSaleArray as $pointSale) { if ($pointSale->delivery_monday) $activeMonday = true; if ($pointSale->delivery_tuesday) $activeTuesday = true; if ($pointSale->delivery_wednesday) $activeWednesday = true; if ($pointSale->delivery_thursday) $activeThursday = true; if ($pointSale->delivery_friday) $activeFriday = true; if ($pointSale->delivery_saturday) $activeSaturday = true; if ($pointSale->delivery_sunday) $activeSunday = true; } if ($activeMonday || !$active) { $this->actionAjaxProcessActiveDistribution(0, $dateMonday, $active); } if ($activeTuesday || !$active) { $this->actionAjaxProcessActiveDistribution(0, $dateTuesday, $active); } if ($activeWednesday || !$active) { $this->actionAjaxProcessActiveDistribution(0, $dateWednesday, $active); } if ($activeThursday || !$active) { $this->actionAjaxProcessActiveDistribution(0, $dateThursday, $active); } if ($activeFriday || !$active) { $this->actionAjaxProcessActiveDistribution(0, $dateFriday, $active); } if ($activeSaturday || !$active) { $this->actionAjaxProcessActiveDistribution(0, $dateSaturday, $active); } if ($activeSunday || !$active) { $this->actionAjaxProcessActiveDistribution(0, $dateSunday, $active); } return ['success']; } /** * Ajoute les commandes récurrentes pour une date donnée. * * @param string $date */ public function actionAjaxProcessAddSubscriptions($date) { \Yii::$app->response->format = \yii\web\Response::FORMAT_JSON; Subscription::addAll($date, true); return ['success']; } /** * Synchronise les commandes avec la plateforme Tiller pour une date donnée. * * @param string $date */ public function actionAjaxProcessSynchroTiller($date) { \Yii::$app->response->format = \yii\web\Response::FORMAT_JSON; $return = [] ; $producerTiller = Producer::getConfig('tiller'); if ($producerTiller) { $tiller = new Tiller(); $isSynchro = $tiller->isSynchro($date); if (!$isSynchro) { $orders = Order::searchAll([ 'distribution.date' => $date, 'order.tiller_synchronization' => 1 ]); $strDate = date('Y-m-d\T12:i:s+0000', strtotime($date) + 1); if ($orders && count($orders)) { foreach ($orders as $order) { $lines = []; foreach ($order->productOrder as $productOrder) { $lines[] = [ 'name' => $productOrder->product->name, 'price' => $productOrder->getPriceWithTax() * 100 * $productOrder->quantity, 'tax' => $productOrder->taxRate->value * 100, 'date' => $strDate, 'quantity' => $productOrder->quantity ]; } $typePaymentTiller = ''; if ($order->mean_payment == MeanPayment::MONEY || $order->mean_payment == MeanPayment::CREDIT || $order->mean_payment == MeanPayment::TRANSFER || $order->mean_payment == MeanPayment::OTHER) { $typePaymentTiller = 'CASH'; } if ($order->mean_payment == MeanPayment::CREDIT_CARD) { $typePaymentTiller = 'CARD'; } if ($order->mean_payment == MeanPayment::CHEQUE) { $typePaymentTiller = 'BANK_CHECK'; } if (!strlen($typePaymentTiller) || !$order->mean_payment) { $typePaymentTiller = 'CASH'; } $return[] = $tiller->postOrder([ 'externalId' => $order->id, 'type' => 1, 'status' => "CLOSED", 'openDate' => $strDate, 'closeDate' => $strDate, 'lines' => $lines, 'payments' => [[ 'type' => $typePaymentTiller, 'amount' => $order->getAmountWithTax(Order::AMOUNT_TOTAL) * 100, 'status' => 'ACCEPTED', 'date' => $strDate ]] ]); } } } } return $return ; } public function actionAjaxValidateDeliveryNotes($idOrders) { \Yii::$app->response->format = \yii\web\Response::FORMAT_JSON; if (strlen($idOrders)) { $idOrders = json_decode($idOrders, true); if (is_array($idOrders) && count($idOrders) > 0) { foreach($idOrders as $idOrder) { $order = Order::searchOne([ 'id' => (int)$idOrder ]); if($order && $order->distribution->id_producer == GlobalParam::getCurrentProducerId()) { $deliveryNote = DeliveryNote::searchOne([ 'id' => (int) $order->id_delivery_note ]) ; if($deliveryNote && $deliveryNote->isStatusDraft()) { $deliveryNote->changeStatus(Document::STATUS_VALID); $deliveryNote->save(); } } } return [ 'return' => 'success', 'alert' => [ 'type' => 'success', 'message' => 'Bon(s) de livraison validé(s)' ] ] ; } } return [ 'return' => 'error', 'alert' => [ 'type' => 'danger', 'message' => 'Une erreur est survenue lors de la validation des bons de livraison' ] ]; } public function actionAjaxGenerateDeliveryNoteEachUser($idOrders) { \Yii::$app->response->format = \yii\web\Response::FORMAT_JSON; if (strlen($idOrders)) { $idOrders = json_decode($idOrders, true); if (is_array($idOrders) && count($idOrders) > 0) { foreach ($idOrders as $idOrder) { $order = Order::searchOne([ 'id' => (int)$idOrder ]); if($order && $order->distribution->id_producer == GlobalParam::getCurrentProducerId()) { $deliveryNote = null ; $idDeliveryNote = $order->id_delivery_note ; if($idDeliveryNote) { $deliveryNote = DeliveryNote::searchOne([ 'id' => (int) $idDeliveryNote ]); } // on regénére le document si c'est un brouillon if($deliveryNote && $deliveryNote->isStatusDraft()) { $deliveryNote->delete() ; $deliveryNote = null ; } if(!$deliveryNote) { $deliveryNote = new DeliveryNote() ; $deliveryNote->id_producer = GlobalParam::getCurrentProducerId(); $deliveryNote->id_user = $order->id_user; $deliveryNote->name = 'Bon de livraison ' . $order->getUsername() . ' (' . date('d/m/Y', strtotime($order->distribution->date)) . ')'; $deliveryNote->address = $order->user->getFullAddress() ; $deliveryNote->save(); } if($deliveryNote) { $order->id_delivery_note = $deliveryNote->id; $order->save(); } } } } return [ 'return' => 'success', 'alert' => [ 'type' => 'success', 'message' => 'Bon(s) de livraison généré(s)' ] ] ; } return [ 'return' => 'error', 'alert' => [ 'type' => 'danger', 'message' => 'Une erreur est survenue lors de la génération du bon de livraison.' ] ]; } public function actionAjaxGenerateDeliveryNote($idOrders) { \Yii::$app->response->format = \yii\web\Response::FORMAT_JSON; if (strlen($idOrders)) { $idOrders = json_decode($idOrders, true); if (is_array($idOrders) && count($idOrders) > 0) { // récupération première commande pour obtenir des infos reset($idOrders) ; $firstOrder = Order::searchOne([ 'id' => (int)$idOrders[key($idOrders)] ]); // deliveryNote existant $deliveryNote = null ; $isUpdate = false ; $i = 0 ; $ordersArray = Order::searchAll([ 'id' => $idOrders, ]) ; do { $order = $ordersArray[$i] ; if($order->distribution->id_producer == GlobalParam::getCurrentProducerId() && $order->id_delivery_note > 0) { $deliveryNote = DeliveryNote::searchOne([ 'id' => $order->id_delivery_note ]) ; $isUpdate = true ; } $i ++ ; } while($deliveryNote == null && isset($ordersArray[$i])) ; if($deliveryNote && $deliveryNote->status == Document::STATUS_VALID) { return [ 'return' => 'error', 'alert' => [ 'type' => 'danger', 'message' => 'Vous ne pouvez pas modifier un bon de livraison déjà validé.' ] ] ; } if ($firstOrder) { // génération du BL if(!$deliveryNote) { $deliveryNote = new DeliveryNote; $deliveryNote->name = 'Bon de livraison ' . $firstOrder->pointSale->name . ' (' . date('d/m/Y', strtotime($firstOrder->distribution->date)) . ')'; $deliveryNote->id_producer = GlobalParam::getCurrentProducerId(); if($firstOrder->pointSale->id_user) { $deliveryNote->id_user = $firstOrder->pointSale->id_user; } else { $user = new User ; $user->type = User::TYPE_LEGAL_PERSON ; $user->name_legal_person = $firstOrder->pointSale->name ; $user->address = $firstOrder->pointSale->address ; $user->id_producer = 0 ; $user->setPassword(Password::generate()); $user->generateAuthKey(); $user->email = '' ; if (!strlen($user->email)) { $user->username = 'inconnu@opendistrib.net'; } $user->save() ; $userProducer = new UserProducer; $userProducer->id_user = $user->id; $userProducer->id_producer = GlobalParam::getCurrentProducerId(); $userProducer->credit = 0; $userProducer->active = 1; $userProducer->save(); $firstOrder->pointSale->id_user = $user->id ; $firstOrder->pointSale->save() ; $deliveryNote->id_user = $user->id; } if(!isset($user)) { $user = User::searchOne([ 'id' => $deliveryNote->id_user ]) ; } $deliveryNote->address = $user->getFullAddress() ; $deliveryNote->save(); } else { // réinitialisation des order.id_delivery_order Order::updateAll([ 'id_delivery_note' => null ], [ 'id_delivery_note' => $deliveryNote->id ]) ; } // affectation du BL aux commandes foreach ($idOrders as $idOrder) { $order = Order::searchOne([ 'id' => (int)$idOrder ]); if ($order && $order->distribution->id_producer == GlobalParam::getCurrentProducerId()) { $order->id_delivery_note = $deliveryNote->id; $order->save(); } } return [ 'return' => 'success', 'alert' => [ 'type' => 'success', 'message' => 'Bon de livraison '.($isUpdate ? 'modifié' : 'généré') ] ] ; } } } return [ 'return' => 'error', 'alert' => [ 'type' => 'danger', 'message' => 'Une erreur est survenue lors de la génération du bon de livraison.' ] ]; } }