<?php | |||||
date_default_timezone_set('Europe/Paris'); | |||||
defined('YII_DEBUG') or define('YII_DEBUG', true); | |||||
defined('YII_ENV') or define('YII_ENV', 'dev'); | |||||
require(__DIR__ . '/../../vendor/autoload.php'); | |||||
require(__DIR__ . '/../../vendor/yiisoft/yii2/Yii.php'); | |||||
require(__DIR__ . '/../../common/config/bootstrap.php'); | |||||
require(__DIR__ . '/../config/bootstrap.php'); | |||||
$config = yii\helpers\ArrayHelper::merge( | |||||
require(__DIR__ . '/../../common/config/main.php'), | |||||
require(__DIR__ . '/../../common/config/main-local.php'), | |||||
require(__DIR__ . '/../config/main.php'), | |||||
require(__DIR__ . '/../config/main-local.php') | |||||
); | |||||
$application = new yii\web\Application($config); | |||||
date_default_timezone_set('Europe/Paris'); | |||||
setlocale(LC_TIME, 'fr_FR.utf8','fra'); | |||||
$application->run(); |
<?php | |||||
$config = [ | |||||
'components' => [ | |||||
'request' => [ | |||||
// !!! insert a secret key in the following (if it is empty) - this is required by cookie validation | |||||
'cookieValidationKey' => '97ab1b4e420025edccf116eafc92ffd6', | |||||
], | |||||
], | |||||
]; | |||||
if (!YII_ENV_TEST) { | |||||
// configuration adjustments for 'dev' environment | |||||
$config['bootstrap'][] = 'debug'; | |||||
$config['modules']['debug'] = 'yii\debug\Module'; | |||||
$config['bootstrap'][] = 'gii'; | |||||
$config['modules']['gii'] = 'yii\gii\Module'; | |||||
} | |||||
return $config; |
<?php | |||||
return [ | |||||
]; |
$server_name = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] ; | $server_name = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] ; | ||||
Yii::setAlias('@domainName', (YII_ENV === 'dev') ? (($server_name == 'localhost') ? 'localhost' : 'laboiteapain-dev.net') : 'laboiteapain.net'); | Yii::setAlias('@domainName', (YII_ENV === 'dev') ? (($server_name == 'localhost') ? 'localhost' : 'laboiteapain-dev.net') : 'laboiteapain.net'); | ||||
Yii::setAlias('@baseUrl', ($server_name == 'localhost') ? '/reservation_pain/' : '/'); | |||||
Yii::setAlias('@baseUrl', ($server_name == 'localhost') ? '/laboiteapain/' : '/'); | |||||
Yii::setAlias('@baseUrlFrontend', (($server_name == 'localhost') ? '/frontend/web' : '')); | Yii::setAlias('@baseUrlFrontend', (($server_name == 'localhost') ? '/frontend/web' : '')); | ||||
Yii::setAlias('@baseUrlBackend', (($server_name == 'localhost') ? '/backend/web' : '')); | Yii::setAlias('@baseUrlBackend', (($server_name == 'localhost') ? '/backend/web' : '')); | ||||
Yii::setAlias('@baseUrlProducer', (($server_name == 'localhost') ? '/producer/web' : '')); | Yii::setAlias('@baseUrlProducer', (($server_name == 'localhost') ? '/producer/web' : '')); |
<?php | |||||
/** | |||||
* @link http://www.yiiframework.com/ | |||||
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Yii Software LLC | |||||
* @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/ | |||||
*/ | |||||
namespace backend\assets; | |||||
use yii\web\AssetBundle; | |||||
use yii ; | |||||
/** | |||||
* @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com> | |||||
* @since 2.0 | |||||
*/ | |||||
class AppAsset extends AssetBundle | |||||
{ | |||||
public $basePath = '@webroot'; | |||||
public $baseUrl = '@web'; | |||||
public $css = []; | |||||
public $js = []; | |||||
public $depends = [ | |||||
'yii\bootstrap\BootstrapAsset', | |||||
'yii\web\YiiAsset', | |||||
]; | |||||
public function __construct() { | |||||
parent::__construct() ; | |||||
// css | |||||
$this->css[] = 'js/jquery-ui-1.12.1.custom/jquery-ui.min.css?v='.filemtime(Yii::getAlias('@app/web/js/jquery-ui-1.12.1.custom/jquery-ui.min.css')) ; | |||||
$this->css[] = 'js/jquery-ui-1.12.1.custom/jquery-ui.theme.min.css?v='.filemtime(Yii::getAlias('@app/web/js/jquery-ui-1.12.1.custom/jquery-ui.theme.min.css')) ; | |||||
$this->css[] = 'css/site.css?v='.filemtime(Yii::getAlias('@app/web/css/site.css')) ; | |||||
$this->css[] = 'css/screen.css?v='.filemtime(Yii::getAlias('@app/web/css/screen.css')) ; | |||||
// js | |||||
$this->js[] = 'js/jquery-ui-1.12.1.custom/jquery-ui.min.js?v='.filemtime(Yii::getAlias('@app/web/js/jquery-ui-1.12.1.custom/jquery-ui.min.js')) ; | |||||
$this->js[] = 'js/lechatdesnoisettes.js?v='.filemtime(Yii::getAlias('@app/web/js/lechatdesnoisettes.js')) ; | |||||
} | |||||
} |
main-local.php | |||||
params-local.php |
<?php |
<?php | |||||
$params = array_merge( | |||||
require(__DIR__ . '/../../common/config/params.php'), | |||||
require(__DIR__ . '/../../common/config/params-local.php'), | |||||
require(__DIR__ . '/params.php'), | |||||
require(__DIR__ . '/params-local.php') | |||||
); | |||||
return [ | |||||
'id' => 'app-backend', | |||||
'basePath' => dirname(__DIR__), | |||||
'controllerNamespace' => 'backend\controllers', | |||||
'defaultRoute' => 'site/index', | |||||
'bootstrap' => ['log'], | |||||
'modules' => [], | |||||
'components' => [ | |||||
'user' => [ | |||||
'identityClass' => 'common\models\User', | |||||
'enableAutoLogin' => true, | |||||
], | |||||
'log' => [ | |||||
'traceLevel' => YII_DEBUG ? 3 : 0, | |||||
'targets' => [ | |||||
[ | |||||
'class' => 'yii\log\FileTarget', | |||||
'levels' => ['error', 'warning'], | |||||
], | |||||
], | |||||
], | |||||
'errorHandler' => [ | |||||
'errorAction' => 'site/error', | |||||
], | |||||
], | |||||
'params' => $params, | |||||
]; |
<?php | |||||
return [ | |||||
'adminEmail' => 'contact@laboiteapain.net', | |||||
]; |
<?php | |||||
namespace backend\controllers; | |||||
class BackendController extends \common\controllers\CommonController { | |||||
} | |||||
?> |
<?php | |||||
namespace backend\controllers; | |||||
class CommandeautoController extends BackendController { | |||||
var $enableCsrfValidation = false; | |||||
public function behaviors() { | |||||
return [ | |||||
'access' => [ | |||||
'class' => AccessControl::className(), | |||||
'rules' => [ | |||||
[ | |||||
'allow' => true, | |||||
'roles' => ['@'], | |||||
'matchCallback' => function ($rule, $action) { | |||||
return Yii::$app->user->identity->status == USER::STATUS_ADMIN || Yii::$app->user->identity->status == USER::STATUS_BOULANGER; | |||||
} | |||||
] | |||||
], | |||||
], | |||||
]; | |||||
} | |||||
public function actionIndex() { | |||||
$dataProvider = new ActiveDataProvider([ | |||||
'query' => CommandeAuto::find() | |||||
->with(['user', 'etablissement', 'pointVente', 'commandeAutoProduit']) | |||||
->joinWith(['user']) | |||||
->where(['commande_auto.id_etablissement' => Yii::$app->user->identity->id_etablissement]) | |||||
->orderBy('commande_auto.id_point_vente ASC, CASE `commande_auto`.`username` WHEN "" THEN `user`.`nom` ELSE `commande_auto`.`username` END ASC'), | |||||
'pagination' => [ | |||||
'pageSize' => 1000, | |||||
], | |||||
]); | |||||
return $this->render('index', [ | |||||
'dataProvider' => $dataProvider | |||||
]); | |||||
} | |||||
public function actionCreate() { | |||||
// form | |||||
$model = new CommandeAutoForm; | |||||
$model->id_etablissement = Yii::$app->user->identity->id_etablissement; | |||||
// produits | |||||
$produits = Produit::find() | |||||
->where(['id_etablissement' => $model->id_etablissement]) | |||||
->orderBy('order ASC') | |||||
->all(); | |||||
if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post()) && $model->validate() && $model->save()) { | |||||
$this->redirect(['commandeauto/index']); | |||||
} | |||||
return $this->render('create', [ | |||||
'model' => $model, | |||||
'produits' => $produits | |||||
]); | |||||
} | |||||
public function actionUpdate($id) { | |||||
// form | |||||
$model = new CommandeAutoForm; | |||||
$commandeauto = CommandeAuto::findOne($id); | |||||
if ($commandeauto) { | |||||
$model->id = $id; | |||||
$model->id_etablissement = $commandeauto->id_etablissement; | |||||
$model->id_user = $commandeauto->id_user; | |||||
$model->username = $commandeauto->username; | |||||
$model->id_point_vente = $commandeauto->id_point_vente; | |||||
$model->date_debut = date('d/m/Y', strtotime($commandeauto->date_debut)); | |||||
if (strlen($commandeauto->date_fin)) | |||||
$model->date_fin = date('d/m/Y', strtotime($commandeauto->date_fin)); | |||||
$model->lundi = $commandeauto->lundi; | |||||
$model->lundi = $commandeauto->lundi; | |||||
$model->mardi = $commandeauto->mardi; | |||||
$model->mercredi = $commandeauto->mercredi; | |||||
$model->jeudi = $commandeauto->jeudi; | |||||
$model->vendredi = $commandeauto->vendredi; | |||||
$model->samedi = $commandeauto->samedi; | |||||
$model->dimanche = $commandeauto->dimanche; | |||||
$model->paiement_automatique = $commandeauto->paiement_automatique; | |||||
$model->periodicite_semaine = $commandeauto->periodicite_semaine; | |||||
// produits | |||||
$commandeauto_produits = CommandeAutoProduit::find()->where(['id_commande_auto' => $model->id])->all(); | |||||
foreach ($commandeauto_produits as $commandeauto_produit) { | |||||
$model->produits['produit_' . $commandeauto_produit->id_produit] = $commandeauto_produit->quantite; | |||||
} | |||||
} else { | |||||
throw new NotFoundHttpException('La commande récurrente est introuvable.', 404); | |||||
} | |||||
// produits | |||||
$produits = Produit::find() | |||||
->where(['id_etablissement' => $model->id_etablissement]) | |||||
->orderBy('order ASC') | |||||
->all(); | |||||
if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post()) && $model->validate()) { | |||||
if (!strlen($model->date_fin)) { | |||||
$model->date_fin = null; | |||||
} | |||||
if ($model->save()) { | |||||
$this->redirect(['commandeauto/index']); | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
return $this->render('update', [ | |||||
'model' => $model, | |||||
'produits' => $produits | |||||
]); | |||||
} | |||||
public function actionDelete($id) { | |||||
CommandeAutoProduit::deleteAll(['id_commande_auto' => $id]); | |||||
CommandeAuto::findOne($id)->delete(); | |||||
$this->redirect(['commandeauto/index']); | |||||
} | |||||
} |
<?php | |||||
namespace backend\controllers; | |||||
/** | |||||
* UserController implements the CRUD actions for User model. | |||||
*/ | |||||
class CommuniquerController extends BackendController { | |||||
public function behaviors() { | |||||
return [ | |||||
'verbs' => [ | |||||
'class' => VerbFilter::className(), | |||||
'actions' => [ | |||||
'delete' => ['post'], | |||||
], | |||||
], | |||||
'access' => [ | |||||
'class' => AccessControl::className(), | |||||
'rules' => [ | |||||
[ | |||||
'allow' => true, | |||||
'roles' => ['@'], | |||||
'matchCallback' => function ($rule, $action) { | |||||
return Yii::$app->user->identity->status == USER::STATUS_ADMIN || Yii::$app->user->identity->status == USER::STATUS_BOULANGER; | |||||
} | |||||
] | |||||
], | |||||
], | |||||
]; | |||||
} | |||||
public function actionIndex() { | |||||
$etablissement = Etablissement::findOne(['id' => Yii::$app->user->identity->id_etablissement]); | |||||
return $this->render('index', [ | |||||
'etablissement' => $etablissement, | |||||
]); | |||||
} | |||||
public function actionModeemploi() { | |||||
$etablissement = Etablissement::findOne(['id' => Yii::$app->user->identity->id_etablissement]); | |||||
// get your HTML raw content without any layouts or scripts | |||||
$content = $this->renderPartial('mode_emploi_multi', [ | |||||
'pdf' => true, | |||||
'etablissement' => $etablissement | |||||
]); | |||||
$pdf = new Pdf([ | |||||
// set to use core fonts only | |||||
'mode' => Pdf::MODE_UTF8, | |||||
// A4 paper format | |||||
'format' => Pdf::FORMAT_A4, | |||||
// portrait orientation | |||||
'orientation' => Pdf::ORIENT_PORTRAIT, | |||||
// stream to browser inline | |||||
'destination' => Pdf::DEST_BROWSER, | |||||
// your html content input | |||||
'content' => $content, | |||||
'marginRight' => 0, | |||||
'marginLeft' => 0, | |||||
'marginTop' => 0, | |||||
'marginBottom' => 0, | |||||
// format content from your own css file if needed or use the | |||||
// enhanced bootstrap css built by Krajee for mPDF formatting | |||||
//'cssFile' => '@vendor/kartik-v/yii2-mpdf/assets/kv-mpdf-bootstrap.min.css', | |||||
'cssFile' => '@app/web/css/screen.css', | |||||
// any css to be embedded if required | |||||
//'cssInline' => '.kv-heading-1{font-size:18px}', | |||||
// set mPDF properties on the fly | |||||
//'options' => ['title' => 'Krajee Report Title'], | |||||
// call mPDF methods on the fly | |||||
/* 'methods' => [ | |||||
'SetHeader'=>['Commandes du '.$date_str], | |||||
'SetFooter'=>['{PAGENO}'], | |||||
] */ | |||||
]); | |||||
// return the pdf output as per the destination setting | |||||
return $pdf->render(); | |||||
} | |||||
} |
<?php | |||||
namespace backend\controllers; | |||||
use Yii; | |||||
use common\models\User; | |||||
use yii\data\ActiveDataProvider; | |||||
use yii\web\Controller; | |||||
use yii\web\NotFoundHttpException; | |||||
use yii\filters\VerbFilter; | |||||
use yii\filters\AccessControl; | |||||
use kartik\mpdf\Pdf; | |||||
use common\models\Etablissement; | |||||
use common\models\Commande; | |||||
use common\models\CommandeAuto; | |||||
use common\models\Production; | |||||
/** | |||||
* UserController implements the CRUD actions for User model. | |||||
*/ | |||||
class CronController extends BackendController { | |||||
public function behaviors() { | |||||
return [ | |||||
'verbs' => [ | |||||
'class' => VerbFilter::className(), | |||||
'actions' => [ | |||||
'delete' => ['post'], | |||||
], | |||||
], | |||||
'access' => [ | |||||
'class' => AccessControl::className(), | |||||
'rules' => [ | |||||
[ | |||||
'allow' => true, | |||||
'roles' => ['?'], | |||||
] | |||||
], | |||||
], | |||||
]; | |||||
} | |||||
public function actionInitBddDemo($key = '') { | |||||
if ($key == '45432df6e842ac71aa0b5bb6b9f25d44' && YII_ENV == 'demo') { | |||||
$arr_noms = [ | |||||
'Martin', 'Bernard', 'Thomas', 'Petit', 'Robert', 'Richard', 'Durand', 'Dubois', | |||||
'Moreau', 'Laurent', 'Simon', 'Michel', 'Lefebvre', 'Leroy', 'Roux', 'David', | |||||
'Bertrand', 'Morel', 'Fournier', 'Girard', 'Bonnet', 'Dupont', 'Lambert', 'Fontaine', | |||||
'Rousseau', 'Vincent', 'Muller', 'Lefevre', 'Faure', 'Andre', 'Mercier', 'Blanc', 'Guerin', | |||||
'Boyer', 'Garnier', 'Chevalier', 'François', 'Legrand', 'Gauthier', 'Garcia', 'Perrin', | |||||
'Robin', 'Clement', 'Morin', 'Nicolas', 'Henry', 'Roussel', 'Mathieu', 'Gautier', 'Masson', | |||||
'Marchand', 'Duval', 'Denis', 'Dumont', 'Marie', 'Lemaire', 'Noël', 'Meyer', 'Dufour', | |||||
'Meunier', 'Brun', 'Blanchard', 'Giraud', 'Joly', 'Rivière', 'Lucas', 'Brunet', 'Gaillard', 'Barbier', | |||||
'Arnaud', 'Martinez', 'Gerard', 'Roche', 'Renard', 'Schmitt', 'Roy', 'Leroux', 'Colin', 'Vidal', | |||||
'Caron', 'Picard', 'Roger', 'Fabre', 'Aubert', 'Lemoine', 'Renaud', 'Dumas', 'Lacroix', 'Olivier', | |||||
'Philippe', 'Bourgeois', 'Pierre', 'Benoit', 'Rey', 'Leclerc', 'Payet', 'Rolland', 'Lecomte', 'Lopez', | |||||
'Jean', 'Dupuis', 'Guillot', 'Hubert', 'Berger', 'Carpentier', 'Sanchez', 'Dupuis', 'Moulin', | |||||
'Louis', 'Deschamps', 'Huet', 'Vasseur', 'Perez', 'Trouillot', 'Fusillier', 'Massenot', 'Boucher', 'Fleury', | |||||
'Royer', 'Klein', 'Jacquet', 'Jaquin', 'Adam', 'Paris', 'Poirier', 'Aubry', 'Guyot', 'Carré', 'Charles', | |||||
'Charpentier', 'Menard', 'Bailly', 'Bertin', 'Le Gall', 'Collet', 'Leger', 'Bouvier', 'Millet', 'Daniel', | |||||
'Langlois', 'Pelletier', 'Perrier', 'Leblanc', 'Lebrun', 'Monnier', 'Michaud', 'Laporte', 'Carlier', | |||||
'Pasquier', 'Delaunay', 'Lamy', 'Gilbert', 'Lejeune', 'Pichon', 'Cordier', 'Barthelemy', 'Perret', 'Reynaud', | |||||
'Humbert', 'Marechal', 'Bernard', 'Lemaitre', 'Gay', 'Bouchet', 'Da Silva', 'Chauvin', 'Chevalier', 'Tessier', | |||||
'Poulain', 'Girondin', 'Gillet', 'Guichard' | |||||
]; | |||||
$arr_prenoms = [ | |||||
'Adel', 'Antonin', 'Armand', 'Arnaud', 'Aymeric', 'Baptiste', 'Barnabé', 'Bernard', 'Brice', 'Baudouin', | |||||
'Camille', 'Cassandre', 'Célestin', 'Christian', 'Clément', 'Cyril', 'Claude', 'Damien', 'Daniel', 'David', | |||||
'Delphin', 'Denis', 'Didier', 'Dimitri', 'Dorothée', 'Désiré', 'Edgard', 'Etienne', 'Eugène', 'Eudes', 'Eric', | |||||
'Fabien', 'Fabrice', 'Flavien', 'Florent', 'Francois', 'Frédéric', 'Gabin', 'Gabriel', 'Gautier', 'Gilles', 'Guy', | |||||
'Hervé', 'Huvert', 'Hugues', 'Hector', 'Jacques', 'Jason', 'Jean', 'Jeannot', 'Johan', 'Julien', 'Léon', 'Lionel', 'Loïc', | |||||
'Lucas', 'Luc', 'Lucien', 'Maurice', 'Maxence', 'Maxime', 'Michel', 'Morgan', 'Nicolas', 'Normand', 'Norbert', 'Olivier,', | |||||
'Pascal', 'Patrice', 'Pierrick', 'Raphael', 'Roland', 'Stéphane', 'Sylvain', 'Sylvestre', 'Timothée', 'Thomas', 'Tristan', | |||||
'Ulysse', 'Vincent', 'Victor', 'Vivien', | |||||
'Adeline', 'Albane', 'Alix', 'Amélie', 'Arielle', 'Aurelle', 'Blandine', 'Blanche', 'Brigitte', 'Berthe', 'Camille', 'Capucine', | |||||
'Catherine', 'Cécile', 'Charlotte', 'Chloé', 'Claudine', 'Clémenence', 'Constance', 'Cyrielle', 'Corinne', 'Danielle', | |||||
'Delphine', 'Denise', 'Dominique', 'Diane', 'Édith', 'Éliane', 'Éléonore', 'Émilie', 'Emmanuelle', 'Ève', 'Évelyne', | |||||
'Fanny', 'Flavie', 'Flore', 'Françoise', 'Gabrielle', 'Gaëlle', 'Geneviève', 'Georgette', 'Germaine', 'Gertrude', 'Gisèle', | |||||
'Gwenaëlle', 'Hélène', 'Héloïse', 'Henriette', 'Huguette', 'Inès', 'Isabelle', 'Jacqueline', 'Jeanne', 'Joëlle', 'Joséphine', | |||||
'Juliette', 'Justine', 'Julie', 'Laura', 'Laure', 'Léa', 'Léonie', 'Lucie', 'Lucienne', 'Lorraine', 'Lucille', 'Ludivine', 'Lydie', | |||||
'Margot', 'Marion', 'Marlène', 'Marthe', 'Mélodie', 'Monique', 'Noémie', 'Nadine', 'Nadège', 'Océane', 'Odette', 'Odile', 'Paulette', | |||||
'Rose', 'Roseline', 'Renée', 'Sabine', 'Sophie', 'Suzanne', 'Sylvie', 'Thérèse', | |||||
]; | |||||
$arr_noms_checked = []; | |||||
$arr_prenoms_checked = []; | |||||
$users = User::find() | |||||
->joinWith('userEtablissement') | |||||
->where('user_etablissement.id_etablissement = 1') | |||||
->all(); | |||||
foreach ($users as $u) { | |||||
if ($u->email != 'boulanger@laboiteapain.net') { | |||||
do { | |||||
$i_nom = rand(0, count($arr_noms) - 1); | |||||
$i_prenom = rand(0, count($arr_prenoms) - 1); | |||||
} while (isset($arr_noms_checked[$i_nom]) || isset($arr_prenoms_checked[$i_prenom])); | |||||
$arr_noms_checked[$i_nom] = true; | |||||
$arr_prenoms_checked[$i_prenom] = true; | |||||
$nom = $arr_noms[$i_nom]; | |||||
$prenom = $arr_prenoms[$i_prenom]; | |||||
$u->nom = $nom; | |||||
$u->prenom = $prenom; | |||||
$email = strtolower($prenom) . '.' . strtolower($nom) . '@yopmail.com'; | |||||
$email = htmlentities($email, ENT_NOQUOTES, 'utf-8'); | |||||
$email = preg_replace('#&([A-za-z])(?:acute|cedil|caron|circ|grave|orn|ring|slash|th|tilde|uml);#', '\1', $email); | |||||
$email = preg_replace('#&([A-za-z]{2})(?:lig);#', '\1', $email); // pour les ligatures e.g. 'œ' | |||||
$email = preg_replace('#&[^;]+;#', '', $email); // supprime les autres caractères | |||||
$email = str_replace(' ', '', $email); | |||||
$u->email = $email; | |||||
$u->telephone = '0600000000'; | |||||
} else { | |||||
/* | |||||
* Le hash du mot de passe en production est volontairement corrompu | |||||
* pour empêcher la connexion des utilisateurs via ce compte en prod. | |||||
* Lors de l'initialisation des utilisateurs sur l'espace de démo, | |||||
* on remet le bon hash pour que ce compte soit disponible. | |||||
*/ | |||||
$u->password_hash = '$2y$13$2D5T3Eo0pySmtlAuEGcfmOdTR5mleog8Y6YPGhop/ych6pbj6aN2y'; | |||||
} | |||||
$u->save(); | |||||
} | |||||
$commandes = Commande::find() | |||||
->where('username IS NOT NULL') | |||||
->all(); | |||||
foreach ($commandes as $c) { | |||||
$nom = $arr_noms[rand(0, count($arr_noms) - 1)]; | |||||
$prenom = $arr_prenoms[rand(0, count($arr_prenoms) - 1)]; | |||||
$c->username = $prenom . ' ' . $nom; | |||||
$c->save(); | |||||
} | |||||
$commandes_auto = CommandeAuto::find() | |||||
->where('username IS NOT NULL') | |||||
->all(); | |||||
foreach ($commandes_auto as $c) { | |||||
$nom = $arr_noms[rand(0, count($arr_noms) - 1)]; | |||||
$prenom = $arr_prenoms[rand(0, count($arr_prenoms) - 1)]; | |||||
$c->username = $prenom . ' ' . $nom; | |||||
$c->save(); | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
public function actionSendCommandes($key = '') { | |||||
if ($key == '64ac0bdab7e9f5e48c4d991ec5201d57') { | |||||
$heure = date('H'); | |||||
if ($heure == '00') { | |||||
$date = date('Y-m-d'); | |||||
} else { | |||||
$date = date('Y-m-d', time() + 24 * 60 * 60); | |||||
} | |||||
$etablissements = Etablissement::find()->all(); | |||||
foreach ($etablissements as $e) { | |||||
$production = Production::findOne([ | |||||
'date' => $date, | |||||
'actif' => 1, | |||||
'id_etablissement' => $e['id'], | |||||
]); | |||||
if ($production && $heure == $e['heure_limite_commande']) { | |||||
$commandes = Commande::find() | |||||
->with('commandeProduits', 'user') | |||||
->joinWith('production') | |||||
->where(['production.date' => $date]) | |||||
->andWhere(['production.id_etablissement' => $e['id']]) | |||||
->orderBy('date ASC') | |||||
->all(); | |||||
$user = User::findOne([ | |||||
'id_etablissement' => $e['id'], | |||||
'status' => User::STATUS_BOULANGER | |||||
]); | |||||
$mail = Yii::$app->mailer->compose( | |||||
[ | |||||
'html' => 'cronRecapCommandes-html', | |||||
'text' => 'cronRecapCommandes-text', | |||||
], [ | |||||
'date' => $date, | |||||
'commandes' => $commandes | |||||
] | |||||
) | |||||
->setTo($user->email) | |||||
->setFrom([Yii::$app->params['adminEmail'] => 'La boîte à pain']); | |||||
if (count($commandes)) { | |||||
$sujet = '[La boîte à pain] Commandes du ' . date('d/m', strtotime($date)); | |||||
// génération du pdf de commande | |||||
Yii::$app->runAction('commande/report-cron', [ | |||||
'date' => $date, | |||||
'save' => true, | |||||
'id_etablissement' => $e['id'], | |||||
'key' => '64ac0bdab7e9f5e48c4d991ec5201d57' | |||||
]); | |||||
$mail->attach(Yii::getAlias('@app/web/pdf/Commandes-' . $date . '-' . $e['id'] . '.pdf')); | |||||
} else { | |||||
$sujet = '[La boîte à pain] Aucune commande'; | |||||
} | |||||
$mail->setSubject($sujet) | |||||
->send(); | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
} |
<?php | |||||
namespace backend\controllers; | |||||
use Yii; | |||||
use common\models\User; | |||||
use common\models\Developpement; | |||||
use common\models\DeveloppementPriorite; | |||||
use yii\data\ActiveDataProvider; | |||||
use yii\web\Controller; | |||||
use yii\web\NotFoundHttpException; | |||||
use yii\filters\VerbFilter; | |||||
use yii\filters\AccessControl; | |||||
/** | |||||
* DeveloppementController implements the CRUD actions for Developpement model. | |||||
*/ | |||||
class DeveloppementController extends Controller { | |||||
/** | |||||
* @inheritdoc | |||||
*/ | |||||
public function behaviors() { | |||||
return [ | |||||
'access' => [ | |||||
'class' => AccessControl::className(), | |||||
'rules' => [ | |||||
[ | |||||
'allow' => true, | |||||
'roles' => ['@'], | |||||
'matchCallback' => function ($rule, $action) { | |||||
return Yii::$app->user->identity->status == USER::STATUS_ADMIN || Yii::$app->user->identity->status == USER::STATUS_BOULANGER; | |||||
} | |||||
] | |||||
], | |||||
], | |||||
]; | |||||
} | |||||
/** | |||||
* Lists all Developpement models. | |||||
* @return mixed | |||||
*/ | |||||
public function actionIndex($statut = Developpement::STATUT_OPEN) { | |||||
$dataProvider = new ActiveDataProvider([ | |||||
'query' => Developpement::find()->with(['developpementPriorite', 'developpementPrioriteCurrentEtablissement'])->where(['statut' => $statut])->orderBy('date DESC'), | |||||
]); | |||||
return $this->render('index', [ | |||||
'dataProvider' => $dataProvider, | |||||
'statut' => $statut | |||||
]); | |||||
} | |||||
/** | |||||
* Creates a new Developpement model. | |||||
* If creation is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'view' page. | |||||
* @return mixed | |||||
*/ | |||||
public function actionCreate() { | |||||
$model = new Developpement(); | |||||
if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post())) { | |||||
$model->date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); | |||||
$model->setDateLivraison(); | |||||
if ($model->save()) { | |||||
Yii::$app->getSession()->setFlash('success', 'Développement ajouté'); | |||||
return $this->redirect(['index']); | |||||
} | |||||
} else { | |||||
return $this->render('create', [ | |||||
'model' => $model, | |||||
]); | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
/** | |||||
* Updates an existing Developpement model. | |||||
* If update is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'view' page. | |||||
* @param integer $id | |||||
* @return mixed | |||||
*/ | |||||
public function actionUpdate($id) { | |||||
$model = $this->findModel($id); | |||||
if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post())) { | |||||
$model->setDateLivraison(); | |||||
if ($model->save()) { | |||||
Yii::$app->getSession()->setFlash('success', 'Développement modifié'); | |||||
return $this->redirect(['index']); | |||||
} | |||||
} else { | |||||
return $this->render('update', [ | |||||
'model' => $model, | |||||
]); | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
/** | |||||
* Deletes an existing Developpement model. | |||||
* If deletion is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'index' page. | |||||
* @param integer $id | |||||
* @return mixed | |||||
*/ | |||||
public function actionDelete($id) { | |||||
$this->findModel($id)->delete(); | |||||
Yii::$app->getSession()->setFlash('success', 'Développement supprimé'); | |||||
return $this->redirect(['index']); | |||||
} | |||||
public function actionPriorite($id_developpement, $priorite = null) { | |||||
$developpement_priorite = DeveloppementPriorite::find() | |||||
->where(['id_developpement' => $id_developpement, 'id_etablissement' => Yii::$app->user->identity->id_etablissement]) | |||||
->one(); | |||||
if (in_array($priorite, [DeveloppementPriorite::PRIORITE_HAUTE, | |||||
DeveloppementPriorite::PRIORITE_NORMALE, | |||||
DeveloppementPriorite::PRIORITE_BASSE])) { | |||||
if ($developpement_priorite) { | |||||
$developpement_priorite->priorite = $priorite; | |||||
$developpement_priorite->id_etablissement = Yii::$app->user->identity->id_etablissement; | |||||
} else { | |||||
$developpement_priorite = new DeveloppementPriorite; | |||||
$developpement_priorite->id_developpement = $id_developpement; | |||||
$developpement_priorite->priorite = $priorite; | |||||
$developpement_priorite->id_etablissement = Yii::$app->user->identity->id_etablissement; | |||||
} | |||||
$developpement_priorite->save(); | |||||
} else { | |||||
if ($developpement_priorite) { | |||||
$developpement_priorite->delete(); | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
$this->redirect(['index']); | |||||
} | |||||
/** | |||||
* Finds the Developpement model based on its primary key value. | |||||
* If the model is not found, a 404 HTTP exception will be thrown. | |||||
* @param integer $id | |||||
* @return Developpement the loaded model | |||||
* @throws NotFoundHttpException if the model cannot be found | |||||
*/ | |||||
protected function findModel($id) { | |||||
if (($model = Developpement::findOne($id)) !== null) { | |||||
return $model; | |||||
} else { | |||||
throw new NotFoundHttpException('The requested page does not exist.'); | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
} |
<?php | |||||
namespace backend\controllers; | |||||
use Yii; | |||||
use common\models\User; | |||||
use yii\web\NotFoundHttpException; | |||||
use yii\filters\VerbFilter; | |||||
use yii\filters\AccessControl; | |||||
use common\helpers\Upload; | |||||
use common\models\Etablissement; | |||||
use yii\data\ActiveDataProvider; | |||||
use common\models\Facture; | |||||
/** | |||||
* UserController implements the CRUD actions for User model. | |||||
*/ | |||||
class EtablissementAdminController extends BackendController { | |||||
public function behaviors() { | |||||
return [ | |||||
'verbs' => [ | |||||
'class' => VerbFilter::className(), | |||||
'actions' => [ | |||||
'delete' => ['post'], | |||||
], | |||||
], | |||||
'access' => [ | |||||
'class' => AccessControl::className(), | |||||
'rules' => [ | |||||
[ | |||||
'allow' => true, | |||||
'roles' => ['@'], | |||||
'matchCallback' => function ($rule, $action) { | |||||
return Yii::$app->user->identity->status == USER::STATUS_ADMIN; | |||||
} | |||||
] | |||||
], | |||||
], | |||||
]; | |||||
} | |||||
public function actionIndex() { | |||||
$datas_etablissements = new ActiveDataProvider([ | |||||
'query' => Etablissement::find() | |||||
->with('userEtablissement', 'user') | |||||
->orderBy('date_creation DESC'), | |||||
'pagination' => [ | |||||
'pageSize' => 1000, | |||||
], | |||||
]); | |||||
return $this->render('index', [ | |||||
'datas_etablissements' => $datas_etablissements, | |||||
]); | |||||
} | |||||
public function actionFacturer($id_etablissement) { | |||||
$etablissement = Etablissement::findOne($id_etablissement); | |||||
if ($etablissement) { | |||||
$periode = date('Y-m', strtotime('-1 month')); | |||||
$last_facture = Facture::getLastFacture(); | |||||
if (!$last_facture) { | |||||
$reference = 'BAP000001'; | |||||
} else { | |||||
$reference = str_replace('BAP', '', $last_facture->reference); | |||||
$reference ++; | |||||
$reference = 'BAP' . $reference; | |||||
} | |||||
$facture = new Facture; | |||||
$facture->id_etablissement = $id_etablissement; | |||||
$facture->date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); | |||||
$facture->reference = $reference; | |||||
$facture->ca = $etablissement->getCA($periode); | |||||
$facture->montant_ht = $etablissement->getMontantFacturer($periode); | |||||
$facture->libelle = 'Facture ' . date('m/Y', strtotime('-1 month')); | |||||
$facture->texte = 'Utilisation de la plateforme <strong>La boîte à pain</strong> pour le mois : ' . date('m/Y', strtotime('-1 month')) . '<br />' | |||||
. 'Chiffre d\'affaire réalisé sur la plateforme : <strong>' . number_format($facture->ca, 2) . ' €</strong> commissionné à <strong>1%</strong>.'; | |||||
$facture->paye = 0; | |||||
$facture->periode = $periode; | |||||
$facture->save(); | |||||
} | |||||
$this->redirect(['etablissement-admin/index']); | |||||
} | |||||
public function actionFacturation() { | |||||
$datas_factures = new ActiveDataProvider([ | |||||
'query' => Facture::find() | |||||
->with('etablissement') | |||||
->orderBy('reference DESC'), | |||||
'pagination' => [ | |||||
'pageSize' => 1000, | |||||
], | |||||
]); | |||||
return $this->render('facturation', [ | |||||
'datas_factures' => $datas_factures, | |||||
]); | |||||
} | |||||
protected function findModel($id) { | |||||
if (($model = Etablissement::findOne($id)) !== null) { | |||||
return $model; | |||||
} else { | |||||
throw new NotFoundHttpException('The requested page does not exist.'); | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
} |
<?php | |||||
namespace backend\controllers; | |||||
use Yii; | |||||
use common\models\User; | |||||
use backend\models\MailForm; | |||||
use yii\data\ActiveDataProvider; | |||||
use yii\web\Controller; | |||||
use yii\web\NotFoundHttpException; | |||||
use yii\filters\VerbFilter; | |||||
use yii\filters\AccessControl; | |||||
use common\helpers\Upload; | |||||
use common\models\Etablissement; | |||||
use common\models\Facture; | |||||
/** | |||||
* UserController implements the CRUD actions for User model. | |||||
*/ | |||||
class EtablissementController extends BackendController { | |||||
public function behaviors() { | |||||
return [ | |||||
'verbs' => [ | |||||
'class' => VerbFilter::className(), | |||||
'actions' => [ | |||||
'delete' => ['post'], | |||||
], | |||||
], | |||||
'access' => [ | |||||
'class' => AccessControl::className(), | |||||
'rules' => [ | |||||
[ | |||||
'allow' => true, | |||||
'roles' => ['@'], | |||||
'matchCallback' => function ($rule, $action) { | |||||
return Yii::$app->user->identity->status == USER::STATUS_ADMIN | |||||
|| Yii::$app->user->identity->status == USER::STATUS_BOULANGER; | |||||
} | |||||
] | |||||
], | |||||
], | |||||
]; | |||||
} | |||||
public function actionUpdate() { | |||||
$request = Yii::$app->request; | |||||
$model = $this->findModel(Yii::$app->user->identity->id_etablissement); | |||||
$logo_filename_old = $model->logo; | |||||
$photo_filename_old = $model->photo; | |||||
if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post()) && $model->save()) { | |||||
Upload::uploadFile($model, 'logo', $logo_filename_old); | |||||
Upload::uploadFile($model, 'photo', $photo_filename_old); | |||||
$delete_logo = $request->post('delete_logo', 0); | |||||
if ($delete_logo) { | |||||
$model->logo = ''; | |||||
$model->save(); | |||||
} | |||||
$delete_photo = $request->post('delete_photo', 0); | |||||
if ($delete_photo) { | |||||
$model->photo = ''; | |||||
$model->save(); | |||||
} | |||||
return $this->redirect(['update', 'id' => $model->id, 'edit_ok' => true]); | |||||
} else { | |||||
return $this->render('update', [ | |||||
'model' => $model, | |||||
]); | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
public function actionFacturation() { | |||||
$datas_factures = new ActiveDataProvider([ | |||||
'query' => Facture::find() | |||||
->where(['id_etablissement' => Yii::$app->user->identity->id_etablissement]) | |||||
->orderBy('reference DESC'), | |||||
'pagination' => [ | |||||
'pageSize' => 1000, | |||||
], | |||||
]); | |||||
$etablissement = Etablissement::findOne(Yii::$app->user->identity->id_etablissement); | |||||
if ($etablissement->load(Yii::$app->request->post())) { | |||||
$etablissement->save(); | |||||
if (!is_null($etablissement->prix_libre)) | |||||
$alert_prix_libre = true; | |||||
} | |||||
return $this->render('facturation', [ | |||||
'datas_factures' => $datas_factures, | |||||
'etablissement' => $etablissement, | |||||
'alert_prix_libre' => (isset($alert_prix_libre)) ? true : false | |||||
]); | |||||
} | |||||
protected function findModel($id) { | |||||
if (($model = Etablissement::findOne($id)) !== null) { | |||||
return $model; | |||||
} else { | |||||
throw new NotFoundHttpException('The requested page does not exist.'); | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
} |
<?php | |||||
namespace backend\controllers; | |||||
use Yii; | |||||
use yii\filters\AccessControl; | |||||
use yii\data\ActiveDataProvider; | |||||
use yii\web\Controller; | |||||
use yii\web\NotFoundHttpException; | |||||
use yii\filters\VerbFilter; | |||||
use common\models\User; | |||||
use common\models\Etablissement; | |||||
use c006\paypal_ipn\PayPal_Ipn; | |||||
/** | |||||
* ProduitController implements the CRUD actions for Produit model. | |||||
*/ | |||||
class PaiementController extends BackendController { | |||||
var $enableCsrfValidation = false; | |||||
public function behaviors() { | |||||
return [ | |||||
'verbs' => [ | |||||
'class' => VerbFilter::className(), | |||||
'actions' => [ | |||||
], | |||||
], | |||||
'access' => [ | |||||
'class' => AccessControl::className(), | |||||
'rules' => [ | |||||
[ | |||||
'actions' => ['ipn'], | |||||
'allow' => true, | |||||
'roles' => ['?'], | |||||
], | |||||
[ | |||||
'allow' => true, | |||||
'roles' => ['@'], | |||||
'matchCallback' => function ($rule, $action) { | |||||
return Yii::$app->user->identity->status == USER::STATUS_ADMIN | |||||
|| Yii::$app->user->identity->status == USER::STATUS_BOULANGER; | |||||
} | |||||
] | |||||
], | |||||
], | |||||
]; | |||||
} | |||||
/** | |||||
* Lists all Produit models. | |||||
* @return mixed | |||||
*/ | |||||
public function actionIndex() { | |||||
return $this->render('index', [ | |||||
]); | |||||
} | |||||
public function actionAnnuler() { | |||||
return $this->render('annuler', [ | |||||
]); | |||||
} | |||||
public function actionSucces() { | |||||
return $this->render('succes', [ | |||||
]); | |||||
} | |||||
public function beforeAction($action) { | |||||
if (Yii::$app->controller->action->id == "ipn") | |||||
$this->enableCsrfValidation = false; | |||||
return parent::beforeAction($action); | |||||
} | |||||
public function actionIpn() { | |||||
if (isset($_POST)) { | |||||
$ipn = new PayPal_Ipn(false); | |||||
if ($ipn->init()) { | |||||
$custom = $ipn->getKeyValue('custom'); | |||||
$txn_type = $ipn->getKeyValue('txn_type'); | |||||
if ($txn_type == 'subscr_payment' && $custom) { | |||||
$user = User::findOne($custom); | |||||
if ($user) { | |||||
$etablissement = Etablissement::findOne($user->id_etablissement); | |||||
if ($etablissement) { | |||||
$etablissement->date_paiement = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()); | |||||
$etablissement->save(); | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
/* Enable again if you use it */ | |||||
Yii::$app->request->enableCsrfValidation = true; | |||||
} | |||||
} |
<?php | |||||
namespace backend\controllers; | |||||
use Yii; | |||||
use yii\filters\AccessControl; | |||||
use common\models\PointVente; | |||||
use yii\data\ActiveDataProvider; | |||||
use yii\web\Controller; | |||||
use yii\web\NotFoundHttpException; | |||||
use yii\filters\VerbFilter; | |||||
use common\models\User; | |||||
use common\models\PointVenteUser; | |||||
/** | |||||
* PointVenteController implements the CRUD actions for PointVente model. | |||||
*/ | |||||
class PointVenteController extends BackendController { | |||||
public function behaviors() { | |||||
return [ | |||||
'verbs' => [ | |||||
'class' => VerbFilter::className(), | |||||
'actions' => [ | |||||
], | |||||
], | |||||
'access' => [ | |||||
'class' => AccessControl::className(), | |||||
'rules' => [ | |||||
[ | |||||
'allow' => true, | |||||
'roles' => ['@'], | |||||
'matchCallback' => function ($rule, $action) { | |||||
return Yii::$app->user->identity->status == USER::STATUS_ADMIN | |||||
|| Yii::$app->user->identity->status == USER::STATUS_BOULANGER; | |||||
} | |||||
], | |||||
], | |||||
], | |||||
]; | |||||
} | |||||
/** | |||||
* Lists all PointVente models. | |||||
* @return mixed | |||||
*/ | |||||
public function actionIndex() { | |||||
$dataProvider = new ActiveDataProvider([ | |||||
'query' => PointVente::find()->where(['id_etablissement' => Yii::$app->user->identity->id_etablissement]) | |||||
]); | |||||
return $this->render('index', [ | |||||
'dataProvider' => $dataProvider, | |||||
]); | |||||
} | |||||
/** | |||||
* Displays a single PointVente model. | |||||
* @param integer $id | |||||
* @return mixed | |||||
*/ | |||||
public function actionView($id) { | |||||
return $this->render('view', [ | |||||
'model' => $this->findModel($id), | |||||
]); | |||||
} | |||||
/** | |||||
* Creates a new PointVente model. | |||||
* If creation is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'view' page. | |||||
* @return mixed | |||||
*/ | |||||
public function actionCreate() { | |||||
$model = new PointVente(); | |||||
if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post()) && $model->save()) { | |||||
$model->gestionPointFabrication(); | |||||
$model->gestionAccesRestreint(); | |||||
return $this->redirect(['index']); | |||||
} else { | |||||
return $this->render('update', array_merge($this->initForm(), [ | |||||
'model' => $model, | |||||
])); | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
/** | |||||
* Updates an existing PointVente model. | |||||
* If update is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'view' page. | |||||
* @param integer $id | |||||
* @return mixed | |||||
*/ | |||||
public function actionUpdate($id) { | |||||
$model = PointVente::find() | |||||
->with('pointVenteUser') | |||||
->where(['id' => $id]) | |||||
->one(); | |||||
foreach ($model->pointVenteUser as $u) { | |||||
$model->users[] = $u->id_user; | |||||
$model->users_commentaire[$u->id_user] = $u->commentaire; | |||||
} | |||||
if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post()) && $model->save()) { | |||||
$model->gestionPointFabrication(); | |||||
$model->gestionAccesRestreint(); | |||||
return $this->redirect(['index']); | |||||
} else { | |||||
return $this->render('update', array_merge($this->initForm($id), [ | |||||
'model' => $model, | |||||
])); | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
public function initForm($id = 0) { | |||||
$users = User::findBy() | |||||
->orderBy('nom ASC') | |||||
->all(); | |||||
return [ | |||||
'users' => $users | |||||
]; | |||||
} | |||||
/** | |||||
* Deletes an existing PointVente model. | |||||
* If deletion is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'index' page. | |||||
* @param integer $id | |||||
* @return mixed | |||||
*/ | |||||
public function actionDelete($id) { | |||||
$this->findModel($id)->delete(); | |||||
PointVenteUser::deleteAll(['id_point_vente' => $id]); | |||||
return $this->redirect(['index']); | |||||
} | |||||
/** | |||||
* Finds the PointVente model based on its primary key value. | |||||
* If the model is not found, a 404 HTTP exception will be thrown. | |||||
* @param integer $id | |||||
* @return PointVente the loaded model | |||||
* @throws NotFoundHttpException if the model cannot be found | |||||
*/ | |||||
protected function findModel($id) { | |||||
if (($model = PointVente::findOne($id)) !== null) { | |||||
return $model; | |||||
} else { | |||||
throw new NotFoundHttpException('The requested page does not exist.'); | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
} |
<?php | |||||
namespace backend\controllers; | |||||
use common\models\ProductionProduit; | |||||
use Yii; | |||||
use yii\filters\AccessControl; | |||||
use common\models\Produit; | |||||
use common\models\Production; | |||||
use common\models\User; | |||||
use common\models\UserBoulangerie; | |||||
use yii\data\ActiveDataProvider; | |||||
use yii\web\Controller; | |||||
use yii\web\NotFoundHttpException; | |||||
use yii\filters\VerbFilter; | |||||
use yii\web\UploadedFile; | |||||
use common\helpers\Upload; | |||||
/** | |||||
* ProduitController implements the CRUD actions for Produit model. | |||||
*/ | |||||
class ProduitController extends BackendController { | |||||
var $enableCsrfValidation = false; | |||||
public function behaviors() { | |||||
return [ | |||||
'verbs' => [ | |||||
'class' => VerbFilter::className(), | |||||
'actions' => [ | |||||
], | |||||
], | |||||
'access' => [ | |||||
'class' => AccessControl::className(), | |||||
'rules' => [ | |||||
[ | |||||
'allow' => true, | |||||
'roles' => ['@'], | |||||
'matchCallback' => function ($rule, $action) { | |||||
return Yii::$app->user->identity->status == USER::STATUS_ADMIN | |||||
|| Yii::$app->user->identity->status == USER::STATUS_BOULANGER; | |||||
} | |||||
] | |||||
], | |||||
], | |||||
]; | |||||
} | |||||
/** | |||||
* Lists all Produit models. | |||||
* @return mixed | |||||
*/ | |||||
public function actionIndex() { | |||||
$dataProvider = new ActiveDataProvider([ | |||||
'query' => Produit::find() | |||||
->where('(vrac IS NULL OR vrac = 0)') | |||||
->andWhere(['id_etablissement' => Yii::$app->user->identity->id_etablissement]) | |||||
->orderBy('order ASC'), | |||||
'pagination' => [ | |||||
'pageSize' => 1000, | |||||
], | |||||
]); | |||||
return $this->render('index', [ | |||||
'dataProvider' => $dataProvider, | |||||
]); | |||||
} | |||||
/** | |||||
* Displays a single Produit model. | |||||
* @param integer $id | |||||
* @return mixed | |||||
*/ | |||||
public function actionView($id) { | |||||
return $this->render('view', [ | |||||
'model' => $this->findModel($id), | |||||
]); | |||||
} | |||||
/** | |||||
* Creates a new Produit model. | |||||
* If creation is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'view' page. | |||||
* @return mixed | |||||
*/ | |||||
public function actionCreate() { | |||||
$model = new Produit(); | |||||
$model->actif = 1; | |||||
$model->id_etablissement = Yii::$app->user->identity->id_etablissement; | |||||
$model->saison = 'all'; | |||||
if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post()) && $model->save()) { | |||||
Upload::uploadFile($model, 'illustration'); | |||||
Upload::uploadFile($model, 'photo'); | |||||
$model->save(); | |||||
// on ajoute un enregistrement ProductionProduit pour chaque production | |||||
$productions = Production::find() | |||||
->where('date > ' . date('Y-m-d')) | |||||
->andWhere(['id_etablissement' => Yii::$app->user->identity->id_etablissement]) | |||||
->all(); | |||||
foreach ($productions as $prod) { | |||||
$production_produit = new ProductionProduit; | |||||
$production_produit->id_production = $prod->id; | |||||
$production_produit->id_produit = $model->id; | |||||
$production_produit->actif = 0; | |||||
$production_produit->save(); | |||||
} | |||||
return $this->redirect(['index']); | |||||
} else { | |||||
return $this->render('create', [ | |||||
'model' => $model, | |||||
]); | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
/** | |||||
* Updates an existing Produit model. | |||||
* If update is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'view' page. | |||||
* @param integer $id | |||||
* @return mixed | |||||
*/ | |||||
public function actionUpdate($id) { | |||||
$request = Yii::$app->request; | |||||
$model = $this->findModel($id); | |||||
$illustration_filename_old = $model->illustration; | |||||
$photo_filename_old = $model->photo; | |||||
if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post()) && $model->save()) { | |||||
Upload::uploadFile($model, 'illustration', $illustration_filename_old); | |||||
Upload::uploadFile($model, 'photo', $photo_filename_old); | |||||
$delete_illustration = $request->post('delete_illustration', 0); | |||||
if ($delete_illustration) { | |||||
$model->illustration = ''; | |||||
$model->save(); | |||||
} | |||||
$delete_photo = $request->post('delete_photo', 0); | |||||
if ($delete_photo) { | |||||
$model->photo = ''; | |||||
$model->save(); | |||||
} | |||||
return $this->redirect(['index']); | |||||
} else { | |||||
return $this->render('update', [ | |||||
'model' => $model, | |||||
]); | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
/** | |||||
* Deletes an existing Produit model. | |||||
* If deletion is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'index' page. | |||||
* @param integer $id | |||||
* @return mixed | |||||
*/ | |||||
public function actionDelete($id) { | |||||
$this->findModel($id)->delete(); | |||||
$productions_produits = ProductionProduit::find()->where(['id_produit' => $id])->all(); | |||||
foreach ($productions_produits as $pp) { | |||||
$pp->delete(); | |||||
} | |||||
return $this->redirect(['index']); | |||||
} | |||||
public function actionOrdre($tab) { | |||||
$tab_ordre = json_decode(stripslashes($tab)); | |||||
foreach ($tab_ordre as $id => $o) { | |||||
$produit = $this->findModel($id); | |||||
$produit->order = $o; | |||||
$produit->save(); | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
/** | |||||
* Finds the Produit model based on its primary key value. | |||||
* If the model is not found, a 404 HTTP exception will be thrown. | |||||
* @param integer $id | |||||
* @return Produit the loaded model | |||||
* @throws NotFoundHttpException if the model cannot be found | |||||
*/ | |||||
protected function findModel($id) { | |||||
if (($model = Produit::findOne($id)) !== null) { | |||||
return $model; | |||||
} else { | |||||
throw new NotFoundHttpException('The requested page does not exist.'); | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
} |
<?php | |||||
namespace backend\controllers; | |||||
use Yii; | |||||
use yii\filters\AccessControl; | |||||
use yii\web\Controller; | |||||
use common\models\LoginForm; | |||||
use common\models\User; | |||||
use yii\filters\VerbFilter; | |||||
use common\models\Produit; | |||||
use common\models\PointVente; | |||||
use common\models\Etablissement; | |||||
use common\models\Production; | |||||
use common\models\Commande; | |||||
/** | |||||
* Site controller | |||||
*/ | |||||
class SiteController extends BackendController { | |||||
/** | |||||
* @inheritdoc | |||||
*/ | |||||
public function behaviors() { | |||||
return [ | |||||
'access' => [ | |||||
'class' => AccessControl::className(), | |||||
'rules' => [ | |||||
[ | |||||
'actions' => ['login', 'error'], | |||||
'allow' => true, | |||||
], | |||||
[ | |||||
'actions' => ['logout', 'index'], | |||||
'allow' => true, | |||||
'roles' => ['@'], | |||||
'matchCallback' => function ($rule, $action) { | |||||
return Yii::$app->user->identity->status == USER::STATUS_ADMIN | |||||
|| Yii::$app->user->identity->status == USER::STATUS_BOULANGER; | |||||
} | |||||
], | |||||
[ | |||||
'actions' => ['change-etablissement'], | |||||
'allow' => true, | |||||
'roles' => ['@'], | |||||
'matchCallback' => function ($rule, $action) { | |||||
return Yii::$app->user->identity->status == USER::STATUS_ADMIN; | |||||
} | |||||
], | |||||
], | |||||
], | |||||
'verbs' => [ | |||||
'class' => VerbFilter::className(), | |||||
'actions' => [ | |||||
'logout' => ['post'], | |||||
], | |||||
], | |||||
]; | |||||
} | |||||
/** | |||||
* @inheritdoc | |||||
*/ | |||||
public function actions() { | |||||
return [ | |||||
'error' => [ | |||||
'class' => 'yii\web\ErrorAction', | |||||
], | |||||
]; | |||||
} | |||||
public function actionIndex() { | |||||
// commandes | |||||
$productions = Production::find() | |||||
->with('commande') | |||||
->where(['>=', 'production.date', date('Y-m-d')]) | |||||
->andWhere([ | |||||
'production.id_etablissement' => Yii::$app->user->identity->id_etablissement, | |||||
'production.actif' => 1 | |||||
]) | |||||
->orderBy('date ASC') | |||||
->limit(5) | |||||
->all(); | |||||
// dernières commandes | |||||
$commandes = Commande::findBy([ | |||||
'orderby' => 'date DESC', | |||||
'limit' => 15, | |||||
'condition' => 'production.date > \'' . date('Y-m-d 00:00:00') . '\' AND (type = \'' . Commande::TYPE_USER . '\' OR type = \'' . Commande::TYPE_ADMIN . '\')' | |||||
]); | |||||
foreach ($commandes as $c) | |||||
$c->init(); | |||||
// clients | |||||
$nb_clients = User::findBy()->count(); | |||||
$clients = User::findBy() | |||||
->orderBy('created_at DESC') | |||||
->limit(5) | |||||
->all(); | |||||
$clients_credit_pain_negatif = User::findBy(['id_etablissement' => Yii::$app->user->identity->id_etablissement]) | |||||
->andWhere('user_etablissement.credit < 0') | |||||
->all(); | |||||
// paramètres | |||||
$etablissement = Etablissement::findOne(Yii::$app->user->identity->id_etablissement); | |||||
return $this->render('index', [ | |||||
'productions' => $productions, | |||||
'commandes' => $commandes, | |||||
'clients' => $clients, | |||||
'nb_clients' => $nb_clients, | |||||
'clients_credit_pain_negatif' => $clients_credit_pain_negatif, | |||||
'etablissement' => $etablissement, | |||||
]); | |||||
} | |||||
public function actionLogin() { | |||||
if (!\Yii::$app->user->isGuest) { | |||||
return $this->goHome(); | |||||
} | |||||
$model = new LoginForm(); | |||||
if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post()) && $model->login()) { | |||||
return $this->goBack(); | |||||
} else { | |||||
return $this->render('login', [ | |||||
'model' => $model, | |||||
]); | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
public function actionLogout() { | |||||
Yii::$app->user->logout(); | |||||
return $this->goHome(); | |||||
} | |||||
public function actionChangeEtablissement($id) { | |||||
Yii::$app->user->identity->id_etablissement = $id; | |||||
Yii::$app->user->identity->save(); | |||||
$this->redirect(['site/index']); | |||||
} | |||||
} |
<?php | |||||
namespace backend\controllers; | |||||
use yii\web\Controller; | |||||
use yii\filters\AccessControl; | |||||
use Yii; | |||||
use common\models\User; | |||||
use common\models\Commande; | |||||
use DateTime; | |||||
use DateInterval; | |||||
use DatePeriod; | |||||
class StatsController extends BackendController { | |||||
public function behaviors() { | |||||
return [ | |||||
'access' => [ | |||||
'class' => AccessControl::className(), | |||||
'rules' => [ | |||||
[ | |||||
'allow' => true, | |||||
'roles' => ['@'], | |||||
'matchCallback' => function ($rule, $action) { | |||||
return Yii::$app->user->identity->status == USER::STATUS_ADMIN | |||||
|| Yii::$app->user->identity->status == USER::STATUS_BOULANGER; | |||||
} | |||||
] | |||||
], | |||||
], | |||||
]; | |||||
} | |||||
public function actionIndex() { | |||||
/* | |||||
* Volume de commande de l'année passée (par mois) | |||||
*/ | |||||
$date_start = date('Y-m-d', time() - 60 * 60 * 24 * 365); | |||||
$date_end = date('Y-m-d'); | |||||
$data_pain = []; | |||||
// labels | |||||
$data_labels = []; | |||||
$start = new DateTime($date_start); | |||||
$interval = new DateInterval('P1M'); | |||||
$end = new DateTime($date_end); | |||||
$period = new DatePeriod($start, $interval, $end); | |||||
foreach ($period as $date) { | |||||
$mois = date('m/Y', $date->getTimestamp()); | |||||
$data_labels[] = $mois; | |||||
$data_pain[$mois] = 0; | |||||
} | |||||
// commandes | |||||
$commandes = Commande::find() | |||||
->with('commandeProduits') | |||||
->joinWith('production') | |||||
->where('production.date > ' . $date_start) | |||||
->andWhere('production.id_etablissement = ' . Yii::$app->user->identity->id_etablissement) | |||||
->all(); | |||||
foreach ($commandes as $c) { | |||||
$c->init(); | |||||
$mois = date('m/Y', strtotime($c->production->date)); | |||||
if (isset($data_pain[$mois])) { | |||||
$data_pain[$mois] += $c->montant_pain; | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
// création d'un tableau sans index car chart.js n'accepte pas les index | |||||
$data_pain_noindex = []; | |||||
foreach ($data_pain as $key => $val) { | |||||
$data_pain_noindex[] = $val; | |||||
} | |||||
return $this->render('index', [ | |||||
'data_labels' => $data_labels, | |||||
'data_pain' => $data_pain_noindex, | |||||
]); | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
?> |
<?php | |||||
namespace backend\controllers; | |||||
/** | |||||
* UserController implements the CRUD actions for User model. | |||||
*/ | |||||
class UserController extends BackendController { | |||||
public function behaviors() { | |||||
return [ | |||||
'verbs' => [ | |||||
'class' => VerbFilter::className(), | |||||
'actions' => [ | |||||
'delete' => ['post'], | |||||
], | |||||
], | |||||
'access' => [ | |||||
'class' => AccessControl::className(), | |||||
'rules' => [ | |||||
[ | |||||
'allow' => true, | |||||
'roles' => ['@'], | |||||
'matchCallback' => function ($rule, $action) { | |||||
if ($action->actionMethod == 'actionIndex' || | |||||
$action->actionMethod == 'actionCreate' || | |||||
$action->actionMethod == 'actionUpdate' || | |||||
$action->actionMethod == 'actionCredit' || | |||||
$action->actionMethod == 'actionMail' || | |||||
$action->actionMethod == 'actionCommandes') { | |||||
return Yii::$app->user->identity->status == User::STATUS_ADMIN | |||||
|| Yii::$app->user->identity->status == User::STATUS_BOULANGER; | |||||
} else { | |||||
return Yii::$app->user->identity->status == User::STATUS_ADMIN; | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
] | |||||
], | |||||
], | |||||
]; | |||||
} | |||||
/** | |||||
* Lists all User models. | |||||
* @return mixed | |||||
*/ | |||||
public function actionIndex() { | |||||
$params = Yii::$app->request->queryParams; | |||||
$query = User::findBy($params); | |||||
$dataProvider = new ActiveDataProvider([ | |||||
'query' => $query | |||||
]); | |||||
$etablissement = Etablissement::find() | |||||
->where(['id' => Yii::$app->user->identity->id_etablissement]) | |||||
->one(); | |||||
return $this->render('index', [ | |||||
'dataProvider' => $dataProvider, | |||||
'etablissement' => $etablissement | |||||
]); | |||||
} | |||||
/** | |||||
* Displays a single User model. | |||||
* @param integer $id | |||||
* @return mixed | |||||
*/ | |||||
public function actionView($id) { | |||||
return $this->render('view', [ | |||||
'model' => $this->findModel($id), | |||||
]); | |||||
} | |||||
/** | |||||
* Creates a new User model. | |||||
* If creation is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'view' page. | |||||
* @return mixed | |||||
*/ | |||||
public function actionCreate() { | |||||
$model = new User(); | |||||
if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post()) && $model->validate() && YII_ENV != 'demo') { | |||||
// save use | |||||
$password = Password::generate(); | |||||
$model->setPassword($password); | |||||
$model->generateAuthKey(); | |||||
$model->username = $model->email; | |||||
$model->confiance = 1; | |||||
if (!strlen($model->email)) | |||||
$model->username = 'inconnu@laboiteapain.net'; | |||||
$model->save(); | |||||
// liaison etablissement / user | |||||
$user_etablissement = new UserEtablissement(); | |||||
$user_etablissement->id_user = $model->id; | |||||
$user_etablissement->id_etablissement = Yii::$app->user->identity->id_etablissement; | |||||
$user_etablissement->credit = 0; | |||||
$user_etablissement->actif = 1; | |||||
$user_etablissement->save(); | |||||
// send mail | |||||
if (strlen($model->email)) { | |||||
$etablissement = Etablissement::findOne(Yii::$app->user->identity->id_etablissement); | |||||
Yii::$app->mailer->compose(); | |||||
$mail = Yii::$app->mailer->compose( | |||||
['html' => 'createUserAdmin-html', 'text' => 'createUserAdmin-text'], ['user' => $model, 'etablissement' => $etablissement, 'password' => $password]) | |||||
->setTo($model->email) | |||||
->setFrom(['contact@laboiteapain.net' => 'La boîte à pain']) | |||||
->setSubject('[La boîte à pain] Inscription') | |||||
->send(); | |||||
} | |||||
return $this->redirect(['index']); | |||||
} else { | |||||
return $this->render('create', [ | |||||
'model' => $model, | |||||
]); | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
/** | |||||
* Updates an existing User model. | |||||
* If update is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'view' page. | |||||
* @param integer $id | |||||
* @return mixed | |||||
*/ | |||||
public function actionUpdate($id) { | |||||
$model = $this->findModel($id); | |||||
$user = User::find()->with('userEtablissement')->where(['id' => $model['id']])->one(); | |||||
$user_appartient_etablissement = UserEtablissement::findOne(['id_user' => $id, 'id_etablissement' => Yii::$app->user->identity->id_etablissement]); | |||||
if (($user_appartient_etablissement && count($user->userEtablissement) == 1) || Yii::$app->user->identity->status == USER::STATUS_ADMIN) { | |||||
if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post()) && $model->save()) { | |||||
return $this->redirect(['index']); | |||||
} else { | |||||
return $this->render('update', [ | |||||
'model' => $model, | |||||
]); | |||||
} | |||||
} else { | |||||
throw new UserException("Vous ne pouvez pas modifier cet utilisateur, soit parce qu'il appartient à plusieurs boulangeries, soit parce qu'il n'est pas lié à la votre."); | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
public function actionMail() { | |||||
$users = (new \yii\db\Query()) | |||||
->select('*') | |||||
->from('user, user_etablissement') | |||||
->where('user.id = user_etablissement.id_user') | |||||
->andWhere('user_etablissement.actif = 1') | |||||
->andWhere('user_etablissement.id_etablissement = ' . Yii::$app->user->identity->id_etablissement) | |||||
->all(); | |||||
$arr_users = []; | |||||
foreach ($users as $u) { | |||||
if (isset($u['email'])) | |||||
$arr_users[] = $u['email']; | |||||
} | |||||
return $this->render('liste_mails', [ | |||||
//'model' => $model, | |||||
'users' => $arr_users | |||||
]); | |||||
} | |||||
public function actionCredit($id) { | |||||
$user = User::find()->with('userEtablissement')->where(['id' => $id])->one(); | |||||
$user_etablissement = UserEtablissement::findOne(['id_user' => $id, 'id_etablissement' => Yii::$app->user->identity->id_etablissement]); | |||||
if (($user_etablissement) || Yii::$app->user->identity->status == USER::STATUS_ADMIN) { | |||||
$credit_form = new CreditForm; | |||||
if ($credit_form->load(Yii::$app->request->post()) && $credit_form->validate()) { | |||||
$credit_form->id_user = $id ; | |||||
$credit_form->save(); | |||||
$credit_form = new CreditForm; | |||||
} | |||||
$historique = CreditHistorique::find() | |||||
->with(['commande', 'userAction']) | |||||
->where([ | |||||
'id_user' => $user->id, | |||||
'id_etablissement' => Yii::$app->user->identity->id_etablissement, | |||||
]) | |||||
->orderBy('date DESC') | |||||
->all(); | |||||
return $this->render('credit', [ | |||||
'user' => $user, | |||||
'credit_form' => $credit_form, | |||||
'historique' => $historique | |||||
]); | |||||
} | |||||
else { | |||||
throw new UserException("Vous ne pouvez pas créditer un utilisateur qui n'est pas associé à votre boulangerie."); | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
public function actionCommandes($id) { | |||||
$user = User::findOne($id); | |||||
$commandes = Commande::find() | |||||
->with('commandeProduits', 'pointVente', 'creditHistorique') | |||||
->joinWith('production', 'production.etablissement') | |||||
->where([ | |||||
'id_user' => $id, | |||||
'production.id_etablissement' => Yii::$app->user->identity->id_etablissement | |||||
]) | |||||
->orderBy('production.date DESC') | |||||
->all(); | |||||
foreach ($commandes as $c) | |||||
$c->init(); | |||||
return $this->render('commandes', [ | |||||
'commandes' => $commandes, | |||||
'user' => $user | |||||
]); | |||||
} | |||||
/** | |||||
* Finds the User model based on its primary key value. | |||||
* If the model is not found, a 404 HTTP exception will be thrown. | |||||
* @param integer $id | |||||
* @return User the loaded model | |||||
* @throws NotFoundHttpException if the model cannot be found | |||||
*/ | |||||
protected function findModel($id) { | |||||
if (($model = User::findOne($id)) !== null) { | |||||
return $model; | |||||
} else { | |||||
throw new NotFoundHttpException('The requested page does not exist.'); | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
} |
<?php | |||||
namespace backend\controllers; | |||||
use common\models\ProductionProduit; | |||||
use Yii; | |||||
use yii\filters\AccessControl; | |||||
use common\models\Produit; | |||||
use common\models\Production; | |||||
use common\models\User; | |||||
use yii\data\ActiveDataProvider; | |||||
use yii\web\Controller; | |||||
use yii\web\NotFoundHttpException; | |||||
use yii\filters\VerbFilter; | |||||
use yii\web\UploadedFile; | |||||
/** | |||||
* ProduitController implements the CRUD actions for Produit model. | |||||
*/ | |||||
class VracController extends BackendController { | |||||
var $enableCsrfValidation = false; | |||||
public function behaviors() { | |||||
return [ | |||||
'verbs' => [ | |||||
'class' => VerbFilter::className(), | |||||
'actions' => [ | |||||
'delete' => ['post'], | |||||
], | |||||
], | |||||
'access' => [ | |||||
'class' => AccessControl::className(), | |||||
'rules' => [ | |||||
[ | |||||
'allow' => true, | |||||
'roles' => ['@'], | |||||
'matchCallback' => function ($rule, $action) { | |||||
return Yii::$app->user->identity->status == USER::STATUS_ADMIN | |||||
|| Yii::$app->user->identity->status == USER::STATUS_BOULANGER; | |||||
} | |||||
] | |||||
], | |||||
], | |||||
]; | |||||
} | |||||
/** | |||||
* Lists all Produit models. | |||||
* @return mixed | |||||
*/ | |||||
public function actionIndex() { | |||||
$dataProvider = new ActiveDataProvider([ | |||||
'query' => Produit::find()->where('vrac = 1')->orderBy('order ASC'), | |||||
]); | |||||
return $this->render('index', [ | |||||
'dataProvider' => $dataProvider, | |||||
]); | |||||
} | |||||
/** | |||||
* Displays a single Produit model. | |||||
* @param integer $id | |||||
* @return mixed | |||||
*/ | |||||
public function actionView($id) { | |||||
return $this->render('view', [ | |||||
'model' => $this->findModel($id), | |||||
]); | |||||
} | |||||
/** | |||||
* Creates a new Produit model. | |||||
* If creation is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'view' page. | |||||
* @return mixed | |||||
*/ | |||||
public function actionCreate() { | |||||
$model = new Produit(); | |||||
if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post()) && $model->save()) { | |||||
self::uploadFile($model, 'illustration'); | |||||
self::uploadFile($model, 'photo'); | |||||
$model->vrac = 1; | |||||
$model->lundi = 1; | |||||
$model->mardi = 1; | |||||
$model->mercredi = 1; | |||||
$model->jeudi = 1; | |||||
$model->vendredi = 1; | |||||
$model->samedi = 1; | |||||
$model->dimanche = 1; | |||||
$model->save(); | |||||
// on ajoute un enregistrement ProductionProduit pour chaque production | |||||
$productions = Production::find()->where('date > ' . date('Y-m-d'))->all(); | |||||
foreach ($productions as $prod) { | |||||
$production_produit = new ProductionProduit; | |||||
$production_produit->id_production = $prod->id; | |||||
$production_produit->id_produit = $model->id; | |||||
$production_produit->actif = 0; | |||||
$production_produit->save(); | |||||
} | |||||
return $this->redirect(['index']); | |||||
} else { | |||||
return $this->render('create', [ | |||||
'model' => $model, | |||||
]); | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
/** | |||||
* Updates an existing Produit model. | |||||
* If update is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'view' page. | |||||
* @param integer $id | |||||
* @return mixed | |||||
*/ | |||||
public function actionUpdate($id) { | |||||
$request = Yii::$app->request; | |||||
$model = $this->findModel($id); | |||||
$illustration_filename_old = $model->illustration; | |||||
$photo_filename_old = $model->photo; | |||||
if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post()) && $model->save()) { | |||||
self::uploadFile($model, 'illustration', $illustration_filename_old); | |||||
self::uploadFile($model, 'photo', $photo_filename_old); | |||||
$delete_illustration = $request->post('delete_illustration', 0); | |||||
if ($delete_illustration) { | |||||
$model->illustration = ''; | |||||
$model->save(); | |||||
} | |||||
$delete_photo = $request->post('delete_photo', 0); | |||||
if ($delete_photo) { | |||||
$model->photo = ''; | |||||
$model->save(); | |||||
} | |||||
return $this->redirect(['index']); | |||||
} else { | |||||
return $this->render('update', [ | |||||
'model' => $model, | |||||
]); | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
public static function uploadFile($model, $champs, $filename_old = '') { | |||||
$file = UploadedFile::getInstance($model, $champs); | |||||
if ($file) { | |||||
$file_name = $file->baseName . '-' . uniqid() . '.' . $file->extension; | |||||
$file->saveAs('../../frontend/web/uploads/' . $file_name); | |||||
$model->$champs = $file_name; | |||||
} else { | |||||
$model->$champs = $filename_old; | |||||
} | |||||
$model->save(); | |||||
} | |||||
/** | |||||
* Deletes an existing Produit model. | |||||
* If deletion is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'index' page. | |||||
* @param integer $id | |||||
* @return mixed | |||||
*/ | |||||
public function actionDelete($id) { | |||||
$this->findModel($id)->delete(); | |||||
$productions_produits = ProductionProduit::find()->where(['id_produit' => $id])->all(); | |||||
foreach ($productions_produits as $pp) { | |||||
$pp->delete(); | |||||
} | |||||
return $this->redirect(['index']); | |||||
} | |||||
/** | |||||
* Finds the Produit model based on its primary key value. | |||||
* If the model is not found, a 404 HTTP exception will be thrown. | |||||
* @param integer $id | |||||
* @return Produit the loaded model | |||||
* @throws NotFoundHttpException if the model cannot be found | |||||
*/ | |||||
protected function findModel($id) { | |||||
if (($model = Produit::findOne($id)) !== null) { | |||||
return $model; | |||||
} else { | |||||
throw new NotFoundHttpException('The requested page does not exist.'); | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
} |
* |
<?php | |||||
namespace backend\models; | |||||
use Yii; | |||||
use yii\base\Model; | |||||
use common\models\CreditHistorique ; | |||||
use common\models\User ; | |||||
use common\models\Etablissement ; | |||||
use common\models\UserEtablissement ; | |||||
use common\helpers\Mail ; | |||||
/** | |||||
* ContactForm is the model behind the contact form. | |||||
*/ | |||||
class CreditForm extends Model { | |||||
public $id_user ; | |||||
public $id_user_action ; | |||||
public $id_etablissement ; | |||||
public $type ; | |||||
public $montant ; | |||||
public $moyen_paiement ; | |||||
public $commentaire ; | |||||
public $send_mail ; | |||||
/** | |||||
* @inheritdoc | |||||
*/ | |||||
public function rules() { | |||||
return [ | |||||
[['montant'], 'required'], | |||||
[['id_user', 'id_user_action', 'id_etablissement'], 'integer'], | |||||
[['date','send_mail'], 'safe'], | |||||
[['montant'], 'double'], | |||||
[['type', 'moyen_paiement', 'commentaire'], 'string', 'max' => 255], | |||||
]; | |||||
} | |||||
/** | |||||
* @inheritdoc | |||||
*/ | |||||
public function attributeLabels() { | |||||
return [ | |||||
'id_user' => 'Utilisateur', | |||||
'id_user_action' => 'Utilisateur', | |||||
'date' => 'Date', | |||||
'montant' => 'Montant', | |||||
'type' => 'Type', | |||||
'id_etablissement' => 'Établissement', | |||||
'moyen_paiement' => 'Moyen de paiement', | |||||
'commentaire' => 'Commentaire', | |||||
'send_mail' => 'Prévenir l\'utilisateur', | |||||
]; | |||||
} | |||||
public function save() { | |||||
if ($this->validate()) { | |||||
$credit_historique = new CreditHistorique ; | |||||
$credit_historique->id_user = $this->id_user; | |||||
$credit_historique->id_user_action = Yii::$app->user->identity->id; | |||||
$credit_historique->id_etablissement = Yii::$app->user->identity->id_etablissement; | |||||
$credit_historique->type = $this->type ; | |||||
$credit_historique->commentaire = $this->commentaire ; | |||||
$credit_historique->montant = $this->montant ; | |||||
$credit_historique->moyen_paiement = $this->moyen_paiement ; | |||||
$credit_historique->save(); | |||||
// on prévient l'utilisateur que son compte vient d'être crédité | |||||
if($this->send_mail) { | |||||
$user = User::findOne($this->id_user) ; | |||||
$etablissement = Etablissement::findOne(Yii::$app->user->identity->id_etablissement) ; | |||||
$user_etablissement = UserEtablissement::findOne(['id_user' => $this->id_user, 'id_etablissement' => Yii::$app->user->identity->id_etablissement]); | |||||
Mail::send($user->email, 'Votre compte vient d\'être crédité','creditUser', [ | |||||
'user' => $user, | |||||
'etablissement' => $etablissement, | |||||
'user_etablissement' => $user_etablissement, | |||||
'credit_form' => $this | |||||
]) ; | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
} |
<?php | |||||
namespace backend\models; | |||||
use Yii; | |||||
use yii\base\Model; | |||||
/** | |||||
* ContactForm is the model behind the contact form. | |||||
*/ | |||||
class MailForm extends Model { | |||||
public $subject; | |||||
public $body; | |||||
/** | |||||
* @inheritdoc | |||||
*/ | |||||
public function rules() { | |||||
return [ | |||||
// name, email, subject and body are required | |||||
[['subject', 'body'], 'required', 'message' => 'Champs obligatoire'], | |||||
]; | |||||
} | |||||
/** | |||||
* @inheritdoc | |||||
*/ | |||||
public function attributeLabels() { | |||||
return [ | |||||
'subject' => 'Sujet', | |||||
'body' => 'Message', | |||||
]; | |||||
} | |||||
/** | |||||
* Sends an email to the specified email address using the information collected by this model. | |||||
* | |||||
* @param string $email the target email address | |||||
* @return boolean whether the email was sent | |||||
*/ | |||||
public function sendEmail($email) { | |||||
return Yii::$app->mailer->compose() | |||||
->setTo($email) | |||||
->setFrom(['matthieu@lechatdesnoisettes.com' => 'Le Chat des Noisettes']) | |||||
->setSubject($this->subject) | |||||
->setTextBody($this->body) | |||||
->send(); | |||||
} | |||||
} |
* | |||||
!.gitignore |
<?php | |||||
use common\models\Commande ; | |||||
use yii\helpers\Html ; | |||||
?> | |||||
<div class="panel panel-default"> | |||||
<div class="panel-heading"> | |||||
<h3 class="panel-title"> | |||||
Global | |||||
</h3> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<div class="panel-body"> | |||||
<div class="alert alert-warning"> | |||||
<strong>Potentiel :</strong> <?= number_format($ca_potentiel,2); ?> € (<?= $poids_total ?> kg) • | |||||
<strong>Commandé :</strong> <?= number_format($recettes_pain,2); ?> € (<?= $poids_pain ?> kg) | |||||
</div> | |||||
<table class="table table-bordered tab-content table-produits table-header-rotated"> | |||||
<tbody> | |||||
<tr> | |||||
<?php | |||||
foreach ($produits as $p) { | |||||
if (isset($produits_selec[$p->id]['actif']) && $produits_selec[$p->id]['actif']) | |||||
{ | |||||
echo '<th class="rotate-45"><div><span>'.Html::encode($p->getLibelleAdmin()).'</span></div></th>' ; | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
?> | |||||
</tr> | |||||
<tr> | |||||
<?php | |||||
foreach ($produits as $p) { | |||||
if (isset($produits_selec[$p->id]['actif']) && $produits_selec[$p->id]['actif']) | |||||
{ | |||||
$quantite = Commande::getQuantiteProduit($p->id, $commandes); | |||||
$str_quantite = ''; | |||||
if ($quantite) | |||||
$str_quantite = $quantite; | |||||
$classe = 'total'; | |||||
if ($str_quantite > $produits_selec[$p->id]['quantite_max'] && !$produits_selec[$p->id]['vrac']) | |||||
{ | |||||
$classe .= ' depasse'; | |||||
} | |||||
echo '<td class="' . $classe . '"><strong>' . $str_quantite . '</strong> '; | |||||
if ($produits_selec[$p->id]['quantite_max'] && $str_quantite) | |||||
echo '<br /><span>' . $produits_selec[$p->id]['quantite_max'] . '</span>'; | |||||
echo '</td>' ; | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
?> | |||||
</tr> | |||||
</tbody> | |||||
</table> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<?php | |||||
use yii\helpers\Html; | |||||
use common\models\Commande; | |||||
use common\models\User ; | |||||
use yii\helpers\ArrayHelper ; | |||||
use yii\widgets\ActiveForm; | |||||
$this->title = 'Commande'; | |||||
$cpt_non_vrac = 0; | |||||
foreach ($produits as $p) { | |||||
if (isset($produits_selec[$p->id]['actif']) && $produits_selec[$p->id]['actif']) { | |||||
if (!$p->vrac) { | |||||
$cpt_non_vrac ++; | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
?> | |||||
<div id="page-commande"> | |||||
<div class="col-md-3" id="col-left"> | |||||
<div class="panel panel-default"> | |||||
<div class="panel-heading"> | |||||
<h3 class="panel-title">Calendrier</h3> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<div class="panel-body"> | |||||
<?php | |||||
// chargement assets | |||||
common\components\fullcalendar\FullcalendarWidget::widget(); | |||||
// --> lancement du js en manuel (via lechatdesnoisettes.js) | |||||
?> | |||||
<div id="calendar"></div> | |||||
<?php if (!$date): ?> | |||||
<br /> | |||||
<div class="alert alert-info"> | |||||
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-share-alt"></span> Choisissez une date pour initier ou | |||||
éditer un jour de production. | |||||
</div> | |||||
<?php endif; ?> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<?php if ($date != ''): ?> | |||||
<div id="bloc-production"> | |||||
<input type="hidden" id="date-production" value="<?= $date ?>" /> | |||||
<input type="hidden" id="id-production" value="<?= $production->id ?>" /> | |||||
<div class="panel panel-default"> | |||||
<div class="panel-heading"> | |||||
<h3 class="panel-title">Production du <strong><?php echo date('d/m/Y', strtotime($date)); ?></strong></h3> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<div class="panel-body"> | |||||
<strong>Production</strong><br /> | |||||
<div class="btn-group" role="group"> | |||||
<a class="btn btn-default<?php if ($production->actif): ?> btn-success<?php endif; ?>" href="<?php echo Yii::$app->urlManager->createUrl(['commande/change-state', 'date' => $date, 'actif' => 1]); ?>">Activé</a> | |||||
<a class="btn btn-default<?php if (!$production->actif): ?> btn-danger<?php endif; ?>" href="<?php echo Yii::$app->urlManager->createUrl(['commande/change-state', 'date' => $date, 'actif' => 0]); ?>">Désactivé</a> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<br /> | |||||
<br /> | |||||
<?php if (!$production->actif): ?> | |||||
<div class="alert alert-info"> | |||||
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-share-alt"></span> Activez ici la production pour qu'elle soit visible au client. | |||||
</div> | |||||
<?php endif; ?> | |||||
<?php if ($production->actif): ?> | |||||
<?php if($production->livraison && count($arr_productions_point_vente)): ?> | |||||
<div id="productions-point-vente"> | |||||
<strong>Points de vente : </strong> | |||||
<div class="checkbox-list"> | |||||
<?= Html::activeCheckboxList( | |||||
$production_point_vente, | |||||
'productions_point_vente', | |||||
$arr_productions_point_vente , | |||||
['encode' => false, 'class' => '']) ?> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<?php endif; ?> | |||||
<?php endif; ?> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<?php endif; ?> | |||||
<?php if ($production): ?> | |||||
<div id="bloc-produits"> | |||||
<div class="panel panel-default"> | |||||
<div class="panel-heading"> | |||||
<h3 class="panel-title">Produits</h3> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<div class="panel-body"> | |||||
<!-- produits sélectionnés --> | |||||
<form id="produits-production" action="<?php echo Yii::$app->urlManager->createUrl(['commande/index', 'date' => $date]); ?>" method="post"> | |||||
<div class="overflow"> | |||||
<table class="table table-condensed"> | |||||
<thead> | |||||
<tr> | |||||
<th class="td-actif">Actif</th> | |||||
<th class="td-produit">Produit</th> | |||||
<th class="td-max">Max. <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-info-sign" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" data-original-title="Quantité disponible à la commande. Laisser vide si vous ne souhaitez pas avoir de limite de commande. La valeur par défaut est configurable dans vos produits."></span></th> | |||||
</tr> | |||||
</thead> | |||||
<tbody> | |||||
<?php foreach ($produits as $p): ?> | |||||
<tr<?php if ($p->vrac): ?> style="display:none;"<?php endif; ?> <?php if (isset($produits_selec[$p->id]['actif']) && $produits_selec[$p->id]['actif']): ?>class="active"<?php endif; ?>> | |||||
<td class="td-actif"><input id="produit-<?php echo $p->id; ?>" name="Produit[<?php echo $p->id; ?>][actif]" type="checkbox" <?php if (isset($produits_selec[$p->id]['actif']) && $produits_selec[$p->id]['actif']): ?>checked="checked"<?php endif; ?> /></td> | |||||
<td class="td-produit"><label for="produit-<?php echo $p->id; ?>"><?= Html::encode($p->nom) ?></label></td> | |||||
<td class="td-max"><input class="quantite-max" name="Produit[<?php echo $p->id; ?>][quantite_max]" type="text" value="<?php if (isset($produits_selec[$p->id])) echo $produits_selec[$p->id]['quantite_max']; ?>" /></td> | |||||
</tr> | |||||
<?php endforeach; ?> | |||||
</tbody> | |||||
</table> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<input type="submit" name="valider_produit_selec" class="btn btn-default" value="Valider" /> | |||||
</form> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<?php endif; ?> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<div class="col-md-9" id="col-right"> | |||||
<input type="hidden" value="<?php echo $date; ?>" id="current-date" /> | |||||
<ul id="jours-production"> | |||||
<?php foreach ($jours_production as $j) : ?> | |||||
<li><?php echo $j->date; ?></li> | |||||
<?php endforeach; ?> | |||||
</ul> | |||||
<?php if ($date != ''): ?> | |||||
<div id="bloc-totaux"> | |||||
<?= $this->render('_total_commandes.php',[ | |||||
'produits' => $produits, | |||||
'commandes' => $commandes, | |||||
'produits_selec' => $produits_selec, | |||||
'recettes_pain' => $recettes_pain, | |||||
'poids_pain' => $poids_pain, | |||||
'ca_potentiel' => $ca_potentiel, | |||||
'poids_total' => $poids_total, | |||||
]); ?> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<?php | |||||
$num_jour_semaine = date('w', strtotime($date)); | |||||
$arr_jour_semaine = [0 => 'dimanche', 1 => 'lundi', 2 => 'mardi', 3 => 'mercredi', 4 => 'jeudi', 5 => 'vendredi', 6 => 'samedi']; | |||||
$champs_horaires_point_vente = 'horaires_' . $arr_jour_semaine[$num_jour_semaine]; | |||||
?> | |||||
<div class="panel panel-default" id="panel-commandes"> | |||||
<div class="panel-heading"> | |||||
<h3 class="panel-title"> | |||||
Commandes | |||||
<?php if (!count($commandes)): ?><span class="label label-danger">0</span> | |||||
<?php else: ?><span class="label label-success"><?= count($commandes) ?></span> | |||||
<?php endif; ?> | |||||
<?php if (count($commandes)): ?> | |||||
<a id="btn-export-commandes" class="btn btn-primary" href="<?php echo Yii::$app->urlManager->createUrl(['commande/report', 'date' => $date, 'id_point_vente' => 0, 'global' => 1]); ?>"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-download-alt"></span> Exporter</a> | |||||
<?php endif; ?> | |||||
<div id="btn-commandes-auto" class="btn-group"> | |||||
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false"> | |||||
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-repeat"></span> Commandes récurrentes <span class="caret"></span> | |||||
</button> | |||||
<ul class="dropdown-menu"> | |||||
<li><a href="<?= Yii::$app->urlManager->createUrl(['commande/add-commandes-auto', 'date' => $date]); ?>">Importer toutes les commandes</a></li> | |||||
</ul> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</h3> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<div class="panel-body"> | |||||
<div class="col-md-12"> | |||||
<div class="alert alert-danger" style="display:none;">Aucun point de vente activé</div> | |||||
<!-- Nav tabs --> | |||||
<ul id="tabs-points-vente" class="nav nav-tabs" role="tablist"> | |||||
<?php foreach($points_vente as $pv): ?> | |||||
<li role="presentation" class="<?php if($pv->point_fabrication): ?>active<?php endif; ?>"> | |||||
<a href="#point-vente-<?= $pv->id ?>" id="btn-point-vente-<?= $pv->id ?>" aria-controls="point-vente-<?= $pv->id ?>" role="tab" data-toggle="tab"><?= Html::encode($pv->nom) ?> <span class="badge badge-<?php if(count($pv->commandes)): ?>success<?php else: ?>danger<?php endif; ?>"><?php echo count($pv->commandes); ?></span></a> | |||||
</li> | |||||
<?php endforeach; ?> | |||||
</ul> | |||||
<!-- Tab panes --> | |||||
<div class="tab-content" id="commandes-points-vente"> | |||||
<?php foreach($points_vente as $pv): ?> | |||||
<div role="tabpanel" data-id-pv="<?= $pv->id ?>" class="bloc-point-vente tab-pane <?php if($pv->point_fabrication): ?> active<?php endif; ?>" id="point-vente-<?= $pv->id ?>"> | |||||
<div class="col-md-12"> | |||||
<div class="alert alert-warning recap-pv <?php if(!count($pv->commandes)): ?>no-commande<?php endif; ?>"> | |||||
<?php if(count($pv->commandes)): ?> | |||||
<strong class="commandes"><?= count($pv->commandes) ?> commande<?php if(count($pv->commandes) > 1): ?>s<?php endif; ?></strong> | |||||
<span class="recettes"><?= number_format($pv->recettes, 2) ?> €</span> | |||||
<?php else: ?> | |||||
<strong class="commandes">Aucune commande</strong> | |||||
<span class="recettes"></span> | |||||
<?php endif; ?> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<ul class="liste-commandes btn-group-vertical<?php if(!count($pv->commandes)): ?> no-commande<?php endif; ?>"> | |||||
<?php foreach($pv->commandes as $c): ?> | |||||
<li> | |||||
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="btn btn-default" data-pv-id="<?= $pv->id ?>" data-id-commande="<?= $c->id ?>" data-commande='<?= $pv->data_options_commandes[$c->id]['data-commande'] ?>' data-commentaire="<?= Html::encode($c->commentaire) ?>" data-date="<?= date('d/m à H:i',strtotime($c->date)); ?>"> | |||||
<span class="montant <?php if(number_format($c->montant_paye,2) >= number_format($c->montant,2)): ?>paye<?php endif; ?>"> | |||||
<?= Html::encode(number_format($c->montant, 2)); ?> € | |||||
<?php if($c->montant_paye - $c->montant > 0.01): ?><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-warning-sign"></span><?php endif; ?> | |||||
</span> | |||||
<span class="user"> | |||||
<?php if($c->type): ?> | |||||
<?php if($c->type == Commande::TYPE_ADMIN): ?> | |||||
<span class="label label-warning">vous</span> | |||||
<?php elseif($c->type == Commande::TYPE_AUTO): ?> | |||||
<span class="label label-default">auto</span> | |||||
<?php elseif($c->type == Commande::TYPE_USER): ?> | |||||
<span class="label label-success">client</span> | |||||
<?php endif; ?> | |||||
<?php endif; ?> | |||||
<?php if(isset($c->user)): ?> | |||||
<?= Html::encode($c->user->nom.' '.$c->user->prenom); ?> | |||||
<?php else: ?> | |||||
<?= Html::encode($c->username); ?> | |||||
<?php endif; ?> | |||||
</span> | |||||
<?php if (strlen($c->commentaire)): ?> | |||||
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-comment"></span> | |||||
<?php endif; ?> | |||||
</a> | |||||
</li> | |||||
<?php endforeach; ?> | |||||
</ul> | |||||
<?= Html::a('<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></span> Créer une commande', 'javascript:void(0);', ['class' => 'btn btn-default creer-commande', 'data-pv-id' => $pv->id]) ?> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<div class="col-md-12 bloc-commande"> | |||||
<h2 class="title-user"> | |||||
<span class="buttons-edit-remove"> | |||||
<?= Html::a('<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span> Supprimer', 'javascript:void(0);', ['class' => 'btn btn-default btn-remove']) ?> | |||||
<?= Html::a('<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil"></span> Modifier', 'javascript:void(0);', ['class' => 'btn btn-default btn-edit']) ?> | |||||
</span> | |||||
<span class="buttons-save-cancel"> | |||||
<?= Html::a('<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok"></span> Sauvegarder', 'javascript:void(0);', ['class' => 'btn btn-primary btn-save']) ?> | |||||
<?= Html::a('<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove"></span> Annuler', 'javascript:void(0);', ['class' => 'btn btn-default btn-cancel']) ?> | |||||
</span> | |||||
<span class="the-title"></span> | |||||
<span class="choix-user"> | |||||
<?= Html::activeDropDownList(new User, 'id', ArrayHelper::map(User::find()->joinWith('userEtablissement')->where('user_etablissement.id_etablissement = '.Yii::$app->user->identity->id_etablissement)->andWhere('user_etablissement.actif = 1')->orderBy('user.nom ASC, user.prenom ASC')->all(), 'id', function($model, $defaultValue) { | |||||
return $model['nom'].' '.$model['prenom']; | |||||
}), ['prompt' => '--','class' => 'form-control user-id']) ?> | |||||
OU <input type="text" class="form-control username" placeholder="Choisissez un nom" /> | |||||
</span> | |||||
</h2> | |||||
<div class="commentaire alert alert-info"> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<textarea name="commentaire" class="form-control textarea-commentaire" placeholder="Commentaire"></textarea> | |||||
<table class="table table-bordered table-condensed tab-content table-produits"> | |||||
<tbody> | |||||
<?php foreach ($produits as $p): ?> | |||||
<?php if (isset($produits_selec[$p->id]['actif']) && $produits_selec[$p->id]['actif']): ?> | |||||
<tr class="produit-<?= $p->id ?>" data-id-produit="<?= $p->id ?>"> | |||||
<td class="td-commande"></td> | |||||
<td class="td-produit"><?php echo Html::encode($p->getLibelleAdmin()); ?></td> | |||||
</tr> | |||||
<?php endif; ?> | |||||
<?php endforeach; ?> | |||||
<tr class="tr-total"> | |||||
<td class="td-total"></td> | |||||
<td class="td-paiement"></td> | |||||
</tr> | |||||
</tbody> | |||||
</table> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<?php endforeach; ?> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<?php endif; ?> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> |
<?php | |||||
use common\models\Commande ; | |||||
$num_jour_semaine = date('w', strtotime($date)); | |||||
$arr_jour_semaine = [0 => 'dimanche', 1 => 'lundi', 2 => 'mardi', 3 => 'mercredi', 4 => 'jeudi', 5 => 'vendredi', 6 => 'samedi']; | |||||
$champs_horaires_point_vente = 'horaires_' . $arr_jour_semaine[$num_jour_semaine]; | |||||
$html = '' ; | |||||
// par point de vente | |||||
foreach ($points_vente as $pv) { | |||||
if (count($pv->commandes) && strlen($pv->$champs_horaires_point_vente)) { | |||||
$html .= '<h3>'.$pv->nom.'</h3>' ; | |||||
$html .= '<table class="table table-bordered">' | |||||
. '<thead>' | |||||
. '<tr>' | |||||
. '<th>Client</th>' | |||||
. '<th>Produits</th>' | |||||
. '<th>Commentaire</th>' | |||||
. '<th>Montant</th>' | |||||
. '</tr>' | |||||
. '<tbody>'; | |||||
foreach ($pv->commandes as $c) { | |||||
$html .= '<tr>' ; | |||||
$str_user = ''; | |||||
// username | |||||
if ($c->user) { | |||||
$str_user = $c->user->prenom . " " . $c->user->nom; //.' - '.date('d/m', strtotime($c->date)) ; | |||||
} else { | |||||
$str_user = $c->username; //.' - '.date('d/m', strtotime($c->date)) ; | |||||
} | |||||
if(strlen($c->commentaire_point_vente)) | |||||
{ | |||||
$str_user .= '<br /><em>'.$c->commentaire_point_vente.'</em>' ; | |||||
} | |||||
// téléphone | |||||
if (isset($c->user) && strlen($c->user->telephone)) { | |||||
$str_user .= '<br />' . $c->user->telephone . ''; | |||||
} | |||||
$html .= '<td>'.$str_user.'</td>'; | |||||
// produits | |||||
$str_produits = ''; | |||||
foreach ($produits as $p) { | |||||
if (isset($produits_selec[$p->id]['actif']) && $produits_selec[$p->id]['actif']) { | |||||
$add = false; | |||||
foreach ($c->commandeProduits as $cp) { | |||||
if ($p->id == $cp->id_produit) { | |||||
$str_produits .= $cp->quantite . ' ' . $p->nom . ', '; | |||||
$add = true; | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
$html .= '<td>'.substr($str_produits, 0, strlen($str_produits) - 2).'</td>'; | |||||
$html .= '<td>'.$c->commentaire.'</td>'; | |||||
$html .= '<td>'.number_format($c->montant, 2) . ' € '; | |||||
if($c->getStatutPaiement() == Commande::STATUT_PAYEE) | |||||
{ | |||||
$html .= '(payé)' ; | |||||
} | |||||
elseif($c->getStatutPaiement() == Commande::STATUT_IMPAYEE && $c->getMontantPaye()) | |||||
{ | |||||
$html .= '(reste '.$c->getMontantRestant(true).' à payer)' ; | |||||
} | |||||
elseif($c->getStatutPaiement() == Commande::STATUT_SURPLUS) | |||||
{ | |||||
$html .= '(surplus : '.$c->getMontantSurplus(true).' à rembourser)' ; | |||||
} | |||||
$html .= '</td>' ; | |||||
$html .= '</tr>' ; | |||||
} | |||||
$html .= '<tr><td><strong>Total</strong></td>' ; | |||||
$str_produits = ''; | |||||
foreach ($produits as $p) { | |||||
if (!$p->vrac && isset($produits_selec[$p->id]['actif']) && $produits_selec[$p->id]['actif']) { | |||||
$quantite = Commande::getQuantiteProduit($p->id, $pv->commandes); | |||||
$str_quantite = ''; | |||||
if ($quantite) { | |||||
$str_quantite = $quantite; | |||||
$str_produits .= $str_quantite .' '. $p->nom . ', '; | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
$str_produits = substr($str_produits, 0, strlen($str_produits) - 2) ; | |||||
$html .= '<td>'.$str_produits.'</td><td></td>' ; | |||||
$html .= '<td><strong>'.number_format($pv->recettes_pain, 2) . ' €</strong></td>'; | |||||
$html .= '</tbody></table><pagebreak>' ; | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
// par point de vente | |||||
$html .= '<h3>Points de vente</h3>' ; | |||||
$html .= '<table class="table table-bordered">' | |||||
. '<thead>' | |||||
. '<tr>' | |||||
. '<th>Point de vente</th>' | |||||
. '<th>Produits</th>' | |||||
. '<th>Montant</th>' | |||||
. '</tr>' | |||||
. '<tbody>'; | |||||
$recettes = 0 ; | |||||
foreach ($points_vente as $pv) | |||||
{ | |||||
if (count($pv->commandes) && strlen($pv->$champs_horaires_point_vente)) | |||||
{ | |||||
$html .= '<tr><td>'.$pv->nom.'</td><td>' ; | |||||
foreach ($produits as $p) { | |||||
if (isset($produits_selec[$p->id]['actif']) && $produits_selec[$p->id]['actif']) { | |||||
$quantite = Commande::getQuantiteProduit($p->id, $pv->commandes); | |||||
$str_quantite = ''; | |||||
if (!$p->vrac) { | |||||
if ($quantite) | |||||
$str_quantite = $quantite; | |||||
} | |||||
if(strlen($str_quantite)) | |||||
$html .= $str_quantite . ' '.$p->nom.', ' ; | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
$html = substr($html, 0, strlen($html) - 2) ; | |||||
$html .= '</td><td>'.number_format($pv->recettes_pain, 2).' €</td></tr>' ; | |||||
$recettes += $pv->recettes_pain ; | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
// total | |||||
$html .= '<tr><td><strong>Total</strong></td><td>' ; | |||||
foreach ($produits as $p) { | |||||
if (isset($produits_selec[$p->id]['actif']) && $produits_selec[$p->id]['actif']) { | |||||
$quantite = Commande::getQuantiteProduit($p->id, $commandes); | |||||
if(!$p->vrac && $quantite) | |||||
$html .= $quantite . ' '.$p->nom.', ' ; | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
$html = substr($html, 0, strlen($html) - 2) ; | |||||
$html .= '</td><td><strong>'.number_format($recettes, 2).' €</strong></td></tr>' ; | |||||
$html .= '</tbody></table>' ; | |||||
echo $html ; | |||||
?> |
<?php | |||||
use yii\helpers\Html; | |||||
use yii\widgets\ActiveForm; | |||||
use yii\helpers\ArrayHelper ; | |||||
use common\models\User ; | |||||
use common\models\PointVente ; | |||||
?> | |||||
<div class="commandeauto-form"> | |||||
<?php $form = ActiveForm::begin(['enableClientValidation' => false]); ?> | |||||
<div class="col-md-5" id="bloc-select-user"> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'id_user')->dropDownList( ArrayHelper::map(User::find()->joinWith('userEtablissement')->where('user_etablissement.id_etablissement = '.Yii::$app->user->identity->id_etablissement)->andWhere('user_etablissement.actif = 1')->orderBy('nom ASC, prenom ASC')->all(), 'id', function($model, $defaultValue) { | |||||
return $model['nom'].' '.$model['prenom']; | |||||
}), ['prompt' => '--','class' => 'form-control user-id', ]) ?> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<div class="col-md-1" id="or-user"> | |||||
<span>OU</span> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<div class="col-md-6"> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'username')->textInput() ?> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<div class="clr"></div> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'id_etablissement')->hiddenInput() ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'id_point_vente')->dropDownList( ArrayHelper::map(PointVente::find()->where('id_etablissement = '.Yii::$app->user->identity->id_etablissement)->all(), 'id', function($model, $defaultValue) { | |||||
return $model['nom']; | |||||
}), ['prompt' => '--','class' => 'form-control user-id']) ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'date_debut') ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'date_fin')->hint('Laisser vide pour une durée indéterminée') ?> | |||||
<div class="jours"> | |||||
<h2>Jours</h2> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'lundi')->checkbox() ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'mardi')->checkbox() ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'mercredi')->checkbox() ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'jeudi')->checkbox() ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'vendredi')->checkbox() ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'samedi')->checkbox() ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'dimanche')->checkbox() ?> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<div class="clr"></div> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'periodicite_semaine')->dropDownList([1=>1, 2=>2, 3=>3, 4=>4]) ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'paiement_automatique') | |||||
->checkbox() | |||||
->hint('Cochez cette case si vous souhaitez que le crédit pain du client soit automatiquement débité lors de la création de la commande.<br />' | |||||
. 'Attention, un compte client existant doit être spécifié en haut de ce formulaire.') ?> | |||||
<div class="produits"> | |||||
<h2>Produits</h2> | |||||
<?php if(isset($model->errors['produits']) && count($model->errors['produits'])) | |||||
{ | |||||
echo '<div class="alert alert-danger">'.$model->errors['produits'][0].'</div>' ; | |||||
} | |||||
?> | |||||
<table class="table table-bordered table-condensed table-hover"> | |||||
<?php foreach ($produits as $p) : ?> | |||||
<tr> | |||||
<td><?= Html::encode($p->nom) ?></td> | |||||
<td> | |||||
<div class="input-group"> | |||||
<span class="input-group-btn"> | |||||
<button class="btn btn-default btn-moins" type="button"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-minus"></span></button> | |||||
</span> | |||||
<?= Html::input('text', 'CommandeAutoForm[produits][produit_'.$p->id.']', (isset($model->produits['produit_'.$p->id])) ? $model->produits['produit_'.$p->id] : '', ['class' => 'form-control quantite']) ?> | |||||
<span class="input-group-btn"> | |||||
<button class="btn btn-default btn-plus" type="button"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></span></button> | |||||
</span> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</td> | |||||
</tr> | |||||
<?php endforeach; ?> | |||||
</table> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<?= Html::submitButton('Enregistrer' , ['class' => 'btn btn-primary']) ?> | |||||
<?php ActiveForm::end(); ?> | |||||
</div> |
<?php | |||||
use yii\helpers\Html; | |||||
/* @var $this yii\web\View */ | |||||
/* @var $model app\models\Produit */ | |||||
$this->title = 'Ajouter une commande automatique'; | |||||
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = ['label' => 'Commandes automatiques', 'url' => ['index']]; | |||||
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = 'Ajouter'; | |||||
?> | |||||
<div class="commandeauto-create"> | |||||
<h1><?= Html::encode($this->title) ?></h1> | |||||
<?= $this->render('_form', [ | |||||
'model' => $model, | |||||
'produits' => $produits | |||||
]) ?> | |||||
</div> |
<?php | |||||
use yii\helpers\Html; | |||||
use yii\grid\GridView; | |||||
/* @var $this yii\web\View */ | |||||
/* @var $dataProvider yii\data\ActiveDataProvider */ | |||||
$this->title = 'Commandes récurrentes'; | |||||
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = $this->title; | |||||
?> | |||||
<div class="commande-auto-index"> | |||||
<h1><?= Html::encode($this->title) ?> <?= Html::a('Ajouter', ['create'], ['class' => 'btn btn-success']) ?></h1> | |||||
<?= GridView::widget([ | |||||
'dataProvider' => $dataProvider, | |||||
'columns' => [ | |||||
[ | |||||
'attribute' => 'id_user', | |||||
'format' => 'raw', | |||||
'value' => function($model) { | |||||
if(strlen($model->username)) | |||||
{ | |||||
return Html::encode($model->username) ; | |||||
} | |||||
else { | |||||
if(isset($model->user)) | |||||
return Html::encode($model->user->nom.' '.$model->user->prenom) ; | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
], | |||||
[ | |||||
'attribute' => 'id_point_vente', | |||||
'format' => 'raw', | |||||
'value' => function($model) { | |||||
return Html::encode($model->pointVente->nom) ; | |||||
} | |||||
], | |||||
[ | |||||
'attribute' => 'produits', | |||||
'format' => 'raw', | |||||
'value' => function($model) { | |||||
$html = '' ; | |||||
foreach($model->commandeAutoProduit as $commande_produit) | |||||
{ | |||||
$html .= $commande_produit->quantite . ' x '.Html::encode($commande_produit->produit->nom).'<br />' ; | |||||
} | |||||
// aucun produit | |||||
if(!count($model->commandeAutoProduit)) | |||||
{ | |||||
$html .= '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-warning-sign"></span> Aucun produit' ; | |||||
} | |||||
return $html ; | |||||
} | |||||
], | |||||
[ | |||||
'attribute' => 'date_debut', | |||||
'value' => function($model) { | |||||
return date('d/m/Y',strtotime($model->date_debut)) ; | |||||
} | |||||
], | |||||
[ | |||||
'attribute' => 'date_fin', | |||||
'value' => function($model) { | |||||
if($model->date_fin) | |||||
return date('d/m/Y',strtotime($model->date_fin)) ; | |||||
else | |||||
return 'indéterminée' ; | |||||
} | |||||
], | |||||
[ | |||||
'attribute' => 'lundi', | |||||
'label' => 'Jours', | |||||
'format' => 'raw', | |||||
'value' => function($model) { | |||||
$html = '' ; | |||||
if($model->lundi) | |||||
$html .= 'lundi, ' ; | |||||
if($model->mardi) | |||||
$html .= 'mardi, ' ; | |||||
if($model->mercredi) | |||||
$html .= 'mercredi, ' ; | |||||
if($model->jeudi) | |||||
$html .= 'jeudi, ' ; | |||||
if($model->vendredi) | |||||
$html .= 'vendredi, ' ; | |||||
if($model->samedi) | |||||
$html .= 'samedi, ' ; | |||||
if($model->dimanche) | |||||
$html .= 'dimanche, ' ; | |||||
if(strlen($html)) | |||||
return substr ($html, 0, strlen($html) - 2) ; | |||||
else | |||||
return '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-warning-sign"></span> Aucun jour' ; | |||||
} | |||||
], | |||||
[ | |||||
'attribute' => 'periodicite_semaine', | |||||
'value' => function($model) { | |||||
if($model->periodicite_semaine == 1) | |||||
return 'Toutes les semaines' ; | |||||
else | |||||
return 'Toutes les '.$model->periodicite_semaine.' semaines' ; | |||||
} | |||||
], | |||||
[ | |||||
'attribute' => 'paiement_automatique', | |||||
'format' => 'raw', | |||||
'value' => function($model) { | |||||
if($model->paiement_automatique) | |||||
return '<span class="label label-success">Oui</span>' ; | |||||
else | |||||
return '<span class="label label-danger">Non</span>' ; | |||||
} | |||||
], | |||||
[ | |||||
'class' => 'yii\grid\ActionColumn', | |||||
'template' => '{update} {delete}', | |||||
'headerOptions' => ['class' => 'actions'], | |||||
'buttons' => [ | |||||
'update' => function ($url, $model) { | |||||
return Html::a('<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil"></span> Modifier', $url, [ | |||||
'title' => Yii::t('app', 'Modifier'), 'class' => 'btn btn-default' | |||||
]); | |||||
}, | |||||
'delete' => function ($url, $model) { | |||||
return Html::a('<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span> Suprimer', $url, [ | |||||
'title' => Yii::t('app', 'Supprimer'), 'class' => 'btn btn-default' | |||||
]); | |||||
} | |||||
], | |||||
], | |||||
], | |||||
]); ?> | |||||
</div> |
<?php | |||||
use yii\helpers\Html; | |||||
/* @var $this yii\web\View */ | |||||
/* @var $model app\models\Produit */ | |||||
$this->title = 'Modifier une commande récurrente'; | |||||
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = ['label' => 'Commandes récurrentes', 'url' => ['index']]; | |||||
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = 'Modifier'; | |||||
?> | |||||
<div class="commandeauto-update"> | |||||
<h1><?= Html::encode($this->title) ?></h1> | |||||
<?= $this->render('_form', [ | |||||
'model' => $model, | |||||
'produits' => $produits | |||||
]) ?> | |||||
</div> |
<?php | |||||
/* | |||||
* To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. | |||||
* To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates | |||||
* and open the template in the editor. | |||||
*/ | |||||
?> | |||||
<h1>Affiche</h1> |
<?php | |||||
use yii\helpers\Html ; | |||||
/* | |||||
* To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. | |||||
* To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates | |||||
* and open the template in the editor. | |||||
*/ | |||||
$this->title = 'Communiquer' ; | |||||
?> | |||||
<h1><?= Html::encode($this->title) ; ?></h1> | |||||
<p>Imprimez ce petit encart pour expliquer à vos clients comment passer leurs commandes.</p> | |||||
<?php echo $this->render('mode_emploi', ['etablissement' => $etablissement]) ; ?> | |||||
<p><?php echo Html::a('<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-download-alt"></span> Télécharger', ['communiquer/modeemploi'], ['class'=>'btn btn-primary']) ?></p> | |||||
<?php | |||||
use yii\helpers\Html ; | |||||
?> | |||||
<div class="communiquer-mode-emploi<?php if(isset($pdf) && $pdf): ?> communiquer-mode-emploi-pdf<?php endif; ?><?php if(!isset($pdf)): ?> communiquer-mode-emploi-encart<?php endif; ?>"> | |||||
<div class="header"> | |||||
<div class="logo"> | |||||
<img src="./img/laboulange4.png" alt="Logo" /> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<h1>La boîte à pain</h1> | |||||
<h2>Plateforme de réservation de pain</h2> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<div class="clr"></div> | |||||
<h3>Pour réserver votre pain en ligne</h3> | |||||
<ol> | |||||
<li>Inscrivez-vous sur <strong>www.laboiteapain.net</strong></li> | |||||
<?php if(strlen($etablissement->code)): ?> | |||||
<li>Ajoutez le producteur <strong><?= Html::encode($etablissement->nom); ?></strong><br />grâce au code : <span class="code"><strong><?= Html::encode($etablissement->code) ?></strong> <?php if(!isset($pdf)): echo Html::a('<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil"></span>', ['etablissement/update'], ['class'=> 'btn btn-default btn-xs']); endif; ?></span></li> | |||||
<?php else: ?> | |||||
<li>Ajoutez la producteur <strong><?= Html::encode($etablissement->nom); ?></strong></li> | |||||
<?php endif; ?> | |||||
<li>Passez votre commande</li> | |||||
</ol> | |||||
</div> |
<?php | |||||
?> | |||||
<?php for($i = 0; $i < 8; $i++): ?> | |||||
<div class="bloc-mode-emploi-pdf<?php if($i%2 == 0): ?> bloc-mode-emploi-border<?php endif; ?><?php if($i == 6 || $i == 7): ?> bloc-mode-emploi-bottom<?php endif; ?>"> | |||||
<?php echo $this->render('mode_emploi',['pdf' => true, 'etablissement' => $etablissement]) ; ?> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<?php endfor; ?> |
<?php | |||||
use yii\helpers\Html; | |||||
use yii\widgets\ActiveForm; | |||||
use common\models\Developpement ; | |||||
/* @var $this yii\web\View */ | |||||
/* @var $model common\models\Developpement */ | |||||
/* @var $form yii\widgets\ActiveForm */ | |||||
?> | |||||
<div class="developpement-form"> | |||||
<?php $form = ActiveForm::begin(); ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'type')->dropDownList([ | |||||
Developpement::TYPE_EVOLUTION => 'Évolution', | |||||
Developpement::TYPE_BUG => 'Anomalie', | |||||
]) ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'statut')->dropDownList([ | |||||
Developpement::STATUT_OPEN => 'Ouvert', | |||||
Developpement::STATUT_CLOSED => 'Fermé', | |||||
]) ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'objet')->textInput(['maxlength' => true]) ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'description')->textarea(['rows' => 6]) ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'estimation_temps')->textInput() ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'avancement')->textInput() ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'date_livraison')->textInput() ?> | |||||
<div class="form-group"> | |||||
<?= Html::submitButton($model->isNewRecord ? 'Ajouter' : 'Modifier', ['class' => $model->isNewRecord ? 'btn btn-success' : 'btn btn-primary']) ?> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<?php ActiveForm::end(); ?> | |||||
</div> |
<?php | |||||
use yii\helpers\Html; | |||||
/* @var $this yii\web\View */ | |||||
/* @var $model common\models\Developpement */ | |||||
$this->title = 'Ajouter un développement'; | |||||
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = ['label' => 'Développement', 'url' => ['index']]; | |||||
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = $this->title; | |||||
?> | |||||
<div class="developpement-create"> | |||||
<h1><?= Html::encode($this->title) ?></h1> | |||||
<?= $this->render('_form', [ | |||||
'model' => $model, | |||||
]) ?> | |||||
</div> |
<?php | |||||
use yii\helpers\Html; | |||||
use yii\grid\GridView; | |||||
use common\models\Developpement; | |||||
use common\models\DeveloppementPriorite; | |||||
use common\models\User; | |||||
use common\helpers\Url; | |||||
/* @var $this yii\web\View */ | |||||
/* @var $dataProvider yii\data\ActiveDataProvider */ | |||||
$this->title = 'Développement'; | |||||
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = $this->title; | |||||
?> | |||||
<div class="developpement-index"> | |||||
<h1><?= Html::encode($this->title) ?> <?= Html::a('Ajouter', ['create'], ['class' => 'btn btn-success']) ?></h1> | |||||
<div class="well"> | |||||
Cette page liste les besoins recencés auprès des producteurs utilisant la plateforme. N'hésitez pas à me <a href="<?= Url::frontend('site/contact') ?>">contacter</a> pour la faire évoluer. Les remontées de bugs sont également bienvenues.<br /> | |||||
Afin d'orienter de manière pertinente le développement de la plateforme, je vous invite à définir la priorité des évolutions qui vous intéressent. | |||||
</div> | |||||
<?php | |||||
foreach (Yii::$app->session->getAllFlashes() as $key => $message) { | |||||
echo '<div class="alert alert-' . $key . '">' . $message . '</div>'; | |||||
} | |||||
?> | |||||
<ul id="tabs-statuts-developpements" class="nav nav-tabs" role="tablist"> | |||||
<li role="presentation" class="<?php if($statut == Developpement::STATUT_OPEN): ?>active<?php endif; ?>"><a href="<?= Yii::$app->urlManager->createUrl(['developpement/index','statut' => Developpement::STATUT_OPEN]); ?>" id="" aria-controls="" role="tab">Ouvert</a></li> | |||||
<li role="presentation" class="<?php if($statut == Developpement::STATUT_CLOSED): ?>active<?php endif; ?>"><a href="<?= Yii::$app->urlManager->createUrl(['developpement/index','statut' => Developpement::STATUT_CLOSED]); ?>" id="" aria-controls="" role="tab">Fermé</a></li> | |||||
</ul> | |||||
<?php | |||||
$columns = [ | |||||
[ | |||||
'header' => '#', | |||||
'value' => function($model) { | |||||
return '#'.$model->id ; | |||||
} | |||||
], | |||||
[ | |||||
'attribute' => 'type', | |||||
'header' => 'Type', | |||||
'format' => 'raw', | |||||
'value' => function($model) { | |||||
if($model->type == Developpement::TYPE_EVOLUTION) { | |||||
return '<span class="label label-success">Évolution</span>' ; | |||||
} | |||||
else { | |||||
return '<span class="label label-danger">Anomalie</span>' ; | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
], | |||||
[ 'attribute' => 'sujet', | |||||
'format' => 'raw', | |||||
'value' => function($model) { | |||||
$html = '<strong>'.Html::encode($model->objet).'</strong>' ; | |||||
if(strlen($model->description)) | |||||
$html .= '<br />'.nl2br(Html::encode($model->description)) ; | |||||
return $html ; | |||||
}], | |||||
[ 'attribute' => 'estimation_temps', | |||||
'header' => 'Estimation', | |||||
'format' => 'raw', | |||||
'value' => function($model) { | |||||
return intval($model->estimation_temps).' h' ; | |||||
}], | |||||
[ 'attribute' => 'avancement', | |||||
'format' => 'raw', | |||||
'value' => function($model) { | |||||
if($model->avancement) | |||||
return '<div class="progress"> | |||||
<div class="progress-bar progress-bar-warning" role="progressbar" aria-valuenow="'.intval($model->avancement).'" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100" style="width: '.intval($model->avancement).'%;"> | |||||
<span class="sr-only">'.intval($model->avancement).'% effectué</span> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> ' ; | |||||
else | |||||
return '' ; | |||||
}], | |||||
[ 'attribute' => 'date_livraison', | |||||
'format' => 'raw', | |||||
'value' => function($model) { | |||||
if(strlen($model->date_livraison)) | |||||
return date('d/m/Y',strtotime($model->date_livraison)) ; | |||||
else | |||||
return '' ; | |||||
}], | |||||
] ; | |||||
if(Yii::$app->user->identity->status == USER::STATUS_ADMIN | |||||
|| Yii::$app->user->identity->status == USER::STATUS_BOULANGER) { | |||||
$columns[] = [ | |||||
'header' => 'Priorité', | |||||
'format' => 'raw', | |||||
'value' => function($model) { | |||||
$current_priorite = (isset($model->developpementPrioriteCurrentEtablissement)) ? $model->developpementPrioriteCurrentEtablissement->getStrPriorite() : 'Non' ; | |||||
$style_bouton = (isset($model->developpementPrioriteCurrentEtablissement)) ? $model->developpementPrioriteCurrentEtablissement->getClassCssStyleBouton() : 'default' ; | |||||
$html = '<div class="btn-group btn-group-priorite"> | |||||
<button type="button" class="btn btn-priorite btn-sm btn-'.$style_bouton.' dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false"> | |||||
'.$current_priorite.' <span class="caret"></span> | |||||
</button> | |||||
<ul class="dropdown-menu"> | |||||
<li><a href="'.Yii::$app->urlManager->createUrl(['developpement/priorite','id_developpement'=>$model->id]).'">Non</a></li> | |||||
<li><a href="'.Yii::$app->urlManager->createUrl(['developpement/priorite','id_developpement'=>$model->id, 'priorite' => DeveloppementPriorite::PRIORITE_BASSE]).'">Basse</a></li> | |||||
<li><a href="'.Yii::$app->urlManager->createUrl(['developpement/priorite','id_developpement'=>$model->id, 'priorite' => DeveloppementPriorite::PRIORITE_NORMALE]).'">Normale</a></li> | |||||
<li><a href="'.Yii::$app->urlManager->createUrl(['developpement/priorite','id_developpement'=>$model->id, 'priorite' => DeveloppementPriorite::PRIORITE_HAUTE]).'">Haute</a></li> | |||||
</ul> | |||||
</div><br />' ; | |||||
if(isset($model->developpementPriorite) && count($model->developpementPriorite)) { | |||||
foreach($model->developpementPriorite as $developpement_priorite) { | |||||
if($developpement_priorite->id_etablissement != Yii::$app->user->identity->id_etablissement) | |||||
$html .= '<div class="label label-priorite label-sm label-'.$developpement_priorite->getClassCssStyleBouton().'">'.Html::encode($developpement_priorite->etablissement->nom).'</div> ' ; | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
return $html ; | |||||
} | |||||
] ; | |||||
} | |||||
if(Yii::$app->user->identity->status == USER::STATUS_ADMIN) { | |||||
$columns[] = [ | |||||
'class' => 'yii\grid\ActionColumn', | |||||
'template' => '{update}', | |||||
'headerOptions' => ['class' => 'actions'], | |||||
'buttons' => [ | |||||
'update' => function ($url, $model) { | |||||
return '<div class="btn-group"> | |||||
<a href="'.$url.'" class="btn btn-default"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil"></span> Modifier</a> | |||||
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false"> | |||||
<span class="caret"></span> | |||||
<span class="sr-only">Toggle Dropdown</span> | |||||
</button> | |||||
<ul class="dropdown-menu"> | |||||
<li><a href="'.Yii::$app->urlManager->createUrl(['developpement/delete','id' => $model->id]).'" class=""><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span> Supprimer</a></li> | |||||
</ul> | |||||
</div>' ; | |||||
}, | |||||
], | |||||
] ; | |||||
} | |||||
?> | |||||
<?= | |||||
GridView::widget([ | |||||
'id' => 'tab-developpements', | |||||
'dataProvider' => $dataProvider, | |||||
'columns' => $columns | |||||
]); | |||||
?> | |||||
</div> |
<?php | |||||
use yii\helpers\Html; | |||||
/* @var $this yii\web\View */ | |||||
/* @var $model common\models\Developpement */ | |||||
$this->title = 'Modifier un développement'; | |||||
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = ['label' => 'Développement', 'url' => ['index']]; | |||||
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = ['label' => '#'.$model->id, 'url' => ['update', 'id' => $model->id]]; | |||||
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = 'Modifier'; | |||||
?> | |||||
<div class="developpement-update"> | |||||
<h1><?= Html::encode($this->title) ?></h1> | |||||
<?= $this->render('_form', [ | |||||
'model' => $model, | |||||
]) ?> | |||||
</div> |
<?php | |||||
use yii\helpers\Html; | |||||
use yii\grid\GridView; | |||||
use common\models\User ; | |||||
use common\models\Etablissement ; | |||||
$this->title = 'Facturation'; | |||||
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = 'Administration' ; | |||||
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = $this->title; | |||||
?> | |||||
<h1>Facturation</h1> | |||||
<?= GridView::widget([ | |||||
'dataProvider' => $datas_factures, | |||||
'columns' => [ | |||||
[ | |||||
'attribute' => 'reference', | |||||
'label' => 'Référence', | |||||
], | |||||
[ | |||||
'attribute' => 'id_etablissement', | |||||
'label' => 'Établissement', | |||||
'value' => function($model) { | |||||
return Html::encode($model->etablissement->nom) ; | |||||
} | |||||
], | |||||
'libelle', | |||||
[ | |||||
'attribute' => 'montant_ht', | |||||
'label' => 'Montant', | |||||
'value' => function($model) { | |||||
return number_format($model->montant_ht,2).' €' ; | |||||
} | |||||
], | |||||
[ | |||||
'attribute' => 'paye', | |||||
'label' => 'Payé', | |||||
'format' => 'raw', | |||||
'value' => function($model) { | |||||
if($model->paye) | |||||
{ | |||||
return '<span class="label label-success">Oui</span>' ; | |||||
} | |||||
else { | |||||
return '<span class="label label-danger">Non</span>' ; | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
] | |||||
], | |||||
]); ?> |
<?php | |||||
use yii\helpers\Html; | |||||
use yii\grid\GridView; | |||||
use common\models\User ; | |||||
use common\models\Etablissement ; | |||||
$this->title = 'Producteurs'; | |||||
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = 'Administration' ; | |||||
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = $this->title; | |||||
?> | |||||
<h1>Producteurs</h1> | |||||
<?= GridView::widget([ | |||||
'dataProvider' => $datas_etablissements, | |||||
'columns' => [ | |||||
'nom', | |||||
[ | |||||
'attribute' => 'date_creation', | |||||
'format' => 'raw', | |||||
'value' => function($model) { | |||||
return date('d/m/Y', strtotime($model->date_creation)) ; | |||||
} | |||||
], | |||||
[ | |||||
'attribute' => 'Lieu', | |||||
'format' => 'raw', | |||||
'value' => function($model) { | |||||
return Html::encode($model->ville.' ('.$model->code_postal.')') ; | |||||
} | |||||
], | |||||
[ | |||||
'attribute' => 'Clients', | |||||
'format' => 'raw', | |||||
'value' => function($model) { | |||||
if(!$model->userEtablissement || !count($model->userEtablissement)) | |||||
{ | |||||
return 'Aucun client' ; | |||||
} | |||||
else { | |||||
$clients = count($model->userEtablissement).' client' ; | |||||
if(count($model->userEtablissement) > 1) | |||||
$clients .= 's' ; | |||||
return $clients ; | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
], | |||||
[ | |||||
'attribute' => 'Contact', | |||||
'format' => 'raw', | |||||
'value' => function($model) { | |||||
if(!isset($model->user) || (isset($model->user) && count($model->user) == 0)) | |||||
{ | |||||
return 'Aucun contact' ; | |||||
} | |||||
else { | |||||
foreach($model->user as $u) | |||||
{ | |||||
if($u->status == User::STATUS_BOULANGER) | |||||
{ | |||||
return Html::encode($u->prenom.' '.$u->nom) | |||||
.'<br />'.Html::encode($u->email) | |||||
.'<br />'.Html::encode($u->telephone) ; | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
], | |||||
[ | |||||
'attribute' => 'actif', | |||||
'format' => 'raw', | |||||
'value' => function($model) { | |||||
$html = '' ; | |||||
if($model->actif) | |||||
$html .= '<span class="label label-success">En ligne</span>' ; | |||||
else | |||||
$html .= '<span class="label label-danger">Hors-ligne</span>' ; | |||||
if(strlen($model->code)) | |||||
{ | |||||
$html .= ' <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-lock" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="bottom" data-original-title="'.Html::encode($model->code).'"></span>' ; | |||||
} | |||||
return $html ; | |||||
} | |||||
], | |||||
[ | |||||
'attribute' => 'Gratuit', | |||||
'format' => 'raw', | |||||
'value' => function($model) { | |||||
if($model->gratuit) | |||||
return '<span class="label label-success">Compte gratuit</span>' ; | |||||
else | |||||
return '' ; | |||||
} | |||||
], | |||||
[ | |||||
'attribute' => 'Prix libre', | |||||
'label' => 'Prix libre', | |||||
'format' => 'raw', | |||||
'value' => function($model) { | |||||
if(is_null($model->prix_libre)) | |||||
return '' ; | |||||
else | |||||
return $model->getPrixLibre() ; | |||||
} | |||||
], | |||||
[ | |||||
'attribute' => 'Cours', | |||||
'label' => 'CA mois en cours', | |||||
'format' => 'raw', | |||||
'value' => function($model) { | |||||
$ca = $model->getCA(date('Y-m')) ; | |||||
$html = '' ; | |||||
$html .= 'CA : '.number_format($ca,2).' €<br />' ; | |||||
return $html ; | |||||
} | |||||
], | |||||
], | |||||
]); ?> |
<?php | |||||
use yii\helpers\Html; | |||||
use yii\grid\GridView; | |||||
use common\models\User ; | |||||
use common\models\Etablissement ; | |||||
use yii\bootstrap\ActiveForm; | |||||
$this->title = 'Facturation'; | |||||
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = 'Administration' ; | |||||
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = $this->title; | |||||
?> | |||||
<h1>Facturation</h1> | |||||
<p class=""> | |||||
Vous seuls savez ce que vous apporte cet outil et dans quelle mesure vous souhaitez le soutenir.<br /> | |||||
C'est pourquoi le modèle économique est basé sur un prix libre facturé mensuellement.<br /> | |||||
</p> | |||||
<div id="estimation-facture" class=""> | |||||
<?php if($alert_prix_libre): ?> | |||||
<div class="alert alert-success"> | |||||
Le prix libre a bien été mis à jour. | |||||
<?php if($etablissement->prix_libre != 0): ?> | |||||
Vos prochaines factures mensuelles auront un montant de <strong><?= number_format(Html::encode($etablissement->prix_libre),2).' € TTC' ; ?></strong>. | |||||
<?php endif; ?> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<?php endif; ?> | |||||
<?php $form = ActiveForm::begin([ | |||||
'layout' => 'horizontal', | |||||
'fieldConfig' => [ | |||||
'template' => "{label}\n{beginWrapper}\n{input}\n{hint}\n{error}\n{endWrapper}", | |||||
'horizontalCssClasses' => [ | |||||
'label' => 'col-sm-2', | |||||
], | |||||
], | |||||
]); ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($etablissement, 'prix_libre')->textInput()->label('Prix libre<br /><span>€ TTC / mois</span>') ?> | |||||
<div class="form-group field-user-prix_libre"> | |||||
<label class="control-label col-sm-2" for=""></label> | |||||
<div class="col-sm-6"> | |||||
<?= Html::submitButton('Valider', ['class' => 'btn btn-primary']) ?> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<?php ActiveForm::end(); ?> | |||||
<div class="clr"></div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<h2>Dernières factures</h2> | |||||
<?= GridView::widget([ | |||||
'dataProvider' => $datas_factures, | |||||
'columns' => [ | |||||
[ | |||||
'attribute' => 'reference', | |||||
'label' => 'Référence', | |||||
], | |||||
[ | |||||
'attribute' => 'date', | |||||
'value' => function($model) { | |||||
return date('d/m/Y', strtotime($model->date)) ; | |||||
} | |||||
], | |||||
'libelle', | |||||
[ | |||||
'attribute' => 'montant_ht', | |||||
'label' => 'Montant', | |||||
'value' => function($model) { | |||||
return number_format($model->montant_ht,2).' €' ; | |||||
} | |||||
], | |||||
[ | |||||
'attribute' => 'paye', | |||||
'label' => 'Payé', | |||||
'format' => 'raw', | |||||
'value' => function($model) { | |||||
if($model->paye) | |||||
{ | |||||
return '<span class="label label-success">Oui</span>' ; | |||||
} | |||||
else { | |||||
return '<span class="label label-danger">Non</span>' ; | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
] | |||||
], | |||||
]); ?> |
<?php | |||||
use yii\helpers\Html; | |||||
use yii\widgets\ActiveForm; | |||||
use common\helpers\Url ; | |||||
/* @var $this yii\web\View */ | |||||
/* @var $model common\models\User */ | |||||
$this->title = 'Paramètres'; | |||||
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = 'Paramètres'; | |||||
?> | |||||
<div class="user-update"> | |||||
<h1><?= Html::encode($this->title) ?></h1> | |||||
<div class="user-form"> | |||||
<?php $form = ActiveForm::begin(); ?> | |||||
<div class=""> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'actif') | |||||
->dropDownList([ | |||||
0 => 'Non', | |||||
1 => 'Oui' | |||||
], []) | |||||
->label('Activer le producteur') | |||||
->hint('Activez cette option pour rendre votre établissement visible à vos clients.') ; ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'code_postal') ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'ville') ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'code')->hint("Saisissez ce champs si vous souhaitez protéger l'accès à votre boutique par un code, sinon laissez-le vide.<br />" | |||||
. "Ce code est à communiquer à vos client pour qu'ils puissent ajouter votre établissement à leur tableau de bord.<br />" | |||||
. "<a href=\"".Yii::$app->urlManager->createUrl(['communiquer/index'])."\">Cliquez ici</a> pour télécharger un mode d'emploi comprenant ce code à distribuer à vos clients.") ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'delai_commande') | |||||
->dropDownList([ | |||||
1 => '1 jour', | |||||
2 => '2 jours', | |||||
3 => '3 jours', | |||||
4 => '4 jours', | |||||
5 => '5 jours', | |||||
6 => '6 jours', | |||||
7 => '7 jours', | |||||
], []) | |||||
->hint('Si <strong>1 jour</strong> est sélectionné, le client pourra commander jusqu\'à la veille de la production.<br />' | |||||
. 'Si <strong>2 jours</strong> est sélectionné, le client pourra commander jusqu\'à l\'avant-veille de la production, etc.') ; ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'heure_limite_commande') | |||||
->dropDownList([ | |||||
24 => 'Minuit', | |||||
23 => '23h', | |||||
22 => '22h', | |||||
21 => '21h', | |||||
20 => '20h', | |||||
19 => '19h', | |||||
18 => '18h', | |||||
17 => '17h', | |||||
16 => '16h', | |||||
15 => '15h', | |||||
14 => '14h', | |||||
13 => '13h', | |||||
12 => '12h', | |||||
11 => '11h', | |||||
10 => '10h', | |||||
9 => '9h', | |||||
8 => '8h', | |||||
], []) | |||||
->hint('Heure limite jusqu\'à laquelle les clients peuvent commander pour satisfaire le délai de commande.<br />' | |||||
. 'Par exemple, si <strong>2 jours</strong> est sélectionné dans le délai de commande, le client devra commander l\'avant-veille de la production avant l\'heure précisée ici.') ; ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'credit_pain') | |||||
->dropDownList([ | |||||
0 => 'Non', | |||||
1 => 'Oui', | |||||
], []) | |||||
->label('Activer le système de Crédit Pain') | |||||
->hint('Le système de Crédit Pain permet à vos clients d\'avoir un compte prépayé sur le site <em>La boîte à pain</em>.<br />' | |||||
. 'Ils créditent leur compte en vous donnant la somme de leur choix et c\'est ensuite à vous de '.Html::a('mettre à jour', ['user/index']).' leur compte Crédit Pain en ligne.<br />' | |||||
. 'Ceci fait, les clients paient leur commande directement via leur compte Crédit Pain.') ; ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'photo')->fileInput() ?> | |||||
<?php | |||||
if (strlen($model->photo)) { | |||||
$base_url = Url::frontend() ; | |||||
echo '<img src="'.$base_url.'uploads/' . $model->photo . '" width="400px" /><br />'; | |||||
echo '<input type="checkbox" name="delete_photo" id="delete_photo" /> <label for="delete_photo">Supprimer la photo</label><br /><br />'; | |||||
} | |||||
?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'infos_commande') | |||||
->textarea(['rows' => 6]) | |||||
->hint('Affichées au client lors de sa commande')?> | |||||
<div class="form-group"> | |||||
<?= Html::submitButton('Mettre à jour', ['class' => $model->isNewRecord ? 'btn btn-success' : 'btn btn-primary']) ?> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<?php ActiveForm::end(); ?> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<?php | |||||
use backend\assets\AppAsset; | |||||
use yii\helpers\Html; | |||||
use yii\bootstrap\Nav; | |||||
use yii\bootstrap\NavBar; | |||||
use yii\widgets\Breadcrumbs; | |||||
use common\models\Etablissement; | |||||
use common\models\User; | |||||
use yii\widgets\ActiveForm; | |||||
use yii\helpers\ArrayHelper; | |||||
use common\helpers\Url; | |||||
/* @var $this \yii\web\View */ | |||||
/* @var $content string */ | |||||
AppAsset::register($this); | |||||
?> | |||||
<?php $this->beginPage() ?> | |||||
<!DOCTYPE html> | |||||
<html lang="<?= Yii::$app->language ?>"> | |||||
<head> | |||||
<meta charset="<?= Yii::$app->charset ?>"> | |||||
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> | |||||
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="<?php echo Yii::$app->urlManager->getBaseUrl(); ?>/img/favicon3.png" /> | |||||
<?= Html::csrfMetaTags() ?> | |||||
<title><?= Html::encode($this->title) ?> - La boîte à pain</title> | |||||
<?php $this->head() ?> | |||||
</head> | |||||
<body> | |||||
<?php $this->beginBody() ?> | |||||
<div class="wrap"> | |||||
<?php | |||||
NavBar::begin([ | |||||
'brandLabel' => '<img class="logo" src="' . Yii::$app->urlManager->getBaseUrl() . '/img/laboulange3.png" />', | |||||
'brandUrl' => Yii::$app->homeUrl, | |||||
'innerContainerOptions' => ['class' => 'container-fluid'], | |||||
'options' => [ | |||||
'class' => 'navbar-inverse navbar-fixed-top nav-header', | |||||
], | |||||
]); | |||||
$menuItems = [ | |||||
[ | |||||
'label' => '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-home"></span> Tableau de bord', | |||||
'url' => ['/site/index'], | |||||
'visible' => !Yii::$app->user->isGuest | |||||
], | |||||
[ | |||||
'label' => '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"></span> Commandes', | |||||
'url' => ['/commande/index'], | |||||
'visible' => !Yii::$app->user->isGuest, | |||||
'items' => [ | |||||
[ | |||||
'label' => '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"></span> Toutes les commandes', | |||||
'url' => ['/commande/index'], | |||||
'visible' => !Yii::$app->user->isGuest | |||||
], | |||||
[ | |||||
'label' => '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-repeat"></span> Commandes récurrentes', | |||||
'url' => ['/commandeauto/index'], | |||||
'visible' => !Yii::$app->user->isGuest | |||||
], | |||||
] | |||||
], | |||||
[ | |||||
'label' => '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-grain"></span> Produits', | |||||
'url' => ['/produit/index'], | |||||
'visible' => !Yii::$app->user->isGuest | |||||
], | |||||
[ | |||||
'label' => '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-map-marker"></span> Points de vente', | |||||
'url' => ['/point-vente/index'], | |||||
'visible' => !Yii::$app->user->isGuest | |||||
], | |||||
[ | |||||
'label' => '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-user"></span> Clients', | |||||
'url' => ['/user/index'], | |||||
'visible' => !Yii::$app->user->isGuest | |||||
], | |||||
[ | |||||
'label' => '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></span>', | |||||
'url' => ['/etablissement/update'], | |||||
'visible' => !Yii::$app->user->isGuest, | |||||
'items' => [ | |||||
[ | |||||
'label' => '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-cog"></span> Paramètres', | |||||
'url' => ['/etablissement/update'], | |||||
'visible' => !Yii::$app->user->isGuest | |||||
], | |||||
[ | |||||
'label' => '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-bullhorn"></span> Communiquer', | |||||
'url' => ['/communiquer/index'], | |||||
'visible' => !Yii::$app->user->isGuest | |||||
], | |||||
[ | |||||
'label' => '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-euro"></span> Facturation', | |||||
'url' => ['/etablissement/facturation'], | |||||
'visible' => !Yii::$app->user->isGuest, | |||||
], | |||||
[ | |||||
'label' => '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-stats"></span> Statistiques', | |||||
'url' => ['/stats/index'], | |||||
'visible' => !Yii::$app->user->isGuest, | |||||
], | |||||
[ | |||||
'label' => '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-wrench"></span> Développement', | |||||
'url' => ['/developpement/index'], | |||||
'visible' => !Yii::$app->user->isGuest | |||||
], | |||||
], | |||||
] | |||||
]; | |||||
if (Yii::$app->user->isGuest) { | |||||
$menuItems[] = ['label' => 'Connexion', 'url' => ['/site/login']]; | |||||
} else { | |||||
if (Yii::$app->user->identity->status == USER::STATUS_ADMIN) { | |||||
$menuItems[] = [ | |||||
'label' => '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-asterisk"></span>', | |||||
'url' => '#', | |||||
'items' => [ | |||||
[ | |||||
'label' => '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-th-list"></span> Producteurs', | |||||
'url' => ['etablissement-admin/index'], | |||||
'visible' => !Yii::$app->user->isGuest, | |||||
], | |||||
[ | |||||
'label' => '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-euro"></span> Facturation', | |||||
'url' => ['etablissement-admin/facturation'], | |||||
'visible' => !Yii::$app->user->isGuest, | |||||
], | |||||
] | |||||
]; | |||||
} | |||||
$menuItems[] = [ | |||||
'label' => '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-off"></span>', | |||||
'url' => ['/site/logout'], | |||||
'linkOptions' => ['data-method' => 'post', 'title' => 'Déconnexion'] | |||||
]; | |||||
$menuItems[] = [ | |||||
'label' => '<span class="retour-site">Retour sur le site</span>', | |||||
'url' => Url::frontend(), | |||||
]; | |||||
} | |||||
echo Nav::widget([ | |||||
'options' => ['class' => 'navbar-nav navbar-right'], | |||||
'items' => $menuItems, | |||||
'encodeLabels' => false | |||||
]); | |||||
NavBar::end(); | |||||
?> | |||||
<div class="container-fluid container-body"> | |||||
<?php if (YII_ENV == 'dev' || YII_ENV == 'demo'): ?> | |||||
<div id="env-dev"><?php if (YII_ENV == 'dev'): ?>Dév.<?php elseif (YII_ENV == 'demo'): ?>Démo<?php endif; ?></div> | |||||
<?php endif; ?> | |||||
<?php if (!Yii::$app->user->isGuest): ?> | |||||
<div class="nom-boulange"> | |||||
<?php if (Yii::$app->user->identity->status == User::STATUS_BOULANGER): ?> | |||||
<span><?= Html::encode(Yii::$app->user->identity->getNomMagasin()); ?></span> | |||||
<?php elseif (Yii::$app->user->identity->status == User::STATUS_ADMIN): ?> | |||||
<?php $form = ActiveForm::begin(['id' => 'select-etablissement']); ?> | |||||
<?= | |||||
Html::dropDownList('select_etablissement', Yii::$app->user->identity->id_etablissement, ArrayHelper::map(Etablissement::find()->orderBy('nom ASC')->all(), 'id', function($model, $defaultValue) { | |||||
return $model->nom; | |||||
})); | |||||
?> | |||||
<?php ActiveForm::end(); ?> | |||||
<?php endif; ?> | |||||
<?php | |||||
$etablissement = Etablissement::findOne(Yii::$app->user->identity->id_etablissement); | |||||
if (!$etablissement->actif): | |||||
?> | |||||
<span class="label label-danger" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="bottom" data-original-title="Activez votre établissement quand vous le souhaitez afin de la rendre visible à vos clients."> | |||||
<?= Html::a('Hors-ligne', ['etablissement/update']); ?> | |||||
</span> | |||||
<?php endif; ?> | |||||
<div class="clr"></div> | |||||
<?php $etat_paiement_etablissement = Yii::$app->user->identity->etatPaiementEtablissement(); ?> | |||||
<?php if ($etat_paiement_etablissement == 'essai'): ?> | |||||
<span id="etat-paiement-etablissement">Période d'essai gratuite | |||||
<span class="strong"><?php echo Yii::$app->user->identity->periodeEssai(); ?> jours</span> <a class="btn btn-success" href="<?php echo Yii::$app->urlManager->createUrl(['paiement/index']) ?>">S'abonner</a> | |||||
</span> | |||||
<?php elseif ($etat_paiement_etablissement == Etablissement::PAIEMENT_ESSAI_TERMINE || $etat_paiement_etablissement == Etablissement::PAIEMENT_RETARD): ?> | |||||
<span id="etat-paiement-etablissement"> | |||||
<span class="strong"> | |||||
<?php if ($etat_paiement_etablissement == Etablissement::PAIEMENT_ESSAI_TERMINE): ?>Période d'essai gratuite terminée | |||||
<?php elseif ($etat_paiement_etablissement == Etablissement::PAIEMENT_RETARD): ?>Retard de paiement | |||||
<?php endif; ?> | |||||
</span> | |||||
</span> | |||||
<?php endif; ?> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<?php endif; ?> | |||||
<?php if (YII_ENV == 'demo'): ?> | |||||
<div id="block-demo"> | |||||
<div class="container-fluid"> | |||||
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-eye-open"></span> <strong>Espace de démonstration</strong> : | |||||
Testez la plateforme sans avoir à vous inscrire. Les données sont réinitialisées quotidiennement • <?= Html::a('Retour', Url::env('prod', 'frontend')) ?> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<?php endif; ?> | |||||
<?= | |||||
Breadcrumbs::widget([ | |||||
'links' => isset($this->params['breadcrumbs']) ? $this->params['breadcrumbs'] : [], | |||||
]) | |||||
?> | |||||
<?= $content ?> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<div id="alerts-fixed"></div> | |||||
<footer class="footer"> | |||||
<div class="container-fluid"> | |||||
<p class="pull-left"> | |||||
<a href="<?php echo Url::frontend('site/contact'); ?>">Contact</a> • | |||||
<a href="<?php echo Url::frontend('site/mentions'); ?>">Mentions légales</a> • | |||||
<a href="<?php echo Url::frontend('site/cgv'); ?>">CGS</a> | |||||
</p> | |||||
<p class="pull-right"><?= Yii::powered() ?></p> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</footer> | |||||
<?php $this->endBody() ?> | |||||
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<script> | |||||
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<?php $this->endPage() ?> |
<?php | |||||
/* | |||||
* To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. | |||||
* To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates | |||||
* and open the template in the editor. | |||||
*/ | |||||
?> | |||||
<h1>Paiement annulé</h1> | |||||
<?php | |||||
use common\models\Etablissement ; | |||||
/* | |||||
* To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. | |||||
* To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates | |||||
* and open the template in the editor. | |||||
*/ | |||||
$this->title = 'Paiement'; | |||||
$etat_paiement = Yii::$app->user->identity->etatPaiementEtablissement() ; | |||||
?> | |||||
<h1>Paiement</h1> | |||||
<div class="alert alert-warning"> | |||||
<?php if($etat_paiement == Etablissement::PAIEMENT_ESSAI_TERMINE): ?> | |||||
Votre période d'essai gratuite est terminée.<br /> | |||||
Vous pouvez continuer à bénéficier de ce service en vous abonnant à <strong>La boîte à pain</strong> | |||||
pour <strong>30 € / mois</strong> | |||||
<?php elseif($etat_paiement == Etablissement::PAIEMENT_RETARD): ?> | |||||
Nous constatons un retard de paiement sur votre compte.<br /> | |||||
Nous vous invitons à vérifier que tout est en ordre au niveau de votre compte Paypal ou à vous | |||||
abonner à nouveau en utilisant le bouton ci-dessous (<strong>30 € / mois</strong>). | |||||
<?php elseif($etat_paiement == Etablissement::PAIEMENT_ESSAI): ?> | |||||
Si vous souhaitez profiter de ce service au-delà de la période d'essai gratuite, | |||||
abonnez-vous à <strong>La boîte à pain</strong> pour <strong>30 € / mois</strong>. | |||||
<?php endif; ?> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<div class="alert alert-info">Si vous rencontrez des difficultés, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter.</div> | |||||
<!--<h2>Prod</h2> | |||||
<form action="https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post" target="_top"> | |||||
<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xclick"> | |||||
<input type="hidden" name="hosted_button_id" value="K96K2WLBSBDSA"> | |||||
<input name="custom" value="<?php echo Yii::$app->user->identity->id; ?>" type="hidden" /> | |||||
<input type="image" src="https://www.paypalobjects.com/fr_FR/FR/i/btn/btn_subscribeCC_LG.gif" border="0" name="submit" alt="PayPal, le réflexe sécurité pour payer en ligne"> | |||||
<img alt="" border="0" src="https://www.paypalobjects.com/fr_FR/i/scr/pixel.gif" width="1" height="1"> | |||||
</form>--> | |||||
<!--<h2>Test</h2>--> | |||||
<form action="https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post" target="_top"> | |||||
<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xclick"> | |||||
<input type="hidden" name="hosted_button_id" value="USASPWAC39S4N"> | |||||
<input name="custom" value="<?php echo Yii::$app->user->identity->id; ?>" type="hidden" /> | |||||
<input type="image" src="https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/fr_FR/FR/i/btn/btn_subscribeCC_LG.gif" border="0" name="submit" alt="PayPal, le réflexe sécurité pour payer en ligne"> | |||||
<img alt="" border="0" src="https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/fr_FR/i/scr/pixel.gif" width="1" height="1"> | |||||
</form> | |||||
<?php | |||||
/* | |||||
* To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. | |||||
* To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates | |||||
* and open the template in the editor. | |||||
*/ | |||||
?> | |||||
<h1>Paiement validé</h1> | |||||
<?php | |||||
use yii\helpers\Html; | |||||
use yii\widgets\ActiveForm; | |||||
use yii\helpers\ArrayHelper ; | |||||
use common\models\Etablissement ; | |||||
/* @var $this yii\web\View */ | |||||
/* @var $model backend\models\PointVente */ | |||||
/* @var $form yii\widgets\ActiveForm */ | |||||
?> | |||||
<div class="point-vente-form"> | |||||
<?php $form = ActiveForm::begin(); ?> | |||||
<div class="col-md-8"> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'nom')->textInput(['maxlength' => 255]) ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'localite')->textInput(['maxlength' => 255]) ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'adresse')->textarea(['rows' => 6]) ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'point_fabrication') | |||||
->checkbox() | |||||
->hint('Cochez cette case si ce point de vente correspond à votre lieu de production.') ?> | |||||
<?php | |||||
$add_hint_credit_pain = '' ; | |||||
if(!Etablissement::getConfig('credit_pain')): | |||||
$add_hint_credit_pain = '<br /><strong>Attention, le système de Crédit Pain est désactivé au niveau des '.Html::a('paramètres globaux',['etablissement/update']).'.</strong>' ; | |||||
endif; | |||||
echo $form->field($model, 'credit_pain') | |||||
->checkbox() | |||||
->hint('Cochez cette case si le client peut régler ses commandes via son compte Crédit Pain pour ce point de vente.' | |||||
.$add_hint_credit_pain); | |||||
?> | |||||
<div id="jours-livraison"> | |||||
<h2>Jours de livraison</h2> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'livraison_lundi')->checkbox() ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'livraison_mardi')->checkbox() ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'livraison_mercredi')->checkbox() ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'livraison_jeudi')->checkbox() ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'livraison_vendredi')->checkbox() ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'livraison_samedi')->checkbox() ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'livraison_dimanche')->checkbox() ?> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<div class="clr"></div> | |||||
<h2>Horaires</h2> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'horaires_lundi')->textarea(['rows' => 3]) ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'horaires_mardi')->textarea(['rows' => 3]) ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'horaires_mercredi')->textarea(['rows' => 3]) ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'horaires_jeudi')->textarea(['rows' => 3]) ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'horaires_vendredi')->textarea(['rows' => 3]) ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'horaires_samedi')->textarea(['rows' => 3]) ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'horaires_dimanche')->textarea(['rows' => 3]) ?> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<div class="col-md-4"> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'code') | |||||
->label('Code d\'accès') | |||||
->hint('Renseignez ce champs si vous souhaitez protéger ce point de vente par un code.') | |||||
?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'acces_restreint') | |||||
->checkbox() | |||||
->hint('Cochez cette case si seulement un groupe restreint d\'utilisateurs peuvent accéder à ce point de vente.<br />' | |||||
. 'Dans le cas des boîtes à pain, il vous est possible de spécifier un commentaire pour chaque utilisateur sélectionné afin de lui renseigner son numéro de boîte ou son code.') ?> | |||||
<div id="users"> | |||||
<?= Html::activeCheckboxList($model, 'users', ArrayHelper::map($users, 'user_id', function($model_user, $defaultValue) use ($model) { | |||||
return Html::encode($model_user['nom'].' '.$model_user['prenom']).'<br />' | |||||
.Html::activeTextInput( | |||||
$model, | |||||
'users_commentaire['.$model_user['user_id'].']', | |||||
[ | |||||
'class' => 'form-control commentaire', | |||||
'placeholder' => 'Commentaire', | |||||
'value' => (isset($model->users_commentaire[$model_user['user_id']])) ? Html::encode($model->users_commentaire[$model_user['user_id']]) : '' | |||||
]); | |||||
} ), ['encode' => false, 'class' => '']) ?> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<div class="clr"></div> | |||||
<div class="form-group"> | |||||
<?= Html::submitButton($model->isNewRecord ? 'Ajouter' : 'Modifier', ['class' => $model->isNewRecord ? 'btn btn-success' : 'btn btn-primary']) ?> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<?php ActiveForm::end(); ?> | |||||
</div> |
<?php | |||||
use yii\helpers\Html; | |||||
/* @var $this yii\web\View */ | |||||
/* @var $model backend\models\PointVente */ | |||||
$this->title = 'Ajouter un point de vente'; | |||||
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = ['label' => 'Points de vente', 'url' => ['index']]; | |||||
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = 'Ajouter'; | |||||
?> | |||||
<div class="point-vente-create"> | |||||
<h1><?= Html::encode($this->title) ?></h1> | |||||
<?= $this->render('_form', [ | |||||
'model' => $model, | |||||
'users' => $users, | |||||
]) ?> | |||||
</div> |
<?php | |||||
use yii\helpers\Html; | |||||
use yii\grid\GridView; | |||||
use common\models\PointVenteUser ; | |||||
/* @var $this yii\web\View */ | |||||
/* @var $dataProvider yii\data\ActiveDataProvider */ | |||||
$this->title = 'Points de vente'; | |||||
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = $this->title; | |||||
?> | |||||
<div class="point-vente-index"> | |||||
<h1><?= Html::encode($this->title) ?> <?= Html::a('Ajouter', ['create'], ['class' => 'btn btn-success']) ?></h1> | |||||
<?= GridView::widget([ | |||||
'dataProvider' => $dataProvider, | |||||
'columns' => [ | |||||
'nom', | |||||
'localite', | |||||
[ | |||||
'attribute' => 'point_fabrication', | |||||
'format' => 'raw', | |||||
'value' => function($model) { | |||||
if($model->point_fabrication) | |||||
{ | |||||
return '<span class="label label-success">Oui</span>' ; | |||||
} | |||||
else { | |||||
return '<span class="label label-danger">Non</span>' ; | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
], | |||||
[ | |||||
'label' => 'Livraison', | |||||
'value' => function($model) { | |||||
$html = '' ; | |||||
if($model->livraison_lundi) $html .= 'lundi, ' ; | |||||
if($model->livraison_mardi) $html .= 'mardi, ' ; | |||||
if($model->livraison_mercredi) $html .= 'mercredi, ' ; | |||||
if($model->livraison_jeudi) $html .= 'jeudi, ' ; | |||||
if($model->livraison_vendredi) $html .= 'vendredi, ' ; | |||||
if($model->livraison_samedi) $html .= 'samedi, ' ; | |||||
if($model->livraison_dimanche) $html .= 'dimanche, ' ; | |||||
if(strlen($html)) | |||||
return substr ($html, 0, strlen($html)-2) ; | |||||
else | |||||
return '' ; | |||||
} | |||||
], | |||||
[ | |||||
'attribute' => 'acces_restreint', | |||||
'format' => 'raw', | |||||
'value' => function($model) { | |||||
$count = PointVenteUser::find()->where(['id_point_vente' => $model->id])->count(); | |||||
$html = '' ; | |||||
if($model->acces_restreint) | |||||
{ | |||||
$html .= '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-lock"></span> ' ; | |||||
if($count == 1) | |||||
{ | |||||
$html .= '1 utilisateur' ; | |||||
} | |||||
else { | |||||
$html .= $count.' utilisateurs' ; | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
if(strlen($model->code)) | |||||
{ | |||||
if(strlen($html)) $html .= '<br />' ; | |||||
$html .= 'Code : <strong>'.Html::encode($model->code).'</strong>' ; | |||||
} | |||||
return $html ; | |||||
} | |||||
], | |||||
[ | |||||
'attribute' => 'credit_pain', | |||||
'label' => 'Crédit pain', | |||||
'format' => 'raw', | |||||
'value' => function($model) { | |||||
if($model->credit_pain) | |||||
return '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-euro"></span>' ; | |||||
return '' ; | |||||
} | |||||
], | |||||
[ | |||||
'class' => 'yii\grid\ActionColumn', | |||||
'template' => '{update} {delete}', | |||||
'headerOptions' => ['class' => 'actions'], | |||||
'buttons' => [ | |||||
'update' => function ($url, $model) { | |||||
return Html::a('<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil"></span> Modifier', $url, [ | |||||
'title' => Yii::t('app', 'Modifier'), 'class' => 'btn btn-default' | |||||
]); | |||||
}, | |||||
'delete' => function ($url, $model) { | |||||
return Html::a('<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span> Suprimer', $url, [ | |||||
'title' => Yii::t('app', 'Supprimer'), 'class' => 'btn btn-default' | |||||
]); | |||||
} | |||||
], | |||||
], | |||||
], | |||||
]); ?> | |||||
</div> |
<?php | |||||
use yii\helpers\Html; | |||||
/* @var $this yii\web\View */ | |||||
/* @var $model backend\models\PointVente */ | |||||
$this->title = 'Modifier un point de vente'; | |||||
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = ['label' => 'Points de vente', 'url' => ['index']]; | |||||
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = ['label' => Html::encode($model->nom), 'url' => ['update', 'id' => $model->id]]; | |||||
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = 'Modifier'; | |||||
?> | |||||
<div class="point-vente-update"> | |||||
<h1><?= Html::encode($this->title) ?></h1> | |||||
<?= $this->render('_form', [ | |||||
'model' => $model, | |||||
'users' => $users | |||||
]) ?> | |||||
</div> |
<?php | |||||
use yii\helpers\Html; | |||||
use yii\widgets\DetailView; | |||||
/* @var $this yii\web\View */ | |||||
/* @var $model backend\models\PointVente */ | |||||
$this->title = $model->id; | |||||
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = ['label' => 'Point Ventes', 'url' => ['index']]; | |||||
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = $this->title; | |||||
?> | |||||
<div class="point-vente-view"> | |||||
<h1><?= Html::encode($this->title) ?></h1> | |||||
<p> | |||||
<?= Html::a('Update', ['update', 'id' => $model->id], ['class' => 'btn btn-primary']) ?> | |||||
<?= Html::a('Delete', ['delete', 'id' => $model->id], [ | |||||
'class' => 'btn btn-danger', | |||||
'data' => [ | |||||
'confirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this item?', | |||||
'method' => 'post', | |||||
], | |||||
]) ?> | |||||
</p> | |||||
<?= DetailView::widget([ | |||||
'model' => $model, | |||||
'attributes' => [ | |||||
'id', | |||||
'nom', | |||||
'adresse:ntext', | |||||
], | |||||
]) ?> | |||||
</div> |
<?php | |||||
use yii\helpers\Html; | |||||
use yii\widgets\ActiveForm; | |||||
/* @var $this yii\web\View */ | |||||
/* @var $model app\models\Produit */ | |||||
/* @var $form yii\widgets\ActiveForm */ | |||||
?> | |||||
<div class="produit-form"> | |||||
<?php $form = ActiveForm::begin(['options' => ['enctype' => 'multipart/form-data']]); ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'actif')->radioList([1 => 'Oui',0 => 'Non' ]) ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'nom')->textInput(['maxlength' => 255]) ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'description')->textInput(['maxlength' => 255]) ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'recette')->textarea() ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'prix')->textInput() ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'poids')->textInput() ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'quantite_max') | |||||
->hint('Renseignez ce champs si vous souhaitez limiter la quantité commandable pour ce produit.') | |||||
->textInput() ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'photo')->fileInput() ?> | |||||
<?php | |||||
if(strlen($model->photo)) { | |||||
echo '<img src="../../frontend/web/uploads/'.$model->photo.'" width="200px" /><br />' ; | |||||
echo '<input type="checkbox" name="delete_photo" id="delete_photo" /> <label for="delete_photo">Supprimer la photo</label><br /><br />' ; | |||||
} | |||||
?> | |||||
<?php if(Yii::$app->user->identity->id_etablissement == 1): ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'illustration')->fileInput() ?> | |||||
<?php | |||||
if(strlen($model->illustration)) { | |||||
echo '<img src="../../frontend/web/uploads/'.$model->illustration.'" width="200px" /><br />' ; | |||||
echo '<input type="checkbox" name="delete_illustration" id="delete_illustration" /> <label for="delete_illustration">Supprimer l\'illustration</label><br /><br />' ; | |||||
} | |||||
?> | |||||
<?php endif; ?> | |||||
<h2>Jours de production</h2> | |||||
<div id="jours-production"> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'lundi')->checkbox() ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'mardi')->checkbox() ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'mercredi')->checkbox() ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'jeudi')->checkbox() ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'vendredi')->checkbox() ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'samedi')->checkbox() ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'dimanche')->checkbox() ?> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<div class="clr"></div> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'id_etablissement')->hiddenInput()->label('') ?> | |||||
<div class="form-group"> | |||||
<?= Html::submitButton($model->isNewRecord ? 'Ajouter' : 'Modifier', ['class' => $model->isNewRecord ? 'btn btn-success' : 'btn btn-primary']) ?> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<?php ActiveForm::end(); ?> | |||||
</div> |
<?php | |||||
use yii\helpers\Html; | |||||
/* @var $this yii\web\View */ | |||||
/* @var $model app\models\Produit */ | |||||
$this->title = 'Ajouter un produit'; | |||||
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = ['label' => 'Produits', 'url' => ['index']]; | |||||
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = 'Ajouter'; | |||||
?> | |||||
<div class="produit-create"> | |||||
<h1><?= Html::encode($this->title) ?></h1> | |||||
<?= $this->render('_form', [ | |||||
'model' => $model, | |||||
]) ?> | |||||
</div> |
<?php | |||||
use yii\helpers\Html; | |||||
use yii\grid\GridView; | |||||
use common\helpers\Url ; | |||||
/* @var $this yii\web\View */ | |||||
/* @var $dataProvider yii\data\ActiveDataProvider */ | |||||
$this->title = 'Produits'; | |||||
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = $this->title; | |||||
?> | |||||
<div class="produit-index"> | |||||
<h1><?= Html::encode($this->title) ?> <?= Html::a('Ajouter', ['create'], ['class' => 'btn btn-success']) ?></h1> | |||||
<?= GridView::widget([ | |||||
'dataProvider' => $dataProvider, | |||||
'columns' => [ | |||||
[ | |||||
'attribute' => 'order', | |||||
'headerOptions' => ['class' => 'order'], | |||||
'format' => 'raw', | |||||
'value' => function($model) { | |||||
return '<a class="btn-order btn btn-default" href="javascript:void(0);"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-resize-vertical"></span></a>' ; | |||||
} | |||||
], | |||||
[ | |||||
'attribute' => 'photo', | |||||
'format' => 'raw', | |||||
'headerOptions' => ['class' => 'td-photo'], | |||||
'value' => function($model) { | |||||
if(strlen($model->photo)) { | |||||
$url = Url::frontend() ; | |||||
return '<img class="photo-produit" src="'.$url.'uploads/'.$model->photo.'" />' ; | |||||
} | |||||
return '' ; | |||||
} | |||||
], | |||||
'nom', | |||||
'description', | |||||
[ | |||||
'attribute' => 'actif', | |||||
'headerOptions' => ['class' => 'actif'], | |||||
'contentOptions' => ['class' => 'center'], | |||||
'format' => 'raw', | |||||
'value' => function($model) { | |||||
if($model->actif) | |||||
{ | |||||
return '<span class="label label-success">oui</span>' ; | |||||
} | |||||
else { | |||||
return '<span class="label label-danger">non</span>' ; | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
], | |||||
[ | |||||
'class' => 'yii\grid\ActionColumn', | |||||
'template' => '{update} {delete}', | |||||
'headerOptions' => ['class' => 'actions'], | |||||
'buttons' => [ | |||||
'update' => function ($url, $model) { | |||||
return Html::a('<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil"></span> Modifier', $url, [ | |||||
'title' => Yii::t('app', 'Modifier'), 'class' => 'btn btn-default' | |||||
]); | |||||
}, | |||||
'delete' => function ($url, $model) { | |||||
return Html::a('<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span> Suprimer', $url, [ | |||||
'title' => Yii::t('app', 'Supprimer'), 'class' => 'btn btn-default' | |||||
]); | |||||
} | |||||
], | |||||
], | |||||
], | |||||
]); ?> | |||||
</div> |
<?php | |||||
use yii\helpers\Html; | |||||
/* @var $this yii\web\View */ | |||||
/* @var $model app\models\Produit */ | |||||
$this->title = 'Modifier un produit'; | |||||
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = ['label' => 'Produits', 'url' => ['index']]; | |||||
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = ['label' => $model->nom, 'url' => ['update', 'id' => $model->id]]; | |||||
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = 'Modifier'; | |||||
?> | |||||
<div class="produit-update"> | |||||
<h1><?= Html::encode($this->title) ?></h1> | |||||
<?= $this->render('_form', [ | |||||
'model' => $model, | |||||
]) ?> | |||||
</div> |
<?php | |||||
use yii\helpers\Html; | |||||
use yii\widgets\DetailView; | |||||
/* @var $this yii\web\View */ | |||||
/* @var $model app\models\Produit */ | |||||
$this->title = $model->id; | |||||
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = ['label' => 'Produits', 'url' => ['index']]; | |||||
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = $this->title; | |||||
?> | |||||
<div class="produit-view"> | |||||
<h1><?= Html::encode($this->title) ?></h1> | |||||
<p> | |||||
<?= Html::a('Update', ['update', 'id' => $model->id], ['class' => 'btn btn-primary']) ?> | |||||
<?= Html::a('Delete', ['delete', 'id' => $model->id], [ | |||||
'class' => 'btn btn-danger', | |||||
'data' => [ | |||||
'confirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this item?', | |||||
'method' => 'post', | |||||
], | |||||
]) ?> | |||||
</p> | |||||
<?= DetailView::widget([ | |||||
'model' => $model, | |||||
'attributes' => [ | |||||
'id', | |||||
'nom', | |||||
'description', | |||||
'actif', | |||||
'illustration', | |||||
'photo', | |||||
'saison', | |||||
'prix', | |||||
'poids', | |||||
], | |||||
]) ?> | |||||
</div> |
<?php | |||||
use yii\helpers\Html; | |||||
/* @var $this yii\web\View */ | |||||
/* @var $name string */ | |||||
/* @var $message string */ | |||||
/* @var $exception Exception */ | |||||
$this->title = $name; | |||||
?> | |||||
<div class="site-error"> | |||||
<h1><?= Html::encode($this->title) ?></h1> | |||||
<div class="alert alert-danger"> | |||||
<?= nl2br(Html::encode($message)) ?> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<p> | |||||
The above error occurred while the Web server was processing your request. | |||||
</p> | |||||
<p> | |||||
Please contact us if you think this is a server error. Thank you. | |||||
</p> | |||||
</div> |
<?php | |||||
/* @var $this yii\web\View */ | |||||
use yii\helpers\Html ; | |||||
$this->title = 'Tableau de bord'; | |||||
?> | |||||
<div class="site-index"> | |||||
<?php if(Yii::$app->request->get('erreur_produits_points_vente')): ?> | |||||
<div class="alert alert-danger">Vous devez saisir vos produits et vos points de vente | |||||
avant d'initialiser vos jours de production.</div> | |||||
<?php endif; ?> | |||||
<div class="col-md-4"> | |||||
<!-- commandes --> | |||||
<div class=""> | |||||
<div class="panel panel-default"> | |||||
<div class="panel-heading"> | |||||
<h3 class="panel-title"> | |||||
Commandes | |||||
<?= Html::a('Voir', ['commande/index'], ['class' => 'btn btn-default btn-xs']) ; ?> | |||||
</h3> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<div class="panel-body"> | |||||
<?php if(count($productions)): ?> | |||||
<p>Prochaines productions : </p> | |||||
<table class="table table-bordered table-condensed"> | |||||
<thead> | |||||
<tr> | |||||
<th>Date</th> | |||||
<th>Commandes</th> | |||||
<th></th> | |||||
</tr> | |||||
</thead> | |||||
<tbody> | |||||
<?php foreach($productions as $p): ?> | |||||
<tr> | |||||
<td><?= date('d/m/Y',strtotime($p['date'])); ?></td> | |||||
<td><?= count($p->commande); ?></td> | |||||
<td> | |||||
<?= Html::a('<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-eye-open"></span>', ['commande/index','date' => $p['date']], ['class' => 'btn btn-default btn-xs']) ; ?> | |||||
<?php if(count($p->commande)): ?><?= Html::a('<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-download-alt"></span>', ['commande/report','date' => $p['date'],'global' => 1], ['class' => 'btn btn-default btn-xs']) ; ?><?php endif; ?> | |||||
</td> | |||||
</tr> | |||||
<?php endforeach; ?> | |||||
</tbody> | |||||
</table> | |||||
<?php else: ?> | |||||
<div class="alert alert-warning">Aucune production de programmée.</div> | |||||
<?php endif; ?> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<!-- Clients --> | |||||
<div class=""> | |||||
<div class="panel panel-default"> | |||||
<div class="panel-heading"> | |||||
<h3 class="panel-title"> | |||||
<?= $nb_clients; ?> client<?php if($nb_clients > 1): ?>s<?php endif; ?> | |||||
<?= Html::a('Ajouter',['user/create'],['class' => 'btn btn-success btn-xs margin-left']) ; ?> | |||||
<?= Html::a('Liste', ['user/index'], ['class' => 'btn btn-default btn-xs']) ; ?> | |||||
</h3> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<div class="panel-body"> | |||||
<?php if($nb_clients): ?> | |||||
<p>Dernières inscriptions :</p> | |||||
<table class="table table-bordered table-condensed"> | |||||
<thead> | |||||
<tr> | |||||
<th>Prénom, nom</th> | |||||
<th>Inscription</th> | |||||
<th></th> | |||||
</tr> | |||||
</thead> | |||||
<tbody> | |||||
<?php foreach($clients as $c): ?> | |||||
<tr> | |||||
<td><?= Html::encode($c['prenom'].' '.$c['nom']) ?></td> | |||||
<td><?= date('d/m/Y', $c['created_at']); ?></td> | |||||
<td><?= Html::a('<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil"></span>', ['user/update','id' => $c['user_id']], ['class' => 'btn btn-default btn-xs']) ; ?></td> | |||||
</tr> | |||||
<?php endforeach; ?> | |||||
</tbody> | |||||
</table> | |||||
<?php else: ?> | |||||
<div class="alert alert-warning">Aucun client.</div> | |||||
<?php endif; ?> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<!-- Clients crédit pain négatif --> | |||||
<div class=""> | |||||
<div class="panel panel-default"> | |||||
<div class="panel-heading"> | |||||
<h3 class="panel-title"> | |||||
Clients au crédit pain négatif | |||||
</h3> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<div class="panel-body"> | |||||
<?php if(count($clients_credit_pain_negatif)): ?> | |||||
<p>Dernières inscriptions :</p> | |||||
<table class="table table-bordered table-condensed"> | |||||
<thead> | |||||
<tr> | |||||
<th>Prénom, nom</th> | |||||
<th>Crédit pain</th> | |||||
</tr> | |||||
</thead> | |||||
<tbody> | |||||
<?php foreach($clients_credit_pain_negatif as $c): ?> | |||||
<tr> | |||||
<td><?= Html::encode($c['prenom'].' '.$c['nom']) ?></td> | |||||
<td><?= number_format($c['credit'],2) ?></td> | |||||
<td><?= Html::a('<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-euro"></span>', ['user/credit','id' => $c['user_id']], ['class' => 'btn btn-default btn-xs']) ; ?></td> | |||||
</tr> | |||||
<?php endforeach; ?> | |||||
</tbody> | |||||
</table> | |||||
<?php else: ?> | |||||
<div class="alert alert-warning">Aucun client.</div> | |||||
<?php endif; ?> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<!-- Paramètres --> | |||||
<div class=""> | |||||
<div class="panel panel-default"> | |||||
<div class="panel-heading"> | |||||
<h3 class="panel-title"> | |||||
Paramètres | |||||
<?= Html::a('Configurer',['etablissement/update'],['class' => 'btn btn-default btn-xs']) ; ?> | |||||
</h3> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<div class="panel-body"> | |||||
<table class="table table-bordered table-condensed"> | |||||
<thead> | |||||
<tr> | |||||
<th>Configuration</th> | |||||
<th>Valeur</th> | |||||
</tr> | |||||
</thead> | |||||
<tbody> | |||||
<tr> | |||||
<td>Établissement activé</td> | |||||
<td> | |||||
<?php if($etablissement->actif): ?> | |||||
<span class="label label-success">Active</span> | |||||
<?php else: ?> | |||||
<span class="label label-danger">Hors-ligne</span> | |||||
<?php endif; ?> | |||||
</td> | |||||
</tr> | |||||
<tr> | |||||
<td>Établissement protégé par un code</td> | |||||
<td> | |||||
<?php if(strlen($etablissement->code)): ?> | |||||
<span class="label label-success">Oui</span><br /> | |||||
<strong><?= Html::encode($etablissement->code) ?></strong> | |||||
<?php else: ?> | |||||
<span class="label label-danger">Non</span> | |||||
<?php endif; ?> | |||||
</td> | |||||
</tr> | |||||
<tr> | |||||
<td>Délai de commande</td> | |||||
<td><?= $etablissement->delai_commande ?> jour<?php if($etablissement->delai_commande > 1): ?>s<?php endif; ?></td> | |||||
</tr> | |||||
<tr> | |||||
<td>Heure limite de commande</td> | |||||
<td><?= $etablissement->heure_limite_commande ?>h</td> | |||||
</tr> | |||||
<tr> | |||||
<td>Système de Crédit Pain activé</td> | |||||
<td> | |||||
<?php if($etablissement->credit_pain): ?> | |||||
<span class="label label-success">Oui</span><br /> | |||||
<?php else: ?> | |||||
<span class="label label-danger">Non</span> | |||||
<?php endif; ?> | |||||
</td> | |||||
</tr> | |||||
</tbody> | |||||
</table> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<!-- Facturation --> | |||||
<div class="" id="facturation"> | |||||
<div class="panel panel-default"> | |||||
<div class="panel-heading"> | |||||
<h3 class="panel-title"> | |||||
Facturation | |||||
<?= Html::a('Voir',['etablissement/facturation'],['class' => 'btn btn-default btn-xs']) ; ?> | |||||
</h3> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<div class="panel-body"> | |||||
<div class="col-md-12"> | |||||
<?php if(is_null($etablissement->prix_libre)): ?> | |||||
<h2>Prix libre</h2> | |||||
<p>Le modèle économique de <em>La boîte à pain</em> est basé sur un système de prix libre. <?= Html::a('En savoir plus',['etablissement/facturation']); ?></p> | |||||
<?php else: ?> | |||||
<h2><?= $etablissement->getPrixLibre() ?> / mois <?= Html::a('Modifier',['etablissement/facturation'],['class' => 'btn btn-xs btn-primary']) ?></h2> | |||||
<?php endif; ?> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<!--<div class="col-md-6 mois-en-cours"> | |||||
<h2>Chiffre d'affaire<br />du mois en cours</h2> | |||||
<div class="montant"><span><?= number_format($etablissement->getCA(date('Y-m')), 2); ?> €</span></div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<div class="col-md-6"> | |||||
<?php $montant = $etablissement->getMontantFacturer(date('Y-m'), 0); ?> | |||||
<h2>Participation<br /><em>La boîte à pain</em> (2%)</h2> | |||||
<div class="montant"><span><?php if($montant): echo number_format($montant,2).' €' ; else: echo 'Gratuit' ; endif; ?></span></div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<div class="clr"></div>--> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<div class="col-md-8"> | |||||
<!-- dernières commandes --> | |||||
<div id="dernieres-commandes" class=""> | |||||
<div class="panel panel-default"> | |||||
<div class="panel-heading"> | |||||
<h3 class="panel-title"> | |||||
Dernières commandes clients | |||||
</h3> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<div class="panel-body"> | |||||
<?php if(count($commandes)): ?> | |||||
<table class="table table-condensed table-bordered"> | |||||
<thead> | |||||
<tr> | |||||
<th></th> | |||||
<th>Date</th> | |||||
<th>Client</th> | |||||
<th>Produits</th> | |||||
<th>Point de vente</th> | |||||
<th>Montant</th> | |||||
</tr> | |||||
</thead> | |||||
<tbody> | |||||
<?php foreach($commandes as $c): ?> | |||||
<tr> | |||||
<td><?= $c->getStrType(true); ?></td> | |||||
<td class="date"> | |||||
<div class="bloc-date"> | |||||
<div class="jour"><?= strftime('%A', strtotime($c->production->date)) ?></div> | |||||
<div class="num"><?= date('d', strtotime($c->production->date)) ?></div> | |||||
<div class="mois"><?= strftime('%B', strtotime($c->production->date)) ?></div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</td> | |||||
<td> | |||||
<?= $c->getStrUser(); ?><br /> | |||||
<span class="small">Le <?= date('d/m/Y à G\hi', strtotime($c->date)) ?></span> | |||||
</td> | |||||
<td><?= $c->getResumePanier() ; ?></td> | |||||
<td><?= $c->getResumePointVente() ; ?></td> | |||||
<td><?= $c->getStrMontant() ; ?></td> | |||||
</tr> | |||||
<?php endforeach; ?> | |||||
</tbody> | |||||
</table> | |||||
<?php else: ?> | |||||
<div class="alert alert-warning">Aucune commande</div> | |||||
<?php endif; ?> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> |
<?php | |||||
use yii\helpers\Html; | |||||
use yii\bootstrap\ActiveForm; | |||||
/* @var $this yii\web\View */ | |||||
/* @var $form yii\bootstrap\ActiveForm */ | |||||
/* @var $model \common\models\LoginForm */ | |||||
$this->title = 'Connexion'; | |||||
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = $this->title; | |||||
?> | |||||
<div class="site-login"> | |||||
<h1><?= Html::encode($this->title) ?></h1> | |||||
<div class="row"> | |||||
<div class="col-lg-5"> | |||||
<?php if(YII_ENV == 'demo') : ?> | |||||
<div class="alert alert-warning"> | |||||
Identifiant : <strong>boulanger@laboiteapain.net</strong><br /> | |||||
Mot de passe : <strong>laboiteapain</strong> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<?php endif; ?> | |||||
<?php $form = ActiveForm::begin(['id' => 'login-form']); ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'email') ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'password')->passwordInput() ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'rememberMe')->checkbox() ?> | |||||
<div class="form-group"> | |||||
<?= Html::submitButton('Connexion', ['class' => 'btn btn-primary', 'name' => 'login-button']) ?> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<?php ActiveForm::end(); ?> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> |
<?php | |||||
$this->title = 'Statistiques' ; | |||||
use dosamigos\chartjs\ChartJs; | |||||
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = 'Statistiques'; | |||||
?> | |||||
<h1>Statistiques</h1> | |||||
<?= ChartJs::widget([ | |||||
'type' => 'line', | |||||
'options' => [ | |||||
'height' => 400, | |||||
'width' => 1100 | |||||
], | |||||
'data' => [ | |||||
'labels' => $data_labels, | |||||
'datasets' => [ | |||||
[ | |||||
'label' => 'Recettes commandes', | |||||
'backgroundColor' => "rgb(187,135,87,0.5)", | |||||
'borderColor' => "rgb(187,135,87,1)", | |||||
'pointBackgroundColor' => "rgb(187,135,87,1)", | |||||
'pointStrokeColor' => "#fff", | |||||
'data' => $data_pain | |||||
] | |||||
] | |||||
] | |||||
]); | |||||
?> |
<?php | |||||
use yii\helpers\Html; | |||||
use yii\widgets\ActiveForm; | |||||
/* @var $this yii\web\View */ | |||||
/* @var $model common\models\User */ | |||||
/* @var $form yii\widgets\ActiveForm */ | |||||
?> | |||||
<div class="user-form"> | |||||
<?php $form = ActiveForm::begin(); ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'nom')->textInput() ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'prenom')->textInput() ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'telephone')->textInput() ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'email')->textInput() ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'adresse')->textarea() ?> | |||||
<div class="form-group"> | |||||
<?= Html::submitButton($model->isNewRecord ? 'Ajouter' : 'Modifier', ['class' => $model->isNewRecord ? 'btn btn-success' : 'btn btn-primary']) ?> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<?php ActiveForm::end(); ?> | |||||
</div> |
<?php | |||||
use yii\helpers\Html; | |||||
use yii\widgets\ActiveForm; | |||||
use common\models\CreditHistorique; | |||||
use common\models\Etablissement; | |||||
use common\models\Commande; | |||||
$this->title = 'Commandes <small>'.Html::encode($user->nom.' '.$user->prenom).'</small>'; | |||||
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = ['label' => 'Clients', 'url' => ['index']]; | |||||
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = ['label' => Html::encode($user->nom.' '.$user->prenom)]; | |||||
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = 'Créditer'; | |||||
?> | |||||
<div class="user-commandes"> | |||||
<h1><?= $this->title ?> </h1> | |||||
<?php if(count($commandes)): ?> | |||||
<table id="historique-commandes" class="table table-striped table-bordered"> | |||||
<thead> | |||||
<tr> | |||||
<th>Date livraison</th> | |||||
<th>Résumé</th> | |||||
<th>Point de vente</th> | |||||
<th class="montant">Montant</th> | |||||
</tr> | |||||
</thead> | |||||
<tbody> | |||||
<?php foreach($commandes as $c): ?> | |||||
<tr> | |||||
<td><?php echo date('d/m/Y',strtotime($c->production->date)); ?></td> | |||||
<td class="resume"><?= $c->getResumePanier() ; ?></td> | |||||
<td><?= $c->getResumePointVente(); ?></td> | |||||
<td class="montant"><?= $c->getResumeMontant(); ?></td> | |||||
</tr> | |||||
<?php endforeach; ?> | |||||
</tbody> | |||||
</table> | |||||
<?php else: ?> | |||||
<div class="alert alert-warning">Aucune commande passée par ce client.</div> | |||||
<?php endif; ?> | |||||
</div> |
<?php | |||||
use yii\helpers\Html; | |||||
/* @var $this yii\web\View */ | |||||
/* @var $model common\models\User */ | |||||
$this->title = 'Ajouter un client'; | |||||
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = ['label' => 'Clients', 'url' => ['index']]; | |||||
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = 'Ajouter' ; | |||||
?> | |||||
<div class="user-create"> | |||||
<?php if(YII_ENV == 'demo'): ?> | |||||
<div class="alert alert-warning">Vous ne pouvez pas ajouter de client dans l'espace Démo.</div> | |||||
<?php else: ?> | |||||
<h1><?= Html::encode($this->title) ?></h1> | |||||
<?= $this->render('_form', [ | |||||
'model' => $model, | |||||
]) ?> | |||||
<?php endif; ?> | |||||
</div> |
<?php | |||||
use yii\helpers\Html; | |||||
use yii\widgets\ActiveForm; | |||||
use common\models\CreditHistorique; | |||||
use common\models\Etablissement; | |||||
$this->title = 'Créditer <small>'.Html::encode($user->nom.' '.$user->prenom).'</small>'; | |||||
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = ['label' => 'Clients', 'url' => ['index']]; | |||||
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = ['label' => Html::encode($user->nom.' '.$user->prenom)]; | |||||
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = 'Créditer'; | |||||
?> | |||||
<div class="user-credit"> | |||||
<?php | |||||
$etablissement = Etablissement::find() | |||||
->where(['id' => Yii::$app->user->identity->id_etablissement]) | |||||
->one() ; | |||||
if(!$etablissement->credit_pain) | |||||
{ | |||||
echo '<div class="alert alert-warning">Attention, la fonctionnalité <strong>Crédit Pain</strong> est désactivée dans vos <a href="'.Yii::$app->urlManager->createurl(['etablissement/update']).'">paramètres</a>.' | |||||
. ' Pensez à l\'activer si vous souhaitez qu\'elle soit visible de vos clients.</div>' ; | |||||
} | |||||
?> | |||||
<div class="col-md-12"> | |||||
<h1><?= $this->title ?></h1> | |||||
<?php $form = ActiveForm::begin(); ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($credit_form, 'type')->dropDownList([ | |||||
CreditHistorique::TYPE_CREDIT => 'Crédit', | |||||
CreditHistorique::TYPE_DEBIT => 'Débit', | |||||
]) ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($credit_form, 'montant')->textInput() ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($credit_form, 'moyen_paiement')->dropDownList([ | |||||
CreditHistorique::MOYEN_ESPECES => 'Espèces', | |||||
CreditHistorique::MOYEN_CB => 'Carte bancaire', | |||||
CreditHistorique::MOYEN_CHEQUE => 'Chèque', | |||||
CreditHistorique::MOYEN_AUTRE => 'Autre', | |||||
]) ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($credit_form, 'commentaire')->textarea() ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($credit_form, 'send_mail')->checkbox() ?> | |||||
<div class="form-group"> | |||||
<?= Html::submitButton( 'Créditer', ['class' => 'btn btn-primary']) ?> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<?php ActiveForm::end(); ?> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<div class="col-md-12"> | |||||
<h2>Historique <span class="the-credit"><?= number_format($user->getCredit($etablissement->id), 2); ?> €</span></h2> | |||||
<table class="table table-bordered"> | |||||
<thead> | |||||
<tr> | |||||
<th>Date</th> | |||||
<th>Utilisateur</th> | |||||
<th>Type</th> | |||||
<th>- Débit</th> | |||||
<th>+ Crédit</th> | |||||
<th>Paiement</th> | |||||
<th>Commentaire</th> | |||||
</tr> | |||||
</thead> | |||||
<tbody> | |||||
<?php if(count($historique)): ?> | |||||
<?php foreach($historique as $ch): ?> | |||||
<tr> | |||||
<td><?= $ch->getDate(true) ; ?></td> | |||||
<td><?php if(isset($ch->userAction)): echo Html::encode($ch->userAction->nom. ' '.$ch->userAction->prenom) ; else: echo 'Administrateur' ;endif; ?></td> | |||||
<td><?= $ch->getStrLibelle(); ?></td> | |||||
<td> | |||||
<?php if($ch->isTypeDebit()): ?> | |||||
- <?= $ch->getMontant(true); ?> | |||||
<?php endif; ?> | |||||
</td> | |||||
<td> | |||||
<?php if($ch->isTypeCredit()): ?> | |||||
+ <?= $ch->getMontant(true); ?> | |||||
<?php endif; ?> | |||||
</td> | |||||
<td> | |||||
<?= $ch->getStrMoyenPaiement() ?> | |||||
</td> | |||||
<td> | |||||
<?php if(strlen($ch->commentaire)): ?> | |||||
<?= nl2br($ch->commentaire) ; ?> | |||||
<?php endif; ?> | |||||
</td> | |||||
</tr> | |||||
<?php endforeach; ?> | |||||
<?php else: ?> | |||||
<tr><td colspan="4">Aucun résultat</td></tr> | |||||
<?php endif; ?> | |||||
</tbody> | |||||
</table> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> |
<?php | |||||
use yii\helpers\Html; | |||||
use yii\grid\GridView; | |||||
use common\models\User ; | |||||
use common\models\Commande ; | |||||
/* @var $this yii\web\View */ | |||||
/* @var $dataProvider yii\data\ActiveDataProvider */ | |||||
$this->title = 'Clients'; | |||||
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = $this->title; | |||||
?> | |||||
<div class="user-index"> | |||||
<h1> | |||||
<?= Html::encode($this->title) ?> | |||||
<?= Html::a('Ajouter', ['create'], ['class' => 'btn btn-primary']) ?> | |||||
<?= Html::a('<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-envelope"></span> Liste des emails', ['mail'], ['class' => 'btn btn-default']) ?> | |||||
</h1> | |||||
<?= GridView::widget([ | |||||
'dataProvider' => $dataProvider, | |||||
'filterModel' => true, | |||||
'columns' => [ | |||||
[ | |||||
'attribute' => 'nom', | |||||
'filter' => Html::input( | |||||
'string', | |||||
'nom', | |||||
isset(Yii::$app->request->queryParams['nom']) ? Html::encode(Yii::$app->request->queryParams['nom']) : '', | |||||
[ 'class' => 'form-control'] | |||||
) | |||||
], | |||||
[ | |||||
'attribute' => 'prenom', | |||||
'filter' => Html::input( | |||||
'string', | |||||
'prenom', | |||||
isset(Yii::$app->request->queryParams['prenom']) ? Html::encode(Yii::$app->request->queryParams['prenom']) : '', | |||||
['class' => 'form-control'] | |||||
) | |||||
], | |||||
[ | |||||
'attribute' => 'telephone', | |||||
'filter' => Html::input( | |||||
'string', | |||||
'telephone', | |||||
isset(Yii::$app->request->queryParams['telephone']) ? Html::encode(Yii::$app->request->queryParams['telephone']) : '', | |||||
['class' => 'form-control'] | |||||
) | |||||
], | |||||
[ | |||||
'attribute' => 'email', | |||||
'filter' => Html::input( | |||||
'string', | |||||
'email', | |||||
isset(Yii::$app->request->queryParams['email']) ? Html::encode(Yii::$app->request->queryParams['email']) : '', | |||||
['class' => 'form-control'] | |||||
) | |||||
], | |||||
[ | |||||
'attribute' => 'created_at', | |||||
'label' => 'Date d\'inscription', | |||||
'value' => function($model) { | |||||
if(isset($model['created_at'])) | |||||
return date('m/d/Y à H:i', $model['created_at']); | |||||
} | |||||
], | |||||
[ | |||||
'attribute' => 'date_derniere_connexion', | |||||
'label' => 'Dernière connexion', | |||||
'value' => function($model) { | |||||
if(isset($model['date_derniere_connexion'])) | |||||
return date('d/m/Y à H:i', strtotime($model['date_derniere_connexion'])); | |||||
else | |||||
return '' ; | |||||
} | |||||
], | |||||
[ | |||||
'class' => 'yii\grid\ActionColumn', | |||||
'template' => '{commandes}', | |||||
'headerOptions' => ['class' => 'actions'], | |||||
'buttons' => [ | |||||
'commandes' => function ($url, $model) { | |||||
$url = Yii::$app->urlManager->createUrl(['user/commandes','id' => $model['user_id']]) ; | |||||
$count_commandes = Commande::find() | |||||
->joinWith('production') | |||||
->where([ | |||||
'id_user' => $model['user_id'], | |||||
'production.id_etablissement' => Yii::$app->user->identity->id_etablissement]) | |||||
->count() ; | |||||
$html = '' ; | |||||
if($count_commandes) | |||||
{ | |||||
$s = '' ; | |||||
if($count_commandes > 1) $s = 's' ; | |||||
$html .= Html::a('<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-eye-open"></span> '.$count_commandes.' commande'.$s, $url, [ | |||||
'title' => Yii::t('app', 'Commandes'), 'class' => 'btn btn-default ' | |||||
]); ; | |||||
} | |||||
else { | |||||
$html .= 'Aucune commande' ; | |||||
} | |||||
return $html ; | |||||
}, | |||||
], | |||||
], | |||||
[ | |||||
'attribute' => 'credit', | |||||
'format' => 'raw', | |||||
'value' => function($model) use($etablissement) { | |||||
if(!isset($model['credit'])) $model['credit'] = 0 ; | |||||
$user = User::findOne($model['user_id']) ; | |||||
$html = '<div class="input-group"> | |||||
<input type="text" class="form-control input-credit" readonly="readonly" value="'.number_format($user->getCredit($etablissement->id),2).' €" placeholder=""> | |||||
<span class="input-group-btn"> | |||||
'.Html::a( | |||||
'<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-euro"></span> Crédit', | |||||
Yii::$app->urlManager->createUrl(['user/credit','id' => $model['user_id']]), | |||||
[ | |||||
'title' => 'Crédit', | |||||
'class' => 'btn btn-default' | |||||
] | |||||
).' | |||||
</span> | |||||
</div>' ; | |||||
return $html ; | |||||
} | |||||
], | |||||
[ | |||||
'class' => 'yii\grid\ActionColumn', | |||||
'template' => '{update}', | |||||
'headerOptions' => ['class' => 'actions'], | |||||
'buttons' => [ | |||||
'update' => function ($url, $model) { | |||||
$url = Yii::$app->urlManager->createUrl(['user/update','id' => $model['user_id']]) ; | |||||
$user = User::find()->with('userEtablissement')->where(['id' => $model['user_id']])->one() ; | |||||
if(count($user->userEtablissement) <= 1) | |||||
{ | |||||
return Html::a('<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil"></span> Modifier', $url, [ | |||||
'title' => Yii::t('app', 'Modifier'), 'class' => 'btn btn-default' | |||||
]); | |||||
} | |||||
else { | |||||
return '<span data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="Vous ne pouvez pas modifier les clients qui sont liés à plusieurs producteurs."><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove-sign"></span> Non modifiable</span>' ; | |||||
} | |||||
}, | |||||
], | |||||
], | |||||
], | |||||
]); ?> | |||||
</div> |
<?php | |||||
/* | |||||
* To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. | |||||
* To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates | |||||
* and open the template in the editor. | |||||
*/ | |||||
use yii\helpers\Html ; | |||||
$this->title = 'Liste des emails'; | |||||
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = ['label' => 'Clients', | |||||
'url' => ['user/index']] ; | |||||
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = $this->title; | |||||
?> | |||||
<h1><?= count($users); ?> clients</h1> | |||||
<?= implode(', ', $users); ?> | |||||
<?php | |||||
use yii\helpers\Html; | |||||
use yii\bootstrap\ActiveForm; | |||||
/* | |||||
* To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. | |||||
* To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates | |||||
* and open the template in the editor. | |||||
*/ | |||||
$this->title = 'Envoi d\'un email à tous les utilisateurs'; | |||||
?> | |||||
<h1><?= Html::encode($this->title) ?></h1> | |||||
<?php | |||||
$form = ActiveForm::begin(['id' => 'email-masse-form','enableClientValidation' => false]); ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'subject') ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'body')->textArea(['rows' => 6]) ?> | |||||
<div class="form-group"> | |||||
<label class="control-label">Envoyer à</label> | |||||
<p>Cliquer sur les utilisateurs pour modifier leur état.<br /> | |||||
Légende : <span class="label label-default">à envoyer</span> <span class="label label-danger">ne pas envoyer</span> <span class="label label-success">envoyé</span></p> | |||||
<div id="ids-users"> | |||||
<?php foreach($users as $u): ?> | |||||
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="label <?php if($u->no_mail): ?>label-danger<?php else: ?>label-default<?php endif; ?>" data-send="0" data-id="<?php echo $u->id; ?>"><?php echo Html::encode($u->prenom.' '.$u->nom); ?></a> | |||||
<?php endforeach; ?> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<input name="id_user" type="hidden" value="" /> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<br /> | |||||
<div class="form-group"> | |||||
<?= Html::submitButton('Envoyer', ['class' => 'btn btn-default', 'name' => 'email-masse-button']) ?> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<?php ActiveForm::end(); ?> | |||||
<?php | |||||
use yii\helpers\Html; | |||||
/* @var $this yii\web\View */ | |||||
/* @var $model common\models\User */ | |||||
$this->title = 'Modifier un client' ; | |||||
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = ['label' => 'Clients', 'url' => ['index']]; | |||||
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = ['label' => Html::encode($model->nom.' '.$model->prenom)]; | |||||
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = 'Modifier'; | |||||
?> | |||||
<div class="user-update"> | |||||
<h1><?= Html::encode($this->title) ?></h1> | |||||
<?= $this->render('_form', [ | |||||
'model' => $model, | |||||
]) ?> | |||||
</div> |
<?php | |||||
use yii\helpers\Html; | |||||
use yii\widgets\DetailView; | |||||
/* @var $this yii\web\View */ | |||||
/* @var $model common\models\User */ | |||||
$this->title = $model->id; | |||||
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = ['label' => 'Clients', 'url' => ['index']]; | |||||
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = $this->title; | |||||
?> | |||||
<div class="user-view"> | |||||
<h1><?= Html::encode($this->title) ?></h1> | |||||
<p> | |||||
<?= Html::a('Update', ['update', 'id' => $model->id], ['class' => 'btn btn-primary']) ?> | |||||
<?= Html::a('Delete', ['delete', 'id' => $model->id], [ | |||||
'class' => 'btn btn-danger', | |||||
'data' => [ | |||||
'confirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this item?', | |||||
'method' => 'post', | |||||
], | |||||
]) ?> | |||||
</p> | |||||
<?= DetailView::widget([ | |||||
'model' => $model, | |||||
'attributes' => [ | |||||
'id', | |||||
'username', | |||||
'auth_key', | |||||
'password_hash', | |||||
'password_reset_token', | |||||
'email:email', | |||||
'status', | |||||
'created_at', | |||||
'updated_at', | |||||
'nom', | |||||
'prenom', | |||||
'telephone', | |||||
'confiance', | |||||
], | |||||
]) ?> | |||||
</div> |
<?php | |||||
use yii\helpers\Html; | |||||
use yii\widgets\ActiveForm; | |||||
/* @var $this yii\web\View */ | |||||
/* @var $model app\models\Produit */ | |||||
/* @var $form yii\widgets\ActiveForm */ | |||||
?> | |||||
<div class="produit-form"> | |||||
<?php $form = ActiveForm::begin(['options' => ['enctype' => 'multipart/form-data']]); ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'actif')->radioList([1 => 'Oui',0 => 'Non' ]) ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'order')->textInput(['maxlength' => 255]) ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'nom')->textInput(['maxlength' => 255]) ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'diminutif')->textInput(['maxlength' => 255]) ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'description')->textInput(['maxlength' => 255]) ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'prix')->textInput() ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'epuise')->checkbox() ?> | |||||
<?= $form->field($model, 'photo')->fileInput() ?> | |||||
<?php | |||||
if(strlen($model->photo)) { | |||||
echo '<img src="../../frontend/web/uploads/'.$model->photo.'" width="200px" /><br />' ; | |||||
echo '<input type="checkbox" name="delete_photo" id="delete_photo" /> <label for="delete_photo">Supprimer la photo</label><br /><br />' ; | |||||
} | |||||
?> | |||||
<div class="form-group"> | |||||
<?= Html::submitButton($model->isNewRecord ? 'Create' : 'Update', ['class' => $model->isNewRecord ? 'btn btn-success' : 'btn btn-primary']) ?> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<?php ActiveForm::end(); ?> | |||||
</div> |
<?php | |||||
use yii\helpers\Html; | |||||
/* @var $this yii\web\View */ | |||||
/* @var $model app\models\Produit */ | |||||
$this->title = 'Ajouter vrac'; | |||||
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = ['label' => 'Produits', 'url' => ['index']]; | |||||
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = $this->title; | |||||
?> | |||||
<div class="produit-create"> | |||||
<h1><?= Html::encode($this->title) ?></h1> | |||||
<?= $this->render('_form', [ | |||||
'model' => $model, | |||||
]) ?> | |||||
</div> |
<?php | |||||
use yii\helpers\Html; | |||||
use yii\grid\GridView; | |||||
/* @var $this yii\web\View */ | |||||
/* @var $dataProvider yii\data\ActiveDataProvider */ | |||||
$this->title = 'Vrac'; | |||||
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = $this->title; | |||||
?> | |||||
<div class="produit-index"> | |||||
<h1><?= Html::encode($this->title) ?> <?= Html::a('Ajouter', ['create'], ['class' => 'btn btn-success']) ?></h1> | |||||
<?= GridView::widget([ | |||||
'dataProvider' => $dataProvider, | |||||
'columns' => [ | |||||
//['class' => 'yii\grid\SerialColumn'], | |||||
//'id', | |||||
'order', | |||||
'diminutif', | |||||
'nom', | |||||
'epuise', | |||||
'actif', | |||||
//'illustration', | |||||
// 'photo', | |||||
// 'saison', | |||||
// 'prix', | |||||
// 'poids', | |||||
['class' => 'yii\grid\ActionColumn'], | |||||
], | |||||
]); ?> | |||||
</div> |
<?php | |||||
use yii\helpers\Html; | |||||
/* @var $this yii\web\View */ | |||||
/* @var $model app\models\Produit */ | |||||
$this->title = 'Modifier vrac #'. $model->id; | |||||
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = ['label' => 'Produits', 'url' => ['index']]; | |||||
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = ['label' => $model->id, 'url' => ['view', 'id' => $model->id]]; | |||||
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = 'Update'; | |||||
?> | |||||
<div class="produit-update"> | |||||
<h1><?= Html::encode($this->title) ?></h1> | |||||
<?= $this->render('_form', [ | |||||
'model' => $model, | |||||
]) ?> | |||||
</div> |
<?php | |||||
use yii\helpers\Html; | |||||
use yii\widgets\DetailView; | |||||
/* @var $this yii\web\View */ | |||||
/* @var $model app\models\Produit */ | |||||
$this->title = $model->id; | |||||
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = ['label' => 'Produits', 'url' => ['index']]; | |||||
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = $this->title; | |||||
?> | |||||
<div class="produit-view"> | |||||
<h1><?= Html::encode($this->title) ?></h1> | |||||
<p> | |||||
<?= Html::a('Update', ['update', 'id' => $model->id], ['class' => 'btn btn-primary']) ?> | |||||
<?= Html::a('Delete', ['delete', 'id' => $model->id], [ | |||||
'class' => 'btn btn-danger', | |||||
'data' => [ | |||||
'confirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this item?', | |||||
'method' => 'post', | |||||
], | |||||
]) ?> | |||||
</p> | |||||
<?= DetailView::widget([ | |||||
'model' => $model, | |||||
'attributes' => [ | |||||
'id', | |||||
'nom', | |||||
'description', | |||||
'actif', | |||||
'illustration', | |||||
'photo', | |||||
'saison', | |||||
'prix', | |||||
'poids', | |||||
], | |||||
]) ?> | |||||
</div> |
/index.php | |||||
/index-test.php |
RewriteEngine on | |||||
# if a directory or a file exists, use the request directly | |||||
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f | |||||
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d | |||||
# otherwise forward the request to index.php | |||||
RewriteRule . index.php |