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sign-stop.svg 1.3KB

11 months ago
  1. <svg xmlns="" width="16" height="16" fill="currentColor" class="bi bi-sign-stop" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
  2. <path d="M3.16 10.08c-.931 0-1.447-.493-1.494-1.132h.653c.065.346.396.583.891.583.524 0 .83-.246.83-.62 0-.303-.203-.467-.637-.572l-.656-.164c-.61-.147-.978-.51-.978-1.078 0-.706.597-1.184 1.444-1.184.853 0 1.386.475 1.436 1.087h-.645c-.064-.32-.352-.542-.797-.542-.472 0-.77.246-.77.6 0 .261.196.437.553.522l.654.161c.673.164 1.06.487 1.06 1.11 0 .736-.574 1.228-1.544 1.228Zm3.427-3.51V10h-.665V6.57H4.753V6h3.006v.568H6.587Z"/>
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  5. </svg>