You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

86 lines

  1. {% macro tableHead() %}
  2. <table id="order-products-list" class="table table-striped">
  3. <thead>
  4. <tr>
  5. <th colspan="2">
  6. <span>Produits / Producteurs</span>
  7. </th>
  8. <th>
  9. <span>Prix HT à l'unité</span>
  10. </th>
  11. <th>
  12. <span>Prix TTC à l'unité </span>
  13. </th>
  14. <th>
  15. <span>Disponibilité</span>
  16. </th>
  17. <th>
  18. <span>Quantité</span>
  19. </th>
  20. <th>
  21. <span>Total</span>
  22. </th>
  23. </tr>
  24. </thead>
  25. {% endmacro %}
  26. {% macro products(form_order_products) %}
  27. <tbody>
  28. <template v-for="(orderProduct, key) in orderProducts">
  29. <order-product ref="orderProductBLOP" :order-product="orderProduct" :template="templateTest" :key-item="key"></order-product>
  30. </template>
  31. </tbody>
  32. {% endmacro %}
  33. {% macro productsTemplate(form_order_products) %}
  34. <tr class="order-product-item">
  35. <td colspan="2">{% verbatim %}{{orderProduct.title}}{% endverbatim %}</td>
  36. <td>
  37. {% verbatim %}{{orderProduct.price}}{% endverbatim %}€
  38. </td>
  39. <td>
  40. {% verbatim %}{{orderProduct.priceWithTax}}{% endverbatim %}€
  41. </td>
  42. <td></td>
  43. <td>
  44. {{ form_widget(form_order_products.orderProducts.vars.prototype.quantityOrder, {'attr' : {'ref': 'fieldQuantity', 'v-model' : 'orderProduct.quantityOrder', '@change' : 'updateOrderProducts'}}) }}
  45. {{ form_widget(form_order_products.orderProducts.vars.prototype.product, {'attr' : {'ref' : 'fieldProduct', 'v-model' : 'orderProduct.product'}}) }}
  46. {#{{ form_widget(, {'attr' : {'ref' : 'fieldId', 'v-model' : ''}}) }}#}
  47. <button type="button" class="btn-remove-product btn btn-default" @click="deleteOrderProduct()">
  48. <i class="fa fa-trash"></i>
  49. </button>
  50. </td>
  51. <td>
  52. {% verbatim %}{{orderProduct.totalWithTaxAndReduction}}{% endverbatim %}€
  53. </td>
  54. </tr>
  55. {% endmacro %}
  56. {% macro tableTotal() %}
  57. </table>
  58. <div class="clearfix"></div>
  59. <div class="row">
  60. <div class="col-7"></div>
  61. <div class="col-5">
  62. <div class="table-responsive">
  63. <table class="table">
  64. <tbody>
  65. <tr>
  66. <th>Total without Tax</th>
  67. <td>${}€</td>
  68. </tr>
  69. <tr>
  70. <th>Total</th>
  71. <td>${order.totalWithTax}€</td>
  72. </tr>
  73. </tbody>
  74. </table>
  75. </div>
  76. </div>
  77. </div>
  78. {% endmacro %}