ticketMessages = new ArrayCollection(); } public function getMerchant(): ?MerchantInterface { return $this->merchant; } public function setMerchant(?MerchantInterface $merchant): self { $this->merchant = $merchant; return $this; } public function getType(): ?string { return $this->type; } public function setType(string $type): self { $this->type = $type; return $this; } public function getTypeLabel(): string { return 'field.Ticket.typeOptions.'.$this->getType() ; } public function getTypeHelp(): ?string { return $this->typeHelp; } public function setTypeHelp(?string $typeHelp): self { $this->typeHelp = $typeHelp; return $this; } public function getTicketStatus(): ?string { return $this->ticketStatus; } public function setTicketStatus(string $ticketStatus): self { $this->ticketStatus = $ticketStatus; return $this; } public function getTicketStatusLabel(): string { return 'field.Ticket.ticketStatusOptions.'.$this->getTicketStatus() ; } public function getOrderShop(): ?OrderShopInterface { return $this->orderShop; } public function setOrderShop(?OrderShopInterface $orderShop): self { $this->orderShop = $orderShop; return $this; } public function getSubject(): ?string { return $this->subject; } public function setSubject(string $subject): self { $this->subject = $subject; return $this; } public function getTags(): ?array { return $this->tags; } public function setTags(?array $tags): self { $this->tags = $tags; return $this; } public function getVisitorFirstname(): ?string { return $this->visitorFirstname; } public function setVisitorFirstname(?string $visitorFirstname): self { $this->visitorFirstname = $visitorFirstname; return $this; } public function getVisitorLastname(): ?string { return $this->visitorLastname; } public function setVisitorLastname(?string $visitorLastname): self { $this->visitorLastname = $visitorLastname; return $this; } public function getVisitorEmail(): ?string { return $this->visitorEmail; } public function setVisitorEmail(?string $visitorEmail): self { $this->visitorEmail = $visitorEmail; return $this; } public function getVisitorToken(): ?string { return $this->visitorToken; } public function setVisitorToken(?string $visitorToken): self { $this->visitorToken = $visitorToken; return $this; } /** * @return Collection|TicketMessage[] */ public function getTicketMessages(): Collection { return $this->ticketMessages; } public function addTicketMessage(TicketMessage $ticketMessage): self { if (!$this->ticketMessages->contains($ticketMessage)) { $this->ticketMessages[] = $ticketMessage; $ticketMessage->setTicket($this); } return $this; } public function removeTicketMessage(TicketMessage $ticketMessage): self { if ($this->ticketMessages->contains($ticketMessage)) { $this->ticketMessages->removeElement($ticketMessage); // set the owning side to null (unless already changed) if ($ticketMessage->getTicket() === $this) { $ticketMessage->setTicket(null); } } return $this; } public function getUser(): ?UserInterface { return $this->user; } public function setUser(?UserInterface $user): self { $this->user = $user; return $this; } }