- <?php
- namespace Lc\CaracoleBundle\Repository\Order;
- use App\Entity\Delivery\DeliveryAvailabilityPointSale;
- use App\Entity\Delivery\DeliveryAvailabilityZone;
- use App\Entity\PointSale\PointSale;
- use Knp\Component\Pager\PaginatorInterface;
- use Lc\CaracoleBundle\Model\Address\AddressInterface;
- use Lc\CaracoleBundle\Model\Order\OrderReductionCartInterface;
- use Lc\CaracoleBundle\Model\Order\OrderReductionCreditInterface;
- use Lc\CaracoleBundle\Model\User\VisitorInterface;
- use Lc\CaracoleBundle\Repository\SectionRepositoryQueryTrait;
- use Lc\SovBundle\Model\User\UserInterface;
- use Lc\SovBundle\Repository\AbstractRepositoryQuery;
- use DateTime;
- class OrderShopRepositoryQuery extends AbstractRepositoryQuery
- {
- use SectionRepositoryQueryTrait;
- protected $isJoinOrderReductionCredits = false;
- protected $isJoinOrderReductionCarts = false;
- protected $isJoinOrderStatus = false;
- protected $isJoinComplementaryOrderShops = false;
- protected $isJoinDeliveryPointSale = false;
- protected $isJoinDeliveryAvailabilityZone = false;
- protected $isJoinDeliverySlotZone = false;
- protected $isJoinDeliveryAvailabilityPointSale = false;
- protected $isJoinDeliverySlotPointSale = false;
- protected $isHorsTournee = false;
- protected $isGiftVoucher = false;
- public function __construct(OrderShopRepository $repository, PaginatorInterface $paginator)
- {
- parent::__construct($repository, 'r', $paginator);
- }
- public function selectParam($select): self
- {
- return $this
- ->addSelect($select);
- }
- public function selectCount(): self
- {
- return $this
- ->addSelect('count(r.id) as total');
- }
- public function filterByUser(UserInterface $user): self
- {
- return $this
- ->andWhere('.user = :user')
- ->setParameter('user', $user);
- }
- public function filterByDateStart(string $dateField, DateTime $dateStart): self
- {
- return $this
- ->andWhere('.' . $dateField . ' >= :dateStart')
- ->setParameter('dateStart', $dateStart);
- }
- public function filterByDateEnd(string $dateField, DateTime $dateEnd): self
- {
- return $this
- ->andWhere('.' . $dateField . ' <= :dateEnd')
- ->setParameter('dateEnd', $dateEnd);
- }
- public function filterByEstimatedDeliveryDateStart(DateTime $dateStart): self
- {
- return $this
- ->andWhere('.estimatedDeliveryDateTime >= :deliveryDateStart')
- ->setParameter('deliveryDateStart', $dateStart);
- }
- public function filterByEstimatedDeliveryDateEnd(DateTime $dateEnd): self
- {
- return $this
- ->andWhere('.estimatedDeliveryDateTime < :deliveryDateEnd')
- ->setParameter('deliveryDateEnd', $dateEnd);
- }
- public function filterByDeliveryDateStart(DateTime $dateStart): self
- {
- return $this
- ->andWhere('.deliveryDate >= :deliveryDateStart')
- ->setParameter('deliveryDateStart', $dateStart);
- }
- public function filterByDeliveryDateEnd(DateTime $dateEnd): self
- {
- return $this
- ->andWhere('.deliveryDate < :deliveryDateEnd')
- ->setParameter('deliveryDateEnd', $dateEnd);
- }
- public function filterByVisitor(VisitorInterface $visitor): self
- {
- return $this
- ->andWhere('.visitor = :visitor')
- ->setParameter('visitor', $visitor);
- }
- public function filterByAddress(AddressInterface $address): self
- {
- return $this
- ->andWhere('.deliveryAddress = :address OR .invoiceAddress = :address')
- ->setParameter('address', $address);
- }
- public function filterByWeekDeliveryTruck(string $weekDeliveryTrucks): self
- {
- return $this
- ->andWhere('.weekDeliveryTruck IN (:weekDeliveryTrucks)')
- ->setParameter('weekDeliveryTrucks', $weekDeliveryTrucks);
- }
- public function filterByStatus(array $statusArray): self
- {
- $this->joinOrderStatus();
- return $this
- ->andWhere('os.alias IN (:alias)')
- ->setParameter('alias', $statusArray);
- }
- public function filterByReductionCredit(OrderReductionCreditInterface $reductionCredit): self
- {
- $this->joinOrderReductionCredits();
- return $this
- ->andWhere('orc.reductionCredit = :reductionCredit')
- ->setParameter('reductionCredit', $reductionCredit);
- }
- public function filterByReductionCart(OrderReductionCartInterface $reductionCart): self
- {
- $this->joinOrderReductionCarts();
- return $this
- ->andWhere('orcart.reductionCart = :reductionCart')
- ->setParameter('reductionCart', $reductionCart);
- }
- public function filterByAvailabilityPointZone(DeliveryAvailabilityZone $deliveryAvailabilityZone): self
- {
- return $this
- ->andWhere('.deliveryAvailabilityZone = :deliveryAvailabilityZone')
- ->setParameter('deliveryAvailabilityZone', $deliveryAvailabilityZone);
- }
- public function filterByAvailabilityPointSale(DeliveryAvailabilityPointSale $deliveryAvailabilityPointSale): self
- {
- return $this
- ->andWhere('.deliveryAvailabilityPointSale = :deliveryAvailabilityPointSale')
- ->setParameter('deliveryAvailabilityPointSale', $deliveryAvailabilityPointSale);
- }
- public function filterByWeekNumber(int $weekNumber): self
- {
- return $this
- ->andWhere('.weekNumber = :weekNumber')
- ->setParameter('weekNumber', $weekNumber);
- }
- public function filterIsNotMainOrderShop(): self
- {
- return $this
- ->andWhere('.mainOrderShop = false OR .mainOrderShop IS NULL');
- }
- public function filterIsNullMainOrderShop(): self
- {
- return $this
- ->andWhere('.mainOrderShop IS NULL');
- }
- public function filterIsNullDeliveryPointSale(): self
- {
- $this
- ->joinDeliveryPointSale()
- ->andWhere(
- '.deliveryPointSale IS NULL OR (pointSale.isDepository = 0 AND (pointSale.devAlias IS NULL OR (pointSale.devAlias != :devAliasHorsTournee AND pointSale.devAlias != :devAliasGiftVoucher)))'
- )
- ->setParameterGiftVoucher()
- ->setParameterHorsTournee();
- return $this;
- }
- public function filterIsNotNullDeliveryPointSale(): self
- {
- $this
- ->joinDeliveryPointSale()
- ->andWhere(
- 'pointSale IS NOT NULL AND pointSale.isDepository = 1 AND (pointSale.devAlias IS NULL OR (pointSale.devAlias != :devAliasHorsTournee AND pointSale.devAlias != :devAliasGiftVoucher))'
- )
- ->setParameterGiftVoucher()
- ->setParameterHorsTournee();
- return $this;
- }
- public function filterIsPointSale(string $devAlias = 'devAliasHorsTournee'): self
- {
- $this
- ->joinDeliveryPointSale()
- ->andWhere('pointSale IS NOT NULL AND pointSale.devAlias = :' . $devAlias);
- if($devAlias == 'devAliasHorsTournee'){
- $this->setParameterHorsTournee();
- } elseif($devAlias == 'devAliasGiftVoucher') {
- $this->setParameterGiftVoucher();
- }
- return $this;
- }
- public function selectOrderReductionCarts(): self
- {
- $this->joinOrderReductionCarts();
- return $this->addSelect('orcart');
- }
- public function setParameterGiftVoucher(): self
- {
- if (!$this->isGiftVoucher) {
- $this->isGiftVoucher = true;
- return $this
- ->setParameter('devAliasGiftVoucher', PointSale::DEV_ALIAS_GIFT_VOUCHER);
- }
- return $this;
- }
- public function setParameterHorsTournee(): self
- {
- if (!$this->isHorsTournee) {
- $this->isHorsTournee = true;
- return $this
- ->setParameter('devAliasHorsTournee', PointSale::DEV_ALIAS_OFF_CIRCUIT);
- }
- return $this;
- }
- public function joinOrderReductionCredits(): self
- {
- if (!$this->isJoinOrderReductionCredits) {
- $this->isJoinOrderReductionCredits = true;
- return $this
- ->innerJoin('.orderReductionCredits', 'orc');
- }
- return $this;
- }
- public function joinDeliveryAvailabilityZone(): self
- {
- if (!$this->isJoinDeliveryAvailabilityZone) {
- $this->isJoinDeliveryAvailabilityZone = true;
- return $this
- ->leftJoin('.deliveryAvailabilityZone', 'deliveryAvailabilityZone');
- }
- return $this;
- }
- public function joinDeliverySlotZone(): self
- {
- $this->joinDeliveryAvailabilityZone();
- if (!$this->isJoinDeliverySlotZone) {
- $this->isJoinDeliverySlotZone = true;
- return $this
- ->leftJoin('deliveryAvailabilityZone.deliverySlot', 'deliverySlotZone');
- }
- return $this;
- }
- public function joinDeliveryAvailabilityPointSale(): self
- {
- if (!$this->isJoinDeliveryAvailabilityPointSale) {
- $this->isJoinDeliveryAvailabilityPointSale = true;
- return $this
- ->leftJoin('.deliveryAvailabilityPointSale', 'deliveryAvailabilityPointSale');
- }
- return $this;
- }
- public function joinDeliverySlotPointSale(): self
- {
- $this->joinDeliveryAvailabilityZone();
- if (!$this->isJoinDeliverySlotPointSale) {
- $this->isJoinDeliverySlotPointSale = true;
- return $this
- ->leftJoin('deliveryAvailabilityPointSale.deliverySlot', 'deliverySlotPointSale');
- }
- return $this;
- }
- public function joinOrderStatus(): self
- {
- if (!$this->isJoinOrderStatus) {
- $this->isJoinOrderStatus = true;
- return $this
- ->leftJoin('.orderStatus', 'os');
- }
- return $this;
- }
- public function joinOrderReductionCarts(): self
- {
- if (!$this->isJoinOrderReductionCarts) {
- $this->isJoinOrderReductionCarts = true;
- return $this
- ->leftJoin('.orderReductionCarts', 'orcart');
- }
- return $this;
- }
- public function joinComplementaryOrderShops(): self
- {
- if (!$this->isJoinComplementaryOrderShops) {
- $this->isJoinComplementaryOrderShops = true;
- return $this
- ->leftJoin('.complementaryOrderShops', 'complementaryOrderShops');
- }
- return $this;
- }
- public function joinDeliveryPointSale(): self
- {
- if (!$this->isJoinDeliveryPointSale) {
- $this->isJoinDeliveryPointSale = true;
- return $this
- ->leftJoin('.deliveryPointSale', 'pointSale');
- }
- return $this;
- }
- }