productCategories = new ArrayCollection(); $this->products = new ArrayCollection(); } public function __toString() { return $this->getTitle(); } public function getSection(): SectionInterface { return $this->section; } public function setSection(SectionInterface $section): self { $this->section = $section; return $this; } public function getActiveProducts(): ?bool { return $this->activeProducts; } public function setActiveProducts(bool $activeProducts): self { $this->activeProducts = $activeProducts; return $this; } public function getProductsQuantityAsTitle(): ?bool { return $this->productsQuantityAsTitle; } public function setProductsQuantityAsTitle(bool $productsQuantityAsTitle): self { $this->productsQuantityAsTitle = $productsQuantityAsTitle; return $this; } public function getProductsType(): ?string { return $this->productsType; } public function setProductsType(?string $productsType): self { $this->productsType = $productsType; return $this; } public function getQuantityLabel(): ?string { return $this->quantityLabel; } public function setQuantityLabel(?string $quantityLabel): self { $this->quantityLabel = $quantityLabel; return $this; } /** * @return Collection|ProductInterface[] */ public function getProducts(): Collection { return $this->products; } public function addProduct(ProductInterface $product): self { if (!$this->products->contains($product)) { $this->products[] = $product; $product->setProductFamily($this); } return $this; } public function removeProduct(ProductInterface $product): self { if ($this->products->contains($product)) { $this->products->removeElement($product); // set the owning side to null (unless already changed) if ($product->getProductFamily() === $this) { $product->setProductFamily(null); } } return $this; } public function getReductionCatalog(): ?ReductionCatalogInterface { return $this->reductionCatalog; } public function setReductionCatalog(?ReductionCatalogInterface $reductionCatalog): self { $this->reductionCatalog = $reductionCatalog; return $this; } /** * @return Collection|ProductCategoryInterface[] */ public function getProductCategories(): Collection { return $this->productCategories; } public function initProductCategories() { $this->productCategories = new ArrayCollection(); } public function addProductCategory(ProductCategoryInterface $productCategory): self { if (!$this->productCategories->contains($productCategory)) { $this->productCategories[] = $productCategory; } return $this; } public function removeProductCategory(ProductCategoryInterface $productCategory): self { if ($this->productCategories->contains($productCategory)) { $this->productCategories->removeElement($productCategory); } return $this; } public function getSubtitle(): ?string { return $this->subtitle; } public function setSubtitle(?string $subtitle): self { $this->subtitle = $subtitle; return $this; } public function getWarningMessage(): ?string { return $this->warningMessage; } public function setWarningMessage(?string $warningMessage): self { $this->warningMessage = $warningMessage; return $this; } public function getWarningMessageType(): ?string { return $this->warningMessageType; } public function setWarningMessageType(?string $warningMessageType): self { $this->warningMessageType = $warningMessageType; return $this; } public function getNote(): ?string { return $this->note; } public function setNote(?string $note): self { $this->note = $note; return $this; } public function getBehaviorOutOfStock(): ?string { return $this->behaviorOutOfStock; } public function setBehaviorOutOfStock(?string $behaviorOutOfStock): self { $this->behaviorOutOfStock = $behaviorOutOfStock; return $this; } public function getBehaviorCountStock(): ?string { return $this->behaviorCountStock; } public function setBehaviorCountStock(string $behaviorCountStock): self { $this->behaviorCountStock = $behaviorCountStock; return $this; } public function getExportTitle(): ?string { return $this->exportTitle; } public function setExportTitle(?string $exportTitle): self { $this->exportTitle = $exportTitle; return $this; } public function getExportNote(): ?string { return $this->exportNote; } public function setExportNote(?string $exportNote): self { $this->exportNote = $exportNote; return $this; } public function getBehaviorStockCycle(): ?string { return $this->behaviorStockCycle; } public function setBehaviorStockCycle(string $behaviorStockCycle): self { $this->behaviorStockCycle = $behaviorStockCycle; return $this; } public function getAvailabilityRenewedThisWeek(): ?bool { return $this->availabilityRenewedThisWeek; } public function setAvailabilityRenewedThisWeek(?bool $availabilityRenewedThisWeek): self { $this->availabilityRenewedThisWeek = $availabilityRenewedThisWeek; return $this; } public function getBehaviorDisplaySale(): ?string { return $this->behaviorDisplaySale; } public function setBehaviorDisplaySale(string $behaviorDisplaySale): self { $this->behaviorDisplaySale = $behaviorDisplaySale; return $this; } public function getPropertyNoveltyExpirationDate(): ?\DateTimeInterface { return $this->propertyNoveltyExpirationDate; } public function setPropertyNoveltyExpirationDate(?\DateTimeInterface $propertyNoveltyExpirationDate): self { $this->propertyNoveltyExpirationDate = $propertyNoveltyExpirationDate; return $this; } public function getPropertyOrganicLabel(): ?string { return $this->propertyOrganicLabel; } public function setPropertyOrganicLabel(?string $propertyOrganicLabel): self { $this->propertyOrganicLabel = $propertyOrganicLabel; return $this; } public function getPropertyAllergens(): ?string { return $this->propertyAllergens; } public function setPropertyAllergens(?string $propertyAllergens): self { $this->propertyAllergens = $propertyAllergens; return $this; } public function getPropertyComposition(): ?string { return $this->propertyComposition; } public function setPropertyComposition(?string $propertyComposition): self { $this->propertyComposition = $propertyComposition; return $this; } public function getPropertyFragrances(): ?string { return $this->propertyFragrances; } public function setPropertyFragrances(?string $propertyFragrances): self { $this->propertyFragrances = $propertyFragrances; return $this; } public function getBehaviorExpirationDate(): ?string { return $this->behaviorExpirationDate; } public function setBehaviorExpirationDate(?string $behaviorExpirationDate): self { $this->behaviorExpirationDate = $behaviorExpirationDate; return $this; } public function getTypeExpirationDate(): ?string { return $this->typeExpirationDate; } public function setTypeExpirationDate(?string $typeExpirationDate): self { $this->typeExpirationDate = $typeExpirationDate; return $this; } public function getPropertyWeight(): ?string { return $this->propertyWeight; } public function setPropertyWeight(?string $propertyWeight): self { $this->propertyWeight = $propertyWeight; return $this; } public function getPropertyQuantity(): ?string { return $this->propertyQuantity; } public function setPropertyQuantity(?string $propertyQuantity): self { $this->propertyQuantity = $propertyQuantity; return $this; } public function getPropertyVariety(): ?string { return $this->propertyVariety; } public function setPropertyVariety(?string $propertyVariety): self { $this->propertyVariety = $propertyVariety; return $this; } public function getPropertyFeature(): ?string { return $this->propertyFeature; } public function setPropertyFeature(?string $propertyFeature): self { $this->propertyFeature = $propertyFeature; return $this; } public function getPropertyAlcoholLevel(): ?string { return $this->propertyAlcoholLevel; } public function setPropertyAlcoholLevel(?string $propertyAlcoholLevel): self { $this->propertyAlcoholLevel = $propertyAlcoholLevel; return $this; } public function getPropertyPackaging(): ?string { return $this->propertyPackaging; } public function setPropertyPackaging(?string $propertyPackaging): self { $this->propertyPackaging = $propertyPackaging; return $this; } public function getPropertyCharacteristics(): ?string { return $this->propertyCharacteristics; } public function setPropertyCharacteristics(?string $propertyCharacteristics): self { $this->propertyCharacteristics = $propertyCharacteristics; return $this; } public function getBehaviorAddToCart(): ?string { return $this->behaviorAddToCart; } public function setBehaviorAddToCart(?string $behaviorAddToCart): self { $this->behaviorAddToCart = $behaviorAddToCart; return $this; } public function getBehaviorPrice(): ?string { return $this->behaviorPrice; } public function setBehaviorPrice(?string $behaviorPrice): self { $this->behaviorPrice = $behaviorPrice; return $this; } public function getSaleStatus(): ?bool { return $this->saleStatus; } public function setSaleStatus(bool $saleStatus): self { $this->saleStatus = $saleStatus; return $this; } public function getImage(): ?FileInterface { return $this->image; } public function setImage(?FileInterface $image): self { $this->image = $image; return $this; } }