getTitle()) { return $this->getTitle(); } else { return $this->getProduct()->getProductFamily()->getTitle() . ' - ' . $this->getProduct()->getTitle(); } } public function getTitleOrderShop() { $product = $this->getProduct(); $productFamily = $product->getProductFamily(); $titleProduct = $product->getTitle(); $titleProductFamily = $productFamily->getTitle(); if (strlen($titleProduct) > 0 && strlen($titleProductFamily) > 0) { $title = $titleProductFamily . ' - ' . $titleProduct; } else { $title = strlen($titleProduct) ? $titleProduct : $titleProductFamily; } if ($productFamily->hasProductsWithVariousWeight()) { $title .= ' - ' . $product->getQuantityLabelInherited(); } return $title; } public function getTitleSummaryAfterAddCart() { $title = ''; $product = $this->getProduct(); $productFamily = $product->getProductFamily(); $titleProduct = $product->getTitleInherited(); $titleProductFamily = $productFamily->getTitle(); // multiple if ($productFamily->getActiveProducts() && $productFamily->getBehaviorAddToCart() == 'multiple') { $title .= $titleProduct; if ($productFamily->hasProductsWithVariousWeight()) { $title .= ' - ' . $product->getQuantityLabelInherited(); } } // simple if ($productFamily->getBehaviorAddToCart() == 'simple') { if ($productFamily->getActiveProducts()) { $title .= $titleProduct; if ($productFamily->hasProductsWithVariousWeight()) { $title .= ' - ' . $product->getQuantityLabelInherited(); } } } return $title; } public function getOrderShop(): ?OrderShopInterface { return $this->orderShop; } public function setOrderShop(?OrderShopInterface $orderShop): self { $this->orderShop = $orderShop; return $this; } public function getProduct(): ?ProductInterface { return $this->product; } public function setProduct(?ProductInterface $product): self { $this->product = $product; return $this; } public function getQuantityOrder(): ?int { return $this->quantityOrder; } public function setQuantityOrder(int $quantityOrder): self { $this->quantityOrder = $quantityOrder; return $this; } public function getQuantityProduct(): ?float { return $this->quantityProduct; } public function setQuantityProduct(float $quantityProduct): self { $this->quantityProduct = $quantityProduct; return $this; } public function getTitle(): ?string { return $this->title; } public function setTitle(string $title): self { $this->title = $title; return $this; } public function getOrderProductReductionCatalog(): ?OrderProductReductionCatalogInterface { return $this->orderProductReductionCatalog; } public function setOrderProductReductionCatalog(?OrderProductReductionCatalogInterface $orderProductReductionCatalog): self { $this->orderProductReductionCatalog = $orderProductReductionCatalog; return $this; } public function getOrderProductRefund(): ?OrderProductRefundInterface { return $this->orderProductRefund; } public function setOrderProductRefund(OrderProductRefundInterface $orderProductRefund): self { $this->orderProductRefund = $orderProductRefund; // set the owning side of the relation if necessary if ($orderProductRefund->getOrderProduct() !== $this) { $orderProductRefund->setOrderProduct($this); } return $this; } }