Browse Source


Charly 3 years ago
10 changed files with 161 additions and 334 deletions
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+ 0
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migrations/Version20210824143117.php View File

@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@


namespace DoctrineMigrations;

use Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Schema;
use Doctrine\Migrations\AbstractMigration;

* Auto-generated Migration: Please modify to your needs!
final class Version20210824143117 extends AbstractMigration
public function getDescription(): string
return '';

public function up(Schema $schema): void
// this up() migration is auto-generated, please modify it to your needs
$this->addSql('CREATE TABLE dream (id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, individual_data_id INT DEFAULT NULL, collectif_data_id INT DEFAULT NULL, thematic_id INT DEFAULT NULL, description LONGTEXT NOT NULL, INDEX IDX_6A5F004FE2920B1 (individual_data_id), INDEX IDX_6A5F004FD9275BF1 (collectif_data_id), INDEX IDX_6A5F004F2395FCED (thematic_id), PRIMARY KEY(id)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci` ENGINE = InnoDB');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE dream ADD CONSTRAINT FK_6A5F004FE2920B1 FOREIGN KEY (individual_data_id) REFERENCES individual_data (id)');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE dream ADD CONSTRAINT FK_6A5F004FD9275BF1 FOREIGN KEY (collectif_data_id) REFERENCES collectif_data (id)');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE dream ADD CONSTRAINT FK_6A5F004F2395FCED FOREIGN KEY (thematic_id) REFERENCES thematic (id)');
$this->addSql('DROP TABLE dreams');

public function down(Schema $schema): void
// this down() migration is auto-generated, please modify it to your needs
$this->addSql('CREATE TABLE dreams (id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, individual_data_id INT DEFAULT NULL, collectif_data_id INT DEFAULT NULL, thematic_id INT DEFAULT NULL, description LONGTEXT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 NOT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`, INDEX IDX_FD07CC0AE2920B1 (individual_data_id), INDEX IDX_FD07CC0AD9275BF1 (collectif_data_id), INDEX IDX_FD07CC0A2395FCED (thematic_id), PRIMARY KEY(id)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE `utf8_unicode_ci` ENGINE = InnoDB COMMENT = \'\' ');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE dreams ADD CONSTRAINT FK_FD07CC0A2395FCED FOREIGN KEY (thematic_id) REFERENCES thematic (id)');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE dreams ADD CONSTRAINT FK_FD07CC0AD9275BF1 FOREIGN KEY (collectif_data_id) REFERENCES collectif_data (id)');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE dreams ADD CONSTRAINT FK_FD07CC0AE2920B1 FOREIGN KEY (individual_data_id) REFERENCES individual_data (id)');
$this->addSql('DROP TABLE dream');

+ 0
- 39
migrations/Version20210824143619.php View File

@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@


namespace DoctrineMigrations;

use Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Schema;
use Doctrine\Migrations\AbstractMigration;

* Auto-generated Migration: Please modify to your needs!
final class Version20210824143619 extends AbstractMigration
public function getDescription(): string
return '';

public function up(Schema $schema): void
// this up() migration is auto-generated, please modify it to your needs
$this->addSql('CREATE TABLE project_boost (id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, individual_data_id INT DEFAULT NULL, collectif_data_id INT DEFAULT NULL, thematic_id INT DEFAULT NULL, description LONGTEXT NOT NULL, INDEX IDX_45312EF6E2920B1 (individual_data_id), INDEX IDX_45312EF6D9275BF1 (collectif_data_id), INDEX IDX_45312EF62395FCED (thematic_id), PRIMARY KEY(id)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci` ENGINE = InnoDB');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE project_boost ADD CONSTRAINT FK_45312EF6E2920B1 FOREIGN KEY (individual_data_id) REFERENCES individual_data (id)');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE project_boost ADD CONSTRAINT FK_45312EF6D9275BF1 FOREIGN KEY (collectif_data_id) REFERENCES collectif_data (id)');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE project_boost ADD CONSTRAINT FK_45312EF62395FCED FOREIGN KEY (thematic_id) REFERENCES thematic (id)');
$this->addSql('DROP TABLE projects_boost');

public function down(Schema $schema): void
// this down() migration is auto-generated, please modify it to your needs
$this->addSql('CREATE TABLE projects_boost (id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, individual_data_id INT DEFAULT NULL, collectif_data_id INT DEFAULT NULL, thematic_id INT DEFAULT NULL, description LONGTEXT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 NOT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`, INDEX IDX_C3E57356E2920B1 (individual_data_id), INDEX IDX_C3E57356D9275BF1 (collectif_data_id), INDEX IDX_C3E573562395FCED (thematic_id), PRIMARY KEY(id)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE `utf8_unicode_ci` ENGINE = InnoDB COMMENT = \'\' ');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE projects_boost ADD CONSTRAINT FK_C3E573562395FCED FOREIGN KEY (thematic_id) REFERENCES thematic (id)');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE projects_boost ADD CONSTRAINT FK_C3E57356D9275BF1 FOREIGN KEY (collectif_data_id) REFERENCES collectif_data (id)');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE projects_boost ADD CONSTRAINT FK_C3E57356E2920B1 FOREIGN KEY (individual_data_id) REFERENCES individual_data (id)');
$this->addSql('DROP TABLE project_boost');

+ 0
- 39
migrations/Version20210824144406.php View File

@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@


namespace DoctrineMigrations;

use Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Schema;
use Doctrine\Migrations\AbstractMigration;

* Auto-generated Migration: Please modify to your needs!
final class Version20210824144406 extends AbstractMigration
public function getDescription(): string
return '';

public function up(Schema $schema): void
// this up() migration is auto-generated, please modify it to your needs
$this->addSql('CREATE TABLE project_inspiring (id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, individual_data_id INT DEFAULT NULL, collectif_data_id INT DEFAULT NULL, thematic_id INT DEFAULT NULL, description LONGTEXT NOT NULL, INDEX IDX_2E8C2C2EE2920B1 (individual_data_id), INDEX IDX_2E8C2C2ED9275BF1 (collectif_data_id), INDEX IDX_2E8C2C2E2395FCED (thematic_id), PRIMARY KEY(id)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci` ENGINE = InnoDB');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE project_inspiring ADD CONSTRAINT FK_2E8C2C2EE2920B1 FOREIGN KEY (individual_data_id) REFERENCES individual_data (id)');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE project_inspiring ADD CONSTRAINT FK_2E8C2C2ED9275BF1 FOREIGN KEY (collectif_data_id) REFERENCES collectif_data (id)');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE project_inspiring ADD CONSTRAINT FK_2E8C2C2E2395FCED FOREIGN KEY (thematic_id) REFERENCES thematic (id)');
$this->addSql('DROP TABLE projects_inspiring');

public function down(Schema $schema): void
// this down() migration is auto-generated, please modify it to your needs
$this->addSql('CREATE TABLE projects_inspiring (id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, individual_data_id INT DEFAULT NULL, collectif_data_id INT DEFAULT NULL, thematic_id INT DEFAULT NULL, description LONGTEXT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 NOT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`, INDEX IDX_E60CAEC6E2920B1 (individual_data_id), INDEX IDX_E60CAEC6D9275BF1 (collectif_data_id), INDEX IDX_E60CAEC62395FCED (thematic_id), PRIMARY KEY(id)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE `utf8_unicode_ci` ENGINE = InnoDB COMMENT = \'\' ');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE projects_inspiring ADD CONSTRAINT FK_E60CAEC62395FCED FOREIGN KEY (thematic_id) REFERENCES thematic (id)');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE projects_inspiring ADD CONSTRAINT FK_E60CAEC6D9275BF1 FOREIGN KEY (collectif_data_id) REFERENCES collectif_data (id)');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE projects_inspiring ADD CONSTRAINT FK_E60CAEC6E2920B1 FOREIGN KEY (individual_data_id) REFERENCES individual_data (id)');
$this->addSql('DROP TABLE project_inspiring');

+ 0
- 39
migrations/Version20210824144602.php View File

@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@


namespace DoctrineMigrations;

use Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Schema;
use Doctrine\Migrations\AbstractMigration;

* Auto-generated Migration: Please modify to your needs!
final class Version20210824144602 extends AbstractMigration
public function getDescription(): string
return '';

public function up(Schema $schema): void
// this up() migration is auto-generated, please modify it to your needs
$this->addSql('CREATE TABLE revolt (id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, individual_data_id INT DEFAULT NULL, collectif_data_id INT DEFAULT NULL, thematic_id INT DEFAULT NULL, description LONGTEXT NOT NULL, INDEX IDX_35051787E2920B1 (individual_data_id), INDEX IDX_35051787D9275BF1 (collectif_data_id), INDEX IDX_350517872395FCED (thematic_id), PRIMARY KEY(id)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci` ENGINE = InnoDB');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE revolt ADD CONSTRAINT FK_35051787E2920B1 FOREIGN KEY (individual_data_id) REFERENCES individual_data (id)');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE revolt ADD CONSTRAINT FK_35051787D9275BF1 FOREIGN KEY (collectif_data_id) REFERENCES collectif_data (id)');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE revolt ADD CONSTRAINT FK_350517872395FCED FOREIGN KEY (thematic_id) REFERENCES thematic (id)');
$this->addSql('DROP TABLE revolts');

public function down(Schema $schema): void
// this down() migration is auto-generated, please modify it to your needs
$this->addSql('CREATE TABLE revolts (id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, individual_data_id INT DEFAULT NULL, collectif_data_id INT DEFAULT NULL, thematic_id INT DEFAULT NULL, description LONGTEXT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 NOT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`, INDEX IDX_68E7DC9FE2920B1 (individual_data_id), INDEX IDX_68E7DC9FD9275BF1 (collectif_data_id), INDEX IDX_68E7DC9F2395FCED (thematic_id), PRIMARY KEY(id)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE `utf8_unicode_ci` ENGINE = InnoDB COMMENT = \'\' ');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE revolts ADD CONSTRAINT FK_68E7DC9F2395FCED FOREIGN KEY (thematic_id) REFERENCES thematic (id)');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE revolts ADD CONSTRAINT FK_68E7DC9FD9275BF1 FOREIGN KEY (collectif_data_id) REFERENCES collectif_data (id)');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE revolts ADD CONSTRAINT FK_68E7DC9FE2920B1 FOREIGN KEY (individual_data_id) REFERENCES individual_data (id)');
$this->addSql('DROP TABLE revolt');

+ 0
- 32
migrations/Version20210826134725.php View File

@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@


namespace DoctrineMigrations;

use Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Schema;
use Doctrine\Migrations\AbstractMigration;

* Auto-generated Migration: Please modify to your needs!
final class Version20210826134725 extends AbstractMigration
public function getDescription(): string
return '';

public function up(Schema $schema): void
// this up() migration is auto-generated, please modify it to your needs
$this->addSql('CREATE TABLE subthematic (id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, thematic_id INT DEFAULT NULL, name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, INDEX IDX_778C62FB2395FCED (thematic_id), PRIMARY KEY(id)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci` ENGINE = InnoDB');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE subthematic ADD CONSTRAINT FK_778C62FB2395FCED FOREIGN KEY (thematic_id) REFERENCES thematic (id)');

public function down(Schema $schema): void
// this down() migration is auto-generated, please modify it to your needs
$this->addSql('DROP TABLE subthematic');

+ 0
- 31
migrations/Version20210826144820.php View File

@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@


namespace DoctrineMigrations;

use Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Schema;
use Doctrine\Migrations\AbstractMigration;

* Auto-generated Migration: Please modify to your needs!
final class Version20210826144820 extends AbstractMigration
public function getDescription(): string
return '';

public function up(Schema $schema): void
// this up() migration is auto-generated, please modify it to your needs
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE individual_data DROP email, DROP intro_question, DROP intro_answer');

public function down(Schema $schema): void
// this down() migration is auto-generated, please modify it to your needs
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE individual_data ADD email VARCHAR(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 NOT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`, ADD intro_question VARCHAR(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 NOT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`, ADD intro_answer VARCHAR(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 DEFAULT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`');

+ 0
- 31
migrations/Version20210826145431.php View File

@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@


namespace DoctrineMigrations;

use Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Schema;
use Doctrine\Migrations\AbstractMigration;

* Auto-generated Migration: Please modify to your needs!
final class Version20210826145431 extends AbstractMigration
public function getDescription(): string
return '';

public function up(Schema $schema): void
// this up() migration is auto-generated, please modify it to your needs
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE individual_data ADD email VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, ADD intro_question VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, ADD intro_answer VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL');

public function down(Schema $schema): void
// this down() migration is auto-generated, please modify it to your needs
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE individual_data DROP email, DROP intro_question, DROP intro_answer');

+ 0
- 31
migrations/Version20210826151431.php View File

@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@


namespace DoctrineMigrations;

use Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Schema;
use Doctrine\Migrations\AbstractMigration;

* Auto-generated Migration: Please modify to your needs!
final class Version20210826151431 extends AbstractMigration
public function getDescription(): string
return '';

public function up(Schema $schema): void
// this up() migration is auto-generated, please modify it to your needs
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE individual_data CHANGE firstname firstname VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, CHANGE lastname lastname VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, CHANGE email email VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, CHANGE intro_question intro_question VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL');

public function down(Schema $schema): void
// this down() migration is auto-generated, please modify it to your needs
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE individual_data CHANGE firstname firstname VARCHAR(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 NOT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`, CHANGE lastname lastname VARCHAR(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 NOT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`, CHANGE email email VARCHAR(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 NOT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`, CHANGE intro_question intro_question VARCHAR(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 NOT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`');

+ 0
- 53
migrations/Version20210827103949.php View File

@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@


namespace DoctrineMigrations;

use Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Schema;
use Doctrine\Migrations\AbstractMigration;

* Auto-generated Migration: Please modify to your needs!
final class Version20210827103949 extends AbstractMigration
public function getDescription(): string
return '';

public function up(Schema $schema): void
// this up() migration is auto-generated, please modify it to your needs
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE dream ADD subthematic_id INT DEFAULT NULL');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE dream ADD CONSTRAINT FK_6A5F004F6C159F58 FOREIGN KEY (subthematic_id) REFERENCES subthematic (id)');
$this->addSql('CREATE INDEX IDX_6A5F004F6C159F58 ON dream (subthematic_id)');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE project_boost ADD subthematic_id INT DEFAULT NULL');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE project_boost ADD CONSTRAINT FK_45312EF66C159F58 FOREIGN KEY (subthematic_id) REFERENCES subthematic (id)');
$this->addSql('CREATE INDEX IDX_45312EF66C159F58 ON project_boost (subthematic_id)');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE project_inspiring ADD subthematic_id INT DEFAULT NULL');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE project_inspiring ADD CONSTRAINT FK_2E8C2C2E6C159F58 FOREIGN KEY (subthematic_id) REFERENCES subthematic (id)');
$this->addSql('CREATE INDEX IDX_2E8C2C2E6C159F58 ON project_inspiring (subthematic_id)');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE revolt ADD subthematic_id INT DEFAULT NULL');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE revolt ADD CONSTRAINT FK_350517876C159F58 FOREIGN KEY (subthematic_id) REFERENCES subthematic (id)');
$this->addSql('CREATE INDEX IDX_350517876C159F58 ON revolt (subthematic_id)');

public function down(Schema $schema): void
// this down() migration is auto-generated, please modify it to your needs
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE dream DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_6A5F004F6C159F58');
$this->addSql('DROP INDEX IDX_6A5F004F6C159F58 ON dream');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE dream DROP subthematic_id');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE project_boost DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_45312EF66C159F58');
$this->addSql('DROP INDEX IDX_45312EF66C159F58 ON project_boost');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE project_boost DROP subthematic_id');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE project_inspiring DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_2E8C2C2E6C159F58');
$this->addSql('DROP INDEX IDX_2E8C2C2E6C159F58 ON project_inspiring');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE project_inspiring DROP subthematic_id');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE revolt DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_350517876C159F58');
$this->addSql('DROP INDEX IDX_350517876C159F58 ON revolt');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE revolt DROP subthematic_id');

+ 161
- 0
migrations/Version20210906144104.php View File

@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@


namespace DoctrineMigrations;

use Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Schema;
use Doctrine\Migrations\AbstractMigration;

* Auto-generated Migration: Please modify to your needs!
final class Version20210906144104 extends AbstractMigration
public function getDescription(): string
return '';

public function up(Schema $schema): void
// this up() migration is auto-generated, please modify it to your needs
$this->addSql('CREATE TABLE collectif_data (id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, user_id INT DEFAULT NULL, territory_id INT DEFAULT NULL, nb_participant INT NOT NULL, status DOUBLE PRECISION NOT NULL, INDEX IDX_F35F8503A76ED395 (user_id), INDEX IDX_F35F850373F74AD4 (territory_id), PRIMARY KEY(id)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci` ENGINE = InnoDB');
$this->addSql('CREATE TABLE configuration (id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, value VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, dev_alias VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(id)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci` ENGINE = InnoDB');
$this->addSql('CREATE TABLE dream (id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, individual_data_id INT DEFAULT NULL, collectif_data_id INT DEFAULT NULL, thematic_id INT DEFAULT NULL, subthematic_id INT DEFAULT NULL, description LONGTEXT NOT NULL, INDEX IDX_6A5F004FE2920B1 (individual_data_id), INDEX IDX_6A5F004FD9275BF1 (collectif_data_id), INDEX IDX_6A5F004F2395FCED (thematic_id), INDEX IDX_6A5F004F6C159F58 (subthematic_id), PRIMARY KEY(id)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci` ENGINE = InnoDB');
$this->addSql('CREATE TABLE file (id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, created_by_id INT NOT NULL, updated_by_id INT NOT NULL, path VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, legend VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, dev_alias VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, created_at DATETIME NOT NULL, updated_at DATETIME NOT NULL, locales_enabled LONGTEXT DEFAULT NULL COMMENT \'(DC2Type:array)\', position DOUBLE PRECISION NOT NULL, INDEX IDX_8C9F3610B03A8386 (created_by_id), INDEX IDX_8C9F3610896DBBDE (updated_by_id), PRIMARY KEY(id)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci` ENGINE = InnoDB');
$this->addSql('CREATE TABLE group_user (id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, created_by_id INT NOT NULL, updated_by_id INT NOT NULL, title VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, dev_alias VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, created_at DATETIME NOT NULL, updated_at DATETIME NOT NULL, INDEX IDX_A4C98D39B03A8386 (created_by_id), INDEX IDX_A4C98D39896DBBDE (updated_by_id), PRIMARY KEY(id)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci` ENGINE = InnoDB');
$this->addSql('CREATE TABLE individual_data (id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, territory_id INT DEFAULT NULL, firstname VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, lastname VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, email VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, intro_question VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, intro_answer VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, status DOUBLE PRECISION NOT NULL, INDEX IDX_653169D073F74AD4 (territory_id), PRIMARY KEY(id)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci` ENGINE = InnoDB');
$this->addSql('CREATE TABLE page (id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, image_id INT DEFAULT NULL, file_id INT DEFAULT NULL, created_by_id INT NOT NULL, updated_by_id INT NOT NULL, title VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, description LONGTEXT DEFAULT NULL, meta_title VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, meta_description LONGTEXT DEFAULT NULL, old_urls LONGTEXT DEFAULT NULL COMMENT \'(DC2Type:array)\', slug VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, position DOUBLE PRECISION NOT NULL, status DOUBLE PRECISION NOT NULL, created_at DATETIME NOT NULL, updated_at DATETIME NOT NULL, dev_alias VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, INDEX IDX_140AB6203DA5256D (image_id), INDEX IDX_140AB62093CB796C (file_id), INDEX IDX_140AB620B03A8386 (created_by_id), INDEX IDX_140AB620896DBBDE (updated_by_id), PRIMARY KEY(id)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci` ENGINE = InnoDB');
$this->addSql('CREATE TABLE page_file (page_id INT NOT NULL, file_id INT NOT NULL, INDEX IDX_B5B2ACAC4663E4 (page_id), INDEX IDX_B5B2ACA93CB796C (file_id), PRIMARY KEY(page_id, file_id)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci` ENGINE = InnoDB');
$this->addSql('CREATE TABLE project_boost (id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, individual_data_id INT DEFAULT NULL, collectif_data_id INT DEFAULT NULL, thematic_id INT DEFAULT NULL, subthematic_id INT DEFAULT NULL, description LONGTEXT NOT NULL, INDEX IDX_45312EF6E2920B1 (individual_data_id), INDEX IDX_45312EF6D9275BF1 (collectif_data_id), INDEX IDX_45312EF62395FCED (thematic_id), INDEX IDX_45312EF66C159F58 (subthematic_id), PRIMARY KEY(id)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci` ENGINE = InnoDB');
$this->addSql('CREATE TABLE project_inspiring (id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, individual_data_id INT DEFAULT NULL, collectif_data_id INT DEFAULT NULL, thematic_id INT DEFAULT NULL, subthematic_id INT DEFAULT NULL, description LONGTEXT NOT NULL, INDEX IDX_2E8C2C2EE2920B1 (individual_data_id), INDEX IDX_2E8C2C2ED9275BF1 (collectif_data_id), INDEX IDX_2E8C2C2E2395FCED (thematic_id), INDEX IDX_2E8C2C2E6C159F58 (subthematic_id), PRIMARY KEY(id)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci` ENGINE = InnoDB');
$this->addSql('CREATE TABLE reminder (id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, created_by_id INT NOT NULL, updated_by_id INT NOT NULL, title VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, description LONGTEXT DEFAULT NULL, crud_action VARCHAR(64) DEFAULT NULL, crud_controller_fqcn VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, entity_id INT DEFAULT NULL, date_reminder DATE DEFAULT NULL, done TINYINT(1) NOT NULL, dev_alias VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, created_at DATETIME NOT NULL, updated_at DATETIME NOT NULL, INDEX IDX_40374F40B03A8386 (created_by_id), INDEX IDX_40374F40896DBBDE (updated_by_id), PRIMARY KEY(id)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci` ENGINE = InnoDB');
$this->addSql('CREATE TABLE reminder_user_interface (reminder_id INT NOT NULL, user_interface_id INT NOT NULL, INDEX IDX_7FD2584BD987BE75 (reminder_id), INDEX IDX_7FD2584B2BC79580 (user_interface_id), PRIMARY KEY(reminder_id, user_interface_id)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci` ENGINE = InnoDB');
$this->addSql('CREATE TABLE revolt (id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, individual_data_id INT DEFAULT NULL, collectif_data_id INT DEFAULT NULL, thematic_id INT DEFAULT NULL, subthematic_id INT DEFAULT NULL, description LONGTEXT NOT NULL, INDEX IDX_35051787E2920B1 (individual_data_id), INDEX IDX_35051787D9275BF1 (collectif_data_id), INDEX IDX_350517872395FCED (thematic_id), INDEX IDX_350517876C159F58 (subthematic_id), PRIMARY KEY(id)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci` ENGINE = InnoDB');
$this->addSql('CREATE TABLE site (id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, dev_alias VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(id)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci` ENGINE = InnoDB');
$this->addSql('CREATE TABLE site_setting (id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, site_id INT NOT NULL, file_id INT DEFAULT NULL, name VARCHAR(63) NOT NULL, text LONGTEXT DEFAULT NULL, date DATETIME DEFAULT NULL, INDEX IDX_64D05A53F6BD1646 (site_id), INDEX IDX_64D05A5393CB796C (file_id), PRIMARY KEY(id)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci` ENGINE = InnoDB');
$this->addSql('CREATE TABLE subthematic (id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, thematic_id INT DEFAULT NULL, name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, INDEX IDX_778C62FB2395FCED (thematic_id), PRIMARY KEY(id)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci` ENGINE = InnoDB');
$this->addSql('CREATE TABLE territory (id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, dev_alias VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(id)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci` ENGINE = InnoDB');
$this->addSql('CREATE TABLE thematic (id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(id)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci` ENGINE = InnoDB');
$this->addSql('CREATE TABLE ticket (id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, user_id INT DEFAULT NULL, created_by_id INT NOT NULL, updated_by_id INT NOT NULL, type VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, status VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, subject VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, tags LONGTEXT DEFAULT NULL COMMENT \'(DC2Type:array)\', visitor_firstname VARCHAR(64) DEFAULT NULL, visitor_lastname VARCHAR(64) DEFAULT NULL, visitor_email VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT NULL, visitor_token VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, dev_alias VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, created_at DATETIME NOT NULL, updated_at DATETIME NOT NULL, INDEX IDX_97A0ADA3A76ED395 (user_id), INDEX IDX_97A0ADA3B03A8386 (created_by_id), INDEX IDX_97A0ADA3896DBBDE (updated_by_id), PRIMARY KEY(id)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci` ENGINE = InnoDB');
$this->addSql('CREATE TABLE ticket_message (id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, ticket_id INT NOT NULL, created_by_id INT NOT NULL, updated_by_id INT NOT NULL, message LONGTEXT NOT NULL, answer_by_admin TINYINT(1) DEFAULT NULL, image_filename VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, dev_alias VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, created_at DATETIME NOT NULL, updated_at DATETIME NOT NULL, status DOUBLE PRECISION NOT NULL, INDEX IDX_BA71692D700047D2 (ticket_id), INDEX IDX_BA71692DB03A8386 (created_by_id), INDEX IDX_BA71692D896DBBDE (updated_by_id), PRIMARY KEY(id)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci` ENGINE = InnoDB');
$this->addSql('CREATE TABLE user (id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, email VARCHAR(180) NOT NULL, roles LONGTEXT NOT NULL COMMENT \'(DC2Type:json)\', password VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, lastname VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, firstname VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, phone VARCHAR(20) DEFAULT NULL, gender TINYINT(1) DEFAULT NULL, birthdate DATE DEFAULT NULL, is_verified TINYINT(1) NOT NULL, ticket_types_notification LONGTEXT DEFAULT NULL COMMENT \'(DC2Type:array)\', dev_alias VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, UNIQUE INDEX UNIQ_8D93D649E7927C74 (email), PRIMARY KEY(id)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci` ENGINE = InnoDB');
$this->addSql('CREATE TABLE user_group_user_interface (user_id INT NOT NULL, group_user_interface_id INT NOT NULL, INDEX IDX_12B87B34A76ED395 (user_id), INDEX IDX_12B87B34F583BABC (group_user_interface_id), PRIMARY KEY(user_id, group_user_interface_id)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci` ENGINE = InnoDB');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE collectif_data ADD CONSTRAINT FK_F35F8503A76ED395 FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES user (id)');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE collectif_data ADD CONSTRAINT FK_F35F850373F74AD4 FOREIGN KEY (territory_id) REFERENCES territory (id)');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE dream ADD CONSTRAINT FK_6A5F004FE2920B1 FOREIGN KEY (individual_data_id) REFERENCES individual_data (id)');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE dream ADD CONSTRAINT FK_6A5F004FD9275BF1 FOREIGN KEY (collectif_data_id) REFERENCES collectif_data (id)');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE dream ADD CONSTRAINT FK_6A5F004F2395FCED FOREIGN KEY (thematic_id) REFERENCES thematic (id)');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE dream ADD CONSTRAINT FK_6A5F004F6C159F58 FOREIGN KEY (subthematic_id) REFERENCES subthematic (id)');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE file ADD CONSTRAINT FK_8C9F3610B03A8386 FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES user (id)');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE file ADD CONSTRAINT FK_8C9F3610896DBBDE FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES user (id)');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE group_user ADD CONSTRAINT FK_A4C98D39B03A8386 FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES user (id)');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE group_user ADD CONSTRAINT FK_A4C98D39896DBBDE FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES user (id)');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE individual_data ADD CONSTRAINT FK_653169D073F74AD4 FOREIGN KEY (territory_id) REFERENCES territory (id)');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE page ADD CONSTRAINT FK_140AB6203DA5256D FOREIGN KEY (image_id) REFERENCES file (id)');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE page ADD CONSTRAINT FK_140AB62093CB796C FOREIGN KEY (file_id) REFERENCES file (id)');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE page ADD CONSTRAINT FK_140AB620B03A8386 FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES user (id)');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE page ADD CONSTRAINT FK_140AB620896DBBDE FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES user (id)');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE project_boost ADD CONSTRAINT FK_45312EF6E2920B1 FOREIGN KEY (individual_data_id) REFERENCES individual_data (id)');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE project_boost ADD CONSTRAINT FK_45312EF6D9275BF1 FOREIGN KEY (collectif_data_id) REFERENCES collectif_data (id)');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE project_boost ADD CONSTRAINT FK_45312EF62395FCED FOREIGN KEY (thematic_id) REFERENCES thematic (id)');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE project_boost ADD CONSTRAINT FK_45312EF66C159F58 FOREIGN KEY (subthematic_id) REFERENCES subthematic (id)');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE project_inspiring ADD CONSTRAINT FK_2E8C2C2EE2920B1 FOREIGN KEY (individual_data_id) REFERENCES individual_data (id)');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE project_inspiring ADD CONSTRAINT FK_2E8C2C2ED9275BF1 FOREIGN KEY (collectif_data_id) REFERENCES collectif_data (id)');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE project_inspiring ADD CONSTRAINT FK_2E8C2C2E2395FCED FOREIGN KEY (thematic_id) REFERENCES thematic (id)');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE project_inspiring ADD CONSTRAINT FK_2E8C2C2E6C159F58 FOREIGN KEY (subthematic_id) REFERENCES subthematic (id)');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE reminder ADD CONSTRAINT FK_40374F40B03A8386 FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES user (id)');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE reminder ADD CONSTRAINT FK_40374F40896DBBDE FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES user (id)');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE reminder_user_interface ADD CONSTRAINT FK_7FD2584BD987BE75 FOREIGN KEY (reminder_id) REFERENCES reminder (id) ON DELETE CASCADE');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE reminder_user_interface ADD CONSTRAINT FK_7FD2584B2BC79580 FOREIGN KEY (user_interface_id) REFERENCES user (id) ON DELETE CASCADE');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE revolt ADD CONSTRAINT FK_35051787E2920B1 FOREIGN KEY (individual_data_id) REFERENCES individual_data (id)');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE revolt ADD CONSTRAINT FK_35051787D9275BF1 FOREIGN KEY (collectif_data_id) REFERENCES collectif_data (id)');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE revolt ADD CONSTRAINT FK_350517872395FCED FOREIGN KEY (thematic_id) REFERENCES thematic (id)');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE revolt ADD CONSTRAINT FK_350517876C159F58 FOREIGN KEY (subthematic_id) REFERENCES subthematic (id)');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE site_setting ADD CONSTRAINT FK_64D05A53F6BD1646 FOREIGN KEY (site_id) REFERENCES site (id)');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE site_setting ADD CONSTRAINT FK_64D05A5393CB796C FOREIGN KEY (file_id) REFERENCES file (id)');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE subthematic ADD CONSTRAINT FK_778C62FB2395FCED FOREIGN KEY (thematic_id) REFERENCES thematic (id)');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE ticket ADD CONSTRAINT FK_97A0ADA3A76ED395 FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES user (id)');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE ticket ADD CONSTRAINT FK_97A0ADA3B03A8386 FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES user (id)');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE ticket ADD CONSTRAINT FK_97A0ADA3896DBBDE FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES user (id)');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE ticket_message ADD CONSTRAINT FK_BA71692D700047D2 FOREIGN KEY (ticket_id) REFERENCES ticket (id)');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE ticket_message ADD CONSTRAINT FK_BA71692DB03A8386 FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES user (id)');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE ticket_message ADD CONSTRAINT FK_BA71692D896DBBDE FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES user (id)');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE user_group_user_interface ADD CONSTRAINT FK_12B87B34A76ED395 FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES user (id) ON DELETE CASCADE');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE user_group_user_interface ADD CONSTRAINT FK_12B87B34F583BABC FOREIGN KEY (group_user_interface_id) REFERENCES group_user (id) ON DELETE CASCADE');

public function down(Schema $schema): void
// this down() migration is auto-generated, please modify it to your needs
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE dream DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_6A5F004FD9275BF1');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE project_boost DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_45312EF6D9275BF1');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE project_inspiring DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_2E8C2C2ED9275BF1');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE revolt DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_35051787D9275BF1');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE page DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_140AB6203DA5256D');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE page DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_140AB62093CB796C');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE page_file DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_B5B2ACA93CB796C');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE site_setting DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_64D05A5393CB796C');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE user_group_user_interface DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_12B87B34F583BABC');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE dream DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_6A5F004FE2920B1');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE project_boost DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_45312EF6E2920B1');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE project_inspiring DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_2E8C2C2EE2920B1');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE revolt DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_35051787E2920B1');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE page_file DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_B5B2ACAC4663E4');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE reminder_user_interface DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_7FD2584BD987BE75');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE site_setting DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_64D05A53F6BD1646');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE dream DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_6A5F004F6C159F58');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE project_boost DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_45312EF66C159F58');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE project_inspiring DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_2E8C2C2E6C159F58');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE revolt DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_350517876C159F58');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE collectif_data DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_F35F850373F74AD4');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE individual_data DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_653169D073F74AD4');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE dream DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_6A5F004F2395FCED');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE project_boost DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_45312EF62395FCED');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE project_inspiring DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_2E8C2C2E2395FCED');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE revolt DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_350517872395FCED');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE subthematic DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_778C62FB2395FCED');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE ticket_message DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_BA71692D700047D2');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE collectif_data DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_F35F8503A76ED395');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE file DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_8C9F3610B03A8386');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE file DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_8C9F3610896DBBDE');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE group_user DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_A4C98D39B03A8386');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE group_user DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_A4C98D39896DBBDE');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE page DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_140AB620B03A8386');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE page DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_140AB620896DBBDE');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE reminder DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_40374F40B03A8386');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE reminder DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_40374F40896DBBDE');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE reminder_user_interface DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_7FD2584B2BC79580');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE ticket DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_97A0ADA3A76ED395');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE ticket DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_97A0ADA3B03A8386');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE ticket DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_97A0ADA3896DBBDE');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE ticket_message DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_BA71692DB03A8386');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE ticket_message DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_BA71692D896DBBDE');
$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE user_group_user_interface DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_12B87B34A76ED395');
$this->addSql('DROP TABLE collectif_data');
$this->addSql('DROP TABLE configuration');
$this->addSql('DROP TABLE dream');
$this->addSql('DROP TABLE file');
$this->addSql('DROP TABLE group_user');
$this->addSql('DROP TABLE individual_data');
$this->addSql('DROP TABLE page');
$this->addSql('DROP TABLE page_file');
$this->addSql('DROP TABLE project_boost');
$this->addSql('DROP TABLE project_inspiring');
$this->addSql('DROP TABLE reminder');
$this->addSql('DROP TABLE reminder_user_interface');
$this->addSql('DROP TABLE revolt');
$this->addSql('DROP TABLE site');
$this->addSql('DROP TABLE site_setting');
$this->addSql('DROP TABLE subthematic');
$this->addSql('DROP TABLE territory');
$this->addSql('DROP TABLE thematic');
$this->addSql('DROP TABLE ticket');
$this->addSql('DROP TABLE ticket_message');
$this->addSql('DROP TABLE user');
$this->addSql('DROP TABLE user_group_user_interface');
