- <?php
- /**
- * @link http://www.yiiframework.com/
- * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Yii Software LLC
- * @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/
- */
- namespace yii\console\controllers;
- use Yii;
- use yii\console\Controller;
- use yii\console\Exception;
- use yii\helpers\Console;
- use yii\helpers\FileHelper;
- use yii\test\FixtureTrait;
- /**
- * Manages fixture data loading and unloading.
- *
- * ~~~
- * #load fixtures from UsersFixture class with default namespace "tests\unit\fixtures"
- * yii fixture/load User
- *
- * #also a short version of this command (generate action is default)
- * yii fixture User
- *
- * #load all fixtures
- * yii fixture "*"
- *
- * #load all fixtures except User
- * yii fixture "*" -User
- *
- * #load fixtures with different namespace.
- * yii fixture/load User --namespace=alias\my\custom\namespace\goes\here
- * ~~~
- *
- * The `unload` sub-command can be used similarly to unload fixtures.
- *
- * @author Mark Jebri <mark.github@yandex.ru>
- * @since 2.0
- */
- class FixtureController extends Controller
- {
- use FixtureTrait;
- /**
- * @var string controller default action ID.
- */
- public $defaultAction = 'load';
- /**
- * @var string default namespace to search fixtures in
- */
- public $namespace = 'tests\unit\fixtures';
- /**
- * @var array global fixtures that should be applied when loading and unloading. By default it is set to `InitDbFixture`
- * that disables and enables integrity check, so your data can be safely loaded.
- */
- public $globalFixtures = [
- 'yii\test\InitDb',
- ];
- /**
- * @inheritdoc
- */
- public function options($actionID)
- {
- return array_merge(parent::options($actionID), [
- 'namespace', 'globalFixtures'
- ]);
- }
- /**
- * Loads the specified fixture data.
- * For example,
- *
- * ~~~
- * # load the fixture data specified by User and UserProfile.
- * # any existing fixture data will be removed first
- * yii fixture/load User UserProfile
- *
- * # load all available fixtures found under 'tests\unit\fixtures'
- * yii fixture/load "*"
- *
- * # load all fixtures except User and UserProfile
- * yii fixture/load "*" -User -UserProfile
- * ~~~
- *
- * @throws Exception if the specified fixture does not exist.
- */
- public function actionLoad()
- {
- $fixturesInput = func_get_args();
- if ($fixturesInput === []) {
- $this->stdout($this->getHelpSummary() . "\n");
- $helpCommand = Console::ansiFormat("yii help fixture", [Console::FG_CYAN]);
- $this->stdout("Use $helpCommand to get usage info.\n");
- return self::EXIT_CODE_NORMAL;
- }
- $filtered = $this->filterFixtures($fixturesInput);
- $except = $filtered['except'];
- if (!$this->needToApplyAll($fixturesInput[0])) {
- $fixtures = $filtered['apply'];
- $foundFixtures = $this->findFixtures($fixtures);
- $notFoundFixtures = array_diff($fixtures, $foundFixtures);
- if ($notFoundFixtures) {
- $this->notifyNotFound($notFoundFixtures);
- }
- } else {
- $foundFixtures = $this->findFixtures();
- }
- $fixturesToLoad = array_diff($foundFixtures, $except);
- if (!$foundFixtures) {
- throw new Exception(
- "No files were found by name: \"" . implode(', ', $fixturesInput) . "\".\n" .
- "Check that files with these name exists, under fixtures path: \n\"" . $this->getFixturePath() . "\"."
- );
- }
- if (!$fixturesToLoad) {
- $this->notifyNothingToLoad($foundFixtures, $except);
- return static::EXIT_CODE_NORMAL;
- }
- if (!$this->confirmLoad($fixturesToLoad, $except)) {
- return static::EXIT_CODE_NORMAL;
- }
- $fixtures = $this->getFixturesConfig(array_merge($this->globalFixtures, $fixturesToLoad));
- if (!$fixtures) {
- throw new Exception('No fixtures were found in namespace: "' . $this->namespace . '"' . '');
- }
- $fixturesObjects = $this->createFixtures($fixtures);
- $this->unloadFixtures($fixturesObjects);
- $this->loadFixtures($fixturesObjects);
- $this->notifyLoaded($fixtures);
- return static::EXIT_CODE_NORMAL;
- }
- /**
- * Unloads the specified fixtures.
- * For example,
- *
- * ~~~
- * # unload the fixture data specified by User and UserProfile.
- * yii fixture/unload User UserProfile
- *
- * # unload all fixtures found under 'tests\unit\fixtures'
- * yii fixture/unload "*"
- *
- * # unload all fixtures except User and UserProfile
- * yii fixture/unload "*" -User -UserProfile
- * ~~~
- *
- * @throws Exception if the specified fixture does not exist.
- */
- public function actionUnload()
- {
- $fixturesInput = func_get_args();
- $filtered = $this->filterFixtures($fixturesInput);
- $except = $filtered['except'];
- if (!$this->needToApplyAll($fixturesInput[0])) {
- $fixtures = $filtered['apply'];
- $foundFixtures = $this->findFixtures($fixtures);
- $notFoundFixtures = array_diff($fixtures, $foundFixtures);
- if ($notFoundFixtures) {
- $this->notifyNotFound($notFoundFixtures);
- }
- } else {
- $foundFixtures = $this->findFixtures();
- }
- $fixturesToUnload = array_diff($foundFixtures, $except);
- if (!$foundFixtures) {
- throw new Exception(
- "No files were found by name: \"" . implode(', ', $fixturesInput) . "\".\n" .
- "Check that files with these name exists, under fixtures path: \n\"" . $this->getFixturePath() . "\"."
- );
- }
- if (!$fixturesToUnload) {
- $this->notifyNothingToUnload($foundFixtures, $except);
- return static::EXIT_CODE_NORMAL;
- }
- if (!$this->confirmUnload($fixturesToUnload, $except)) {
- return static::EXIT_CODE_NORMAL;
- }
- $fixtures = $this->getFixturesConfig(array_merge($this->globalFixtures, $fixturesToUnload));
- if (!$fixtures) {
- throw new Exception('No fixtures were found in namespace: ' . $this->namespace . '".');
- }
- $this->unloadFixtures($this->createFixtures($fixtures));
- $this->notifyUnloaded($fixtures);
- }
- /**
- * Notifies user that fixtures were successfully loaded.
- * @param array $fixtures
- */
- private function notifyLoaded($fixtures)
- {
- $this->stdout("Fixtures were successfully loaded from namespace:\n", Console::FG_YELLOW);
- $this->stdout("\t\"" . Yii::getAlias($this->namespace) . "\"\n\n", Console::FG_GREEN);
- $this->outputList($fixtures);
- }
- /**
- * Notifies user that there are no fixtures to load according input conditions
- * @param array $foundFixtures array of found fixtures
- * @param array $except array of names of fixtures that should not be loaded
- */
- public function notifyNothingToLoad($foundFixtures, $except)
- {
- $this->stdout("Fixtures to load could not be found according given conditions:\n\n", Console::FG_RED);
- $this->stdout("Fixtures namespace is: \n", Console::FG_YELLOW);
- $this->stdout("\t" . $this->namespace . "\n", Console::FG_GREEN);
- if (count($foundFixtures)) {
- $this->stdout("\nFixtures founded under the namespace:\n\n", Console::FG_YELLOW);
- $this->outputList($foundFixtures);
- }
- if (count($except)) {
- $this->stdout("\nFixtures that will NOT be loaded: \n\n", Console::FG_YELLOW);
- $this->outputList($except);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Notifies user that there are no fixtures to unload according input conditions
- * @param array $foundFixtures array of found fixtures
- * @param array $except array of names of fixtures that should not be loaded
- */
- public function notifyNothingToUnload($foundFixtures, $except)
- {
- $this->stdout("Fixtures to unload could not be found according given conditions:\n\n", Console::FG_RED);
- $this->stdout("Fixtures namespace is: \n", Console::FG_YELLOW);
- $this->stdout("\t" . $this->namespace . "\n", Console::FG_GREEN);
- if (count($foundFixtures)) {
- $this->stdout("\nFixtures founded under the namespace:\n\n", Console::FG_YELLOW);
- $this->outputList($foundFixtures);
- }
- if (count($except)) {
- $this->stdout("\nFixtures that will NOT be unloaded: \n\n", Console::FG_YELLOW);
- $this->outputList($except);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Notifies user that fixtures were successfully unloaded.
- * @param array $fixtures
- */
- private function notifyUnloaded($fixtures)
- {
- $this->stdout("\nFixtures were successfully unloaded from namespace: ", Console::FG_YELLOW);
- $this->stdout(Yii::getAlias($this->namespace) . "\"\n\n", Console::FG_GREEN);
- $this->outputList($fixtures);
- }
- /**
- * Notifies user that fixtures were not found under fixtures path.
- * @param array $fixtures
- */
- private function notifyNotFound($fixtures)
- {
- $this->stdout("Some fixtures were not found under path:\n", Console::BG_RED);
- $this->stdout("\t" . $this->getFixturePath() . "\n\n", Console::FG_GREEN);
- $this->stdout("Check that they have correct namespace \"{$this->namespace}\" \n", Console::BG_RED);
- $this->outputList($fixtures);
- $this->stdout("\n");
- }
- /**
- * Prompts user with confirmation if fixtures should be loaded.
- * @param array $fixtures
- * @param array $except
- * @return boolean
- */
- private function confirmLoad($fixtures, $except)
- {
- $this->stdout("Fixtures namespace is: \n", Console::FG_YELLOW);
- $this->stdout("\t" . $this->namespace . "\n\n", Console::FG_GREEN);
- if (count($this->globalFixtures)) {
- $this->stdout("Global fixtures will be used:\n\n", Console::FG_YELLOW);
- $this->outputList($this->globalFixtures);
- }
- if (count($fixtures)) {
- $this->stdout("\nFixtures below will be loaded:\n\n", Console::FG_YELLOW);
- $this->outputList($fixtures);
- }
- if (count($except)) {
- $this->stdout("\nFixtures that will NOT be loaded: \n\n", Console::FG_YELLOW);
- $this->outputList($except);
- }
- return $this->confirm("\nLoad above fixtures?");
- }
- /**
- * Prompts user with confirmation for fixtures that should be unloaded.
- * @param array $fixtures
- * @param array $except
- * @return boolean
- */
- private function confirmUnload($fixtures, $except)
- {
- $this->stdout("Fixtures namespace is: \n", Console::FG_YELLOW);
- $this->stdout("\t" . $this->namespace . "\n\n", Console::FG_GREEN);
- if (count($this->globalFixtures)) {
- $this->stdout("Global fixtures will be used:\n\n", Console::FG_YELLOW);
- $this->outputList($this->globalFixtures);
- }
- if (count($fixtures)) {
- $this->stdout("\nFixtures below will be unloaded:\n\n", Console::FG_YELLOW);
- $this->outputList($fixtures);
- }
- if (count($except)) {
- $this->stdout("\nFixtures that will NOT be unloaded:\n\n", Console::FG_YELLOW);
- $this->outputList($except);
- }
- return $this->confirm("\nUnload fixtures?");
- }
- /**
- * Outputs data to the console as a list.
- * @param array $data
- */
- private function outputList($data)
- {
- foreach ($data as $index => $item) {
- $this->stdout("\t" . ($index + 1) . ". {$item}\n", Console::FG_GREEN);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Checks if needed to apply all fixtures.
- * @param string $fixture
- * @return bool
- */
- public function needToApplyAll($fixture)
- {
- return $fixture == '*';
- }
- /**
- * Finds fixtures to be loaded, for example "User", if no fixtures were specified then all of them
- * will be searching by suffix "Fixture.php".
- * @param array $fixtures fixtures to be loaded
- * @return array Array of found fixtures. These may differ from input parameter as not all fixtures may exists.
- */
- private function findFixtures(array $fixtures = [])
- {
- $fixturesPath = $this->getFixturePath();
- $filesToSearch = ['*Fixture.php'];
- $findAll = ($fixtures == []);
- if (!$findAll) {
- $filesToSearch = [];
- foreach ($fixtures as $fileName) {
- $filesToSearch[] = $fileName . 'Fixture.php';
- }
- }
- $files = FileHelper::findFiles($fixturesPath, ['only' => $filesToSearch]);
- $foundFixtures = [];
- foreach ($files as $fixture) {
- $foundFixtures[] = basename($fixture, 'Fixture.php');
- }
- return $foundFixtures;
- }
- /**
- * Returns valid fixtures config that can be used to load them.
- * @param array $fixtures fixtures to configure
- * @return array
- */
- private function getFixturesConfig($fixtures)
- {
- $config = [];
- foreach ($fixtures as $fixture) {
- $isNamespaced = (strpos($fixture, '\\') !== false);
- $fullClassName = $isNamespaced ? $fixture . 'Fixture' : $this->namespace . '\\' . $fixture . 'Fixture';
- if (class_exists($fullClassName)) {
- $config[] = $fullClassName;
- }
- }
- return $config;
- }
- /**
- * Filters fixtures by splitting them in two categories: one that should be applied and not.
- * If fixture is prefixed with "-", for example "-User", that means that fixture should not be loaded,
- * if it is not prefixed it is considered as one to be loaded. Returns array:
- *
- * ~~~
- * [
- * 'apply' => [
- * 'User',
- * ...
- * ],
- * 'except' => [
- * 'Custom',
- * ...
- * ],
- * ]
- * ~~~
- * @param array $fixtures
- * @return array fixtures array with 'apply' and 'except' elements.
- */
- private function filterFixtures($fixtures)
- {
- $filtered = [
- 'apply' => [],
- 'except' => [],
- ];
- foreach ($fixtures as $fixture) {
- if (mb_strpos($fixture, '-') !== false) {
- $filtered['except'][] = str_replace('-', '', $fixture);
- } else {
- $filtered['apply'][] = $fixture;
- }
- }
- return $filtered;
- }
- /**
- * Returns fixture path that determined on fixtures namespace.
- * @return string fixture path
- */
- private function getFixturePath()
- {
- return Yii::getAlias('@' . str_replace('\\', '/', $this->namespace));
- }
- }