- describe('Line element tests', function() {
- it('should be constructed', function() {
- var line = new Chart.elements.Line({
- _datasetindex: 2,
- _points: [1, 2, 3, 4]
- });
- expect(line).not.toBe(undefined);
- expect(line._datasetindex).toBe(2);
- expect(line._points).toEqual([1, 2, 3, 4]);
- });
- it('should draw with default settings', function() {
- var mockContext = window.createMockContext();
- var points = [];
- points.push(new Chart.elements.Point({
- _datasetindex: 2,
- _index: 0,
- _view: {
- x: 0,
- y: 10,
- controlPointNextX: 0,
- controlPointNextY: 10
- }
- }));
- points.push(new Chart.elements.Point({
- _datasetindex: 2,
- _index: 1,
- _view: {
- x: 5,
- y: 0,
- controlPointPreviousX: 5,
- controlPointPreviousY: 0,
- controlPointNextX: 5,
- controlPointNextY: 0
- }
- }));
- points.push(new Chart.elements.Point({
- _datasetindex: 2,
- _index: 2,
- _view: {
- x: 15,
- y: -10,
- controlPointPreviousX: 15,
- controlPointPreviousY: -10,
- controlPointNextX: 15,
- controlPointNextY: -10
- }
- }));
- points.push(new Chart.elements.Point({
- _datasetindex: 2,
- _index: 3,
- _view: {
- x: 19,
- y: -5,
- controlPointPreviousX: 19,
- controlPointPreviousY: -5,
- controlPointNextX: 19,
- controlPointNextY: -5
- }
- }));
- var line = new Chart.elements.Line({
- _datasetindex: 2,
- _chart: {
- ctx: mockContext,
- },
- _children: points,
- _view: {
- fill: false,
- tension: 0.0,
- scaleZero: 0
- }
- });
- line.draw();
- expect(mockContext.getCalls()).toEqual([{
- name: 'save',
- args: [],
- }, {
- name: 'setLineCap',
- args: ['butt']
- }, {
- name: 'setLineDash',
- args: [
- []
- ]
- }, {
- name: 'setLineDashOffset',
- args: [0.0]
- }, {
- name: 'setLineJoin',
- args: ['miter']
- }, {
- name: 'setLineWidth',
- args: [3]
- }, {
- name: 'setStrokeStyle',
- args: ['rgba(0,0,0,0.1)']
- }, {
- name: 'beginPath',
- args: []
- }, {
- name: 'moveTo',
- args: [0, 10]
- }, {
- name: 'bezierCurveTo',
- args: [0, 10, 5, 0, 5, 0]
- }, {
- name: 'bezierCurveTo',
- args: [5, 0, 15, -10, 15, -10]
- }, {
- name: 'bezierCurveTo',
- args: [15, -10, 19, -5, 19, -5]
- }, {
- name: 'stroke',
- args: [],
- }, {
- name: 'restore',
- args: []
- }]);
- });
- it('should draw with custom settings', function() {
- var mockContext = window.createMockContext();
- var points = [];
- points.push(new Chart.elements.Point({
- _datasetindex: 2,
- _index: 0,
- _view: {
- x: 0,
- y: 10,
- controlPointNextX: 0,
- controlPointNextY: 10
- }
- }));
- points.push(new Chart.elements.Point({
- _datasetindex: 2,
- _index: 1,
- _view: {
- x: 5,
- y: 0,
- controlPointPreviousX: 5,
- controlPointPreviousY: 0,
- controlPointNextX: 5,
- controlPointNextY: 0
- }
- }));
- points.push(new Chart.elements.Point({
- _datasetindex: 2,
- _index: 2,
- _view: {
- x: 15,
- y: -10,
- controlPointPreviousX: 15,
- controlPointPreviousY: -10,
- controlPointNextX: 15,
- controlPointNextY: -10
- }
- }));
- points.push(new Chart.elements.Point({
- _datasetindex: 2,
- _index: 3,
- _view: {
- x: 19,
- y: -5,
- controlPointPreviousX: 19,
- controlPointPreviousY: -5,
- controlPointNextX: 19,
- controlPointNextY: -5
- }
- }));
- var line = new Chart.elements.Line({
- _datasetindex: 2,
- _chart: {
- ctx: mockContext,
- },
- _children: points,
- _view: {
- fill: true,
- scaleZero: 2,
- tension: 0.0,
- borderCapStyle: 'round',
- borderColor: 'rgb(255, 255, 0)',
- borderDash: [2, 2],
- borderDashOffset: 1.5,
- borderJoinStyle: 'bevel',
- borderWidth: 4,
- backgroundColor: 'rgb(0, 0, 0)'
- }
- });
- line.draw();
- var expected = [{
- name: 'save',
- args: [],
- }, {
- name: 'beginPath',
- args: []
- }, {
- name: 'moveTo',
- args: [0, 2]
- }, {
- name: 'lineTo',
- args: [0, 10]
- }, {
- name: 'bezierCurveTo',
- args: [0, 10, 5, 0, 5, 0]
- }, {
- name: 'bezierCurveTo',
- args: [5, 0, 15, -10, 15, -10]
- }, {
- name: 'bezierCurveTo',
- args: [15, -10, 19, -5, 19, -5]
- }, {
- name: 'lineTo',
- args: [19, 2]
- }, {
- name: 'lineTo',
- args: [0, 2]
- }, {
- name: 'setFillStyle',
- args: ['rgb(0, 0, 0)']
- }, {
- name: 'closePath',
- args: []
- }, {
- name: 'fill',
- args: []
- }, {
- name: 'setLineCap',
- args: ['round']
- }, {
- name: 'setLineDash',
- args: [
- [2, 2]
- ]
- }, {
- name: 'setLineDashOffset',
- args: [1.5]
- }, {
- name: 'setLineJoin',
- args: ['bevel']
- }, {
- name: 'setLineWidth',
- args: [4]
- }, {
- name: 'setStrokeStyle',
- args: ['rgb(255, 255, 0)']
- }, {
- name: 'beginPath',
- args: []
- }, {
- name: 'moveTo',
- args: [0, 10]
- }, {
- name: 'bezierCurveTo',
- args: [0, 10, 5, 0, 5, 0]
- }, {
- name: 'bezierCurveTo',
- args: [5, 0, 15, -10, 15, -10]
- }, {
- name: 'bezierCurveTo',
- args: [15, -10, 19, -5, 19, -5]
- }, {
- name: 'stroke',
- args: [],
- }, {
- name: 'restore',
- args: []
- }];
- expect(mockContext.getCalls()).toEqual(expected);
- });
- it ('should skip points correctly', function() {
- var mockContext = window.createMockContext();
- var points = [];
- points.push(new Chart.elements.Point({
- _datasetindex: 2,
- _index: 0,
- _view: {
- x: 0,
- y: 10,
- controlPointNextX: 0,
- controlPointNextY: 10
- }
- }));
- points.push(new Chart.elements.Point({
- _datasetindex: 2,
- _index: 1,
- _view: {
- x: 5,
- y: 0,
- controlPointPreviousX: 5,
- controlPointPreviousY: 0,
- controlPointNextX: 5,
- controlPointNextY: 0
- }
- }));
- points.push(new Chart.elements.Point({
- _datasetindex: 2,
- _index: 2,
- _view: {
- x: 15,
- y: -10,
- controlPointPreviousX: 15,
- controlPointPreviousY: -10,
- controlPointNextX: 15,
- controlPointNextY: -10,
- skip: true
- }
- }));
- points.push(new Chart.elements.Point({
- _datasetindex: 2,
- _index: 3,
- _view: {
- x: 19,
- y: -5,
- controlPointPreviousX: 19,
- controlPointPreviousY: -5,
- controlPointNextX: 19,
- controlPointNextY: -5
- }
- }));
- var line = new Chart.elements.Line({
- _datasetindex: 2,
- _chart: {
- ctx: mockContext,
- },
- _children: points,
- _view: {
- fill: true,
- scaleZero: 2,
- tension: 0.0,
- }
- });
- line.draw();
- var expected = [{
- name: 'save',
- args: []
- }, {
- name: 'beginPath',
- args: []
- }, {
- name: 'moveTo',
- args: [0, 2]
- }, {
- name: 'lineTo',
- args: [0, 10]
- }, {
- name: 'bezierCurveTo',
- args: [0, 10, 5, 0, 5, 0]
- }, {
- name: 'lineTo',
- args: [5, 2]
- }, {
- name: 'moveTo',
- args: [19, 2]
- }, {
- name: 'lineTo',
- args: [19, -5]
- }, {
- name: 'lineTo',
- args: [19, 2]
- }, {
- name: 'lineTo',
- args: [0, 2]
- }, {
- name: 'setFillStyle',
- args: ['rgba(0,0,0,0.1)']
- }, {
- name: 'closePath',
- args: []
- }, {
- name: 'fill',
- args: []
- }, {
- name: 'setLineCap',
- args: ['butt']
- }, {
- name: 'setLineDash',
- args: [
- []
- ]
- }, {
- name: 'setLineDashOffset',
- args: [0.0]
- }, {
- name: 'setLineJoin',
- args: ['miter']
- }, {
- name: 'setLineWidth',
- args: [3]
- }, {
- name: 'setStrokeStyle',
- args: ['rgba(0,0,0,0.1)']
- }, {
- name: 'beginPath',
- args: []
- }, {
- name: 'moveTo',
- args: [0, 10]
- }, {
- name: 'bezierCurveTo',
- args: [0, 10, 5, 0, 5, 0]
- }, {
- name: 'moveTo',
- args: [19, -5]
- }, {
- name: 'moveTo',
- args: [19, -5]
- }, {
- name: 'stroke',
- args: [],
- }, {
- name: 'restore',
- args: []
- }];
- expect(mockContext.getCalls()).toEqual(expected);
- });
- it('should be able to draw with a loop back to the beginning point', function() {
- var mockContext = window.createMockContext();
- var points = [];
- points.push(new Chart.elements.Point({
- _datasetindex: 2,
- _index: 0,
- _view: {
- x: 0,
- y: 10,
- controlPointPreviousX: 0,
- controlPointPreviousY: 10,
- controlPointNextX: 0,
- controlPointNextY: 10
- }
- }));
- points.push(new Chart.elements.Point({
- _datasetindex: 2,
- _index: 1,
- _view: {
- x: 5,
- y: 0,
- controlPointPreviousX: 5,
- controlPointPreviousY: 0,
- controlPointNextX: 5,
- controlPointNextY: 0
- }
- }));
- points.push(new Chart.elements.Point({
- _datasetindex: 2,
- _index: 2,
- _view: {
- x: 15,
- y: -10,
- controlPointPreviousX: 15,
- controlPointPreviousY: -10,
- controlPointNextX: 15,
- controlPointNextY: -10
- }
- }));
- points.push(new Chart.elements.Point({
- _datasetindex: 2,
- _index: 3,
- _view: {
- x: 19,
- y: -5,
- controlPointPreviousX: 19,
- controlPointPreviousY: -5,
- controlPointNextX: 19,
- controlPointNextY: -5
- }
- }));
- var line = new Chart.elements.Line({
- _datasetindex: 2,
- _chart: {
- ctx: mockContext,
- },
- _children: points,
- _loop: true,
- _view: {
- fill: true,
- tension: 0.0,
- scaleZero: {
- x: 3,
- y: 2
- },
- }
- });
- line.draw();
- expect(mockContext.getCalls()).toEqual([{
- name: 'save',
- args: [],
- }, {
- name: 'beginPath',
- args: []
- }, {
- name: 'moveTo',
- args: [3, 2]
- }, {
- name: 'lineTo',
- args: [0, 10]
- }, {
- name: 'bezierCurveTo',
- args: [0, 10, 5, 0, 5, 0]
- }, {
- name: 'bezierCurveTo',
- args: [5, 0, 15, -10, 15, -10]
- }, {
- name: 'bezierCurveTo',
- args: [15, -10, 19, -5, 19, -5]
- }, {
- name: 'bezierCurveTo',
- args: [19, -5, 0, 10, 0, 10]
- }, {
- name: 'setFillStyle',
- args: ['rgba(0,0,0,0.1)']
- }, {
- name: 'closePath',
- args: []
- }, {
- name: 'fill',
- args: []
- }, {
- name: 'setLineCap',
- args: ['butt']
- }, {
- name: 'setLineDash',
- args: [
- []
- ]
- }, {
- name: 'setLineDashOffset',
- args: [0.0]
- }, {
- name: 'setLineJoin',
- args: ['miter']
- }, {
- name: 'setLineWidth',
- args: [3]
- }, {
- name: 'setStrokeStyle',
- args: ['rgba(0,0,0,0.1)']
- }, {
- name: 'beginPath',
- args: []
- }, {
- name: 'moveTo',
- args: [0, 10]
- }, {
- name: 'bezierCurveTo',
- args: [0, 10, 5, 0, 5, 0]
- }, {
- name: 'bezierCurveTo',
- args: [5, 0, 15, -10, 15, -10]
- }, {
- name: 'bezierCurveTo',
- args: [15, -10, 19, -5, 19, -5]
- }, {
- name: 'bezierCurveTo',
- args: [19, -5, 0, 10, 0, 10]
- }, {
- name: 'stroke',
- args: [],
- }, {
- name: 'restore',
- args: []
- }]);
- });
- it('should be able to draw with a loop back to the beginning point when there is a skip in the middle of the dataset', function() {
- var mockContext = window.createMockContext();
- var points = [];
- points.push(new Chart.elements.Point({
- _datasetindex: 2,
- _index: 0,
- _view: {
- x: 0,
- y: 10,
- controlPointPreviousX: 0,
- controlPointPreviousY: 10,
- controlPointNextX: 0,
- controlPointNextY: 10
- }
- }));
- points.push(new Chart.elements.Point({
- _datasetindex: 2,
- _index: 1,
- _view: {
- x: 5,
- y: 0,
- controlPointPreviousX: 5,
- controlPointPreviousY: 0,
- controlPointNextX: 5,
- controlPointNextY: 0,
- skip: true
- }
- }));
- points.push(new Chart.elements.Point({
- _datasetindex: 2,
- _index: 2,
- _view: {
- x: 15,
- y: -10,
- controlPointPreviousX: 15,
- controlPointPreviousY: -10,
- controlPointNextX: 15,
- controlPointNextY: -10
- }
- }));
- points.push(new Chart.elements.Point({
- _datasetindex: 2,
- _index: 3,
- _view: {
- x: 19,
- y: -5,
- controlPointPreviousX: 19,
- controlPointPreviousY: -5,
- controlPointNextX: 19,
- controlPointNextY: -5
- }
- }));
- var line = new Chart.elements.Line({
- _datasetindex: 2,
- _chart: {
- ctx: mockContext,
- },
- _children: points,
- _loop: true,
- _view: {
- fill: true,
- tension: 0.0,
- scaleZero: {
- x: 3,
- y: 2
- },
- }
- });
- line.draw();
- expect(mockContext.getCalls()).toEqual([{
- name: 'save',
- args: [],
- }, {
- name: 'beginPath',
- args: []
- }, {
- name: 'moveTo',
- args: [3, 2]
- }, {
- name: 'lineTo',
- args: [0, 10]
- }, {
- name: 'lineTo',
- args: [3, 2]
- }, {
- name: 'lineTo',
- args: [15, -10]
- }, {
- name: 'bezierCurveTo',
- args: [15, -10, 19, -5, 19, -5]
- }, {
- name: 'bezierCurveTo',
- args: [19, -5, 0, 10, 0, 10]
- }, {
- name: 'setFillStyle',
- args: ['rgba(0,0,0,0.1)']
- }, {
- name: 'closePath',
- args: []
- }, {
- name: 'fill',
- args: []
- }, {
- name: 'setLineCap',
- args: ['butt']
- }, {
- name: 'setLineDash',
- args: [
- []
- ]
- }, {
- name: 'setLineDashOffset',
- args: [0.0]
- }, {
- name: 'setLineJoin',
- args: ['miter']
- }, {
- name: 'setLineWidth',
- args: [3]
- }, {
- name: 'setStrokeStyle',
- args: ['rgba(0,0,0,0.1)']
- }, {
- name: 'beginPath',
- args: []
- }, {
- name: 'moveTo',
- args: [0, 10]
- }, {
- name: 'moveTo',
- args: [15, -10]
- }, {
- name: 'moveTo',
- args: [15, -10]
- }, {
- name: 'bezierCurveTo',
- args: [15, -10, 19, -5, 19, -5]
- }, {
- name: 'bezierCurveTo',
- args: [19, -5, 0, 10, 0, 10]
- }, {
- name: 'stroke',
- args: [],
- }, {
- name: 'restore',
- args: []
- }]);
- });
- it('should be able to draw with a loop back to the beginning point when the first point is skipped', function() {
- var mockContext = window.createMockContext();
- var points = [];
- points.push(new Chart.elements.Point({
- _datasetindex: 2,
- _index: 0,
- _view: {
- x: 0,
- y: 10,
- controlPointPreviousX: 0,
- controlPointPreviousY: 10,
- controlPointNextX: 0,
- controlPointNextY: 10,
- skip: true
- }
- }));
- points.push(new Chart.elements.Point({
- _datasetindex: 2,
- _index: 1,
- _view: {
- x: 5,
- y: 0,
- controlPointPreviousX: 5,
- controlPointPreviousY: 0,
- controlPointNextX: 5,
- controlPointNextY: 0,
- }
- }));
- points.push(new Chart.elements.Point({
- _datasetindex: 2,
- _index: 2,
- _view: {
- x: 15,
- y: -10,
- controlPointPreviousX: 15,
- controlPointPreviousY: -10,
- controlPointNextX: 15,
- controlPointNextY: -10
- }
- }));
- points.push(new Chart.elements.Point({
- _datasetindex: 2,
- _index: 3,
- _view: {
- x: 19,
- y: -5,
- controlPointPreviousX: 19,
- controlPointPreviousY: -5,
- controlPointNextX: 19,
- controlPointNextY: -5
- }
- }));
- var line = new Chart.elements.Line({
- _datasetindex: 2,
- _chart: {
- ctx: mockContext,
- },
- _children: points,
- _loop: true,
- _view: {
- fill: true,
- tension: 0.0,
- scaleZero: {
- x: 3,
- y: 2
- },
- }
- });
- line.draw();
- expect(mockContext.getCalls()).toEqual([{
- name: 'save',
- args: [],
- }, {
- name: 'beginPath',
- args: []
- }, {
- name: 'moveTo',
- args: [3, 2]
- }, {
- name: 'lineTo',
- args: [5, 0]
- }, {
- name: 'bezierCurveTo',
- args: [5, 0, 15, -10, 15, -10]
- }, {
- name: 'bezierCurveTo',
- args: [15, -10, 19, -5, 19, -5]
- }, {
- name: 'lineTo',
- args: [3, 2]
- }, {
- name: 'setFillStyle',
- args: ['rgba(0,0,0,0.1)']
- }, {
- name: 'closePath',
- args: []
- }, {
- name: 'fill',
- args: []
- }, {
- name: 'setLineCap',
- args: ['butt']
- }, {
- name: 'setLineDash',
- args: [
- []
- ]
- }, {
- name: 'setLineDashOffset',
- args: [0.0]
- }, {
- name: 'setLineJoin',
- args: ['miter']
- }, {
- name: 'setLineWidth',
- args: [3]
- }, {
- name: 'setStrokeStyle',
- args: ['rgba(0,0,0,0.1)']
- }, {
- name: 'beginPath',
- args: []
- }, {
- name: 'moveTo',
- args: [0, 10]
- }, {
- name: 'moveTo',
- args: [5, 0]
- }, {
- name: 'bezierCurveTo',
- args: [5, 0, 15, -10, 15, -10]
- }, {
- name: 'bezierCurveTo',
- args: [15, -10, 19, -5, 19, -5]
- }, {
- name: 'stroke',
- args: [],
- }, {
- name: 'restore',
- args: []
- }]);
- });
- it('should be able to draw with a loop back to the beginning point when the last point is skipped', function() {
- var mockContext = window.createMockContext();
- var points = [];
- points.push(new Chart.elements.Point({
- _datasetindex: 2,
- _index: 0,
- _view: {
- x: 0,
- y: 10,
- controlPointPreviousX: 0,
- controlPointPreviousY: 10,
- controlPointNextX: 0,
- controlPointNextY: 10
- }
- }));
- points.push(new Chart.elements.Point({
- _datasetindex: 2,
- _index: 1,
- _view: {
- x: 5,
- y: 0,
- controlPointPreviousX: 5,
- controlPointPreviousY: 0,
- controlPointNextX: 5,
- controlPointNextY: 0,
- }
- }));
- points.push(new Chart.elements.Point({
- _datasetindex: 2,
- _index: 2,
- _view: {
- x: 15,
- y: -10,
- controlPointPreviousX: 15,
- controlPointPreviousY: -10,
- controlPointNextX: 15,
- controlPointNextY: -10
- }
- }));
- points.push(new Chart.elements.Point({
- _datasetindex: 2,
- _index: 3,
- _view: {
- x: 19,
- y: -5,
- controlPointPreviousX: 19,
- controlPointPreviousY: -5,
- controlPointNextX: 19,
- controlPointNextY: -5,
- skip: true
- }
- }));
- var line = new Chart.elements.Line({
- _datasetindex: 2,
- _chart: {
- ctx: mockContext,
- },
- _children: points,
- _loop: true,
- _view: {
- fill: true,
- tension: 0.0,
- scaleZero: {
- x: 3,
- y: 2
- },
- }
- });
- line.draw();
- expect(mockContext.getCalls()).toEqual([{
- name: 'save',
- args: [],
- }, {
- name: 'beginPath',
- args: []
- }, {
- name: 'moveTo',
- args: [3, 2]
- }, {
- name: 'lineTo',
- args: [0, 10]
- }, {
- name: 'bezierCurveTo',
- args: [0, 10, 5, 0, 5, 0]
- }, {
- name: 'bezierCurveTo',
- args: [5, 0, 15, -10, 15, -10]
- }, {
- name: 'lineTo',
- args: [3, 2]
- }, {
- name: 'lineTo',
- args: [3, 2]
- }, {
- name: 'setFillStyle',
- args: ['rgba(0,0,0,0.1)']
- }, {
- name: 'closePath',
- args: []
- }, {
- name: 'fill',
- args: []
- }, {
- name: 'setLineCap',
- args: ['butt']
- }, {
- name: 'setLineDash',
- args: [
- []
- ]
- }, {
- name: 'setLineDashOffset',
- args: [0.0]
- }, {
- name: 'setLineJoin',
- args: ['miter']
- }, {
- name: 'setLineWidth',
- args: [3]
- }, {
- name: 'setStrokeStyle',
- args: ['rgba(0,0,0,0.1)']
- }, {
- name: 'beginPath',
- args: []
- }, {
- name: 'moveTo',
- args: [0, 10]
- }, {
- name: 'bezierCurveTo',
- args: [0, 10, 5, 0, 5, 0]
- }, {
- name: 'bezierCurveTo',
- args: [5, 0, 15, -10, 15, -10]
- }, {
- name: 'moveTo',
- args: [19, -5]
- }, {
- name: 'stroke',
- args: [],
- }, {
- name: 'restore',
- args: []
- }]);
- });
- });