- describe('Test the layout service', function() {
- beforeEach(function() {
- window.addDefaultMatchers(jasmine);
- });
- afterEach(function() {
- window.releaseAllCharts();
- });
- it('should fit a simple chart with 2 scales', function() {
- var chart = window.acquireChart({
- type: 'bar',
- data: {
- datasets: [
- { data: [10, 5, 0, 25, 78, -10] }
- ],
- labels: ['tick1', 'tick2', 'tick3', 'tick4', 'tick5', 'tick6']
- },
- options: {
- scales: {
- xAxes: [{
- id: 'xScale',
- type: 'category'
- }],
- yAxes: [{
- id: 'yScale',
- type: 'linear'
- }]
- }
- }
- }, {
- height: '150px',
- width: '250px'
- });
- expect(chart.chartArea.bottom).toBeCloseToPixel(112);
- expect(chart.chartArea.left).toBeCloseToPixel(41);
- expect(chart.chartArea.right).toBeCloseToPixel(250);
- expect(chart.chartArea.top).toBeCloseToPixel(32);
- expect(chart.scales.xScale.bottom).toBeCloseToPixel(150);
- expect(chart.scales.xScale.left).toBeCloseToPixel(41);
- expect(chart.scales.xScale.right).toBeCloseToPixel(250);
- expect(chart.scales.xScale.top).toBeCloseToPixel(112);
- expect(chart.scales.xScale.labelRotation).toBeCloseTo(25);
- expect(chart.scales.yScale.bottom).toBeCloseToPixel(112);
- expect(chart.scales.yScale.left).toBeCloseToPixel(0);
- expect(chart.scales.yScale.right).toBeCloseToPixel(41);
- expect(chart.scales.yScale.top).toBeCloseToPixel(32);
- expect(chart.scales.yScale.labelRotation).toBeCloseTo(0);
- });
- it('should fit scales that are in the top and right positions', function() {
- var chart = window.acquireChart({
- type: 'bar',
- data: {
- datasets: [
- { data: [10, 5, 0, 25, 78, -10] }
- ],
- labels: ['tick1', 'tick2', 'tick3', 'tick4', 'tick5', 'tick6']
- },
- options: {
- scales: {
- xAxes: [{
- id: 'xScale',
- type: 'category',
- position: 'top'
- }],
- yAxes: [{
- id: 'yScale',
- type: 'linear',
- position: 'right'
- }]
- }
- }
- }, {
- height: '150px',
- width: '250px'
- });
- expect(chart.chartArea.bottom).toBeCloseToPixel(150);
- expect(chart.chartArea.left).toBeCloseToPixel(0);
- expect(chart.chartArea.right).toBeCloseToPixel(209);
- expect(chart.chartArea.top).toBeCloseToPixel(71);
- expect(chart.scales.xScale.bottom).toBeCloseToPixel(71);
- expect(chart.scales.xScale.left).toBeCloseToPixel(0);
- expect(chart.scales.xScale.right).toBeCloseToPixel(209);
- expect(chart.scales.xScale.top).toBeCloseToPixel(32);
- expect(chart.scales.xScale.labelRotation).toBeCloseTo(25);
- expect(chart.scales.yScale.bottom).toBeCloseToPixel(150);
- expect(chart.scales.yScale.left).toBeCloseToPixel(209);
- expect(chart.scales.yScale.right).toBeCloseToPixel(250);
- expect(chart.scales.yScale.top).toBeCloseToPixel(71);
- expect(chart.scales.yScale.labelRotation).toBeCloseTo(0);
- });
- it('should fit scales that overlap the chart area', function() {
- var chart = window.acquireChart({
- type: 'radar',
- data: {
- datasets: [{
- data: [10, 5, 0, 25, 78, -10]
- }, {
- data: [-19, -20, 0, -99, -50, 0]
- }],
- labels: ['tick1', 'tick2', 'tick3', 'tick4', 'tick5', 'tick6']
- }
- });
- expect(chart.chartArea.bottom).toBeCloseToPixel(512);
- expect(chart.chartArea.left).toBeCloseToPixel(0);
- expect(chart.chartArea.right).toBeCloseToPixel(512);
- expect(chart.chartArea.top).toBeCloseToPixel(32);
- expect(chart.scale.bottom).toBeCloseToPixel(512);
- expect(chart.scale.left).toBeCloseToPixel(0);
- expect(chart.scale.right).toBeCloseToPixel(512);
- expect(chart.scale.top).toBeCloseToPixel(32);
- expect(chart.scale.width).toBeCloseToPixel(512);
- expect(chart.scale.height).toBeCloseToPixel(480)
- });
- it('should fit multiple axes in the same position', function() {
- var chart = window.acquireChart({
- type: 'bar',
- data: {
- datasets: [{
- yAxisID: 'yScale1',
- data: [10, 5, 0, 25, 78, -10]
- }, {
- yAxisID: 'yScale2',
- data: [-19, -20, 0, -99, -50, 0]
- }],
- labels: ['tick1', 'tick2', 'tick3', 'tick4', 'tick5', 'tick6']
- },
- options: {
- scales: {
- xAxes: [{
- id: 'xScale',
- type: 'category'
- }],
- yAxes: [{
- id: 'yScale1',
- type: 'linear'
- }, {
- id: 'yScale2',
- type: 'linear'
- }]
- }
- }
- }, {
- height: '150px',
- width: '250px'
- });
- expect(chart.chartArea.bottom).toBeCloseToPixel(102);
- expect(chart.chartArea.left).toBeCloseToPixel(86);
- expect(chart.chartArea.right).toBeCloseToPixel(250);
- expect(chart.chartArea.top).toBeCloseToPixel(32);
- expect(chart.scales.xScale.bottom).toBeCloseToPixel(150);
- expect(chart.scales.xScale.left).toBeCloseToPixel(86);
- expect(chart.scales.xScale.right).toBeCloseToPixel(250);
- expect(chart.scales.xScale.top).toBeCloseToPixel(103);
- expect(chart.scales.xScale.labelRotation).toBeCloseTo(50);
- expect(chart.scales.yScale1.bottom).toBeCloseToPixel(102);
- expect(chart.scales.yScale1.left).toBeCloseToPixel(0);
- expect(chart.scales.yScale1.right).toBeCloseToPixel(41);
- expect(chart.scales.yScale1.top).toBeCloseToPixel(32);
- expect(chart.scales.yScale1.labelRotation).toBeCloseTo(0);
- expect(chart.scales.yScale2.bottom).toBeCloseToPixel(102);
- expect(chart.scales.yScale2.left).toBeCloseToPixel(41);
- expect(chart.scales.yScale2.right).toBeCloseToPixel(86);
- expect(chart.scales.yScale2.top).toBeCloseToPixel(32);
- expect(chart.scales.yScale2.labelRotation).toBeCloseTo(0);
- });
- it ('should fix a full width box correctly', function() {
- var chart = window.acquireChart({
- type: 'bar',
- data: {
- datasets: [{
- xAxisID: 'xScale1',
- data: [10, 5, 0, 25, 78, -10]
- }, {
- xAxisID: 'xScale2',
- data: [-19, -20, 0, -99, -50, 0]
- }],
- labels: ['tick1', 'tick2', 'tick3', 'tick4', 'tick5', 'tick6']
- },
- options: {
- scales: {
- xAxes: [{
- id: 'xScale1',
- type: 'category'
- }, {
- id: 'xScale2',
- type: 'category',
- position: 'top',
- fullWidth: true
- }],
- yAxes: [{
- id: 'yScale',
- type: 'linear'
- }]
- }
- }
- });
- expect(chart.chartArea.bottom).toBeCloseToPixel(484);
- expect(chart.chartArea.left).toBeCloseToPixel(45);
- expect(chart.chartArea.right).toBeCloseToPixel(512);
- expect(chart.chartArea.top).toBeCloseToPixel(60);
- expect(chart.scales.xScale1.bottom).toBeCloseToPixel(512);
- expect(chart.scales.xScale1.left).toBeCloseToPixel(45);
- expect(chart.scales.xScale1.right).toBeCloseToPixel(512);
- expect(chart.scales.xScale1.top).toBeCloseToPixel(484);
- expect(chart.scales.xScale2.bottom).toBeCloseToPixel(28);
- expect(chart.scales.xScale2.left).toBeCloseToPixel(0);
- expect(chart.scales.xScale2.right).toBeCloseToPixel(512);
- expect(chart.scales.xScale2.top).toBeCloseToPixel(0);
- expect(chart.scales.yScale.bottom).toBeCloseToPixel(484);
- expect(chart.scales.yScale.left).toBeCloseToPixel(0);
- expect(chart.scales.yScale.right).toBeCloseToPixel(45);
- expect(chart.scales.yScale.top).toBeCloseToPixel(60);
- });
- });