- <?php
- namespace common\models;
- use Yii;
- use common\components\ActiveRecordCommon;
- use common\helpers\Departments;
- use yii\helpers\Html;
- class Producer extends ActiveRecordCommon
- {
- . '<li>Optionnelle : l\'utilisateur choisit s\'il utilise son Crédit ou non. Les commandes peuvent être payées ou impayées.</li>'
- . '<li>Obligatoire : toutes les commandes de l\'utilisateur son comptabilisées au niveau du Crédit. Toutes les commandes sont payées.</li>'
- . '<li>Basée sur l\'utilisateur : Crédit obligatoire si l\'utilisateur a le crédit activé au niveau de son compte, système de Crédit non affiché sinon.</li>'
- . '</ul>';
- public static $creditFunctioningArray = [
- self::CREDIT_FUNCTIONING_MANDATORY => 'Obligatoire',
- self::CREDIT_FUNCTIONING_OPTIONAL => 'Optionnelle',
- self::CREDIT_FUNCTIONING_USER => 'Basée sur l\'utilisateur',
- ];
- const BEHAVIOR_HOME_POINT_SALE_DAY_LIST_WEEK = 'days-of-week' ;
- var $secret_key_payplug;
- public static function tableName()
- {
- return 'producer';
- }
- public function rules()
- {
- return [
- [['name', 'type', 'id_tax_rate_default'], 'required'],
- [['tiller_provider_token', 'tiller_restaurant_token'], 'required', 'when' => function ($model) {
- return $model->tiller == true;
- }],
- [['order_delay', 'order_deadline', 'order_delay_monday', 'order_deadline_monday', 'order_delay_tuesday', 'order_deadline_tuesday',
- 'order_delay_wednesday', 'order_deadline_wednesday', 'order_delay_thursday', 'order_deadline_thursday', 'order_delay_friday',
- 'order_deadline_friday', 'order_delay_saturday', 'order_deadline_saturday', 'order_delay_sunday', 'order_deadline_sunday',
- 'id_tax_rate_default', 'document_quotation_duration', 'option_dashboard_number_distributions'], 'integer'],
- [['order_deadline', 'order_deadline_monday', 'order_deadline_tuesday', 'order_deadline_wednesday',
- 'order_deadline_thursday', 'order_deadline_friday', 'order_deadline_saturday',
- 'order_deadline_sunday', ], 'in', 'range' => [8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24]],
- ['order_delay', 'in', 'range' => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]],
- ['code', function ($attribute, $params) {
- $code = $this->$attribute;
- $producer = Producer::findOne(['code' => $code]);
- if ($producer && $producer->id != $this->id) {
- $this->addError($attribute, 'Ce code est déjà utilisé par un autre producteur.');
- }
- }],
- [['document_quotation_prefix', 'document_invoice_prefix', 'document_delivery_note_prefix'], function($attribute, $params) {
- if(!ctype_upper($this->$attribute)) {
- $this->addError($attribute, 'Ne doit contenir que des majuscules') ;
- }
- }],
- [['description', 'mentions', 'gcs', 'order_infos', 'slug', 'secret_key_payplug', 'background_color_logo', 'option_behavior_cancel_order', 'tiller_provider_token', 'tiller_restaurant_token', 'status',
- 'document_infos_bottom', 'document_infos_quotation', 'document_infos_invoice', 'document_infos_delivery_note', 'address', 'behavior_home_point_sale_day_list', 'behavior_order_select_distribution', 'option_payment_info'], 'string'],
- [['negative_balance', 'credit', 'active', 'online_payment', 'user_manage_subscription', 'option_allow_user_gift', 'use_credit_checked_default', 'tiller', 'document_display_orders_invoice', 'document_display_orders_delivery_note', 'document_display_prices_delivery_note', 'option_email_confirm', 'option_email_confirm_producer'], 'boolean'],
- [['name', 'siret', 'logo', 'photo', 'postcode', 'city', 'code', 'type', 'credit_functioning', 'option_behavior_cancel_order', 'document_quotation_prefix', 'document_quotation_first_reference', 'document_invoice_prefix', 'document_invoice_first_reference', 'document_delivery_note_prefix', 'document_delivery_note_first_reference'], 'string', 'max' => 255],
- [['free_price', 'credit_limit_reminder', 'credit_limit'], 'double'],
- ['free_price', 'compare', 'compareValue' => 0, 'operator' => '>=', 'type' => 'number', 'message' => 'Prix libre doit être supérieur ou égal à 0'],
- [['option_dashboard_date_start', 'option_dashboard_date_end'], 'safe'],
- ];
- }
- public function attributeLabels()
- {
- return [
- 'id' => 'ID',
- 'name' => 'Nom',
- 'siret' => 'Siret',
- 'logo' => 'Logo',
- 'photo' => 'Photo',
- 'description' => 'Description',
- 'postcode' => 'Code postal',
- 'city' => 'Ville',
- 'code' => 'Code',
- 'order_delay' => 'Délai de commande',
- 'order_deadline' => 'Heure limite de commande',
- 'order_delay_monday' => 'Délai de commande (lundi)',
- 'order_deadline_monday' => 'Heure limite de commande (lundi)',
- 'order_delay_tuesday' => 'Délai de commande (mardi)',
- 'order_deadline_tuesday' => 'Heure limite de commande (mardi)',
- 'order_delay_wednesday' => 'Délai de commande (mercredi)',
- 'order_deadline_wednesday' => 'Heure limite de commande (mercredi)',
- 'order_delay_thursday' => 'Délai de commande (jeudi)',
- 'order_deadline_thursday' => 'Heure limite de commande (jeudi)',
- 'order_delay_friday' => 'Délai de commande (vendredi)',
- 'order_deadline_friday' => 'Heure limite de commande (vendredi)',
- 'order_delay_saturday' => 'Délai de commande (samedi)',
- 'order_deadline_saturday' => 'Heure limite de commande (samedi)',
- 'order_delay_sunday' => 'Délai de commande (dimanche)',
- 'order_deadline_sunday' => 'Heure limite de commande (dimanche)',
- 'negative_balance' => 'Solde négatif',
- 'credit' => 'Crédit pain',
- 'active' => 'Actif',
- 'date_creation' => 'Date de création',
- 'order_infos' => 'Informations',
- 'slug' => 'Slug',
- 'type' => 'Type de producteur',
- 'credit_limit_reminder' => 'Seuil de crédit limite avant relance',
- 'online_payment' => 'Activer le paiement en ligne',
- 'secret_key_payplug' => 'Clé secrète Payplug',
- 'user_manage_subscription' => 'Autoriser les utilisateurs à gérer leurs abonnements',
- 'mentions' => 'Mentions légales',
- 'gcs' => 'Conditions générales de vente',
- 'option_allow_user_gift' => 'Autoriser les utilisateurs à effectuer un don à la plateforme lors de leur commande',
- 'credit_functioning' => 'Utilisation du Crédit par l\'utilisateur',
- 'credit_limit' => 'Crédit limite',
- 'use_credit_checked_default' => 'Cocher par défaut l\'option "Utiliser mon crédit" lors de la commande de l\'utilisateur',
- 'background_color_logo' => 'Couleur de fond du logo',
- 'option_behavior_cancel_order' => 'Comportement lors de la suppression d\'une commande',
- 'tiller' => 'Tiller',
- 'tiller_provider_token' => 'Token provider',
- 'tiller_restaurant_token' => 'Token restaurant',
- 'status' => 'Statut',
- 'id_tax_rate_default' => 'Taxe',
- 'document_quotation_prefix' => 'Préfixe des devis',
- 'document_quotation_first_reference' => 'Première référence des devis',
- 'document_quotation_duration' => 'Durée du devis',
- 'document_invoice_prefix' => 'Préfixe des factures',
- 'document_invoice_first_reference' => 'Première référence des factures',
- 'document_delivery_note_prefix' => 'Préfixe des bons de livraison',
- 'document_delivery_note_first_reference' => 'Première référence des bons de livraison',
- 'document_infos_bottom' => 'Informations affichées en bas des documents',
- 'document_infos_quotation' => 'Informations affichées en bas des devis',
- 'document_infos_invoice' => 'Informations affichées en bas des factures',
- 'document_infos_delivery_note' => 'Informations affichées en bas des bons de livraison',
- 'address' => 'Adresse',
- 'document_display_orders_invoice' => 'Afficher le détail des commandes dans les factures',
- 'document_display_orders_delivery_note' => 'Afficher le détail des commandes dans les bons de livraison',
- 'document_display_prices_delivery_note' => 'Afficher le chiffrage dans les bons de livraison',
- 'behavior_home_point_sale_day_list' => 'Accueil : affichage des jours de distribution',
- 'behavior_order_select_distribution' => 'Sélection de la date de distribution',
- 'option_payment_info' => 'Informations liées au paiement',
- 'option_email_confirm' => 'Envoyer un email de confirmation au client',
- 'option_email_confirm_producer' => 'Envoyer un email de confirmation au producteur',
- 'option_dashboard_number_distributions' => 'Nombre de distributions affichées sur le tableau de board',
- 'option_dashboard_date_start' => 'Date de début',
- 'option_dashboard_date_end' => 'Date de fin',
- ];
- }
- public function getUserProducer()
- {
- return $this->hasMany(
- UserProducer::className(),
- ['id_producer' => 'id']
- );
- }
- public function getUser()
- {
- return $this->hasMany(User::className(), ['id_producer' => 'id']);
- }
- public function getContact()
- {
- return $this->hasMany(User::className(), ['id_producer' => 'id'])
- ->where(['status' => User::STATUS_PRODUCER]);
- }
- public function getTaxRate()
- {
- return $this->hasOne(TaxRate::className(), ['id' => 'id_tax_rate_default']);
- }
- public static function defaultOptionsSearch()
- {
- return [
- 'with' => ['taxRate'],
- 'join_with' => [],
- 'orderby' => 'name ASC',
- 'attribute_id_producer' => 'id'
- ];
- }
- public static function getProducerPopulateDropdown()
- {
- $producers = Producer::find()
- ->where([
- 'active' => true,
- ])
- ->orderBy('postcode, city ASC')
- ->all();
- $departments = Departments::get();
- $dataProducers = [];
- $optionsProducers = [];
- foreach ($producers as $p) {
- if (!key_exists('d' . substr($p->postcode, 0, 2), $dataProducers)) {
- $dataProducers['d' . substr($p->postcode, 0, 2)] = '<strong>' . $departments[substr($p->postcode, 0, 2)] . '</strong>';
- $optionsProducers['d' . substr($p->postcode, 0, 2)] = ['disabled' => true];
- }
- $dataProducers[$p->id] = '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-lock"></span> ' . Html::encode($p->name) . ' - ' . Html::encode($p->postcode) . ' ' . Html::encode($p->city) . ' <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-lock"></span>';
- if (strlen($p->code)) {
- $optionsProducers[$p->id] = ['class' => 'lock'];
- }
- }
- return ['data' => $dataProducers, 'options' => $optionsProducers];
- }
- public function getTurnover($period = '', $format = false)
- {
- if (!$period) {
- $period = date('Y-m');
- }
- $connection = Yii::$app->getDb();
- $command = $connection->createCommand('
- SELECT SUM(product_order.price * product_order.quantity) AS turnover
- FROM `order`, product_order, distribution, product
- WHERE `order`.id = product_order.id_order
- AND distribution.id_producer = :id_producer
- AND `order`.id_distribution = distribution.id
- AND product_order.id_product = product.id
- AND distribution.date > :date_begin
- AND distribution.date < :date_end', [
- ':date_begin' => date('Y-m-31', strtotime("-1 month", strtotime($period))),
- ':date_end' => date('Y-m-01', strtotime("+1 month", strtotime($period))),
- ':id_producer' => $this->id
- ]);
- $result = $command->queryOne();
- $turnover = $result['turnover'];
- if ($format) {
- return number_format($turnover, 2) . ' €';
- } else {
- return $turnover;
- }
- }
- public function getMAmountBilled($format = false)
- {
- if ($format) {
- return number_format($this->free_price, 2) . ' €';
- } else {
- return $this->free_price;
- }
- }
- public function getInvoice($period = '')
- {
- if (!$period) {
- $period = date('Y-m', strtotime('-1 month'));
- }
- $invoice = Invoice::searchOne(
- ['id_producer' => $this->id, 'period' => ':period'],
- ['params' => [':period' => $period]]
- );
- return $invoice;
- }
- public function getInvoiceLastMonth()
- {
- return $this->getInvoice(date('Y-m', strtotime('-1 month')));
- }
- public static function getConfig($config = '', $idProducer = 0)
- {
- if (strlen($config)) {
- if (!$idProducer) {
- $idProducer = GlobalParam::getCurrentProducerId();
- }
- $producer = self::findOne($idProducer);
- if ($producer) {
- return $producer->$config;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- public function getFreePrice($format = true)
- {
- if (!is_null($this->free_price)) {
- if ($format) {
- return number_format($this->free_price, 2, ',', false) . ' € HT';
- } else {
- return $this->free_price;
- }
- }
- }
- public static function addUser($idUser, $idProducer, $bookmark = 1)
- {
- $userProducer = UserProducer::searchOne([
- 'user_producer.id_user' => $idUser,
- 'user_producer.id_producer' => $idProducer
- ]);
- if (!$userProducer) {
- $newUserProducer = new UserProducer;
- $newUserProducer->id_producer = $idProducer;
- $newUserProducer->id_user = $idUser;
- $newUserProducer->credit = 0;
- $newUserProducer->active = 1;
- $newUserProducer->bookmark = (int)$bookmark;
- $newUserProducer->save();
- } else {
- if (!$userProducer->active) {
- $userProducer->active = 1;
- $userProducer->save();
- }
- }
- return $userProducer;
- }
- public function getSpecificDelays()
- {
- $array = [] ;
- $daysArray = [
- 'monday','tuesday','wednesday','thursday','friday','saturday','sunday'
- ] ;
- foreach($daysArray as $day) {
- $fieldDelay = 'order_delay_'.$day ;
- $fieldDeadline = 'order_deadline_'.$day ;
- $delay = $this->order_delay ;
- $deadline = $this->order_deadline ;
- if($this->$fieldDelay) {
- $delay = $this->$fieldDelay ;
- }
- if($this->$fieldDeadline) {
- $deadline = $this->$fieldDeadline ;
- }
- $array[$day] = [
- 'order_delay' => $delay,
- 'order_deadline' => $deadline,
- ] ;
- }
- return $array ;
- }
- public function hasSpecificDelays()
- {
- $daysArray = [
- 'monday','tuesday','wednesday','thursday','friday','saturday','sunday'
- ] ;
- foreach($daysArray as $day) {
- $fieldDelay = 'order_delay_'.$day ;
- $fieldDeadline = 'order_deadline_'.$day ;
- if($this->$fieldDelay || $this->$fieldDeadline) {
- return true ;
- }
- }
- return false ;
- }
- public function getFilenameSecretKeyPayplug()
- {
- return '../../common/config/payplug/' . $this->id . '.key';
- }
- public function saveSecretKeyPayplug()
- {
- if ($this->online_payment) {
- $handle = fopen($this->getFilenameSecretKeyPayplug(), "w");
- fwrite($handle, $this->secret_key_payplug);
- fclose($handle);
- }
- }
- public function getSecretKeyPayplug()
- {
- if (file_exists($this->getFilenameSecretKeyPayplug())) {
- $handle = fopen($this->getFilenameSecretKeyPayplug(), "r");
- $filesize = filesize($this->getFilenameSecretKeyPayplug());
- if ($handle && $filesize) {
- $secretKey = fread($handle, $filesize);
- fclose($handle);
- return $secretKey;
- }
- }
- return '';
- }
- public static function getDemoAccount()
- {
- $producer = Producer::find()->where('name LIKE \'Démo\'')->one();
- return $producer;
- }
- public function isDemo()
- {
- if (strpos($this->name, 'Démo') !== false) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- public function getFullAddress($nl2br = false)
- {
- $address = '' ;
- $address .= $this->name."\n" ;
- if(strlen($this->address)) {
- $address .= $this->address."\n" ;
- }
- if(strlen($this->postcode) || strlen($this->city)) {
- $address .= $this->postcode.' '.$this->city ;
- }
- if($nl2br) {
- $address = nl2br($address) ;
- }
- return $address ;
- }
- public function getHtmlLogo()
- {
- $html = '' ;
- if(strlen($this->logo)) {
- $html = '<img src="'.$this->getUrlLogo().'" class="producer-logo" />' ;
- }
- return $html ;
- }
- public function getUrlLogo()
- {
- return Yii::$app->urlManagerProducer->getHostInfo().'/'.Yii::$app->urlManagerProducer->baseUrl.'/uploads/'.$this->logo ;
- }
- public function getEmailOpendistrib()
- {
- return $this->slug.'@opendistrib.net' ;
- }
- public function getMainContact()
- {
- if($this->contact) {
- foreach($this->contact as $contact) {
- if($contact->is_main_contact) {
- return $contact ;
- }
- }
- }
- return false ;
- }
- }