- <?php
- echo "\nYii Application Requirement Checker\n\n";
- echo "This script checks if your server configuration meets the requirements\n";
- echo "for running Yii application.\n";
- echo "It checks if the server is running the right version of PHP,\n";
- echo "if appropriate PHP extensions have been loaded, and if php.ini file settings are correct.\n";
- $header = 'Check conclusion:';
- echo "\n{$header}\n";
- echo str_pad('', strlen($header), '-')."\n\n";
- foreach ($requirements as $key => $requirement) {
- if ($requirement['condition']) {
- echo $requirement['name'].": OK\n";
- echo "\n";
- } else {
- echo $requirement['name'].': '.($requirement['mandatory'] ? 'FAILED!!!' : 'WARNING!!!')."\n";
- echo 'Required by: '.strip_tags($requirement['by'])."\n";
- $memo = strip_tags($requirement['memo']);
- if (!empty($memo)) {
- echo 'Memo: '.strip_tags($requirement['memo'])."\n";
- }
- echo "\n";
- }
- }
- $summaryString = 'Errors: '.$summary['errors'].' Warnings: '.$summary['warnings'].' Total checks: '.$summary['total'];
- echo str_pad('', strlen($summaryString), '-')."\n";
- echo $summaryString;
- echo "\n\n";