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Adaptations refactoring/traduction backend/controllers/SiteController

Guillaume Bourgeois před 6 roky
1 změnil soubory, kde provedl 28 přidání a 31 odebrání
  1. +28

+ 28
- 31
backend/controllers/SiteController.php Zobrazit soubor

@@ -44,11 +44,11 @@ use yii\web\Controller;
use common\models\LoginForm;
use common\models\User;
use yii\filters\VerbFilter;
use common\models\Produit;
use common\models\PointVente;
use common\models\Etablissement;
use common\models\Production;
use common\models\Commande;
use common\models\Product;
use common\models\PointSale;
use common\models\Producer;
use common\models\Distribution;
use common\models\Order;

* Site controller
@@ -74,8 +74,7 @@ class SiteController extends BackendController
'allow' => true,
'roles' => ['@'],
'matchCallback' => function ($rule, $action) {
return Yii::$app->user->identity->status == USER::STATUS_ADMIN
|| Yii::$app->user->identity->status == USER::STATUS_BOULANGER;
return User::hasAccessBackend() ;
@@ -83,7 +82,7 @@ class SiteController extends BackendController
'allow' => true,
'roles' => ['@'],
'matchCallback' => function ($rule, $action) {
return Yii::$app->user->identity->status == USER::STATUS_ADMIN;
return User::getStatus() == User::STATUS_ADMIN ;
@@ -119,48 +118,46 @@ class SiteController extends BackendController
public function actionIndex()
// commandes
$productions = Production::find()
->where(['>=', '', date('Y-m-d')])
$distributions = Distribution::find()
->where(['>=', '', date('Y-m-d')])
'production.id_etablissement' => Yii::$app->user->identity->id_etablissement,
'production.actif' => 1
'distribution.id_producer' => Producer::getId(),
'' => 1
->orderBy('date ASC')

// dernières commandes
$commandes = Commande::findBy([
$ordersArray = Order::searchAll([],[
'orderby' => 'date DESC',
'condition' => ' > \'' . date('Y-m-d 00:00:00') . '\' AND (type = \'' . Commande::TYPE_USER . '\' OR type = \'' . Commande::TYPE_ADMIN . '\' OR (type = \'' . Commande::TYPE_AUTO . '\' AND (date_update IS NOT NULL OR date_delete IS NOT NULL)))'
'conditions' => ' > :date AND (origin = \'' . Order::ORIGIN_USER . '\' OR type = \'' . Order::ORIGIN_ADMIN . '\' OR (type = \'' . Order::ORIGIN_AUTO . '\' AND (date_update IS NOT NULL OR date_delete IS NOT NULL)))',
'params' => [':date' => date('Y-m-d 00:00:00')],

foreach ($commandes as $c)

// clients
$nb_clients = User::findBy()->count();
$nbUsers = User::searchCount();

$clients = User::findBy()
$usersArray = User::findBy()
->orderBy('created_at DESC')

$clients_credit_pain_negatif = User::findBy(['id_etablissement' => Yii::$app->user->identity->id_etablissement])
->andWhere(' < 0')
$usersNegativeCredit = User::findBy(['id_producer' => Producer::getId()])
->andWhere(' < 0')

// paramètres
$etablissement = Etablissement::findOne(Yii::$app->user->identity->id_etablissement);
$producer = Producer::get();

return $this->render('index', [
'productions' => $productions,
'commandes' => $commandes,
'clients' => $clients,
'nb_clients' => $nb_clients,
'clients_credit_pain_negatif' => $clients_credit_pain_negatif,
'etablissement' => $etablissement,
'distributionsArray' => $distributions,
'ordersArray' => $ordersArray,
'usersArray' => $usersArray,
'nbUsers' => $nbUsers,
'usersNegativeCredit' => $usersNegativeCredit,
'producer' => $producer,

@@ -203,9 +200,9 @@ class SiteController extends BackendController
* @param integer $id
public function actionChangeEtablissement($id)
public function actionChangeProducer($id)
Yii::$app->user->identity->id_etablissement = $id;
Yii::$app->user->identity->id_producer = $id;

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