Bläddra i källkod

Système de commentaires pour les points de vente (boites à pain)

Le boulanger peut spécifier un commentaire pour chaque utilisateur sélectionné dans les points de vente à accès restreint. L'utilisateur retrouve ce commentaire au niveau du choix des points de vente et dans le récapitulatif des commandes. Le boulanger, quant à lui, retrouve ce commentaire dans l'export des commandes en PDF.
keun 7 år sedan
19 ändrade filer med 272 tillägg och 86 borttagningar
  1. +1
  2. +1
  3. +5
  4. +18
  5. Binär
  6. +8
  7. +18
  8. +5
  9. +2
  10. +18
  11. +2
  12. +17
  13. +17
  14. +10
  15. +16
  16. +11
  17. Binär
  18. +100
  19. +23

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backend/controllers/CommandeController.php Visa fil

@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ class CommandeController extends BackendController {
$id_etablissement = Yii::$app->user->identity->id_etablissement ;
$commandes = Commande::find()
->with('commandeProduits', 'user', 'creditHistorique')
->with('commandeProduits', 'user', 'creditHistorique', 'pointVente')
->where(['' => $date])
->andWhere(['production.id_etablissement' => $id_etablissement])

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backend/controllers/PointVenteController.php Visa fil

@@ -106,6 +106,7 @@ class PointVenteController extends BackendController
foreach($model->pointVenteUser as $u)
$model->users[] = $u->id_user ;
$model->users_commentaire[$u->id_user] = $u->commentaire ;
if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post()) && $model->save()) {

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backend/views/commande/report.php Visa fil

@@ -36,6 +36,11 @@ foreach ($points_vente as $pv) {
$str_user = $c->username; //.' - '.date('d/m', strtotime($c->date)) ;
$str_user .= '<br /><em>'.$c->commentaire_point_vente.'</em>' ;
// téléphone
if (isset($c->user) && strlen($c->user->telephone)) {
$str_user .= '<br />' . $c->user->telephone . '';

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backend/views/point-vente/_form.php Visa fil

@@ -14,7 +14,9 @@ use yii\helpers\ArrayHelper ;
<?php $form = ActiveForm::begin(); ?>

<div class="col-md-8">
<?= $form->field($model, 'point_fabrication')->checkbox()->hint('Cochez cette case si ce point de vente correspond à votre lieu de production.') ?>
<?= $form->field($model, 'point_fabrication')
->hint('Cochez cette case si ce point de vente correspond à votre lieu de production.') ?>
<?= $form->field($model, 'nom')->textInput(['maxlength' => 255]) ?>
<?= $form->field($model, 'localite')->textInput(['maxlength' => 255]) ?>
<?= $form->field($model, 'adresse')->textarea(['rows' => 6]) ?>
@@ -30,11 +32,22 @@ use yii\helpers\ArrayHelper ;
<?= $form->field($model, 'horaires_dimanche')->textarea(['rows' => 3]) ?>
<div class="col-md-4">
<?= $form->field($model, 'acces_restreint')->checkbox()->hint('Cochez cette case si seulement un groupe restreint d\'utilisateurs peuvent accéder à ce point de vente.') ?>
<?= $form->field($model, 'acces_restreint')
->hint('Cochez cette case si seulement un groupe restreint d\'utilisateurs peuvent accéder à ce point de vente.<br />'
. 'Dans le cas des boîtes à pain, il vous est possible de spécifier un commentaire pour chaque utilisateur sélectionné afin de lui renseigner son numéro de boîte ou son code.') ?>
<div id="users">
<?= Html::activeCheckboxList($model, 'users', ArrayHelper::map($users, 'id', function($model, $defaultValue) {
return Html::encode($model->nom.' '.$model->prenom) ;
} )) ?>
<?= Html::activeCheckboxList($model, 'users', ArrayHelper::map($users, 'id', function($model_user, $defaultValue) use ($model) {
return Html::encode($model_user->nom.' '.$model_user->prenom).'<br />'
'class' => 'form-control commentaire',
'placeholder' => 'Commentaire',
'value' => (isset($model->users_commentaire[$model_user->id])) ? Html::encode($model->users_commentaire[$model_user->id]) : ''
} ), ['encode' => false, 'class' => '']) ?>
<div class="clr"></div>

backend/web/.sass-cache/c8fef7d48da4dc7f024edc2b0fada9d8d6de5dac/screen.scssc Visa fil

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backend/web/css/screen.css Visa fil

@@ -982,13 +982,19 @@ a:hover, a:focus, a:active {
font-weight: normal;
display: block;
/* line 985, ../sass/screen.scss */
.point-vente-form #pointvente-users .commentaire {
display: none;
margin-left: 17px;
width: 200px;

/* utilisateurs */
/* line 991, ../sass/screen.scss */
/* line 996, ../sass/screen.scss */
.user-index .input-group {
width: 180px;
/* line 994, ../sass/screen.scss */
/* line 999, ../sass/screen.scss */
.user-index .input-group .input-credit {
text-align: center;

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backend/web/js/lechatdesnoisettes.js Visa fil

@@ -20,10 +20,28 @@ function chat_tooltip() {

function chat_points_vente_acces() {
// affichage du bloc acces restreint
$('#pointvente-acces_restreint').change(function() {
chat_points_vente_acces_event() ;
}) ;
chat_points_vente_acces_event() ;
// affichage du champs commentaire
$('#pointvente-users input[type=checkbox]').change(function() {
chat_points_vente_commentaire_event() ;
}) ;
chat_points_vente_commentaire_event() ;

function chat_points_vente_commentaire_event() {
$('#pointvente-users input[type=checkbox]').each(function() {
if($(this).prop('checked')) {
$(this).parent().find('.commentaire').fadeIn() ;
else {
$(this).parent().find('.commentaire').hide() ;
}) ;

function chat_points_vente_acces_event() {

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backend/web/sass/screen.scss Visa fil

@@ -982,6 +982,11 @@ a {
font-weight: normal ;
display: block ;
.commentaire {
display: none ;
margin-left: 17px ;
width: 200px ;

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common/models/Commande.php Visa fil

@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ class Commande extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
public function getPointVente() {
return $this->hasOne(PointVente::className(), ['id'=>'id_point_vente']) ;
return $this->hasOne(PointVente::className(), ['id'=>'id_point_vente'])->with('pointVenteUser') ;
public function getCreditHistorique()
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ class Commande extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
return [
[['id_user', 'date', 'id_point_vente','id_production'], 'required','message'=>''],
[['id_user', 'id_point_vente', 'id_production'], 'integer'],
[['date', 'date_update','commentaire'], 'safe']
[['date', 'date_update','commentaire', 'commentaire_point_vente'], 'safe']

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common/models/PointVente.php Visa fil

@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ class PointVente extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
var $data_select_commandes ;
var $data_options_commandes ;
var $users = [] ;
var $users_commentaire = [] ;
* @inheritdoc
@@ -47,7 +48,7 @@ class PointVente extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
['point_fabrication', 'default','value'=>0],

@@ -149,10 +150,25 @@ class PointVente extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
$point_vente_user = new PointVenteUser ;
$point_vente_user->id_user = $val ;
$point_vente_user->id_point_vente = $this->id ;
if(isset($this->users_commentaire[$val]) && strlen($this->users_commentaire[$val]))
$point_vente_user->commentaire = $this->users_commentaire[$val] ;
$point_vente_user->save() ;
public function getCommentaire()
foreach($this->pointVenteUser as $pvu)
if($pvu->id_user == Yii::$app->user->identity->id)
return $pvu->commentaire ;

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common/models/PointVenteUser.php Visa fil

@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ class PointVenteUser extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
return [
[['id_point_vente', 'id_user'], 'required'],
[['id_point_vente', 'id_user'], 'integer'],
[['commentaire'], 'string'],

@@ -39,6 +40,7 @@ class PointVenteUser extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
return [
'id_point_vente' => 'Id Point Vente',
'id_user' => 'Id User',
'commentaire' => 'Commentaire'

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console/migrations/m161215_071544_add_champs_commentaire_points_vente.php Visa fil

@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@

use yii\db\Migration;
use yii\db\Schema;

class m161215_071544_add_champs_commentaire_points_vente extends Migration
public function up()
$this->addColumn('point_vente_user', 'commentaire', Schema::TYPE_TEXT) ;

public function down()
$this->dropColumn('point_vente_user', 'commentaire') ;

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console/migrations/m161215_084317_champs_commentaire_point_vente_commande.php Visa fil

@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@

use yii\db\Migration;
use yii\db\Schema;

class m161215_084317_champs_commentaire_point_vente_commande extends Migration
public function up()
$this->addColumn('commande', 'commentaire_point_vente', Schema::TYPE_TEXT) ;

public function down()
$this->dropColumn('commande', 'commentaire_point_vente') ;

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frontend/controllers/CommandeController.php Visa fil

@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ class CommandeController extends \yii\web\Controller {
// points de vente
$points_vente = PointVente::find()
->andWhere('acces_restreint = 0 OR (acces_restreint = 1 AND (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM point_vente_user WHERE = point_vente_user.id_point_vente AND point_vente_user.id_user = :id_user) > 0)')
->params([':id_user' => Yii::$app->user->identity->id])
@@ -324,6 +325,15 @@ class CommandeController extends \yii\web\Controller {
if ($commande->validate() && count($produits) && !$err_nb_produits && !$err_date) {
// gestion point de vente
$pv = PointVente::find()
->where(['id' => $commande->id_point_vente])
->one() ;
if($pv && strlen($pv->getCommentaire()))
$commande->commentaire_point_vente = $pv->getCommentaire() ;
// sauvegarde de la commande

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frontend/views/commande/_form.php Visa fil

@@ -84,9 +84,21 @@ use common\models\Etablissement;

<ul id="points-vente" class="blocs">
//$points_vente = PointVente::find()->all() ;
foreach ($points_vente as $pv) {
//print_r($pv) ;
$commentaire = '' ;
if(isset($pv->pointVenteUser) && is_array($pv->pointVenteUser) && count($pv->pointVenteUser))
foreach($pv->pointVenteUser as $pvu)
if($pvu->id_user == Yii::$app->user->identity->id && strlen($pvu->commentaire))
$commentaire = '<div class="commentaire"><span>'.Html::encode($pvu->commentaire).'</span></div>' ;
echo '<li class="bloc point-vente point-vente-' . $pv->id . '" data-vrac="' . (int) $pv->vrac . '" data-pain="' . (int) $pv->pain . '"><div class="contenu">' .
'<span style="display:none;" class="id">' . $pv->id . '</span>' .
'<div class="nom">' . Html::encode($pv->nom) . '</div>' .
@@ -99,7 +111,8 @@ use common\models\Etablissement;
'<div class="jour jour-5">' . (strlen($pv->horaires_vendredi) ? nl2br(Html::encode($pv->horaires_vendredi)) : 'Fermé') . '</div>' .
'<div class="jour jour-6">' . (strlen($pv->horaires_samedi) ? nl2br(Html::encode($pv->horaires_samedi)) : 'Fermé') . '</div>' .
'<div class="jour jour-0">' . (strlen($pv->horaires_dimanche) ? nl2br(Html::encode($pv->horaires_dimanche)) : 'Fermé') . '</div>' .
'</div>' .
. $commentaire .

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frontend/views/commande/index.php Visa fil

@@ -101,7 +101,17 @@ $this->title = 'Commande' ;
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?></td>
<td><?php echo '<span class="nom-point-vente">'.Html::encode($c->pointVente->nom) .'</span><br /><span class="localite">'.Html::encode($c->pointVente->localite).'</span>' ; ?></td>
<?php if(isset($c->pointVente)): ?>
<?php echo '<span class="nom-point-vente">'.Html::encode($c->pointVente->nom) .'</span>'
. '<br /><span class="localite">'.Html::encode($c->pointVente->localite).'</span>' ; ?>
<?php if(strlen($c->commentaire_point_vente)): ?>
<div class="commentaire"><span><?= Html::encode($c->commentaire_point_vente) ?></span></div>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php else: ?>
Point de vente supprimé
<?php endif; ?>
<td class="montant">
<?php echo number_format($c->montant,2) ; ?> €<br />
<?php if($c->montant_paye): ?>

frontend/web/.sass-cache/e1a48ee3204d3a535cdbe440c2995954a615ac19/_systeme_commandes.scssc Visa fil

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frontend/web/css/screen.css Visa fil

@@ -755,60 +755,76 @@ h2 {
#index-commande #historique-commandes a {
text-decoration: none;
/* line 238, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
#index-commande #historique-commandes .commentaire {
margin-top: 5px;
/* line 240, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
#index-commande #historique-commandes .commentaire span {
font-size: 12px;
background-color: white;
color: #BB8757;
font-weight: bold;
-moz-border-radius: 5px;
-webkit-border-radius: 5px;
border-radius: 5px;
padding: 5px 10px;
border: solid 1px #ccc;

/* line 241, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 253, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form {
min-height: 600px;
padding-bottom: 60px;
/* line 246, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 258, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form h2 {
font-family: "myriadpro-regular";
/* line 250, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 262, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form #infos-importantes.alert-warning {
float: right;
/* line 256, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 268, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form #datepicker-production .ui-datepicker {
float: left;
margin-right: 20px;
font-size: 20px;
/* line 262, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 274, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form #datepicker-production .ui-datepicker-header {
background-color: #BB8757;
/* line 266, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 278, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form #datepicker-production .ui-datepicker-title {
color: white;
/* line 272, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 284, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form #datepicker-production .ui-datepicker-prev:hover,
.commande-form #datepicker-production .ui-datepicker-next:hover {
border: 0px none;
background: none;
/* line 278, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 290, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form #datepicker-production .ui-helper-clearfix:after {
clear: none;
/* line 283, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 295, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form #datepicker-production .ui-datepicker-calendar a {
text-decoration: none;
background-color: #F8F1DD;
/* line 286, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 298, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form #datepicker-production .ui-datepicker-calendar a.ui-state-hover, .commande-form #datepicker-production .ui-datepicker-calendar a.ui-state-active {
background-color: #BB8757;
color: white;
border-color: #cdc3b7;
/* line 295, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 307, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form .date-commande {
margin-bottom: 53px;
/* line 297, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 309, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form .date-commande span {
background-color: #BB8757;
color: white;
@@ -819,47 +835,47 @@ h2 {
font-family: "myriadpro-regular";
font-size: 20px;
/* line 307, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 319, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form #has-commande-en-cours {
margin-top: 15px;
/* line 310, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 322, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form #has-commande-en-cours a {
color: #a94442;
text-decoration: none;
font-weight: bold;
/* line 317, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 329, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form .field-commande-id_production {
display: none;
/* line 321, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 333, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form .field-commande-id_point_vente {
margin-top: 30px;
/* line 325, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 337, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form .field-commande-id_production {
margin-bottom: 0px;
/* line 327, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 339, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form .field-commande-id_production label {
margin-bottom: 0px;
/* line 331, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 343, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form .field-commande-id_production .help-block {
margin-bottom: 0px;
/* line 336, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 348, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form .field-commande-id_point_vente {
display: none;
/* line 340, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 352, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form .blocs {
list-style-type: none;
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
/* line 345, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 357, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form .blocs .bloc {
text-decoration: none;
width: 268px;
@@ -874,107 +890,121 @@ h2 {
background-color: white;
border: 1px solid #d8d8d8;
/* line 360, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 372, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form .blocs .bloc .nom {
font-family: "comfortaalight";
font-size: 20px;
/* line 366, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 378, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form .blocs .bloc .adresse {
color: gray;
font-size: 13px;
line-height: 16px;
/* line 372, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 384, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form .blocs .bloc .horaires {
margin-top: 7px;
/* line 374, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 386, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form .blocs .bloc .horaires .jour {
font-weight: bold;
display: none;
/* line 381, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 393, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form .blocs .bloc.selected {
border-left: solid 5px #BB8757;
/* line 384, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 396, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form .blocs .bloc.selected .contenu {
position: relative;
left: -4px;
/* line 390, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 402, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form .blocs .bloc:hover {
-moz-box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px #d8d8d8;
-webkit-box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px #d8d8d8;
box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px #d8d8d8;
/* line 395, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 407, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form .blocs .bloc.disabled {
display: none;
/* line 402, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 412, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form .blocs .bloc .commentaire {
margin-top: 5px;
/* line 414, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form .blocs .bloc .commentaire span {
background-color: #BB8757;
-moz-border-radius: 5px;
-webkit-border-radius: 5px;
border-radius: 5px;
color: white;
font-weight: bold;
padding: 3px 10px;
/* line 425, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form #produits {
margin-top: 15px;
/* line 405, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 428, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form #produits #label-produits {
display: block;
margin-bottom: 5px;
/* line 410, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 433, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form #produits .table {
margin-top: 7px;
/* line 413, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 436, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form #produits .table .illu {
float: left;
height: auto;
width: 70px;
margin-right: 15px;
/* line 420, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 443, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form #produits .table .photo {
padding: 0px;
width: 120px;
/* line 425, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 448, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form #produits .table .th-photo, .commande-form #produits .table .td-photo {
width: 120px;
/* line 429, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 452, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form #produits .table .nom {
font-family: "comfortaalight";
font-weight: bold;
text-transform: uppercase;
font-size: 18px;
/* line 436, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 459, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form #produits .table .description {
font-style: italic;
/* line 440, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 463, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form #produits .table .recette {
font-size: 12px;
/* line 444, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 467, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form #produits .table .input-group {
width: 133px;
/* line 446, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 469, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form #produits .table .input-group .quantity {
text-align: center;
/* line 451, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 474, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form #produits .table .colonne-quantite, .commande-form #produits .table .prix-unit, .commande-form #produits .table .total {
width: 150px;
text-align: center;
/* line 456, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 479, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form #produits .table td#total-commande, .commande-form #produits .table td#total-commande-vrac, .commande-form #produits .table {
text-align: center;
/* line 460, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 483, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form #produits .table .epuise {
display: none;
text-transform: uppercase;
@@ -983,32 +1013,32 @@ h2 {
font-size: 16px;
text-align: center;
/* line 469, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 492, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form #produits .table .quantite-restante {
font-size: 12px;
margin-top: 8px;
/* line 473, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 496, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form #produits .table .quantite-restante .nb {
font-weight: bold;
/* line 478, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 501, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form #produits .table td.produit, .commande-form #produits .table th.produit {
width: 70%;
/* line 482, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 505, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form #produits .table td.prix-unit, .commande-form #produits .table th.prix-unit {
width: 10%;
/* line 486, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 509, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form #produits .table td.colonne-quantite, .commande-form #produits .table th.colonne-quantite {
width: 10%;
/* line 490, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 513, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form #produits .table, .commande-form #produits .table {
width: 10%;
/* line 496, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 519, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form #bar-fixed {
display: none;
position: fixed;
@@ -1028,7 +1058,7 @@ h2 {
background-color: #F8F1DD;
text-align: center;
/* line 513, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 536, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form #bar-fixed.not-fixed {
position: relative;
-moz-box-shadow: none;
@@ -1040,12 +1070,12 @@ h2 {
border: solid 1px #e0e0e0;
padding-right: 20px;
/* line 522, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 545, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form #bloc-valider-commande {
margin-top: 0px;
float: right;
/* line 528, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 551, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form #bar-fixed #total-commande-bottom {
background-color: white;
-moz-border-radius: 20px;
@@ -1054,25 +1084,25 @@ h2 {
padding: 5px 25px;
border: solid 1px #e0e0e0;
/* line 535, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 558, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form #bar-fixed .btn-commentaire {
float: left;
/* line 543, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 566, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form #bar-fixed .btn-commentaire {
margin-right: 10px;
/* line 547, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 570, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form #bar-fixed #bloc-valider-commande {
text-align: right;
margin-top: 20px;
/* line 551, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 574, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form #bar-fixed #bloc-valider-commande button {
width: 300px;
margin-right: 10px;
/* line 557, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 580, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form #bar-fixed #checkbox-credit-pain {
float: right;
width: 300px;
@@ -1088,16 +1118,16 @@ h2 {
-webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) inset, 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075);
box-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) inset, 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075);
/* line 568, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 591, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form #bar-fixed #checkbox-credit-pain.paiement-impossible {
background-color: #e0e0e0;
/* line 572, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 595, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form #bar-fixed #checkbox-credit-pain .info {
color: gray;
font-weight: normal;
/* line 577, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 600, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form #bar-fixed #checkbox-credit-pain .the-credit {
background-color: #BB8757;
color: white;
@@ -1106,37 +1136,37 @@ h2 {
-webkit-border-radius: 5px;
border-radius: 5px;
/* line 584, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 607, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form #bar-fixed #checkbox-credit-pain .montant-paye {
color: #BB8757;
/* line 588, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 611, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form #bar-fixed #checkbox-credit-pain #info-credit-vide {
font-size: 12px;
/* line 593, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 616, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form #bar-fixed .btn-retour, .commande-form #bar-fixed .annuler-commande {
float: left;
margin-right: 5px;
/* line 598, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 621, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form #bar-fixed .annuler-commande {
color: #b92c28;
background-color: white;
/* line 603, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 626, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form #bar-fixed #total-commande-bottom {
display: none;
font-weight: bold;
font-family: "comfortaalight";
font-size: 24px;
/* line 610, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 633, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.commande-form #bar-fixed .field-commande-commentaire {
display: none;

/* line 618, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 641, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.ui-datepicker .ui-widget-header {
background: none;
background-color: gray;
@@ -1144,7 +1174,7 @@ h2 {
color: black;
font-weight: normal;
/* line 626, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
/* line 649, ../sass/_systeme_commandes.scss */
.ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-current-day a,
.ui-datepicker a.ui-state-hover {
background: none;

+ 23
- 0
frontend/web/sass/_systeme_commandes.scss Visa fil

@@ -235,6 +235,18 @@ h2 {
text-decoration: none ;
.commentaire {
margin-top: 5px ;
span {
font-size: 12px ;
background-color: white ;
color: $color1 ;
font-weight: bold ;
@include border-radius(5px) ;
padding: 5px 10px ;
border: solid 1px #ccc ;
@@ -396,6 +408,17 @@ h2 {
display: none ;
//color: gray ;
.commentaire {
margin-top: 5px ;
span {
background-color: $color1 ;
@include border-radius(5px) ;
color: white ;
font-weight: bold ;
padding: 3px 10px ;
