123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355 |
- Upgrading Instructions for Yii Framework v2
- ===========================================
- The following upgrading instructions are cumulative. That is,
- if you want to upgrade from version A to version C and there is
- version B between A and C, you need to following the instructions
- for both A and B.
- Upgrade from Yii 2.0.2
- ----------------------
- Starting from version 2.0.3 Yii `Security` component relies on OpenSSL crypto lib instead of Mcrypt. The reason is that
- Mcrypt is abandoned and isn't maintained for years. Therefore your PHP should be compiled with OpenSSL support. Most
- probably there's nothing to worry because it is quite typical.
- If you've extended `yii\base\Security` to override any of the config constants you have to update your code:
- - `MCRYPT_CIPHER` — now encoded in `$cipher` (and hence `$allowedCiphers`).
- - `MCRYPT_MODE` — now encoded in `$cipher` (and hence `$allowedCiphers`).
- - `KEY_SIZE` — now encoded in `$cipher` (and hence `$allowedCiphers`).
- - `KDF_HASH` — now `$kdfHash`.
- - `MAC_HASH` — now `$macHash`.
- - `AUTH_KEY_INFO` — now `$authKeyInfo`.
- Upgrade from Yii 2.0.0
- ----------------------
- * Upgraded Twitter Bootstrap to [version 3.3.x](http://blog.getbootstrap.com/2014/10/29/bootstrap-3-3-0-released/).
- If you need to use an older version (i.e. stick with 3.2.x) you can specify that in your `composer.json` by
- adding the following line in the `require` section:
- ```json
- "bower-asset/bootstrap": "3.2.*",
- ```
- Upgrade from Yii 2.0 RC
- -----------------------
- * If you've implemented `yii\rbac\ManagerInterface` you need to add implementation for new method `removeChildren()`.
- * The input dates for datetime formatting are now assumed to be in UTC unless a timezone is explicitly given.
- Before, the timezone assumed for input dates was the default timezone set by PHP which is the same as `Yii::$app->timeZone`.
- This causes trouble because the formatter uses `Yii::$app->timeZone` as the default values for output so no timezone conversion
- was possible. If your timestamps are stored in the database without a timezone identifier you have to ensure they are in UTC or
- add a timezone identifier explicitly.
- * `yii\bootstrap\Collapse` is now encoding labels by default. `encode` item option and global `encodeLabels` property were
- introduced to disable it. Keys are no longer used as labels. You need to remove keys and use `label` item option instead.
- * The `yii\base\View::beforeRender()` and `yii\base\View::afterRender()` methods have two extra parameters `$viewFile`
- and `$params`. If you are overriding these methods, you should adjust the method signature accordingly.
- * If you've used `asImage` formatter i.e. `Yii::$app->formatter->asImage($value, $alt);` you should change it
- to `Yii::$app->formatter->asImage($value, ['alt' => $alt]);`.
- * Yii now requires `cebe/markdown` 1.0.0 or higher, which includes breaking changes in its internal API. If you extend the markdown class
- you need to update your implementation. See <https://github.com/cebe/markdown/releases/tag/1.0.0-rc> for details.
- If you just used the markdown helper class there is no need to change anything.
- * If you are using CUBRID DBMS, make sure to use at least version 9.3.0 as the server and also as the PDO extension.
- Quoting of values is broken in prior versions and Yii has no reliable way to work around this issue.
- A workaround that may have worked before has been removed in this release because it was not reliable.
- Upgrade from Yii 2.0 Beta
- -------------------------
- * If you are using Composer to upgrade Yii, you should run the following command first (once for all) to install
- the composer-asset-plugin, *before* you update your project:
- ```
- php composer.phar global require "fxp/composer-asset-plugin:1.0.0"
- ```
- You also need to add the following code to your project's `composer.json` file:
- ```json
- "extra": {
- "asset-installer-paths": {
- "npm-asset-library": "vendor/npm",
- "bower-asset-library": "vendor/bower"
- }
- }
- ```
- It is also a good idea to upgrade composer itself to the latest version if you see any problems:
- ```
- php composer.phar self-update
- ```
- * If you used `clearAll()` or `clearAllAssignments()` of `yii\rbac\DbManager`, you should replace
- them with `removeAll()` and `removeAllAssignments()` respectively.
- * If you created RBAC rule classes, you should modify their `execute()` method by adding `$user`
- as the first parameter: `execute($user, $item, $params)`. The `$user` parameter represents
- the ID of the user currently being access checked. Previously, this is passed via `$params['user']`.
- * If you override `yii\grid\DataColumn::getDataCellValue()` with visibility `protected` you have
- to change visibility to `public` as visibility of the base method has changed.
- * If you have classes implementing `yii\web\IdentityInterface` (very common), you should modify
- the signature of `findIdentityByAccessToken()` as
- `public static function findIdentityByAccessToken($token, $type = null)`. The new `$type` parameter
- will contain the type information about the access token. For example, if you use
- `yii\filters\auth\HttpBearerAuth` authentication method, the value of this parameter will be
- `yii\filters\auth\HttpBearerAuth`. This allows you to differentiate access tokens taken by
- different authentication methods.
- * If you are sharing the same cache across different applications, you should configure
- the `keyPrefix` property of the cache component to use some unique string.
- Previously, this property was automatically assigned with a unique string.
- * If you are using `dropDownList()`, `listBox()`, `activeDropDownList()`, or `activeListBox()`
- of `yii\helpers\Html`, and your list options use multiple blank spaces to format and align
- option label texts, you need to specify the option `encodeSpaces` to be true.
- * If you are using `yii\grid\GridView` and have configured a data column to use a PHP callable
- to return cell values (via `yii\grid\DataColumn::value`), you may need to adjust the signature
- of the callable to be `function ($model, $key, $index, $widget)`. The `$key` parameter was newly added
- in this release.
- * `yii\console\controllers\AssetController` is now using hashes instead of timestamps. Replace all `{ts}` with `{hash}`.
- * The database table of the `yii\log\DbTarget` now needs a `prefix` column to store context information.
- You can add it with `ALTER TABLE log ADD COLUMN prefix TEXT AFTER log_time;`.
- * The `fileinfo` PHP extension is now required by Yii. If you use `yii\helpers\FileHelper::getMimeType()`, make sure
- you have enabled this extension. This extension is [builtin](http://www.php.net/manual/en/fileinfo.installation.php) in php above `5.3`.
- * Please update your main layout file by adding this line in the `<head>` section: `<?= Html::csrfMetaTags() ?>`.
- This change is needed because `yii\web\View` no longer automatically generates CSRF meta tags due to issue #3358.
- * If your model code is using the `file` validation rule, you should rename its `types` option to `extensions`.
- * `MailEvent` class has been moved to the `yii\mail` namespace. You have to adjust all references that may exist in your code.
- * The behavior and signature of `ActiveRecord::afterSave()` has changed. `ActiveRecord::$isNewRecord` will now always be
- false in afterSave and also dirty attributes are not available. This change has been made to have a more consistent and
- expected behavior. The changed attributes are now available in the new parameter of afterSave() `$changedAttributes`.
- `$changedAttributes` contains the old values of attributes that had changed and were saved.
- * `ActiveRecord::updateAttributes()` has been changed to not trigger events and not respect optimistic locking anymore to
- differentiate it more from calling `update(false)` and to ensure it can be used in `afterSave()` without triggering infinite
- loops.
- * If you are developing RESTful APIs and using an authentication method such as `yii\filters\auth\HttpBasicAuth`,
- you should explicitly configure `yii\web\User::enableSession` in the application configuration to be false to avoid
- starting a session when authentication is performed. Previously this was done automatically by authentication method.
- * `mail` component was renamed to `mailer`, `yii\log\EmailTarget::$mail` was renamed to `yii\log\EmailTarget::$mailer`.
- Please update all references in the code and config files.
- * `yii\caching\GroupDependency` was renamed to `TagDependency`. You should create such a dependency using the code
- `new \yii\caching\TagDependency(['tags' => 'TagName'])`, where `TagName` is similar to the group name that you
- previously used.
- * If you are using the constant `YII_PATH` in your code, you should rename it to `YII2_PATH` now.
- * You must explicitly configure `yii\web\Request::cookieValidationKey` with a secret key. Previously this is done automatically.
- To do so, modify your application configuration like the following:
- ```php
- return [
- // ...
- 'components' => [
- 'request' => [
- 'cookieValidationKey' => 'your secret key here',
- ],
- ],
- ];
- ```
- > Note: If you are using the `Advanced Application Template` you should not add this configuration to `common/config`
- or `console/config` because the console application doesn't have to deal with CSRF and uses its own request that
- doesn't have `cookieValidationKey` property.
- * `yii\rbac\PhpManager` now stores data in three separate files instead of one. In order to convert old file to
- new ones save the following code as `convert.php` that should be placed in the same directory your `rbac.php` is in:
- ```php
- <?php
- $oldFile = 'rbac.php';
- $itemsFile = 'items.php';
- $assignmentsFile = 'assignments.php';
- $rulesFile = 'rules.php';
- $oldData = include $oldFile;
- function saveToFile($data, $fileName) {
- $out = var_export($data, true);
- $out = "<?php\nreturn " . $out . ";";
- $out = str_replace(['array (', ')'], ['[', ']'], $out);
- file_put_contents($fileName, $out);
- }
- $items = [];
- $assignments = [];
- if (isset($oldData['items'])) {
- foreach ($oldData['items'] as $name => $data) {
- if (isset($data['assignments'])) {
- foreach ($data['assignments'] as $userId => $assignmentData) {
- $assignments[$userId][] = $assignmentData['roleName'];
- }
- unset($data['assignments']);
- }
- $items[$name] = $data;
- }
- }
- $rules = [];
- if (isset($oldData['rules'])) {
- $rules = $oldData['rules'];
- }
- saveToFile($items, $itemsFile);
- saveToFile($assignments, $assignmentsFile);
- saveToFile($rules, $rulesFile);
- echo "Done!\n";
- ```
- Run it once, delete `rbac.php`. If you've configured `authFile` property, remove the line from config and instead
- configure `itemFile`, `assignmentFile` and `ruleFile`.
- * Static helper `yii\helpers\Security` has been converted into an application component. You should change all usage of
- its methods to a new syntax, for example: instead of `yii\helpers\Security::hashData()` use `Yii::$app->getSecurity()->hashData()`.
- The `generateRandomKey()` method now produces not an ASCII compatible output. Use `generateRandomString()` instead.
- Default encryption and hash parameters has been upgraded. If you need to decrypt/validate data that was encrypted/hashed
- before, use the following configuration of the 'security' component:
- ```php
- return [
- 'components' => [
- 'security' => [
- 'derivationIterations' => 1000,
- ],
- // ...
- ],
- // ...
- ];
- ```
- * If you are using query caching, you should modify your relevant code as follows, as `beginCache()` and `endCache()` are
- replaced by `cache()`:
- ```php
- $db->cache(function ($db) {
- // ... SQL queries that need to use query caching
- }, $duration, $dependency);
- ```
- * Due to significant changes to security you need to upgrade your code to use `\yii\base\Security` component instead of
- helper. If you have any data encrypted it should be re-encrypted. In order to do so you can use old security helper
- [as explained by @docsolver at github](https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2/issues/4461#issuecomment-50237807).
- * [[yii\helpers\Url::to()]] will no longer prefix base URL to relative URLs. For example, `Url::to('images/logo.png')`
- will return `images/logo.png` directly. If you want a relative URL to be prefix with base URL, you should make use
- of the alias `@web`. For example, `Url::to('@web/images/logo.png')` will return `/BaseUrl/images/logo.png`.
- * The following properties are now taking `false` instead of `null` for "don't use" case:
- - `yii\bootstrap\NavBar::$brandLabel`.
- - `yii\bootstrap\NavBar::$brandUrl`.
- - `yii\bootstrap\Modal::$closeButton`.
- - `yii\bootstrap\Modal::$toggleButton`.
- - `yii\bootstrap\Alert::$closeButton`.
- - `yii\widgets\LinkPager::$nextPageLabel`.
- - `yii\widgets\LinkPager::$prevPageLabel`.
- - `yii\widgets\LinkPager::$firstPageLabel`.
- - `yii\widgets\LinkPager::$lastPageLabel`.
- * The format of the Faker fixture template is changed. For an example, please refer to the file
- `apps/advanced/common/tests/templates/fixtures/user.php`.
- * The signature of all file downloading methods in `yii\web\Response` is changed, as summarized below:
- - `sendFile($filePath, $attachmentName = null, $options = [])`
- - `sendContentAsFile($content, $attachmentName, $options = [])`
- - `sendStreamAsFile($handle, $attachmentName, $options = [])`
- - `xSendFile($filePath, $attachmentName = null, $options = [])`
- * The signature of callbacks used in `yii\base\ArrayableTrait::fields()` is changed from `function ($field, $model) {`
- to `function ($model, $field) {`.
- * `Html::radio()`, `Html::checkbox()`, `Html::radioList()`, `Html::checkboxList()` no longer generate the container
- tag around each radio/checkbox when you specify labels for them. You should manually render such container tags,
- or set the `item` option for `Html::radioList()`, `Html::checkboxList()` to generate the container tags.
- * The formatter class has been refactored to have only one class regardless whether PHP intl extension is installed or not.
- Functionality of `yii\base\Formatter` has been merged into `yii\i18n\Formatter` and `yii\base\Formatter` has been
- removed so you have to replace all usage of `yii\base\Formatter` with `yii\i18n\Formatter` in your code.
- Also the API of the Formatter class has changed in many ways.
- The signature of the following Methods has changed:
- - `asDate`
- - `asTime`
- - `asDatetime`
- - `asSize` has been split up into `asSize` and `asShortSize`
- - `asCurrency`
- - `asDecimal`
- - `asPercent`
- - `asScientific`
- The following methods have been removed, this also means that the corresponding format which may be used by a
- GridView or DetailView is not available anymore:
- - `asNumber`
- - `asDouble`
- Also due to these changes some formatting defaults have changes so you have to check all your GridView and DetailView
- configuration and make sure the formatting is displayed correctly.
- The configuration for `asSize()` has changed. It now uses the configuration for the number formatting from intl
- and only the base is configured using `$sizeFormatBase`.
- The specification of the date and time formats is now using the ICU pattern format even if PHP intl extension is not installed.
- You can prefix a date format with `php:` to use the old format of the PHP `date()`-function.
- * The DateValidator has been refactored to use the same format as the Formatter class now (see previous change).
- When you use the DateValidator and did not specify a format it will now be what is configured in the formatter class instead of 'Y-m-d'.
- To get the old behavior of the DateValidator you have to set the format explicitly in your validation rule:
- ```php
- ['attributeName', 'date', 'format' => 'php:Y-m-d'],
- ```
- * `beforeValidate()`, `beforeValidateAll()`, `afterValidate()`, `afterValidateAll()`, `ajaxBeforeSend()` and `ajaxComplete()`
- are removed from `ActiveForm`. The same functionality is now achieved via JavaScript event mechanism like the following:
- ```js
- $('#myform').on('beforeValidate', function (event, messages, deferreds) {
- // called when the validation is triggered by submitting the form
- // return false if you want to cancel the validation for the whole form
- }).on('beforeValidateAttribute', function (event, attribute, messages, deferreds) {
- // before validating an attribute
- // return false if you want to cancel the validation for the attribute
- }).on('afterValidateAttribute', function (event, attribute, messages) {
- // ...
- }).on('afterValidate', function (event, messages) {
- // ...
- }).on('beforeSubmit', function () {
- // after all validations have passed
- // you can do ajax form submission here
- // return false if you want to stop form submission
- });
- ```
- * The signature of `View::registerJsFile()` and `View::registerCssFile()` has changed. The `$depends` and `$position`
- paramaters have been merged into `$options`. The new signatures are as follows:
- - `registerJsFile($url, $options = [], $key = null)`
- - `registerCssFile($url, $options = [], $key = null)`